Philosophical Novel
Recent papers in Philosophical Novel
In the history of European literature the philosophical tale flourished especially in the sphere of literary writing but was never essentially accepted by purely philosophical dicourse. Nevertheless, in the ancient traditions of the East... more
A dissertation on the philosophical novel as a valuable means of philosophy, the relationship between philosophy and art (especially literature), and an examination Crime and Punishment by Fyodor Dostoevsky as the supreme example. I... more
За романа на Гор Видал "Сътворението" - образцов философски и историкофилософски роман, който преобръща много утвърдени представи и предизвиква към преосмисляне и преоценка най-дълбоко вкоренени (пред)убеждения за класическа Елада, Индия... more
Un testo destinato alla pubblicazione su una rivista di cultura e attualità, ma mai pubblicato... ovvero un'auto-recensione del romanzo filosofico "Chiedilo a Luna" (Efesto 2018)
Tekst prinaša poglobljeno analizo Beketovih romanov in njegove revolucionarne romaneskne forme, ki je linearno pripovedovanje reducirala do absurda. / The text provides an in-depth analysis of Beckett's novels and his revolutionary... more
“Se non ci si può rispecchiare nella pietra, allora non possiamo farlo neanche con un testo, né con una poesia, né con un brano della Bibbia, né con una storia d’amore. […] Se per rispecchiare si intende riprodurre il rovescio di ciò che... more
Though said to be almost devoid of plot, /The Infatuations/ in fact produces strong narrativity (in Sternberg's sense). This narrativity makes the reader feel--that is, embodies--the philosophical ideas praised in Marías's oeuvre:... more
Abstract: One of the main concerns of Islamic philosophy is an emphasis on finding the most accurate method to lead people to their ultimate goal: the highest level of happiness. Ibn Bajjah and Ibn Tufayl—the prominent representatives of... more
This study focuses on the cinematic aspects of John Banville’s work, aiming to answer how the overt cinematic interest in the cinema in his later work is to be understood in the context of his writing career as a whole. His writing plays... more
Ο Αμπού Μπακρ Ιμπν Τουφάυλ ήταν ελάσσων αλλά αξιοπρόσεκτη μορφή στην πνευματική ιστορία του αραβικού Μεσαίωνα. Γεννήθηκε στις αρχές του 12ου αιώνα και πέθανε το 1185. Καταγόταν από παλαιά αρχοντική οικογένεια της αραβικής χερσονήσου, αλλά... more
Πολύ πριν από τον Βολταίρο, το φιλοσοφικό διήγημα είχε ένδοξη προϊστορία. Χρωστούμε χάρη στον Παύλο Καλλιγά που έκανε προσιτό στη γλώσσα μας έναν από τους σπουδαιότερους κρίκους στην αλυσίδα των προδρόμων του είδους. Ο "Χάυυ ιμπν Γιακζάν"... more
André Gide’s Paludes (1895) has been rediscovered and reinvented by successive generations of readers, and in the process an aspect of the text has been obscured which has relevance both to the original context of its publication and for... more
Στην ιστορία των ευρωπαϊκών γραμμάτων το φιλοσοφικό διήγημα ήκμασε κυρίως στον χώρο της λογοτεχνίας, ενώ η καθαρά φιλοσοφική διανόηση δεν το αποδέχτηκε ποτέ κατά βάθος. Εντούτοις, στις αρχαίες παραδόσεις της Ανατολής (π.χ. στον ραβινικό... more
PALIMPSEST is a book about high ideals and low obsessions, truth and identity, immigration, nationality and race; about what we believe and what happens when belief degenerates into fanaticism.