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Individual strand designed and taught for HIST1300: Primary Sources for the Historian on 'The Chronicles of Froissart and the Fourteenth Century'.
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      Learning And Teaching In Higher EducationSyllabus DesignChivalry (Medieval Studies)The Hundred Years War
Classificazione sistematica della bibliografia concernente le "Chroniques" di Jean Froissart (1337 circa -1405 circa) per il periodo 1992-2013. Ogni item è accompagnato da un'analisi. A systematic classification of the bibliography... more
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      French LiteratureManuscripts (Medieval Studies)ThesisJean Froissart
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval French LiteratureMedieval HistoriographyHistoria Medieval
Through the review of chronicles, and the study of late medieval landscape, we present the results of a small research, which is based on the reconstruction of a historical and geographical framework within which to frame this episode of... more
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      Medieval EnglandMedieval WarfareJean FroissartGalicia and Portugal Medieval History
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      Medieval FranceChivalry (Medieval Studies)The Hundred Years WarChristine de Pizan
Claims of holy war characterized the Middle Ages in both Muslim Anatolia and Christian Europe, where soldiers on both sides were portrayed as holy warriors. Named gazis, akıncıs, alps, chevaliers and knights, they came from the elite... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesJust War
Discusses the illustration cycles found in the manuscripts of Jean Froissart's Chronicles
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsIllustrationManuscript StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)
Geoffrey Chaucer frequently depicts the emotions of his characters via the outward physical signs of the body, and he often does so using a discourse that draws on Galenic theories. A striking example of Chaucer’s medicalized descriptions... more
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      Medieval LiteratureChaucerMiddle EnglishMedieval Studies
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      Art HistoryMedieval HistoryHistoriographyMedieval illuminated manuscripts
Jean Froissart, ce poète français prolifique, protégé de plusieurs cours de la haute noblesse de son temps, est surtout connu grâce à ses Chroniques de France et d’Angleterre, le témoignage le plus important de la Guerre de Cent Ans.... more
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      Medieval HistoryBalkan StudiesHistoriographyImagology
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      Medieval StudiesRenaissance StudiesHistoriographyJean Froissart
Most of the manuscripts produced in late medieval Paris, including the many with historiographical texts, contain a more or less complex system of textual divisions articulated partly by rubrics. Some of these texts include a stable set... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureRare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesCodicology
Cette étude dégage une poétique de l'histoire qui met en évidence la définition et l'évolution de l'historiographie française médiévale. Elle ouvre aussi une réflexion plus générale sur l'historicité médiévale et ses critères, en étudiant... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoriographyHistoriographyMedieval Chronicles
I argue that Froissart’s ‘Amiens’ redaction and the Abridgement of Book I are both to be dated 1384–1391, but that the ‘Amiens’ redaction was written before the Abridgement. The ‘B’ and ‘C’ redactions are both to be dated 1391–1399, with... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval HistoriographyThe Hundred Years WarMedieval Chronicles
By the time copies of Froissart's Chronicles were produced in Paris at the start of the fifteenth century, the book trade in the French capital had been a well-established industry for a good while. Clear legislative, organisational and... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureBook HistoryHistory of the BookManuscript Studies
Book I of Jean Froissart’s Chroniques has been preserved in several authorial versions but the relative and absolute chronology of these versions has never been satisfactorily determined. The theories proposed by Siméon Luce and the baron... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureMedieval ChroniclesJean FroissartLate Medieval French History
This is a chapter on Brussels in David Wallace (Ed.) Europe. A Literary History, 1348-1418. Oxford: Oxford University Press, vol. 1, pp. 530-545. From the introduction: "Our exploration of literary life in Brussels (1348–1418) begins in... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureUrban HistoryDutch LiteratureHeresy and Inquisition
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      Translation StudiesManuscript Studies15th Century BurgundyBurgundian Low Countries
The Battle of Nicopolis (1396) was the first major encounter between the Ottoman State and the Western European states of the later Middle Ages. When comparing the historical narratives of this event in the Ottoman and French-Burgundian... more
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      CrusadesOttoman StudiesOttoman EmpireOttoman Balkans
Petit noble, Bertrand du Guesclin n’avait pas vocation à décider de la guerre et de la paix. Du simple rôle d’exécutant d’une guerre ordonnée par d’autres, ses exploits finissent toutefois par hisser le héros au niveau des princes.... more
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      Jean FroissartPero López de AyalaThéorie de la guerre justeGuerre juste
O tema deste artigo congrega duas preocupações com quais tenho trabalhado desde 2009: o exame da obra do cronista de Valenciennes, Jean Froissart (1337-1405), e o estudo da circulação da informação no Ocidente Latino, entre Portugal,... more
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      Historia MedievalEstudos sobre o medievo da Península IbéricaJean FroissartChroniques
This essay discusses the commercial production of illustrated manuscripts of Jean Froissart's Chronicles in the second decade of the 15th century in Paris, in particular by the libraire Pierre de Liffol.
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookMedieval illuminated manuscriptsMedieval Chronicles
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      English LiteratureReception StudiesManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Codicology of medieval manuscripts
T. F. Tout has been overshadowed by his contemporary F. W. Maitland to no small degree because of continuing reverence for Maitland’s ‘literary genius’,1 against which Tout’s self-confessed ‘patient and plodding working out of apparently... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesOxfordMedieval Lyric Poetry
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      French LiteratureManuscript StudiesMedieval ChroniclesRewriting
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookRomance philologyReception History
in «Le Moyen Âge», cxxi/1 (2015), pp. 204-5
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      Medieval French LiteratureRomance philologyOld FrenchLiterary translation
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      Medieval French LiteratureChaucerJean FroissartEustache Deschamps
This study examines the use of manuscript text in two medieval literary portrayals of love relationships in which male protagonists are trapped in “prisons of love”: Jean Froissart’s fourth and penultimate dit (narrative poem), the Prison... more
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      ArtMedieval French LiteratureMedieval Iberian LiteratureManuscript Studies
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      História da Idade MédiaJean FroissartHistória medievalGuerra de los Cien Años
Le volume consiste en une biographie de Wenceslas de Bohême, duc de Luxembourg et de Brabant, du point de vue des relations « internationales » entre la France et le Saint Empire romain et du rôle joué par le duc dans les grands projets... more
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      Charles VJean FroissartLiterary PatronageLuxembourg
In this paper we will try to demonstrate that Jean Froissart wanted to use the episode in his Chronicles detailing a skirmish which occurred in York in 1327 between English archers and knights from Hainault as a summation of his entire... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureMedieval StudiesChivalry (Medieval Studies)
Les Chroniques de Jean Froissart comptent parmi les plus importants textes en prose de la littérature en moyen français. Le Livre III des Chroniques, qui contient entre autre le compte-rendu du voyage entrepris par le chroniqueur afin de... more
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      Manuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval ChroniclesStemmatologyJean Froissart
Book of the Duchess have long recognized its general and particular debts to French poetry. Most of the more than twenty French works that scholars have connected to The Book of the Duchess are sources or analogues for Chaucer's diction... more
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      Comparative LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureChaucer
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      Medieval French LiteratureMiddle DutchJean FroissartWenceslas of Bohemia, duke of Luxembourg and Brabant
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesIberian StudiesMedieval Iberian History
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval French LiteratureJean FroissartRomance Languages and Literatures
In this book, I explore the postmedieval, postmanuscript lives of medieval texts, seeking to understand the lasting impact on both the popular and the scholarly imaginations of the physical objects that transmitted the Middle Ages to the... more
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      Print CultureMedieval LiteratureManuscripts and Early Printed BooksChaucer
Caroline Prud'homme a choisi une voie originale pour examiner la place du thème du voyage dans la littérature de la fin du Moyen Âge : ne pas s'intéresser aux récits de voyage proprement dits, mais à d'autres écrivains qui proposent,... more
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      Medieval French LiteratureTravel LiteratureJean FroissartMedieval Poetry
Une réfl exion sur l'armure médiévale implique de travailler sur un type d'objet qui associe, premièrement, une certaine conception historique et culturelle de ce qu'est un corps humain ; deuxièmement, une technologie, en l'occurrence... more
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      Jean FroissartGesteTechnologieArtefact
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    • Jean Froissart
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      Medieval History15th Century BurgundyCrimeJean Froissart
Analýza Froissartových verzí smrti Jana Lucemburského v bitvě u Kresčaku počínaje kronikami Jeana le Bela, přes první Froissartovu verzi (amienský rukopis), La Prison Amoureuse a běžné verze Froissartových Kronik.
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    • Jean Froissart
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    • Jean Froissart
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      French LiteratureMedieval LiteratureMedieval RomanceJean Froissart
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      Word and Image StudiesRitualGift ExchangeMedieval illuminated manuscripts
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      Jean FroissartCronística MedievalPero López de AyalaAljubarrota
This article compares ideological production in the Burgundian sources with the Ottoman sources and ascertains that there was a contrast in their respective treatments of the battle of Nicopolis (1396). This event was the first major... more
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      Ottoman HistoryCrusadesState FormationOttoman Studies
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      Women's HistoryMedieval FranceReputationJean Froissart
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      HeroesMedieval FlandersMedieval ChroniclesJean Froissart