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Baranauskas, Tomas. Gedimino kilmė: tarp legendų ir istorijos, Lituanistica, 2024. T. 70. Nr. 3 (137), p. 181–198.

The Ancestry of Gediminas: Between Legends and History
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesLithuanian HistoryGenealogical Legends
Выдаецца ў адпаведнасці з п. 7.4 артыкула 13 ЗАКОНА РЭСПУБЛІКІ БЕЛАРУСЬ "Аб сродках масавай інфармацыі" ад 17 ліпеня 2008 г. № 427-З Выдавец: Прыватнае ўнітарнае прадпрыемства "Пружмень"
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      Kresy WshodnieГісторыя БеларусіКраязнаўства
Роман Терещенко семья отмечает: "Семейный кодекс Украины предоставляет четкие правила и процедуры для раздела совместного имущества супругов, что позволяет обеспечить справедливость и законность этого процесса."
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Одеса, розташована на узбережжі Чорного моря, завжди була важливим морським і торговим центром. З розвитком міста зростала і потреба у впорядкуванні правових аспектів, пов’язаних з морською діяльністю. Морське право стало невід’ємною... more
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Змест Артыкулы Расцiслау Баравы. Хрысцiянiзацыя тэрыторыi Полацкай i Тураускай епархiй X-XIV ст. (Гiстарычна-rеаrрафiчны аспект) ...... 3 Ан.дрэй Ян.ушкевiч. Унiя з Каронай ва унутранай палiтьщы ВКЛ
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      Legal HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryParliamentary HistoryHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
H. Bierastavy, Rytuał a przywileje dla stanów i grup terytorialnych w Wielkim Księstwie Litewskim od połowy XV do połowy XVI wieku, „Czasopismo Prawno-Historyczne” 2024, nr 1, s. 7–36. Land and regional charters were diplomas used in... more
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      RitualDiplomatics (Medieval)DiplomaticsRitual (Anthropology)
Constantine II, King of Kartli, sent an embassy to Queen Isabella of Castile and Pope Alexander VI in 1495 in the hope of concluding an anti-Ottoman alliance. On the way back, the ambassadors visited the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, where... more
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      Slavic LanguagesManuscript StudiesHistory of DiplomacyRuthenian history
W artykule przedstawiono zarys biografi i biskupa smoleńskiego Bogusława Korwina Gosiewskiego (1669-1744). Autor zwrócił szczególną uwagę na jego porywczy, wręcz awanturniczy charakter, złożone relacje rodzinne, stosunkowo wysokie ambicje... more
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthCatholic Church HistoryGenealogy-Family HistoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
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В статье анализируется преемственность в подходах Ю. С. Степанова и С. Г. Проскурина к концептуализированной области с концепцией Н. В. Феоктистовой о семантической структуре отвлеченного древнего имени. Рассматривается микросистема слов... more
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ANGELS AND DEVILS IN THE TRADITIONAL LITHUANIAN WORLDVIEW: AFFINITIES AND OPPOSITIONS In the article, I examine the allegedly opposing supernatural beings of the traditional Lithuanian worldview – angels and devils. Primarily, I discuss... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolkloreAngels and Demons
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      Ancient HistoryFolklorePoliticsNobility
Мацкевіч Юзаф. Суд над беларускімі выдаўцамі і 'літаратарамі' // Наша слова.pdf № 7 (111), 14 лютага 2024.
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      Гісторыя БеларусіКраязнаўства
By applying the internal reconstruction and comparative methods, the article details the ethnological discourse of the 1262 insertion in the 6th-century Chronicle of John Malalas. It also disputes earlier authors’ hypothetical claims... more
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      Lithuanian StudiesBaltic Mythology
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      History of ArchivesHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
On the recent territory of Hungary, there are four old-printed books of Cyrillic letters, those are of origin from the Grand Duchy of Lithuania; in chronological order: 1) “Apostle” by Spiridon Sobol, Kutein, 1632; 2) “Four Gospel and... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryCultural Heritage
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    • Sacred Landscape (Archaeology)
Straipsnyje aprašomos senojo-ikikrikščioniškojo-tikė jimo šventos ir kulto apeigų vietos, žinomos Veliuonos apylin kėse*. Apie jas daugiausia duomenų randame mitologijos, ar cheologijos ir folkloro šaltiniuose. Vakarų Lietuvoje, taip pat... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Pre-Christian Baltic Religion
m. buvo užėmę Žemaitiją) ir besibaigiąs karas su Rusija. Tad lobio paslėpimas neturėtų būti tiesiogiai siejamas su karo veiksmais. Greičiau tai bus po kario laikotarpiu sustiprėjusio plėšikavimo pasekmė, pavyzdžiui, gal buvo užpultas... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural SitesPre-Christian Baltic Religion
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      Belarusian StudiesLithuanian Studies
Both archaeology and folklore aim to explore the human past: its aspects that used to appear as physical objects and those features that are non-materi al. Nowadays, there is no doubt that archaeology and folklore are closely relat ed.... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred SitesPre-Christian Baltic Religion
Straipsnyje po kelių dešimtmečių pertraukos vėl plačiai nagrinėjama akmenų su smailiadugniais dubenimis, kitaip dar vadinamų aukštaitiškų arba namų aukurų, problematika. Sunku suskaičiuoti, kiek jų jau prarasta XX a. Kita vertus, dėl... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreHeritage ConservationSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Pre-Christian Baltic Religion
Lietuvos istorijos institutas Straipsnis skirtas senojo ikikrikðèioniðkojo tikëjimo ðventoms ir kulto vietoms, þinomoms Laukuvos apylinkëse 1. Vakarø Lietuvoje, taigi ir Ðilalës rajono ribose, þinomø ðventvieèiø sàvadas 1998 m. jau... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Pre-Christian Baltic Religion
Archeologija śiaures rytus nuo kanalizuoto Irtuonos kairiojo kranto, Obelyno girininkijos Stabgires misko kvartalo Nr. 53 rytineje dalyje (1 pav.). Stabine vadinamoje pailgojc rytij vakanj kryptimi kalveleje (vos vienu metru aukśtesne uź... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Pre-Christian Baltic Religion
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      Sacred Landscape (Archaeology)Pre-Christian Baltic ReligionHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Tautosakos darbai XIX (XXVI) 2003 grii bei niu mo ćiai KUPOLiy ŚYENTYIETES YYKINTAS YAITKEYIĆIUS Lietuvos istorijos institutas Straipsnio objektas-Kupolią śventvietes: kalnai ir akmenys. Darbo tikslaspaminklą apibudinimas... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Natural Sites
V y k i n t a s V a i t k e v ić i u s The cemeterya 32 x 23 m gently sloping hill kage and the formation of these lakes has so far up to 1.2 m highis located in marshy lowland not been precisely dated. Early 17 lh-century histobetween... more
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      Wetland ArchaeologyCremationBurial CustomsHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
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      Mythology And FolkloreFolk legendsFolklore ArcheologySacred Landscape (Archaeology)
This article returns to the legendary part of the second and third redactions of the Lithuanian Chronicles and the works of Motiejus Strijkovskis, written in the second half of the 16th century, which raised the question of Šventaragis’,... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Interested in cremation and inhumation of funerary rituals of the past.Burial Customs
In the article, data from historical sources about the sacred
forests of Lithuania is presented in detail.
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      Mythology And FolkloreEnvironmental SustainabilitySacred Landscape (Archaeology)Sacred Groves
From the universal symbol of the spiral that is characteristic of Europe since the Stone Age (for the Baltic region − from the Bronze Age), the ornamentation of the 13th-14th centuries differs in that it has only one or more coils, a... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreBaltic archaeologySigns and SymbolsPre-Christian Baltic Religion
The Padievaitis at Kvėdarna (Šilalė district) is one of the most interesting monuments of Lithuanian archaeology, mythology, and history studied by archaeologists from Klaipėda University, Gintautas Zabiela and Vykintas Vaitkevičius, in... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Pre-Christian Baltic ReligionHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Pastaraisiais metais ne kartą sukosi mintis, kad "Būdo" puslapiuose galėčiau papasakoti apie baltų paveldo paieškas, tyrinėjimus. Dabar dažniausiai tai darau "Vykinto kelių" ekskursijose ir žygiuose, tad dalintis žiniomis su... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreBaltic StudiesSacred Landscape (Archaeology)History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
This article talks about the latest discoveries in Karšuva Forest, located between Jurbarkas and Tauragė. In January 2022, with the help of local residents, the path called Krivultakis, a few hundred meters long, leading to an area of the... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSocial HistorySacred Landscape (Archaeology)History of the Baltic Sea Region
This article summarises the data collected over nearly three decades on about 231 footprint stones in 32 of the 60 municipalities in Lithuania; four dozen footprint stones are today protected as objects of archaeological and/or... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreCultural Heritage ConservationSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Baltic religion and mythology
Fords are unprotected and no longer visible in the cultural landscape of lithuania, and historiography still only mentions them. the authors begin interdisciplinary research on fords: they define the term, locate the fords on the main... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyArchaeological field surveyArchaeology of riversHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Jan Dlugosz (1415–1480), the historian to the estate of Casimir IV Jagiellon, Grand Duke of Lithuania and King of Poland, provided data about the fact that Grand Duke Algirdas (1345–1377), dressed in purple clothing sparkling with gold... more
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      Death and Burial (Archaeology)Sacred Landscape (Archaeology)Baltic MythologyHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Knygoje pirmą kartą sutelktos žinios apie baltų religijos šventvietes istorinės Dainavos žemės dalyje, kuri apima Varėnos rajoną ir Druskininkų savivaldybę. Leidinio įvade apžvelgiami su šventvietėmis, jų tyrinėjimų istorija ir apsauga... more
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      Mythology And FolkloreSacred Landscape (Archaeology)Lithuanian StudiesSlavs and Balts Mythology and Folklore
Dr John D. Stanley published a review of my book The Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth 1733-1795: Light and Flame (New Haven, CT, and London: Yale University Press, 2020) in the 69:4 (2021) issue of Jahrbücher für Geschichte Osteuropas.... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthhistory of PolandHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Leidinio bibliografinė informacija pateikiama Lietuvos nacionalinės Martyno Mažvydo bibliotekos Nacionalinės bibliografijos duomenų banke (NBDB).
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Francysk Skaryna was an outstanding figure of Belarusian culture in the Renaissance Epoch. He was the first who managed to release a printed book in 1517. Thus, he was the first who made the book word and along with it all knowledge of... more
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      Book HistoryHistory of the BookBelarusian StudiesRare Books and Manuscripts
W artykule przedstawiono działalność fundacyjną wojewody smoleńskiego Aleksandra Korwin Gosiewskiego, podejmowaną na rzecz rozszerzania wiary katolickiej na terenie Wielkiego Księstwa Litewskiego, a także w celu budowania prestiżu rodu... more
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthCatholic Church HistoryGenealogy-Family HistoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Šių kamienų pamatas-dėmuo, susidaręs iš pirmojo vardo kamieno ir antrojo pradžios, arba trumpinys, išplėstas priesaga. Išskyrus darg-ir vaist-, kiti kamienai paliudyti vien lietuvių asmenvardžiuose, kas rodo juos kurtus atskirai nuo... more
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Дзярновіч А.І. Метрыка ВКЛ і Метрыка Каронная: спецыфіка адрозненняў канцылярскіх традыцый [in:] Актуальные проблемы источниковедения : материалы VII Международной научно-практической конференции, Витебск, 27–29 апреля 2023 г. : в 2 т. /... more
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      History of Law and AdministrationHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The article consists of a short introduction and editing of two editions of the forgotten vernacular epitaphs written in the early 1570s. They were created by Cyprian Bazylik, a composer, writer and printer, and Maciej Stryjkowski, a... more
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      History of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.Maciej StryjkowskiHistory of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaPolish Poetry in 16th Century
Politinis realizmas ir iliuzijos LDK BAJORIJOS POZICIJOS ĮVADAS 1793 m. sausio 23 d. Peterburge Rusija ir Prūsija pasirašė antrojo Lenkijos-Lietuvos valstybės (Abiejų Tautų Respublikos) padalijimo konvenciją, kuria Prūsijai atiteko... more
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Pratarmės vietoje 2012 metų gegužės 24-26 dienomis Vytauto Didžiojo universiteto istorikai kartu su partneriais iš Lietuvos istorijos instituto ir Krokuvos Jogailaičių universiteto surengė moks linę konferenciją, skirtą mūšio prie... more
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      Medieval HistoryGrand Duchy of LithuaniaThe Grand Duchy of LithuaniaHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The Composition of the Army of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania during the War with Turkey (1675-1676) in the Light of Financial and Military files* Key words: the Polish-Turkish war 1672-1676, the Lithuanian army, Old-Polish warfare * The... more
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      Polish HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthPolish military historyGrand Duchy of Lithuania