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      Women ArtistsMedieval Artists
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      Byzantine IconographySinaiIconsByzantine art
Cited: Martha Easton, “Feminist Art History and Medieval Iconography,” in Colum Hourihane, ed., The Routledge Companion to Medieval Iconography (London and New York: Routledge, 2017), 875n37; “The French of England: Annotated Short... more
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      History of the BookNarrativeVisual NarrativeNarrative and interpretation
Se trata de una novedosa aproximación al mundo del artista medieval, cuya obra se debatía entre la autoría divina y la firma individual. Temas como la formación del artista, su estatus laico o eclesiástico, el recurso a los modelos o la... more
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      Romanesque ArtSelf PortraitureMedieval illuminated manuscriptsPatronage (Medieval Studies)
The most recent studies of the sketches drawn at the end of 12th century in the margins of a copy of John Chrysostom’s commentary on Genesis (Oxford, Magdalen College, ms. Gr. 3) has raised the controversial question of whether Byzantine... more
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      Byzantine Manuscripts IlluminationMedieval illuminated manuscriptsCrusader Art and ArchitectureByzantine art
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval EpigraphySignature InscriptionsMedieval Artists
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      Rare Books and ManuscriptsManuscript StudiesIllumination (Manuscripts, Books)Medieval Art
Catalan Panel Painting of the late 12th century is characterised by a marked Byzantine imprint. Although a number of scholars have argued that this Byzantine influence was indirect, and suggested that the intermediaries were Anglo-Norman... more
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      Romanesque ArtCrusader Art and ArchitectureByzantine artMedieval panel painting
Cet ouvrage rassemble quinze articles explorant les deux aspects, distincts mais imbriqués, de la fabrication et de la réception des œuvres d’orfèvrerie à l’époque gothique. Embrassant la période qui va du début du XIIIe au début du XVIe... more
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      GoldsmitheryGoldsmithsGothic ArtMedieval Goldsmith`s Art
The Art Bulletin 81/1 (1999), 72-92
**Article of the Month for August 2000, in Feminae: Medieval Women and Gender Index,**
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      LiteracyWord and Image StudiesVisual NarrativeManuscript Studies
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      Romanesque ArtArtistsMedieval Artists
Cuando el Maestro Mateo se hizo cargo de las obras de la catedral en el último tercio del siglo XII, éste era perfectamente consciente del cúmulo de significaciones que el monumento románico había adquirido desde sus orígenes. Su... more
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      Phenomenology of the bodyPhenomenology of Space and PlacePurgatoryHierotopy
It is very likely that the earliest masters of Catalan panel and mural painting worked under the wing of the great ecclesiastical centres, such as the monastery of Ripoll or the Cathedrals of Vic and Urgell, whose institutions being... more
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      Patronage (Medieval Studies)Romanesque Wall PaintingArt TreatisesLiturgical Furnishing
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      Medieval ArtReception of AntiquityMedieval ArtistsSocial History of the Artist
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      History of the BookHistoriographyHistoriography (in Art History)Medieval Art
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque Wall PaintingMedieval panel paintingMedieval Artists
in The Social Life of Illumination: Manuscripts, Images, and Communities in the Late Middle Ages, ed. by Joyce Coleman, Mark Cruse and Kathryn A. Smith, Medieval Texts and Cultures of Northern Europe 21 (Turnhout: Brepols, 2013),... more
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      LiteracyManuscript StudiesLate Medieval English HistoryMedieval Art
La collection « Arts » accueille des ouvrages, études et essais sur les différentes formes d'art de l'époque moderne et contemporaine. Le fait ou l'objet artistique (oeuvre d'art et architecture, performance, cinéma, théâtre et arts du... more
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      Romanesque ArtLiturgical FurnishingMedieval panel paintingRomanesque pictorial arts
En els darrers anys una sèrie d’estudis han intentat esbrinar, amb major o menor dificultat, com era el procés d’aprenentatge de l’artista romànic, quins eren els seus mètodes de treball i, finalment, quin era el seu estatus social. Amb... more
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      Medieval ArchitectureRomanesque ArtMedieval ArtRomanesque architecture
La collection « Arts » accueille des ouvrages, études et essais sur les différentes formes d'art de l'époque moderne et contemporaine. Le fait ou l'objet artistique (oeuvre d'art et architecture, performance, cinéma, théâtre et arts du... more
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque Wall PaintingCatalan Medieval ArtRomanesque pictorial arts
Il volume raccoglie gli studi che amici, colleghi e allievi hanno voluto dedicare a Marina Righetti in occasione dei suoi settant'anni. Allieva di Angiola Maria Romanini, con cui si è formata dopo essersi laureata con Cesare Brandi, si è... more
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      Early Medieval HistoryMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArtEarly Medieval Sculpture (Archaeology)
L'attuale quarta serie è pubblicata, con periodicità semestrale, in due fascicoli di circa 350 pagine ciascuno, più due volumi di Quaderni.
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      Critical ArtMedieval ArtMedieval panel paintingPittura del Duecento e Trecento
This volume invites us to cross disciplinary boundaries and to venture into a field that is still too little explored for the 14th century, one of the greatest centuries of European art. The contributions gathered here shed light on the... more
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      French artMedieval EconomyGothic ArtTrecento and Quattrocento Italian Art
1. Conservación, estudio y musealización de la pintura románica en Cataluña. 2 Pintar hace mil años: recursos técnicos y programas iconográficos de los artistas del Románico catalán. 3. La fascinación por la pintura románica catalana: la... more
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureRomanesque Wall PaintingMedieval panel painting
Ampie zone del medioevo, in particolare nella scultura e nell'architettura italiana del Xii e Xiii secolo, presentano una cospicua documentazione di elogi e autoelogi epigrafici di artisti, che con-traddicono clamorosamente l'idea diffusa... more
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      Gothic Cathedral constructionGothic ArtMedieval ArtistsVillard de Honnecourt
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      Embroidered TextilesRomanesque ArtMedieval ArtPatronage (Medieval Studies)
Medieval art was mostly commissioned work, tied to particular places and functions. The status of the medieval artist revealed a broad spectrum of possibilities. The same could be said of the patron. It was possible for both groups to be... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval Art HistoryMedieval Artists
Durante el último período de la Edad Media, se produjo un notable incremento en la producción de objetos de arte. Este aumento cuantitativo fue posible por las dos formas de producción artística materializadas en el período: la obra por... more
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      Medieval ArtMedieval ArtistsArtists’ BooksMedieval Artifacts
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      Art TheoryMedieval EpigraphyCraft and CraftmenMedieval Artists
**English abstract follows** Dans le cadre de cette étude, deux catalogues ont été établis : le premier dresse une liste critique et mise à jour des éditions attribuées à Antoine Vérard ; le second répertorie toutes les gravures figurant... more
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      Art HistoryBook HistoryManuscripts and Early Printed BooksHistory of the Book
The article proposes the analysis of the origin of the trans-Pyrenean models used in the construction of the first phases of the Cathedral of Santiago de Compostela (chevet and transept). The focus of this study is based on two main... more
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval ArtSantiago de CompostelaRomanesque Sculpture
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      Romanesque ArtRomanesque SculptureMedieval Artists
ROMÁNICO revista de arte de amigos del románico (AdR) septiembre 2015, número 20 Me fecit: Comitentes, artistas y receptores del Románico 106 Las inscripciones con «me fecit»: ¿Artistas o comitentes? Emilie Mineo 2 ROMÁNICO 20 SUMARIO los... more
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      Romanesque ArtAuthorshipPatronage (Medieval Studies)Romanesque Sculpture
A ls ich vor etwa 30 Jahren über mittelalterliche Signaturen nachzudenken begann, fühlte ich mich wie ein Entdecker. 1 Damals waren die Signaturen schon durchaus zugänglich, sichtbar, vielfach erwähnt oder in Inschriften-Corpora... more
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      Medieval ScholasticismMedieval ArtistsSignatures of ArtistsSelf-praise
ILUMINATING THE ALTAR: ARTISTS AND WORKSHOPS IN CATALAN PANEL PAINTING (1119-1150) By Manuel Castiñeiras In the Romanesque period it is clear that painting did not enjoy the same high status that was accorded to other luxury... more
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      Romanesque ArtMedieval panel paintingCatalan Medieval ArtRomanesque pictorial arts
"Iconographica" is a peer-reviewed journal devoted to the study of images in their historical, cultural and religious contexts. It promotes new and interdisciplinary approaches to images going beyond the traditional framework of... more
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      Medieval PhilosophyIconographyArt HistoryArt
The appearance of signatures and portraits in the Iberian Peninsula since the end of the 12th century reveals an important change in the concept of authorship. They must be interpreted as an expression of the satisfaction for the... more
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      PortraitsMedieval ArtMedieval Artists
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      GenealogyMedieval StudiesManuscript StudiesMedieval Women
giampaOlO ermiNi, matteO ferrari, mONia maNescalcHi, stefaNO ricciONi, eleNa vaiaNi Sono accettati nella rivista contributi in italiano, francese e inglese. In vista della pubblicazione, i testi inviati sono sottoposti in forma anonima... more
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      International GothicFrench and Burgundian Court ArtMedieval Artists
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      Medieval HistoryMaterial Culture StudiesMedieval StudiesMedieval Architecture
L'attuale quarta serie è pubblicata, con periodicità semestrale, in due fascicoli di circa 350 pagine ciascuno, più due volumi di Quaderni.
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    • Medieval Artists
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      Women ArtistsMedieval Artists
The Queen Mary Psalter (British Library, Royal MS. 2 B. VII), probably made c. 1310-20 for a royal recipient, is among the most lavishly illuminated manuscripts produced in late medieval England. This study focuses principally on a... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesEnglish HistoryLate Medieval English History
1 Claussen (2008, 292 nota 13) fornisce per l'area francese una lista di 30 occorrenze dall'XI all'inizio del XIII secolo, dandone la trascrizione del testo, la collocazione e la datazione. Pur se basato su fonti di seconda mano, vedasi... more
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      Medieval LiteracyMedieval EpigraphyMedieval ArtistsSignatures of Artists
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      Byzantine StudiesMount Athos StudiesByzantine monasticismByzantine art
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      IconographyManuscripts (Medieval Studies)Medieval illuminated manuscriptsChristian Iconography
Suite à l’exposition The Year 1200, organisée en 1970 par le Metropolitan Museum of Art de New York, l’idée prédominante de l’historiographie européenne a été que l’impact de l’art byzantin dans la peinture occidentale s’était produit... more
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      Romanesque ArtAcculturationTravelling artistsMedieval Mediterranean Art and Architecture
The main goal of this book is the transmission of the results of the research developed within the Research Project “Artists, patrons and audiences. Catalonia and the Mediterranean (11th-15th centuries)-MAGISTRI CATALONIAE... more
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      Romanesque ArtPigments (Chemistry)Patronage (Medieval Studies)Agency
This essay examines several textual accounts of the late medieval "ars market," the commercial context of selling and buying artfully made objects in fourteenth-and fifteenth-century Europe. Ranging from a magisterial work of pastoral... more
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      Economic HistoryArt HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
A CIP catalog record for this book has been applied for at the Library of Congress.
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      Material Culture StudiesMedieval ArchaeologyMedieval ArchitectureMedieval Art