Transnational litigation
Recent papers in Transnational litigation
The nature of the arbitration agreement in most legal systems (at least legal systems other than common law) is somewhat unclear. Presently, it is not possible to make any decisive statements as to which theory is the only correct one. On... more
Litigation PR takes place in the tension between media and law. By comparing the "legal" and the media framework conditions in the U.S. and Germany, the question, whether litigation PR practiced in the U.S. can be transferred to Germany,... more
Si tratta del "report" italiano per la sessione in materia di "Optional choice-of-court agreements" a XX Congresso internazionale della Accademia internazionale di diritto comparato, tenutosi a Fukuoka (Giappone) nel luglio 2018. Nel... more
Article 1.2 (No form required) Article 1.3 (Binding character of contract) Article 1.4 (Mandatory rules) Article 1.5 (Exclusion or modification by the parties) Article 1.6 (Interpretation and supplementation of the Principles) Article 1.7... more
We can conclude that non-state rules may include both lex mercatoria, i.e. the law of international merchants, which is not perceived in any uniform way, and currently perhaps also selected rules of EU law, provided that no legal... more
This article presents a study of the so-called ‘unilateral’ (‘optional’, ‘hybrid’) jurisdiction clauses combining arbitration and choice of court options, which business tends to favour as such clauses seek to designate a method of... more
Resumo: Aborda-se os chamados métodos online de resolução de disputas (ODR – online dispute resolution) sobretudo para expor um novo ponto de vista sob o qual defendemos o direito processual passa a ser – e precisa ser – também analisado.... more
Sostiene el autor que la clave de la eficiencia en el arbitraje no radica tanto en una intervención del árbitro puramente procedimental, externa, cuantitativa, consistente en la poda de plazos o posibilidades probatorias, cuanto en una... more
In common law jurisdictions litigants are free to represent themselves in person. A right to self-representation in civil proceedings has been taken for granted as an obvious expression of the right of access to court. Consequently, no... more
The seat of arbitration seems to be one of the most important issues to be agreed within an arbitration agreement. It directly influences a number of issues: arbitrability, determination of the governing law, whether substantive or... more
International treaties therefore have priority over provisions of domestic origin (domestic lex arbitri). This mainly concerns two conventions, namely the New York Convention (1958) and the European Convention on International Commercial... more
How do activist plaintiffs experience the process of human rights litigation under the Alien Tort Statute (ATS)? Answering this question is key to understanding the impact on transnational legal mobilization of Kiobel v. Royal Dutch... more
Among so many writings devoted to the third-party funding phenomenon, very few elaborate on one specific feature of this business model. Rather than a hidden facet, it is a real overarching characteristic, amounting to a fundamental... more
Within the realm of International Relations (IR) and research on Global Governance, one observation is clear. The growth of non-state actors in all the various types have grown exponentially to help states govern and lead their publics.... more
This course will explore the field of international commercial arbitration, which has become the default method of dispute resolution. Students can expect to study both Philippine and foreign commentaries, statutes and case law on the... more
COMMENTARIES ON PRIVATE INTERNATIONAL LAW VOL. 2, ISSUE 2, WINTER 2016 EDITOR’S NOTES We are pleased to present the second issue of Commentaries on Private International Law, the newsletter of the American Society of International Law... more
This chapter documents the extreme stresses that cyberspace applies to state law by examining how private international law, or conflict of laws, has responded to the online global world. This highlights both the penetration of... more
This thesis examines the influence of the governments of the Member States of the European Union (EU) on the decisions of the European Court of Justice (ECJ). Part One develops an analytical framework inspired by Giddens' structuration... more
This research will analyse corporate legal accountability of parent companies for transnational human rights violations committed by a subsidiary. To this end, the paper will first examine the current international status of MNCs... more
A notre chère chère famille : notre mère Hassana et Mahamane notre père sans oublier Aboubakar, Oumarou nos frères et Djamila, Maimouna nos soeurs. Aux Professeurs T. Djacoba et B. Pascale, qui par leurs valeurs exemplaires sont un modèle... more
This essay briefly explains how Darul Islam developed, its relationship with Indonesian history and the role it has played in promoting the issue of Jihad in Indonesia. Literally, Darul Islam means Islamic State. The history of Darul... more
There exists no `international bar' regulating the practice of forensic advocacy before international courts and tribunals. Before arbitral tribunals such as the International Centre for Settlement of Investment Disputes and the Iran-US... more
Συμβάσεις διεθνών πωλήσεων κινητών πραγμάτων· εφαρμοστέο δίκαιο· ρήτρα παρέκτασης δικαιοδοσίας· προϋποθέσεις κύρους· σχέση του Κανονισμού 1215/2012 με τη Σύμβαση της Χάγης του 2005· περιπτώσεις εφαρμογής· εάν το ένα από τα μέρη κατοικεί... more
This is the program of the Ravenna Summer School 2022 on Transnational Litigation.
Il will be held in Ravenna (and online), on 18-23 July 2022.
Il will be held in Ravenna (and online), on 18-23 July 2022.
This dissertation studies the contemporary issues regarding the contracts signed by Tour Operators with their international partners in matters of private international law. The first part discusses the general conditions under which... more
Climate Change Litigation. Max Planck Encyclopedia of International Procedural Law (EiPro), Hélène Ruiz Fabri (ed.), Max Planck Institute Luxembourg for International, European and Regulatory Procedural Law, 2019,... more
Este reporte tiene el objetivo de informar las novedades ocurridas en el Derecho Internacional Privado (Dipr) en América Latina durante el año 2014. De esta manera, el reporte tiene el mero propósito de transmitir información cruda, si se... more
This report, co-released by West Coast Environmental Law and the Vanuatu Environmental Law Association, explains how well-established principles of private international law allows the courts and governments of individual countries to... more