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The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more
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      SociologyAristophanesMulticulturalismImage Processing
Daniel Defoe’nun “Robinson Crusoe” adlı eseri ülkemizde geniş bir kitle tarafından bilinirken İbn Tufeyl’in “Hay bin Yakzan” adlı eseriyse onun kadar bilinmez. Eserin müellifi, “Abubacer” olarak bilinen Endülüslü bir filozoftur. Diğer... more
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      Daniel DefoeTasavvufRobinson CrusoeIbnu Tufail
The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more
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      SociologyAristophanesMulticulturalismImage Processing
The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more
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      SociologyAristophanesMulticulturalismImage Processing
Рецензия посвящена работе французского медиевиста и историка Жана-Батиста Брене (род. 1972) «Что значит мыслить? Арабо-латинский ответ» (2022), впервые увидевшей свет на русском языке. Автор критически рассматривает экскурсы Брене в... more
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      Ibn SinaAl FarabiScholastic PhilosophyIbn Rushd (Averroës)
This article explores the profound influence of Ibn Tufayl's philosophical tale Hayy ibn Yaqzan (1160) on Daniel Defoe's classic novel Robinson Crusoe (1719) by appropriating some of the philosophical aspects of Ibn Tufayl on Daniel... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyEnlightenmentDaniel DefoeRobinson Crusoe
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      Hayy Ibn YaqzanIbnu TufailIbn Tufayl
Starting with some well-known examples of fiction in the Arabic philosophical tradition-such as the 'Flying man argument', the so-called 'visionary tales', the Epistle of Ḥayy ibn Yaqẓān and some issues related to imagination (prophetic... more
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      MetaphorArabic PhilosophyIslamic PsychologyAvicenna
Ibn Tufayl. Hayy bin Yaqzan sau din tainele înțelepciunii răsăritene (ediție bilingvă: arabă-română)
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PhilosophyArabic Language and LiteratureIbnu Tufail
In this postmodern era, an era of technological sophistication is the culmination, Islamic education always has its own appeal to continue to be studied more deeply and comprehensively. It is interesting to know, that Islamic education in... more
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      PhilosophyMetaphysicsIslamic PhilosophyIntuition
The fact that Indonesia's Malay world is a very multicultural country is often the reason for the emergence of various conflicts in the name of ethnicity, religion, and race (SARA), such as the Poso, Ambon, Papua, Kalimantan, Ahmadiyah,... more
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      MulticulturalismPolitical ScienceMalay
In the Middle Ages, Islam gained its heyday in the West when Islamic power was concentrated in Cordoba, Spain. Spain is the center of civilization that gave birth to great Islamic figures including Ibn Thufail. Ibn Thufail was a western... more
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      FilsafatIbnu TufailPemikiran Filsafat
An examination of historical island narratives and how they have evolved, ultimately culminating in the modern notion of the "bounded" self.
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      AsceticismUtopian LiteratureJean Jaques RousseauIbnu Tufail
Kapak, İçindekiler, Önsöz, Yazarların Özgeçmişi
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      Friedrich NietzscheMachiavelliDarwinAnaximander
Banyak jalan menuju Roma. Unkapan ini bisa juga kita gunakan dalam mendapatkan kebenaran. Banyak jaln menuju kebenaran (the Ultimate/Infinitife). Karya Ibn Tufail telah menggambarkan bagaimana pertemuan antara filsafat dan ajaran agama... more
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The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more
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      SociologyAristophanesMulticulturalismImage Processing
This article discusses Ibn Sina's thoughts on children's education. Ibn Sina was a brilliant Islamic thinker who almost mastered all science. Ibn Sina had thoughts on philosophy, medicine, psychology, logic and education. This... more
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This article discusses Ibn Sina's thoughts on children's education. Ibn Sina was a brilliant Islamic thinker who almost mastered all science. Ibn Sina had thoughts on philosophy, medicine, psychology, logic and education. This... more
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This study aims to find the value of pluralism and inclusivism in the discursive leadership of Islam. The data was collected through the recording of documents from the discursive leader of the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Wathan... more
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Penelitian ini membahas filsafat jiwa Ibnu Sina  bahwa jiwa manusia dibagi menjadi 3 yakni (1). Jiwa tumbuhan (2). jiwa hewan (3). Jiwa Manusia. Jiwa manusia memiliki dua daya yakni daya praktis yang hubungannya dengan badan dan daya... more
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    • Art
Metnin orijinalinde olmayan ancak anlam bütünlüğü için gerekli gördüğümüz kelimeler ile metnin orijinalinde olan bazı terimler parantez içine alınmıştır, dipnotlar metnin orijinal şekliyle aktarılmış değişikliğe gidilmemiştir. Dipnotlarda... more
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    • Ibn Bajjah (Avempace)
Originally written as a philosophical work, Ibn Tufayl's Hayy ibn Yaqzan incorporates in its story many elements that could be regarded as elements of the civilizational process in modern times. In this paper we will analyze these... more
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      PhilosophyIbn KhaldunCivilizationArnold J. Toynbee
Abstract: One of the main concerns of Islamic philosophy is an emphasis on finding the most accurate method to lead people to their ultimate goal: the highest level of happiness. Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Tufayl—the prominent representatives of... more
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      EducationIbn Bajjah (Avempace)Philosophical NovelAndalusian Studies
This study aims to find the value of pluralism and inclusivism in the discursive leadership of Islam. The data was collected through the recording of documents from the discursive leader of the Islamic organization Nahdlatul Wathan... more
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    • Qualitative
The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more
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      AristophanesImage ProcessingAristotlemetafísica de Aristóteles
Turkish translation of Ibn Tufail's Hayy ibn Yaqdhan/Yaqzan.
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      Islamic PhilosophyArabic PhilosophyMedieval Arabic PhilosophyRobinson Crusoe
The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more
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      AristophanesImage ProcessingAristotleNon-profit Management
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      MythologyIslamic PhilosophyIbn SinaAl Farabi
The tale spans ten centuries across architecture, philosophy, politics, history, religion and media. It begins with the reconquista's conversion of the Great Mosque of Cordoba into a cathedral and ends with contemporary media's conversion... more
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      Media StudiesArchitectureThomas JeffersonJohn Locke
This article discusses Ibn Sina's thoughts on children's education. Ibn Sina was a brilliant Islamic thinker who almost mastered all science. Ibn Sina had thoughts on philosophy, medicine, psychology, logic and education. This... more
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ÖZ İbn Tufeyl, Hayy bin Yakzan'da doğuştan kör bir insanın dokunma yoluyla ve başkalarının anlatımıyla bildiği nesneleri ve renkleri, gözleri açıldıktan sonra da aynı şekilde tanıyıp bilebi-leceğini; gördüklerinin ona görme yetisi yokken... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyMolyneux's QuestionIbnu TufailPhilosohy of Mind
Il s'agit d'une biobibliographie d'Ibn Bajja (Avempace 1139), l'ouvrage se compose d'une biographie, d'une déscription des mss, une édition critique du prologue de du ms d'oxford et pour la première fois le prologue du ms de Berlin... more
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    • Ibn Bajjah (Avempace)
The aim of this thesis is to explore one of the three condemnations by al-Ghazali of Avicenna in his widely publicised book ‘Incoherence of the Philosophers’. The paper will focus on one of these three specific issues because it was these... more
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      PhilosophyAristotleThomas AquinasIbn Sina
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      Islamic PhilosophyArabic PhilosophyMedieval Arabic PhilosophyHistory and Philosophy of Islamic education
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Hayy Ibn Yaqzan. A Source for Features of the Ascent in The Mountain and the Valley? When I first read The Mountain and the Valley my memory was pushed back to parts of the passage I insert here from Ibn Tufayl Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A... more
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      Islamic PhilosophyMysticismPlato and PlatonismNeoplatonism
Ernest Buckler, who grew up in the village in the Annapolis Valley described in The Mountain and the Valley, eventually took degrees in Mathematics and Philosophy from Dalhousie University and the University of Toronto. After working in... more
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Conversion from darkness to light, from ignorance and non-being to knowledge, being and their source. Republic VII, 518c-d: the movement within and out of the cave, from darkness to light, from the non-being and ignorance which belongs to... more
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      PlatoAristotleReligious ConversionAugustine
Ibnu Thufail yang menjadi kajian dalam makalah ini, juga mampu menyihir para cendekiawan dunia dengan karya monumentalnya, yaitu “Hayy Ibnu Yaqhzan”. Salah satu karya yang tersisa dalam sejarah pemikirannya. Risalah atau novel alegori... more
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      Islamic StudiesFilosofíaPendidikanTugas kuliah
Vsebina 8 Transliteracija arabske abecede 9 Uvod 9 Prvi del Muqaddimat Ḥay Ibn Yaqẓān 20 Drugi del Muqaddimat Ḥay Ibn Yaqẓān 25 Živi sin budnega 25 Neobljuden otok 28 Začetek zgodbe Živega sina budnega za zanikovalce prihajajočega rojstva... more
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      Islamic PhilosophySufismIslamic HistoryIslamic Intellectual History
This is the table of contents and introduction to "the Polished Mirror," published by Oneworld: Islamic philosophy and Sufism evolved as distinct yet interweaving strands of Islamic thought and practice. Despite differences, they have... more
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      PhilosophyVirtue EthicsSufismIslamic Ethics
Ο Αμπού Μπακρ Ιμπν Τουφάυλ ήταν ελάσσων αλλά αξιοπρόσεκτη μορφή στην πνευματική ιστορία του αραβικού Μεσαίωνα. Γεννήθηκε στις αρχές του 12ου αιώνα και πέθανε το 1185. Καταγόταν από παλαιά αρχοντική οικογένεια της αραβικής χερσονήσου, αλλά... more
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      Arabic PhilosophyAncient PhilosophyAncient NarrativePhilosophical Novel
Originally written as a philosophical work, Ibn Tufayl's Hayy ibn Yaqzan incorporates in its story many elements that could be regarded as elements of the civilizational process in modern times. In this paper we will analyze these... more
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      Ibn KhaldunCivilizationArnold J. ToynbeeIbnu Tufail
Πολύ πριν από τον Βολταίρο, το φιλοσοφικό διήγημα είχε ένδοξη προϊστορία. Χρωστούμε χάρη στον Παύλο Καλλιγά που έκανε προσιτό στη γλώσσα μας έναν από τους σπουδαιότερους κρίκους στην αλυσίδα των προδρόμων του είδους. Ο "Χάυυ ιμπν Γιακζάν"... more
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      Arabic LiteratureArabic PhilosophyTravel LiteraturePhilosophical Novel
The present contribution is the natural continuation of several studies recently devoted to the reception of the Ras…’il Ikhw…n al-Ÿaf…’ in al-Andalus and whose results imply a thorough reconsideration of the chronology still prevailing... more
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      Ibn KhaldunAl-AndalusIslamic Thought & PhilosophyIbn Arabi
İki Aylık Kitap Dergisi | Mayıs-Haziran 2010 | İkinci Sayı. – Abdullah BAŞARAN | Nurların Doğuşu – Gürbüz DENİZ | Hayy Bin Yakzân Bağlamında Akıl-Vahiy İlişkisi – Ferhat TAŞKIN | İçimde Tuttuklarım Bana Cesaret Veriyor – Mustafa CELEP |... more
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      Children's and Young Adult LiteratureIslamic PhilosophyCultureStanislaw Lem
This article traces the motif of the blind man made to see, also known as the Molyneux problem, from the writings of Irish philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries to 20th-century Irish plays. The narrative of restoring sight to the... more
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      Irish StudiesIrish LiteratureDisability StudiesWilliam Butler Yeats