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دانلود کتاب مذاکره برایان تریسی PDF ترجمه فارسی کتاب مذاکره یکی از آثار برجسته ی برایان تریسی است که در آن به بیان اصول مذاکره برای انجام بهترین مذاکرات می پردازد که این اصول حاصل تجربیات خودش در صد ها مذاکره می باشد برایان تریسی یک... more
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This case presents an ethical dilemma on the side of a newly-hired top executive, whose job was to negotiate an exorbitant amount of increase in the tuition and other school fees of the university that hired him. As outrage from the... more
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      Business EthicsEthicsCrisis ManagementNegotiation
Existing models of negotiation as a process are incomplete and do not show an overall, start to finish lifecycle. Current phase based models lack clearly defined criteria that identify phase boundaries. After reviewing existing models,... more
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      BPMNNegotiationConflict ResolutionInternational Negotiations
Two quantitative meta-analyses examined how the presence of visual channels, vocal channels, and synchronicity influences the quality of outcomes in negotiations and group decision making. A qualitative review of the literature found that... more
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      Computer-Mediated CommunicationCultureNegotiationVisual Communication
Despite the recent increase in Cross-Border Merger and Acquisition (CBMA) activity, research has repeatedly determined that over 70 percent of CBMAs fail to deliver the promised results, with evidence pointing to ineffective negotiation... more
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      Mergers & AcquisitionsInternational NegotiationsCross-Cultural NegotiationsBusiness Negotiations
إن واقع المعاملات التجارية ومعاملات الاستثمار الدولية بات يدلل على أهمية ما يمكن أن نُطلق عليه بصورة عامة العقود والاتفاقيات الأولية أو التمهيدية من منظور أن هذه العقود والاتفاقيات تؤدي وظيفتين أساسيتين؛ تتعلق الأولى منهم بتنظيم المسلك... more
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      NegotiationInternational ContractsBusiness NegotiationsBusiness and Law
The growth of the companies has the fundamental objective of play in the international commerce. However, the positioning of a company in the international market is a challenge that goes beyond of carry out sales abroad by means of... more
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    • Business Negotiations
This Chapter briefly introduces the concepts of Integrative Bargaining and Distributive Bargaining, and then goes on to weigh one against the other. Finally, it proceeds to recommend a mixed technique of negotiation which involves the... more
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      NegotiationConflict ManagementBargainingBusiness Negotiations
Navigating the global business environment successfully requires specific skills that are often underestimated. Cultural awareness is one of the most important and lack of intercultural sensitivity can cause companies severe damage. The... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationLinguistic AnthropologyLinguistic RelativityApplied Linguistics
There are constitutional and statutory provisions for industrial conflict mediation in Nigeria. These include the Trade Dispute Act; the Arbitration and Conciliation Act; and the Constitution of the Federal Republic of Nigeria. The Trade... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesInternational ArbitrationArbitrationInternational Negotiation
This study seeks to determine the long-term impacts of training on negotiators and organizations. Although previous studies have linked training to negotiation outcomes, their findings have been based primarily on experimental data. This... more
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      Distance EducationTraining and DevelopmentInternational NegotiationNegotiations
Intercultural Negotiation Components
CHAPTER 11 (p.237-258) By: Lillian H. Chaney & Jeanette S. Martin
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      BusinessInternational RelationsCommunicationIntercultural Communication
Breaking-off negotiations. Freedom and duties to act in good faith. Fundamental principles and illustrations from cases of the Swiss and French judicial practices. Consequences regarding the compensation. Nature and content of... more
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      European LawFrench LawPrecontractual LiabilityNegotiations
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    • Business Negotiations
This work is a documental research in order to identify current conditions in the field of negotiations, its treaties and trade balance, as negotiating history between the countries of Asia and Mexico. Also collects negotiation styles of... more
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      International BusinessInternational Business ManagementBusiness Negotiations
Vietnam has joined the globalization trend to make itself an inviting market for foreign investment. However, working with foreigners and expanding business abroad can be a risky venture. The diversity among business cultures frequently... more
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      Nonverbal CommunicationVietnamProxemicsBusiness Negotiations
In distributive negotiation, these are tactics that are commonly used by parties to achieve their desired outcome.
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      NegotiationBusiness Negotiations
Contracts are designed to govern the relations between business partners and allocate risk among them, yet they cannot mitigate all risks; hence, dispute resolution mechanisms have been developed to assist. According to research,... more
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      EngineeringCivil EngineeringArtificial IntelligenceLaw
Negotiation is integrated with many different aspects of our lives, ranging from deciding on a movie, to large corporate contracts. If there are at least two individuals or parties with conflicting interests that interact to come to an... more
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      EmotionNegotiationNegotiation (Psychology)Emotions
Lays down the fundamentals of pre-contractual liability in Swiss law (in the context of alternative forms of non-contractual liabilities). Exact definition of the illegal action (consisting not in breaking-off the negotiations, but in... more
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      Comparative Private LawNegotiationBad FaithPrecontractual Liability
As mankind becomes more sensitive to the fact that the well-being of an endeavor is tied to the satisfaction of the individuals and organizations involved in it, we would move away from antagonistic negotiation to integrative negotiation.... more
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      LawConstitutional LawCivil LawInternational Law
According to the European Parliament (12.9.2017) “Italy uses mediation at a rate six times higher than the rest of Europe”. Mandatory mediation was ruled in 2010 in Italy and came into force in 2011. In 2013 the “Opt-Out” model was... more
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      Science CommunicationArbitrationInternational Commercial ArbitrationMediation
The process of negotiation can be analyzed considering some scientific issues (e.g. psychological, sociological). When a construction subcontract is negotiated, as it is business activity, the rational choices should be considered more... more
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      Computer ScienceGame TheoryConstruction ManagementConstruction Project Management
Elena FELL, Macro-reasoning and cognitive gaps: understanding post-Soviet Russians’ communication styles. ESSACHESS - Journal for Communication Studies. Vol 10, No 1(19) (2017). P. 91-110. Russians and Westerners access, process and... more
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      Business EthicsDiscourse AnalysisSemioticsLanguages
As a professional, your ability to influence and negotiate both corporately and externally is critical to your business success. This skill is natural to some and more difficult for others. But like many soft skills, influence and... more
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      LeadershipNegotiationPersuasionStrategy (Business)
Keywords: negotiation;unilateralism;conflict;Israel;Palestinians;Gaza;West Bank;settlers;behind-the-table negotiations;ambiguity;Ariel Sharon Using the 2005 unilateral Israeli withdrawal from Gaza as a case study, this article exposes... more
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      War StudiesInternational NegotiationIsrael/PalestineNegotiation
Exploring recent case law explaining the "without prejudice" rule  which allows parties to make protected offers without fear that they might be referred to in court
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      BusinessContract LawInternational NegotiationCivil Litigation
Scuola di vendita - un corso base di negoziazione
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      NegotiationBusiness Negotiations
Re-negotiating employee contracts is part of negotiations. The essay provides practical insight into negotiations germane to HRM.
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      LeadershipStrategic ManagementHuman Resource ManagementNegotiation
The main paradigm in the study of negotiation is the decision-making approach, which emphasizes an individual-based factor of behavior, self-interest. Focusing on the ultimatum game, we reviewed the segment of the empirical literature... more
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      International NegotiationNegotiationInternational NegotiationsNegotiation (Psychology)
Contract law is in the process of evolution if not revolution. As the construction industry is notorious for contractual disputes, one cannot underestimate the significance of remaining well informed of these developments. The... more
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      ContractsContract LawNegotiationContract
In preparing college students for the tests of life, lecturers need to provide them with the required competencies and resources to achieve their goals, to solve problems effectively, to build and maintain supportive relationships and to... more
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    • Business Negotiations
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      ConflictInternational NegotiationPedagogyConflict Resolution
The process of negotiation can be analyzed considering some scientific issues (e.g. psychological, sociological). When a construction subcontract is negotiated, as it is business activity, the rational choices should be considered more... more
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      Game TheoryConstruction ManagementConstruction Project ManagementDesign of Experiments
How can anyone use NLP chunking for negotiation in any context?
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      BusinessBusiness Process ManagementInternational NegotiationBusiness Intelligence
La estrategia de cambio estructural contenida en el plan nacional de desarrollo 1983-1988 expresa la convicción, del grupo recién llegado al poder, de que sería necesario luchar a fondo, si la sociedad mexicana habría de transformarse... more
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      MediationNegotiationConflict ResolutionConflict Management
The research evaluated the impact of contextual, structural, and behavioural factors in shaping cross-border merger and acquisition (CBMA) negotiations between automobile manufacturers. Recent years have seen an increase in CBMA activity... more
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      International NegotiationsMergers and acquisitions (Business)Cross-Cultural NegotiationsBusiness Negotiations
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      Teaching and LearningInternational NegotiationNegotiationInternational Negotiations
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      NegotiationBusiness NegotiationsPower and Play
Lexicographic evidence and oral translations of được in Vietnamese show its meanings as: “all right”, “agreed”, and “OK”. In reality, the undetermined range of probabilities in its meaning, imperceptible by non-native intuitions, are... more
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      Intercultural CommunicationPragmaticsBusiness CommunicationVietnam, Vietnamese literature, Vietnamese language and culture
No matter what kind of negotiation: the strategies and techniques that create impact are often similar, and can be learned. Successful negotiation requires expertise, spontaneity and intuition, but also psychological knowledge,... more
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      Social PsychologyHuman Resource ManagementEmotions (Social Psychology)Mediation
Download at: As the global market expands and business and personal relationships are increasingly taking place online, it is common to conduct negotiation processes in the... more
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      Organizational CommunicationPeace and Conflict StudiesInternet StudiesDispute Resolution
Özet Bu çalışmada poliste çatışmanın anlaşılması, yaşam içerisindeki yeri, istenen ve istenmeyen sonuçları değerlendirilirken, aynı zamanda bu durumun nasıl yönetilmesi gerektiği üzerinde de durulmaya çalışılacaktır. Polisler görevleri... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesConflictNegotiationPolicing Studies
دين اسلام تاكيد ويژه اي در تبيين رفتار مناسب دركسب و كار و تجارت دارد و يك بخش مهم از كسب و كار و تجارت، مذاكرات بازرگاني است. به تعداد فرهنگ هاي گوناگون، سبك هاي مذاكره وجود دارد و به دشواري مي توان به شناخت دقيقي از اين تنوعات دست يافت.... more
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      Islamic StudiesBusiness Negotiations
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      LawWar StudiesInternational NegotiationNegotiation
El hombre por su naturaleza gregaria, debe estar en permanente contacto con sus semejantes, dando y recibiendo, esto es negociando, a todo lo largo de su vida. Basándose en las habilidades adquiridas por su experiencia el hombre negocia... more
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      International NegotiationNegotiationInternational NegotiationsNegotiation (Psychology)
Δεν το καταλαβαίνουμε αλλά στην καθημερινότητά μας, όλοι οι άνθρωποι διαπραγματευόμαστε. Δεν υπάρχει μέρα της ζωής μας από τα πρώτα νηπιακά μας χρόνια έως τα βαθιά μας γεράματα που να μην διαπραγματευόμαστε. Καθένας με τον δικό του τρόπο,... more
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      International RelationsInternational NegotiationNegotiationNegotiation (Psychology)