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[EN] Nobiles pauperes: The Clientele of the Congregation of the Mission Hospital in Eighteenth-Century Vilnius In 1695, Jan Teofil Plater and his wife Aleksandra founded a hospital for six impoverished nobles in Vilnius. Situated near... more
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      Eighteenth Century HistoryHistory of HospitalsPoverty and Poor ReliefEarly Modern Nobility
The book studies the Battle of Grunwald (Tannenberg), 1410 as a fact of collective conscience, i.e. how it lives in Belarusian historical thought and social memory in a wider sense. The author tries to reveal the circumstances in which... more
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      Cultural MemoryHistory of BelarusThe Politics of History and MemoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Опубликовано судебное решение архиепископа и митрополита Киевского и всея Руси Иосифа II Солтана за 1510 г. - единственное известное письменное решение духовного суда православной церкви в Великом Княжестве Литовском за период до конца... more
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      Diplomatic StudiesWritten CultureHistory of BelarusHistory of the Orthodox Church In Belarus
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      Eastern European StudiesEastern EuropeMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
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      Teutonic KnightsMedieval DiplomacyGrand Duchy of LithuaniaKingdom of Poland
В центре внимания – личность книгописца Матфея Ивановича Десятого. В 1507 г. в Супрасльском монастыре он завершил работу, начатую в Вильне в 1502 г., по созданию Библейского сборника. Высказывается мнение, что именно с этой личностью... more
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      History of the BookCodicology of medieval manuscriptsHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
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      Print Culture, Book History and the History of ReadingHistory of Books, Printing, and PublishingHistory of BelarusHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Бераставы, Г. А. Гаспадар і Полацк : вялікі князь у свядомасці палачанаў другой паловы XV – пачатку XVI стст. / Г. А. Бераставы // Традиции университета : от Франциска Скорины до современности : сб. материалов междунар. науч. конф.,... more
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      DocumentationLegal HistoryDiplomatics (Medieval)Grand Duchy of Lithuania
“On the Tracks of a Struggle with a Historical Myth”, this paper examines the background of writing and discussing the “Following the Tracks of a Myth” – one of the most known and criticized books of Mikola Jermalovič (1921-2000) that was... more
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      History of BelarusHistory of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaBelarusian Historiography
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      Belarusian HistoryHistory of Catholic ChurchHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.History of Towns
A critical analysis of the reliability of the first written mention of Kachubeev in the work of the Polish chronicler Jan Dlugosz «History of Poland».
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      History and archeology of the Golden HordeHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The publication reveals the renewal of cartographic knowledge that took place in Europe in the 15th-16th century, the formation of its own cartography of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania. The album allows seeing the development of Minsk for... more
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      History of the Cityhistory of architecture, history of science and technology, politics of historic preservation, ethnicity and nationalism in Central and Eastern Europe, history , memory, and the built environmentCultural Geography, History of CartographyHistory of Belarus
Святар Фёдар і яго ікона Багародзіцы. Новыя звесткі аб паходжанні Мінскага абраза Божай Маці? Дырэктар Цэнтральнай навуковай бібліятэкі імя Якуба Коласа Нацыянальнай акадэміі навук Беларусі, доктар гістарычных навук, дацэнт. Нарадзіўся ў... more
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      Orality-Literacy StudiesHistory of the Orthodox ChurchHistory of BelarusHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The article is represented genesis of the coinage on the lands of the Lithuanian-Horde borderlands. Juchi coin system which had been fixed on the territories of Lower Dnieper region, gave impulse to the restoration for local coinage both... more
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      NumismaticsMetrology, Weights and MeasuresMedieval CoinageMoney Market
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      Historical SourcesHistory of BelarusHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The activity of representatives of the elites of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania, which sought equality with the Crowners, but also the defense of their prerogatives was present from the first days after the signing of the Lublin Union.... more
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      History of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthLithuanian HistoryHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealthhistory of Great Duchy of Lithuania (XIV-XV)
The article discusses the problem of localization of the Smolensk and Starodub sejmiks-in-exile of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania (GDL) in the period 1667–1794. Based not only on the Constitutions of the Seimas of the Polish-Lithuanian... more
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      History of Political and Parliamentary InstitutionsHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.History of VilniusHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
В книге исследуется хронология правления князей в Полоцке во второй половине XIII в., а также рассмотрены предыстория появления и генезис древнейшего сохранившегося документального наследия Полоцка. На основании первоисточников показан... more
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval StudiesBelarusian StudiesNobility
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      NumismaticaВялікае Княства ЛітоўскаенумизматикаВеликое княжество Литовское
In the complicated process of state-building of Lithuania in the 13th century, as the unification of the Baltic lands by Mindaugas took place, the names of three Lithuanian dukes, Tučius (Dučius), Milgerinas and Gineika, who went to... more
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      History of LivoniaHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Бераставы, Г. А. З гісторыі новагародскіх баяраў другой паловы XV – першай паловы XVI ст. (у кантэксце дакументаў аб баярскім родзе Белікавічаў) / Г. А. Бераставы // Архіварыус : зб. навук. паведамленняў і артыкулаў / Дэпартамент па... more
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      Diplomatics (Medieval)Medieval NobilityHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuaniahistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania (XIV-XV)
The feudal prince's status in the lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania in the second half of the XIV - XV c. according to numismatic sources.
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      NumismaticsHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
W stosunku do tego miasta mam niewytłumaczalne poczucie miłości i zainteresowania. W tym mieście po Akademii Rolniczej zacząłem pracę jako młody fachowiec. A miasto to ma długą historię, położone jest w bardzo pięknym miejscu, a jego... more
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      history of PolandPolskaKresyBiałoruś
Мета дослідження – аналіз державно-правових процесів, які вплинули на організаційний розвиток Православної Церкви у Великому князівстві Литовському, Руському, Жемайтійському та Короні королівства Польського і як наслідок – на... more
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      Russian Orthodox ChurchOrthodox ChurchOrthodox Church HistoryGrand Duchy of Lithuania
The article offers a glance at the personality of Duke Boguslavas Radvila, the Master of the Stables of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania and the Governor of the Duchy of Prussia, through the entries in his personal diary (1661–1666). The... more
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      History of the ReformationHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of CalvinismRadziwiłł
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      Medieval ProsopographyMedieval European GenealogyMedieval ChanceriesHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
New works by Russian historian on the Grand Duchy of Lithuania show the growth of interest in this topic in the contemporary Russia. During the Soviet period the research was concentrated around the issues of the duchy’s beginnings and... more
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      Russian historiographyHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.History of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
In January 1626 the Great Lithuanian Marshal, Jan Stanisław Sapieha, who was left behind by his father Lew in Livonia, was defeated by the Swedish army in Walmojza. News of the defeat quickly reached Warsaw, where the sessions of... more
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      History of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthGrand Duchy of LithuaniaHistory of Grand Duchy of Lithuania In the XVI-XVIII C.
The objective of the article is changes of the dynastic patrimonial consciousness and its expression in the foreign and domestic policy in the 15th and the early 16th centuries.
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      Medieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
The article presents an analysis of court procedures against witches in Lithuania. The author explains which courts handled such cases and which legal acts regulated the course of these procedures. The witchcraft court procedure in... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval StudiesCourts
The article presents an analysis of court procedures against witches in Lithuania. The author explains which courts handled such cases and which legal acts regulated the course of these procedures. The witchcraft court procedure in... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Studies
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      History of CuisineHistory of FoodHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
Rev.: POSTMA, Ferenc. Studenci z Rzeczypospolitej we fryzyjskim uniwersytecie we Franeker (Spis nazwisk i bibliografia), tł. Wojciech Rynduch-Walecki, Kraków: Wydawnictwo Collegium Columbinum, 2014, ss. 195 About schoraly peregrinations... more
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      History of The NetherlandsHistory of the ReformationHistory of Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
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      MusicMusic HistoryMusicologyИстория Беларуси
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      NobilityHouseholdHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
"Ефимки с признаками", Полоцк, Беларусь, денежное обращение, война 1654-1667 гг., "талеры печатные"
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      NumismaticsBelarusian HistoryEconomic and Social HistoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
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      Social HistorySocial History of MedicineHistory of PovertyHistory of Poor Relief
The Law of succession concerning Moldavian women in the 14th-17th centuries: A Comparative study
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      History of MoldovaWomens HistoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania
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      Battlefield ArchaeologyLithuanian HistoryHistory of the Grand Duchy of LithuaniaThe Battle of Grunwald/Tannenberg