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The URCG N325 did not deal with the easily enforceable guarantees. The first such regulation became the N458 Uniform Rules on Demand Guarantees (hereinafter URDG), adopted by the ICC in 1992. Unlike N325 URCG, N458 URDG and later N758... more
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      International Commercial LawInternational Business LawInternational Contracts
The gradual introduction of a globalized marked, the mass tourism, the enactment of the four EU freedoms, and, above all, the general utilisation of e-commerce, have resulted in a rapidly growing number of cross-border contracts and thus... more
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      ContractsContract LawPrivate International LawConflicts of Law
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      Contract LawDiritto CivileDiritto commercialeInternational Contract Law
Investment in infrastructure is necessarily long-term. Most governments, lacking the resources and the expertise to finance and maintain infrastructure on their own, seek to attract foreign capital and expertise. To do so, they need to... more
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      International ContractsInternational Investment Law and Investment Treaty Arbitration
Approaching the Chinese Market: do's and dont's from an Intellectual Property perspective
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      Intellectual Property LawInternational Business TransactionsInternational Contracts
Through the analysis of a recent conduct adopted by Google on the online advertising platform Google Ads, the essay provides insights on some commercial practices opted for by the giants of web marketing with the purpose to deepen the... more
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      Civil LawContract LawCompetition LawAdvertising
Il presente scritto analizza la categoria delle «disposizioni alle quali non è per- messo derogare convenzionalmente» a cui fa riferimento l’art. 3, comma 3, del regolamento «Roma I» come limite al principio di autonomia delle parti che... more
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      Private International LawChoice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws IssuesInternational ContractsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)
contratos internacionais do comércio.
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      International TradeInternational ContractsContratos internacionais
إن واقع المعاملات التجارية ومعاملات الاستثمار الدولية بات يدلل على أهمية ما يمكن أن نُطلق عليه بصورة عامة العقود والاتفاقيات الأولية أو التمهيدية من منظور أن هذه العقود والاتفاقيات تؤدي وظيفتين أساسيتين؛ تتعلق الأولى منهم بتنظيم المسلك... more
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      NegotiationInternational ContractsBusiness NegotiationsBusiness and Law
This work examines Brazil’s adhesion to the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods and how this adoption will affect Brazilian Law. With an increase in cross-border commercial transactions and many... more
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      International BusinessInternational Commercial LawInternational ContractsCISG
This research aims to determine why the U.N. Convention on Independent Guarantees and Stand-by Letters of Credit could not gain international importance and why it became necessary to adopt Convention under a double name. For this... more
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      International Commercial LawInternational Business LawInternational Contracts
لا يخفي على المتأمل في حركة التجارة والاستثمار الدوليين علي وجه الخصوص، الحاجة الملَّحة للتغيير قبل تطوير القائم لأدوات إدارة هذه النشاطات، والتي تأتي غالبا لسد احتياجات الناس وفقا لتعاملات وتفاعلات وخصائص كل زمن من الأزمنة، فما كان قائما... more
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      International BusinessBusiness ManagementInternational Contracts
A short introduction (in Italian) to international construction contracts.
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      Contract LawInternational ContractsConstruction contracts
En este libro se presentan los principales problemas que encuentran los traductores jurídicos al trasvasar del inglés al español contratos mercantiles utilizados en transacciones internacio-nales. En primer lugar se analiza el contexto... more
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      Legal translation studiesLegal Translation in Comparative LawInternational Contracts
A tese tem por objetivo propor coordenadas que orientem a solução de casos práticos de lacunosidade contratual. Para tanto, a estrutura do texto divide-se em narrativa e norma. A Parte I (“Lacunosidade e Integração em Perspectiva... more
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      Contract LawLegal interpretationInterpretacaoInternational Contracts
Este estudio adopta la tesis de que es posible que las costumbres sean fuentes de las obligaciones contractuales. Por lo tanto, trató de demostrar esta premisa a través de una investigación jurisprudencial (arbitraje y judicial) y por el... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawInternational LawLaw of Obligations
El SARS-CoV-2 ha logrado en poco tiempo imponerle al mundo una "nueva normalidad" y ha "infectado" muchísimos contratos internacionales. En este capítulo se considera el COVID-19 como un padecimiento susceptible de afectar los contratos... more
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawConflict of LawsInternational Sales Law
One of the key developments in international commercial law is the elaboration of codified non-state rules by international organisations. This article analyses how codified non-state rules become normative through the example of the... more
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      International Commercial LawLaw of ContractInternational ContractsLex Mercatoria
This study adopts the proposition that it is possible to the customs to be sources of contractual obligations. To support that premise, it was necessary to seek jurisprudencial (arbitration and litigation) and comparative basis. Even... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawInternational LawLaw of Obligations
Force majeure excludes civil liability and is accepted as a universal defense in accordance with the principle that nobody is bound to perform what is impossible. In the civil law systems force majeure is a concept provided for by... more
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      International ContractsCivil liabilityForce MajeureForce majeur clauses
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      Choice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws IssuesInternational Contracts
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      ContractsInternational ContractsContracts of Salehợp đồng
A practical case – the negotiations currently underway in Geneva concerning the so-called binding treaty on the responsibility of transnational companies – has cast a clearer light on the changes taking place in international law (whether... more
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      Normative EthicsGlobalizationInternational BusinessNormative Epistemology
La ley aplicable a los contratos internacionales de franquicia en ausencia de elección de parte en la Unión Europea, estuvo regulada durante muchos años por el Artículo 4 del Convenio de Roma de 1980. Dicho Artículo requería establecer la... more
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      Private International LawConflict of LawsInternational ContractsRome I Regulation (593/2008)
This book adopts the proposition that it is possible to the customs to be sources of contractual obligations. To support that premise, it was necessary to seek jurisprudential (arbitration and litigation) and comparative basis. Even more,... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawInternational LawLaw of Obligations
De nombreuses pandémies ont frappé le monde. A l’heure actuelle, le monde traverse une crise inédite et dramatique : la pandémie mondiale de la COVID-19. Que cela relève des conséquences naturelles des pandémies ou des mesures y... more
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      International LawPrivate International LawInternational Commercial LawFinancial Crises and International Financial Integration
Organizar un Seminario de Derecho internacional privado, el V de la serie de Seminarios de actualidad de la Asociación Española de Profesores de Derecho Internacional y Relaciones Internacionales (AEPDIRI), y que en el medio sobrevenga... more
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      Private International LawConsumer Protection (Law)Derecho Internacional Público y Derecho Internacional PrivadoChoice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws Issues
l. Régimen jurídico del contrato internacional:
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      Private International LawInternational ContractsTransnational litigation
En el escrito se aborda, desde una perspectiva legal, doctrinal y jurisprudencial, el concepto y alcance de las denominadas cláusulas hardship en el contexto mercantil y legal colombiano, indicando sus lineamientos generales y su... more
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      ContractsContract LawInternational Commercial LawCommercial Law
This text (in Spanish) analyses Hague Conference’s work in the field of the law applicable to international transactions, with the aim of identifying its contributions to legal certainty, predictability and justice, as well as some... more
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      Private International LawConflicts of LawChoice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws IssuesInternational Contracts
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      International Commercial LawCommercial LawStandard form contractInternational Contracts
La falta de confianza en el comercio electrónico
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      Dispute ResolutionOnline Dispute ResolutionConsumer ProtectionInternational Contracts
" No written contract is ever complete ;even the most carefully drafted document rests on volumes of assumptions that cannot be explicitly expressed " International contracts refers to a legally binding agreement between parties ,based in... more
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      International ContractsMunicipal By-Laws
No comércio internacional contemporâneo tornaram-se, cada vez mais importantes, formas de adaptação dos contratos. O modelo negocial moderno tipicamente inerte dá lugar a uma forma de cooperação por meio do qual os contratantes buscam não... more
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      ContractsContract LawBrazilian LawInternational Contracts
This book adopts the proposition that it is possible to the customs to be sources of contractual obligations. To support that premise, it was necessary to seek jurisprudential (arbitration and litigation) and comparative basis. Even more,... more
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      Comparative LawContract LawInternational LawLaw of Obligations
There is an ongoing discussion in academia on how to treat the so-called “network contracts” that involve a cooperation between two or more enterprises who jointly want to perform one or more economic activities to increase their... more
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      Contract LawPrivate International LawEuropean Union LawConflict of Laws
Através deste artigo analisaremos as implicações da pandemia do vírus COVID-19 nos contratos internacionais, impactando as cláusulas de performance segundo a CISG.
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      International LawInternational ContractsContratos internacionaisContratos
The United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods (CISG) has spearheaded the expansion and globalisation of international commerce through the system of unified rules ratified by 94 countries to date.1... more
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      International LawInternational ContractsCISG
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      International LawDireitoDireito InternacionalChoice of Law in International Contracts: Some Fundamental Conflict of Laws Issues
El alcance y ámbito de aplicación de la cláusula de escape contenida en el Art. 4.5 del Convenio de Roma, suscitó uno de los más enconados debates jurídicos de los últimos años. Dicha disputa enfrentaba principalmente una concepción... more
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      Private International LawConflict of LawsInternational ContractsRome I Regulation (593/2008)
Objetiva-se, desta forma, verificar de que forma esta demanda de proteção ambiental integra os contratos. Preliminarmente, pode-se dizer que a sustentabilidade, enquanto valor presente no Pacto Global, representado pelos 17 Objetivos de... more
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      International LawInternational ContractsMillenium Development Goals (MDG), Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) Objetivos de Desarrollo del Milenio (ODM) Objetivos de Desarrollo Sostenible (ODS) Asociaciones Público Privadas de Desarrollo (APPD)Objetivos do Desenvolvimento Sustentável (ODS)
Analysis on the enforceability in Brazil of default provisions of the AIPN JOA model. Given its international application, the JOA model was not prepared specifically to the Brazilian legal system. It provides for 3 possible remedies:... more
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      Oil and Gas LawUpstream Oil and GasInternational ContractsContratos internacionais
A Convenção de Viena de 1980 sobre compra e venda internacional de mercadoria foi recentemente ratificada pelo Direito brasileiro. Não só se trata de importante passo no sentido da internacionalização do Direito contratual nacional, mas... more
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      Contract LawBrazilian LawInternational ContractsContratos internacionais
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      Comparative LawPrivate International LawInternational ContractsTransnational litigation
The Judgment of the European Court of Justice of April, 7th 2016 establishes, on one hand, that the law applicable to a contract does not change as a consequence of a cross-border merger by acquisition of a company that is party in the... more
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      European Union LawCompany LawInternational ContractsInternational Company Law
Law Number 24 of 2009 on the National Flag, Language, Emblem, and Anthem of Indonesia requires that any contract involving an Indonesian party must be drafted in Indonesian. In applying this law, the Supreme Court of the Republic of... more
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      Indonesian LanguagePrivate International LawBelgiumLaw and Language
La teoría de la prestación característica tenía un rol protagónico en la designación de la ley aplicable a los contratos internacionales en la Unión Europea bajo el Convenio de Roma de 1980. No obstante, la aplicación de dicha teoría por... more
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      Private lawInternational ContractsPrivate International Law (Conflict of Laws)