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      Scandinavian historyFinnish HistoryGerman Hanse , late medieval economic history, value-money-price in historyHistory of Roads
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      Historical GeographyAdministrative HistoryHistorical SourcesNovgorod the Great
In transnational history of traffi c, transport, and mobility, historians have been arguing for studying organizations as "transnational system builders" in the establishment and modifi cation of transnational infrastructure. Emphasis has... more
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      Cultural HistoryVisualizationMuseum StudiesMaterial Culture Studies
History of Travel Routes Between Baltimore and Cumberland
Covering the Period 1745 through 1823
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      History of RoadsHistory of Old Roads
Report, Commissioned by the municipality of Bladel, about the hardening of medieval country roads in the countryside of the province of Noord-Brabant (the Netherlands), in particular in and around the village of Netersel (1000... more
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      Cultural Historical GeographyHistory of RoadsNoord-Brabant
"[ES]: Se revisa la información disponible sobre los itinerarios de época romana a través de la Cordillera Cantábrica entre las actuales provincias de Asturias y León. El objetivo es cuestionar estos datos a la luz de recientes... more
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      HistoryAncient HistoryArchaeologyClassical Archaeology
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      Medieval HistoryMedieval roadsHistory of Roads
Historia de las vías de comunicación entre Pamplona y Logroño.
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      Roman roadsHistoriaCamino de SantiagoCaminos
The article looks into the ways certain mobile groups like the banjaras, gosains, fakirs and sanyasis were 'criminalised' by the colonial state between the periods of the 1760s and 1850s. Historiographically, the article argues for... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of RoadsMobility and Transport HistoryColonialism and Imperialism
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      Historical GeographyMedieval HistoryNovgorod the GreatMedieval Russia
De loop van veel Nederlandse wegen dateert van eeuwen geleden. De oudste routes zijn zelfs al in de steentijd ontstaan. Veel historische wegen hebben hun sporen in het landschap achtergelaten. Deze gids biedt een kort overzicht van onze... more
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      HistoryGeographyHistorical GeographyCultural Heritage
El artículo resalta la importancia de los Itinerarios o Repertorios de Villuga y Meneses como fuente básica en la conformación del mapa de España en el siglo XVI y adelanta la fecha de edición del Repertorio de Meneses. The article... more
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      History of CartographyHistoria De La CartografíaHistory of RoadsCaminería Histórica
The land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century passed the process of formation and represented a multi-level network. There are roads of the state, regional, and local significance.... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistorical Geography, Historical Cartography, Environmental HistoryHistory of RoadsHistory of Ukraine
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      Andean ArchaeologyAndean RegionAndean Prehistory (Archaeology)Inca Archaeology
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      Historical GeographyHistorical toponomyHistory of Roads
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      Roman roadsVia EgnatiaArchaeology of RoadsRoman Architecture
We present the analysis of archaeological evidence and ethnohistorical texts of the area of the high plateau of Chinchaycocha, from which we propose a reconstruction of the landscape controlled by the Incas. It is also proposed, that the... more
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      AnthropologyAndean ArchaeologyAnthropology of PilgrimagePilgrimage
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      Atlantic WorldTradeMexicoMéxico
Vlaanderen ligt bezaaid met wegen (1), die dan ook behoren tot onze onmiddellijke leefomgeving: we maken er dagelijks gebruik van om ons te verplaatsen of om ons te oriënteren (2). Voor de meeste mensen hebben ze dus in de eerste plaats... more
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      Historical GeographyCultural HeritageLandscape ArchaeologyCultural Heritage Conservation
"Archaeogeography of roads networks in Southern Vendée : a multiscalar and diachronic reading of the road landscape Cet article présente les résultats d’une thèse d’archéogéographie portant, entre autres, sur les réseaux routiers dans... more
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      Landscape ArchaeologyRoman roadsArchaeology of RoadsAncient Roads
Célèbre pour ses "bouchons", tant gastronomiques que routiers, Lyon fait partie de ces villes dont la traversée par des routes nationales constitue un fort enjeu d'aménagement urbain, avec des jeux d'acteurs politiques d'une redoutable... more
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      Road Pavement Engineering and DesignTraffic ManagementHistory of RoadsHistoric roads
The historical study of routes has long remained confined to the great Roman roads, to the modern royal roads and to the medieval pilgrimage routes. For fifteen years the French school of Archaeogeography has deeply revisited this... more
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      Landscape HistoryRoman roadsArcheogeographyArchéogeographie
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      Roman roadsMedieval roadsHodological HistoryHistory of Roads
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      Cultural HistoryUrban PlanningHistory of PlanningHistory of Roads
""Résumé : Cette contribution vise à présenter des considérations préliminaires sur les espaces au moins partiellement dédiés à la circulation des personnes, à différentes échelles, dans le cadre chrono-culturel du Bronze final et du... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoric ArchaeologyMediterranean prehistorySettlement Patterns
The historical study of routes has long remained confined to the great Roman roads, to the modern royal roads and to the medieval pilgrimage routes. For fifteen years, the French school of Archaeogeography has revisited this research... more
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      Computer ScienceMedieval HistoryLandscape ArchaeologyLandscape History
Esta ponencia fue presentada el 22 de junio de 2016 en la Academia de Artillería de Segovia en el marco de la sesión de Historia Moderna del III Congreso Internacional de la Asociación Española de Historia Militar (ASEHISMI): Las... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyMilitary HistoryHistory of TechnologyHistory of civil engineering
Before 1539, highway improvement in England and Wales (other than the clearance of illegal obstructions) was achieved only by crown licence following a satisfactory inquisition ad quod damnum. Magna Carta chapter 39 recorded that ‘that no... more
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      Legal HistoryEuropean Legal HistoryEminent DomainHistory of Roads
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      Historical GeographyCartographyHydrology/HydrographyLate Antique and Byzantine Studies
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      Historical GeographyMobility/MobilitiesTransport HistoryLandscape Architecture
В статье анализируется шведское влияние Почтовой дороги Великого княжества Финляндского Российской империи, которое особенно заметно проявлялось в первой половине XIX столетия. Кратко рассматривается история Почтовой... more
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      Aland IslandsHistory of RoadsHistory of FinlandÅland Islands
Med utgangspunkt i overingeniør Thor Larsens plannotat for "Omlegging av Sørlandske hovedvei - parsellen forbi Larvik", diskuterer artikkelen etableringen av en veisak som kom til å versere med ulik takt og intensitet i Larvik i vel 30... more
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      Cultural LandscapesLandscapeEnvironmental Humanitiesscience and technology studies (STS)
En 1958 est inauguré le pont de la Guillotière reconstruit, après une centaine d'années de débats sur la pertinence et le financement de cette reconstruction entre l'État gestionnaire de cette infrastructure et des Lyonnais (municipalité... more
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      Urban HistoryUrban StudiesUrban GovernanceHistory of Roads
L’intérêt d’évoquer la figure du cartographe saxon Adam Friedrich Zürner (1679-1742) réside dans le fait qu’il incarne un modèle d’ingénieur très différent de celui qu’on trouve plus à l’ouest, dans l’Europe de la même époque. Par... more
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      Postal HistoryHistory of CartographyHistory of civil engineeringHistory of Communication
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      Urban HistoryBrusselsHistory of Roads
Рассматриваются основные финские сухопутные дороги, построен- ные в период между IX в. и 1556 г., в контексте формирования границы между Западом и Востоком. На основе рапорта Якоба Теита (секре- таря шведского короля Густава Васа),... more
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      Medieval HistoryNovgorod the GreatHistory of SwedenHistory of Russia
II Coloquio Internacional de Avances de Investigación: "Realidades, estrategias y mecanismos socioeconómicos. Historias conectadas en perspectiva histórica". Universidad de Málaga, 22 de Noviembre de 2018. Dentro del mismo fue presentada... more
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      Military HistoryUrban PlanningEnlightenmentHistory of civil engineering
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      ModernityMaterial CultureHistory of architecturePublic works
Introduction to the April 2015 co-edited (with Jameson Wetmore) special issue of Technology and Culture on the international history of road safety. The issue explores the ways in which road use and road safety have changed since the... more
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      History of Science and TechnologyHistory of TechnologyRoad safety, Traffic engineering , Transportation engineeringTransportation Safety
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      Portuguese HistoryHistory of RoadsHistory of Portugal
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    • History of Roads