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The pietà from the church of St. Michael the Archangel in Domachowo, a former bishop’s village, has not been studied separately so far. It has been mentioned in two exhibition catalogues during reflections on the most important pietàs... more
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      International GothicGreater PolandMedieval SculpturePietà
The Rondanini Pietà (1552-1564) engages the viewer in an embodied and temporal process of perceiving the becomings of sculpted form—rough and smooth surfaces, indentations, fissures andcontours—enfolded in the material and physical... more
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      Historiography (in Art History)Ontology of ArtMichelangelo BuonarrotiArt Theory and Criticism
Lo studio si propone di verificare significato e contesto primari dell’invocazione di origine biblica Kyrie eleison, tradotta nella liturgia: «Signore, pietà». L’indagine è articolata in due momenti. Sia dall’indagine semantica, condotta... more
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      María ZambranoAntigoneEticaPietà
This article is dedicated to the Pietà and presents an emphasis on the small ex-voto, in the lower right corner of the artwork. The study is relevant because in previous moments of great personal losses Titian had kept the suffering... more
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      16th century VeniceVenetian Renaissance PaintingTitian, Tiziano VecellioBlack Plague
Si presentano alcuni testi di Michail Bachtin venuti alla luce con l'edizione russa della Sobranie sočinenij (Raccolta delle opere, 1997-2012), uno dei quali (Il problema del sentimentalismo) si offre qui in prima traduzione italiana. Ne... more
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      Michail BachtinPietàConfessione
En el presente estudio nos ocupamos del grupo lignario de La Pietà que fue gubiado por el célebre escultor Anton Maria Maragliano, para la Orden del Oratorio de San Felipe Neri de Génova. Presen- tamos la fuente iconográfica... more
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      GrabadoPintura FlamencaPietàAnton van Dyck
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      Art HistoryMichelangelo BuonarrotiExhibitionsItalian Renaissance sculpture
L'oratorio di Santa Croce, nel cuore della cittadina di San Felice sul Panaro, ha riaperto i suoi battenti dall'ottobre del 2021, dopo i lavori di rafforzamento strutturale a seguito del sisma del 2012 che colpì vasta parte dell'area... more
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      ModenaFrancescanesimoConfraternities studiesPittura Bolognese
Michelangelo's Florence Pietà can be seen as the artist's last statement concerning spirituality. One of the interpretations of the sculpture is that for him salvation comes from faith alone and that a place in heaven could not be bought... more
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      Michelangelo BuonarrotiPietà
Příspěvek pojednává o gotické dřevěné soše Piety pocházející přibližně z 30.–40. letech 15. století. Tato socha byla do konce 20. století umístěna na hlavním oltáři barokního kostela Narození Panny Marie v Popovicích u Jičína. Na základě... more
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      Art HistoryJesuit historyMedieval ArtReligiosity
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      PadovaPiove di SaccoEarly Renaissance Wooden SculpturePietà
Una serie de madrigales ecfrásticos a estatuas y pinturas compuestos por Giambattista Marino atrajeron la atención del pintor Pacheco y de su entorno, posiblemente en la década 1620. Dio lugar a unas traducciones ad verbum manuscritas y... more
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      History of SculptureSculptureEkphrasisEarly Modern/Siglo de Oro
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      Giovanni BelliniPinacoteca di BreraImago PietatisPietà
Heilige Bilder und Töne im Film Andrej Rublev (1966-71) Tarkovskijs Film-Biographie des Malermönchs Andrej Rublev ist in jene russische und sowjetische Filmkultur eingelassen, deren Geschichte von der Auffassung von Film als... more
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      Film SoundReligion and FilmTrinityRussian Film
This essay reconstructs the history of the Pietà of Giovanni Bellini housed in the Pinacoteca di Brera, Milan. Starting from the issue of its first owners, the Bolognese Sampieri, it details how the painting arrived to its present... more
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      Art HistoryCollecting and CollectionsGiovanni BelliniVenetian Renaissance art