Sacred Natural Sites
Recent papers in Sacred Natural Sites
Sacred groves are areas that are conserved by communities for spiritual or cultural beliefs. They often have associated limitations on activities within the forest. India is believed to have the highest concentration of sacred groves in... more
Nature conservation planning tends to be driven by models based on Western norms and science, but these may not represent the cultural, philosophical and religious contexts of much of Asia. This book provides a new perspective on the... more
Suulise kultuuri pärimus, mis puudutab looduslikke pühapaiku, on sündinud vastastikuses mõjus inimese ja maa vahel ning väljendab kohaliku rahvaliku usundi ja maakasutuse tavasid ja arusaamu. Seevastu rahvusliku ärkamise järgses eesti... more
This is a book chapter in the SAGE Handbook of Nature (forthcoming) dealing with the role of sacred natural sites in conflict resolution in Sidama, Ethiopia.
Em décadas recentes, uma nova temática vem adquirindo uma visibilidade crescente em fóruns mundiais sobre políticas de conservação da natureza – os sítios naturais sagrados (SNS). Reconhecidos em diversas partes do planeta, esses lugares... more
This article explores some of the ways of remembering and honouring the ancestors in contemporary Pagan religious traditions, with a focus on the Irish context. An overview is provided of how the "ancestors" are conceptualised within... more
Numerous indigenous religious traditions express connection between people and the spirit world, through specific powerful places on the landscape. Such place-based spiritual perspective locates humans within networks of reciprocal... more
Eesti rahvuslikus diskursuses sai 19.–20. sajandil Taara tammikust üks muistse vabadusaja märk ning ühtlasi Eesti looduslike pühapaikade üldistatud representatsioon. Ent piksejumalale pühitsetud tammesalu motiiv on ilmselt laenatud... more
Remote sensing applications are diverse, varied, and easily transferable across disciplinary lines, grounded in theory that offers a strong empirical foundation for multi-dimensional social and ecological investigations into landscape... more
The recognition that " other-than-human " people are legal subjects has previously been recognised in forms of customary law but has been denied in most jurisdictions until recently. The Romans introduced jus gentium the basis of " public... more
Sacred natural sites (SNS) are instances of biocultural landscapes protected for spiritual motives. These sites frequently host important biological values in areas of Asia and Africa, where traditional resource management is still upheld... more
Since time immemorial, indigenous people have engaged in legal relationships with other-than-human persons. These relationships are exemplified in enspirited sacred natural sites, which are owned and governed by numina spirits that can... more
Within the complex socio-ecological systems of South and Southeast Asia, ancient sacred natural sites were created by, and imbued with, cultural and ideological values. These landscapes are liminal spaces or threshold environments... more
Background: Sacred groves are model systems that have the potential to contribute to rural healthcare owing to their medicinal floral diversity and strong social acceptance. Methods: We examined this idea employing ethnomedicinal plants... more
At 1.2 million acres, Naval Air Weapons Station China Lake is by far the largest parcel of land in US Navy possession. It fills an expanse of rugged & remote desert terrain to eclipse Rhode Island; to the üntrained eye, it also appears as... more
This paper explores how local, lived religion has creatively linked spiritual insights and popular devotions in ecologically valuable settings helping generate and preserve the rich Spanish biocultural heritage. Focusing on a selection of... more
There is an inextricable link between biological and cultural diversity, captured in the concept of biocultural diversity, whereby the former (genes, species, and habitats) co-adapt with the latter (knowledge, values, beliefs, practices... more
ABSTRACT Gilindire (Aynalıgöl) Cave is located in Adana Section of the Mediterranean Region. It is administratively situated within the borders of Aydıncık District of Mersin Province. The cave was discovered by shepherds around Gemi... more
Artigo publicado no Anais do VII Seminário Brasileiro sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social e II Encontro Latino Americano sobre Áreas Protegidas e Inclusão Social, Florianópolis: Universidade Federal de Santa Catarina, novembro 2015.... more
Researches show biodiversity loss has been happening at an alarming scale in the recent decades and this state of affairs has significant implications for the health of local communities and environments across the world. Sacred natural... more
Indigenous research has demonstrated how Indigenous ontologies are political, and how they have been articulated politically to express counter-narratives to modern understandings of human-nature relations. This paper argues that current... more
• Tibetan animistic/shamanistic beliefs have been subject to both Bonicisation and Buddhicisation • Bon has also been subject to Buddhicisation • Both Tonpa Shenrab and Guru Rinpoche mythically "subdued" the local "mundane" gods (yul lha... more
Using chosen natural sites for cultic and ritual activities is a common practice among traditional societies. Trees, groves, stones, hills, mountains, lakes, rivers and springs have been regarded as holy in different cultural contexts and... more
Many of the world’s sacred natural sites are located in territories inhabited by indigenousanimistic people and are characterised by spiritual governance, spiritual agency, andbiodiversity. Although the significance of indigenous sacred... more
There is growing recognition that sacred natural sites (SNS) form hotspots of biocultural diversity and significantly contribute to conservation in traditional non-western societies. Using empirical evidence from SNS in Central Italy, we... more
This article demonstrates the importance of indigenous ontologies in cross-cultural or ‘both ways’ coastal conservation management of the Dhimurru Indigenous Protected Area in north east Arnhem Land, Australia. In this action research,... more
Sección del Informe del Sistema de Vigilancia Wixarika en el ANP de Wirikuta: Catálogo de lugares sagrados y elementos naturales de importancia cultural en Wirikuta.; 1 ed. CDI San Luis Potosí 2015; Fernando Olvera G. et. al.
This paper interrogates the interrelationship between witchcraft, spiritual worldviews and environmental management. Drawing on diverse literatures from anthropology, conservation science and geography, this paper explores how witchcraft... more
Na fronteira do Brasil com a Guiana e a Venezuela, ergue-se na paisagem o Monte Roraima, uma das formações geológicas mais antigas do mundo, associado a valores culturais ancestrais para os povos indígenas. No Brasil, essa região é... more
A new species of ground beetles (Coleoptea: Carabidae) belonging to the subgenus Aphaonus Reitter, 1887 (genus Pterostichus Bonelli, 1810) is described, based on two specimens collected from the sacred grove of Khevsha (Eastern Georgia).
General introduction This book sheds light on how ancient philosophies and practices related to sacred natural sites are relevant to conventional protected areas and conservation in Asia today. In doing so it contributes to the field of... more
Sacred sites are of conservation value because of their spiritual meaning, as cultural heritage and as remnants of near-natural biotopes in landscapes strongly transformed by man. The vegetation of sacred sites in Morocco was studied... more
Resumo Expandido de palestra ministrada no X Simpósio Nordestino de Etnobiologia e Etnoecologia (X SBEE), realizado em João Pessoa/PB de 22 a 26 de abril de 2019, promovido pela Universidade Federal da Paraíba (UFPB). Pubicado no Anais de... more
Recognition on the multiple values of nature has been increasing in the recent decades in global forums on strategies for environmental conservation– including those considered as cultural. The so-called sacred natural sites, recognized... more