International Aid and Development
Recent papers in International Aid and Development
Instead of the proposed Global Fund for Social Protection, this paper proposes increased technical assistance for social protection services and general budget support for qualifying countries under normal circumstances and a revitalized... more
A major historical weakness of redistributive land reforms has been their frequent failure to create conditions for sustainable farm and other enterprises managed by land reform communities, as a result of problems of integration with... more
El trabajo analiza la creación en la Argentina, entre los años 1930 y 1954, de una estructura administrativa nacional, orientada a la prevención y el tratamiento de las enfermedades venéreas. Dicho esfuerzo responde a un proyecto... more
During the 1990s and 2000s, a policy known as Education with Community Participation (EDUCO) not only became the cornerstone of education reform in El Salvador but also became a global education policy, one which is known for... more
This research examines the gap between the socio-political and economic reality of Palestine, under Israeli Occupation, and the perceptions, assumptions and limitations of small aid donors like Switzerland in a colonial context. It looks... more
Table of Contents and Chapter 1 (Meaning, Measurement and Morality in International Development)
Per gli estremi di pubblicazione si rinvia al CV
Foster M and J Leavy (2001) The Choice of Financial Aid Instruments. ODI Working Paper 158, Centre for Aid and Public Expenditure, London: Overseas Development Institute. 2001
This is the conclusion of a three-part blog series on workshops used for teachers' professional development.
During the war the situation of the some ''safety'' places is not exactly ''safe''. Providing people opportunity for producing their own foods is better than sending money or giving them usefulness materials is not exactly helping.... more
RECENSION "Pierre Beaudet, Jessica Schafer et Paul Haslam (sous la dir.), Introduction au Développement International: Approches, Acteurs et Enjeux, Presses de l'Université d'Ottawa, 2008" pour La Société canadienne de sociologie
The ‘Eastern Partnership Youth Policy Analytic Report’ (EYPAR) was prepared between September and December 2015, following a request by the European Commission (DG NEAR) to provide a study on youth policy developments in the... more
This paper provides context for the voluntary repatriation program for Burundi refugees in Tanzania, considers some assumptions inherent within it, and describes some of the effects of the plan on refugees, particularly on members of the... more
The development literature lacks consensus about the link between aid effectiveness and governance improvement. A basic rational actor model is introduced to clarify how donors can influence recipient behaviors and more broadly how... more
La ponencia describe y analiza la cooperación internacional captada por Costa Rica durante los últimos años, a partir de datos inéditos del Ministerio de Planificación y del Ministerio Hacienda. Se aborda también la cooperación que Costa... more
While US private philanthropic foundations are small in comparison with other international donors, the Ford Foundation was an important international actor and the biggest player within international philanthropy for almost 50 years.... more
The European Union (EU) is widely recognized to be a major actor in international development cooperation. First, this chapter discusses key issues and debates on EU development policy. Secondly, the uniqueness of this policy domain,... more
Small island economies very often depend on external financial resources such as workers' remittances, international aid, bilateral aid from a patron country, or military spendings of a foreign country with special diplomatic and... more
En 2017, le Canada lançait sa nouvelle politique féministe d'aide internationale. Cette dernière repose sur l'hypothèse que l'égalité des genres et l'autonomisation des femmes constituent le moyen le plus efficace d'éliminer la pauvreté.... more
The April 2015 earthquake in Nepal was the most damaging one in over 80 years. In one of the world’s poorest countries, the widespread destruction will be difficult to recover from, particularly with the need for secure shelter before... more
Purpose of this paper: The completion of construction projects in a timely manner is often a critical factor and measure of project success. However, in many cases, delays plague the delivery of construction projects in many parts of the... more
Paper about using art to co- produce knoweldge in social work in international aid
Cecilia Milesi was one of the experts and social leaders from around the world invited to contribute to an on-line global consultation aiming better understanding the multiple dynamics between international and local actors during aid... more
Bangladesh's post-secondary education has become a hunting ground for local economic conglomerates and their transnational allies. Applying a holistic lens helps to understand the factors and short-term effects of blindly applying... more
Myanmar's current transition involves a concerted international effort to promote the rule of law. Legal education is integral to promoting the rule of law, and so calls for development aid that works to improve a country's legal... more
With a renewed focus among the international community on aid effectiveness, increased attention is being paid to the impact of international aid and on education specifically. In low income countries, aid accounts for as much as 20% of... more
This article discusses the divergent developmental outcomes among postwar South Korea, Taiwan, and South Vietnam. While U.S. aid has correctly been identified as a key factor in the rapid postwar development of South Korea and Taiwan, the... more
The World Bank has for decades influenced the regulation and international liberalisation of public procurement markets. However, proliferating procurement chapters of trade agreements and cheap commercial credit flooding emerging... more
Rebouças adopted the racist ideology of bleaching the population. Nonetheless, there is no doubt that he experienced racism in Brazil and abroad (in the United States he was not allowed to stay in hotels, restaurants, etc., because of his... more
Tourism has been recognised as a tool for poverty alleviation for decades and continues to attract significant investment by governments and international development partners to increase economic growth within developing countries. Over... more
CARE Burundi and partners have been advocating to the Government of Burundi to amend the gender-based violence (GBV) law through CARE Netherlands Every Voice Counts programme. This learning document highlights how we have lobbied and... more
It’s our turn to eat is much more than the story of John Githongo, a portly upper-class man in his mid-40s which dreamed of changing a country’s history of sleaze, state-capturing and ethnic identification. Githongo’s story is the... more
La cooperación y el diálogo político entre la Unión Europea (UE) y los países de América Latina y el Caribe se han fortalecido notablemente desde los años ochenta en adelante, y esto ha producido importantes resultados, tanto en las... more
This paper analyses practices for monitoring, tracking and assessing the international aid and reconstruction efforts in Haiti in an attempt to ‘build back better’ from the devastation of the January 2010 earthquake. We suggest that aid... more