Ibnu Tufail
Most downloaded papers in Ibnu Tufail
This is the table of contents and introduction to "the Polished Mirror," published by Oneworld: Islamic philosophy and Sufism evolved as distinct yet interweaving strands of Islamic thought and practice. Despite differences, they have... more
The present contribution is the natural continuation of several studies recently devoted to the reception of the Ras…’il Ikhw…n al-Ÿaf…’ in al-Andalus and whose results imply a thorough reconsideration of the chronology still prevailing... more
Originally written as a philosophical work, Ibn Tufayl's Hayy ibn Yaqzan incorporates in its story many elements that could be regarded as elements of the civilizational process in modern times. In this paper we will analyze these... more
Ernest Buckler, who grew up in the village in the Annapolis Valley described in The Mountain and the Valley, eventually took degrees in Mathematics and Philosophy from Dalhousie University and the University of Toronto. After working in... more
lebih dikenal dengan nama Avicenna. Ia dikenal sebagai seorang filosof Islam terbesar dengan gelar Syaikh ar-Ra'is (Kyai Utama). Dilahirkan dalam keluarga yang bermazhab Syi'ah pada tahun 370 H / 980 M, di desa Efsyanah ( kawasanBukhara... more
This article traces the motif of the blind man made to see, also known as the Molyneux problem, from the writings of Irish philosophers of the 17th and 18th centuries to 20th-century Irish plays. The narrative of restoring sight to the... more
This course considers humanist values and principles through the reading of canonical works of history, literature, and philosophy from more than one historical period and geographical area. An empathetic understanding of human beings is... more
Hayy Ibn Yaqzan. A Source for Features of the Ascent in The Mountain and the Valley? When I first read The Mountain and the Valley my memory was pushed back to parts of the passage I insert here from Ibn Tufayl Hayy Ibn Yaqzan: A... more
This course considers humanist values and principles through the reading of canonical works of history, literature, and philosophy from more than one historical period and geographical area. An empathetic understanding of human beings is... more
Vsebina 8 Transliteracija arabske abecede 9 Uvod 9 Prvi del Muqaddimat Ḥay Ibn Yaqẓān 20 Drugi del Muqaddimat Ḥay Ibn Yaqẓān 25 Živi sin budnega 25 Neobljuden otok 28 Začetek zgodbe Živega sina budnega za zanikovalce prihajajočega rojstva... more
Πολύ πριν από τον Βολταίρο, το φιλοσοφικό διήγημα είχε ένδοξη προϊστορία. Χρωστούμε χάρη στον Παύλο Καλλιγά που έκανε προσιτό στη γλώσσα μας έναν από τους σπουδαιότερους κρίκους στην αλυσίδα των προδρόμων του είδους. Ο "Χάυυ ιμπν Γιακζάν"... more
The reality of plurality in the context of humanity is something that Allah Almighty has desired, and the human task is to nurture and develop mutual respect and appreciation among people (tolerant). In this regard, the purpose of this... more