C'est l'une des régions ukrainiennes disputées aux troupes russes depuis février 2022. Le territo... more C'est l'une des régions ukrainiennes disputées aux troupes russes depuis février 2022. Le territoire de Sloboda, autour de Kharkiv, qui se constitue aux marges des empires aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, a longtemps cultivé son indépendance.
У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комуні... more У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. У результаті наукової розвідки було розглянуто, як рельєфні й кліматичні особливості та річкова мережа сприяли становленню мережі сполучення у Слобожанщині. У статті зроблено акцент на зв'язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій із становленням мережі мостів та переправ у регіоні в XVIII ст. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме, опираючись на архівні дані, було показано труднощі будівництва та ремонту мостових переправ. Ключові слова: суходільні дорожні комунікації, Слобідська Україна, мостові переправи, будівництво мостів.
The value importance of bridges and dams in the formation of the land roads system in the territo... more The value importance of bridges and dams in the formation of the land roads system in the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII century was highlighted. The meaning of retrospection mapping method in the study of problems, namely new possibilities of modern GIS was emphasized. The article focuses on the relationship of transport communications and establishment of bridges. The evolution of establishment of the system of bridges in the territory of Slobozhanshchina in the XVIII century was followed by the author. It was indicated that the temporary bridges and the fords across the rivers were typical of the first half of the XVIII century. First bridges built by fascine method appeared in the second of half of the XVIII century. The particular meaning of the watermills in formation of the system the bridges in Slobozhanshchina was accentuated. Therefore the dams often were the bridges crossing. It was shown the main features of the construction of bridges on the roads of the stat...
У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комуні... more У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. У результаті наукової розвідки було розглянуто, як рельєфні й кліматичні особливості та річкова мережа сприяли становленню мережі сполучення у Слобожанщині. У статті зроблено акцент на зв’язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій із становленням мережі мостів та переправ у регіоні в XVIII ст. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме, опираючись на архівні дані, було показано труднощі будівництва та ремонту мостових переправ.
The value of bridges and dams in the formation of the system land roads in the territory of Slobo... more The value of bridges and dams in the formation of the system land roads in the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII century was highlighted. The meaning of retrospection mapping method in the study of issues that states new possibilities of modern GIS was emphasized. The article focuses on the relationship between transport communications and the establishment of bridges. At the same time was to show the main
features of the construction of bridges on the roads of the state, areas and country values. The system for maintenance and operation of bridges was described. Namely, based on the archival documents retention has been shown dependence on exploitation and vice versa. The attention on the fact their construction and maintenance performed by the peasants because it was one of his duties.
Висвітлено значення мостів та гребель у формуванні суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. Наголошено на значенні методу картографічної ретроспекції при дослідженні проблематики, а саме зазначено нові можливості сучасних геоінформаційних технологій. У статті зроблено акцент на зв'язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій та становлення мостів. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме опираючись на архівні дані було показано залежність утримання від експлуатації і навпаки. Акцентовано увагу, що їхнє будівництво та утримання виконувало селянство, як одну із його повинностей.
In the article, on the basis of cartographic materials, there was presented the evolution of the ... more In the article, on the basis of cartographic materials, there was presented the evolution of the land communication routes in Sloboda Ukraine in the 18th century. The peculiarities of the postal service were analyzed. The rules of support to the travelers at the postal stations
were established. In the article, there was presented the system of issuing and using of travel documents (a waybill and a ticket).
В статье, опираясь на картографические материалы, раскрыта эволюция сухопутных коммуникаций в Слободской Украине у XVIII в. Установлены особенности формирования почтовой службы. Определен порядок обслуживания путешественников на почтовых станциях. Показана система выдачи и использования подорожных
документов (подорожная грамота и билет).
The land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX c... more The land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century passed the process of formation and represented a multi-level network. There are roads of the state, regional, and local significance. The relevance of the topic is the need to reveal the historical aspect of the formation of a network of communication on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine, which was formed in the XVIII – early XIX century.
It was revealed that the network of land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century was formed by a settled population – Ukrainian migrants. In addition, during the specified period in the territory of Slobozhanshchyna were functioning the steppes roads – Muravsky way, Izium, and Kalmiuska saksms, which were later adapted to the network of roads of the settled population. The location of these roads depended on many factors. These were the natural-geographical peculiarities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Slobozhanshchyna influenced by the formation of land routes of both settled population and nomads. These were (such mostly) plain relief (there are hills, ravines, and beams) and river systems of the region, etc. Furthermore, the factors such as the location of settlements, the administrative-territorial division of the region, the economic activity of the settlers, as well as trade, contributed to the final formation of the road network in the region. It should be noted that the Tartar ways and sakmas contributed to the creation of land-based ties between the major cities of Slobozhanshchyna from south to north and were great significance for the chumatstva.
The author defined that the process of formation of a land-based road network of Sloboda Ukraine is completed in the second half of the XVIII century. There was a multi-level system of communication, namely roads of the federal, provincial, and local significance. This is evidenced by the analysis of cartographic materials of the late XVIII century. In addition to that, bridges and bridge crossings functioned. The fashin was the main method of laying roads and bridges in Slobozhanshchyna, which foresees the use of wood with soil or sand. This method was distributed throughout the Russian Empire, although there were attempts to build stone roads. Instead, in the countries of Western Europe in XVIII century, the systemic development of road communications began and was associated with the advent of the first technology of the construction of a road cloth with the help of a stone. Progressive methods of laying roads were proposed at that time in France and England. There were methods of hand-packed stone and MacAdam’s method. There were special institutions for road construction in the first half of the XVIII century. At that time, special state institutions that took care of road communications began to function in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. The local population was obliged to do the maintenance and repair roads, which didn’t contribute to the development of new technologies in laying the roadway in the Russian Empire and in Sloboda Ukraine in particular.
The author disclosed the specifics of the maintenance and repair of land-based road communications in Slobozhanshchyna. According to the archival materials of the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century the first measures for the construction of roads on the territory of Slobozhanshchina were carried out by local authorities. Building and repair of bridges were the main measures to improve the operation of communication ways. The construction of new bridges was carried out in the cities of the region. The numerous reports of the late XVIII – early XIX century informed that there were mainly repairing old bridges and arranging crossings across the rivers. It was because it required less financial costs than building new ones. Fashine ways and wooden bridges had a relatively short lifetime, so they needed constant repairs. It should be noted that the first stone bridge was recommended to be built in Kharkiv at the end of the XVIII century.
According to the orders of the second half of the XVIII – beginning of the XIX century the main measures for the organization of traffic were installing vesrt pillars and barriers at roads crossing. The verst pillars were arranged on the side of the roads at a distance of 1 km 65 m from each other and stained in black and yellow colors. The system of barriers at the road crossings, which was introduced at the beginning of the XVIII century didn’t justify itself and was abolished at the end of the XVIII century.
The specificity of the use of roads in Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century was characterized in the thesis. The land-based road communications on the territory of Slobozhanshchyna performed economic, postal, and trade functions. There were the postal ways which were the main roads where the passenger traffic was taking place. The servicing of travelers was carried out at postal stations, or courtyards. Also, at that time, travel documents were introduced. The network of roads provided for the needs of fair trade as local as international. This fact contributed to the growth of Kharkiv as the center of international trade. Also, local land-based roads and crossings served to meet the economic needs: connected the settlements and fields, transportation of hay, crops, firewood, etc.
It was concluded that the network of land-road communication in the XVIII – early XIX century in Sloboda Ukraine was formed under the influence of many factors. And although the methods of building a roadway were not scientifically sound, during this time a multi-level network of roads was formed, which facilitated the satisfaction of the then needs of the settled population. Besides that, the network of roads which was formed at that time became the basis of modern transport communications of Slobozhanshchyna.
У книзі на основі залучення широкої джерельної бази та сучасних методологічних засад розкрито процес становлення суходільних
дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII – на
початку ХІХ ст. У монографії описані комунікації, які являли собою
багаторівневу мережу, до якої входили дороги державного, регіонального та місцевого значення, де основним методом будівництва доріг та
мостів був фашинний. Розкрито специфіку утримання та ремонту доріг
і мостів на теренах Слобожанщини. Описано основні заходи з організації дорожнього руху: встановлення верстових стовпів та шлагбаумів.
Схарактеризовано специфіку використання доріг у Слобідській
Україні у XVIII – на початку ХІХ ст., а саме господарчі, поштові та
торговельні функції.
C'est l'une des régions ukrainiennes disputées aux troupes russes depuis février 2022. Le territo... more C'est l'une des régions ukrainiennes disputées aux troupes russes depuis février 2022. Le territoire de Sloboda, autour de Kharkiv, qui se constitue aux marges des empires aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siècles, a longtemps cultivé son indépendance.
У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комуні... more У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. У результаті наукової розвідки було розглянуто, як рельєфні й кліматичні особливості та річкова мережа сприяли становленню мережі сполучення у Слобожанщині. У статті зроблено акцент на зв'язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій із становленням мережі мостів та переправ у регіоні в XVIII ст. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме, опираючись на архівні дані, було показано труднощі будівництва та ремонту мостових переправ. Ключові слова: суходільні дорожні комунікації, Слобідська Україна, мостові переправи, будівництво мостів.
The value importance of bridges and dams in the formation of the land roads system in the territo... more The value importance of bridges and dams in the formation of the land roads system in the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII century was highlighted. The meaning of retrospection mapping method in the study of problems, namely new possibilities of modern GIS was emphasized. The article focuses on the relationship of transport communications and establishment of bridges. The evolution of establishment of the system of bridges in the territory of Slobozhanshchina in the XVIII century was followed by the author. It was indicated that the temporary bridges and the fords across the rivers were typical of the first half of the XVIII century. First bridges built by fascine method appeared in the second of half of the XVIII century. The particular meaning of the watermills in formation of the system the bridges in Slobozhanshchina was accentuated. Therefore the dams often were the bridges crossing. It was shown the main features of the construction of bridges on the roads of the stat...
У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комуні... more У статті досліджується вплив природно-географічних умов на формування суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. У результаті наукової розвідки було розглянуто, як рельєфні й кліматичні особливості та річкова мережа сприяли становленню мережі сполучення у Слобожанщині. У статті зроблено акцент на зв’язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій із становленням мережі мостів та переправ у регіоні в XVIII ст. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме, опираючись на архівні дані, було показано труднощі будівництва та ремонту мостових переправ.
The value of bridges and dams in the formation of the system land roads in the territory of Slobo... more The value of bridges and dams in the formation of the system land roads in the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII century was highlighted. The meaning of retrospection mapping method in the study of issues that states new possibilities of modern GIS was emphasized. The article focuses on the relationship between transport communications and the establishment of bridges. At the same time was to show the main
features of the construction of bridges on the roads of the state, areas and country values. The system for maintenance and operation of bridges was described. Namely, based on the archival documents retention has been shown dependence on exploitation and vice versa. The attention on the fact their construction and maintenance performed by the peasants because it was one of his duties.
Висвітлено значення мостів та гребель у формуванні суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. Наголошено на значенні методу картографічної ретроспекції при дослідженні проблематики, а саме зазначено нові можливості сучасних геоінформаційних технологій. У статті зроблено акцент на зв'язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій та становлення мостів. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме опираючись на архівні дані було показано залежність утримання від експлуатації і навпаки. Акцентовано увагу, що їхнє будівництво та утримання виконувало селянство, як одну із його повинностей.
In the article, on the basis of cartographic materials, there was presented the evolution of the ... more In the article, on the basis of cartographic materials, there was presented the evolution of the land communication routes in Sloboda Ukraine in the 18th century. The peculiarities of the postal service were analyzed. The rules of support to the travelers at the postal stations
were established. In the article, there was presented the system of issuing and using of travel documents (a waybill and a ticket).
В статье, опираясь на картографические материалы, раскрыта эволюция сухопутных коммуникаций в Слободской Украине у XVIII в. Установлены особенности формирования почтовой службы. Определен порядок обслуживания путешественников на почтовых станциях. Показана система выдачи и использования подорожных
документов (подорожная грамота и билет).
The land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX c... more The land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century passed the process of formation and represented a multi-level network. There are roads of the state, regional, and local significance. The relevance of the topic is the need to reveal the historical aspect of the formation of a network of communication on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine, which was formed in the XVIII – early XIX century.
It was revealed that the network of land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century was formed by a settled population – Ukrainian migrants. In addition, during the specified period in the territory of Slobozhanshchyna were functioning the steppes roads – Muravsky way, Izium, and Kalmiuska saksms, which were later adapted to the network of roads of the settled population. The location of these roads depended on many factors. These were the natural-geographical peculiarities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Slobozhanshchyna influenced by the formation of land routes of both settled population and nomads. These were (such mostly) plain relief (there are hills, ravines, and beams) and river systems of the region, etc. Furthermore, the factors such as the location of settlements, the administrative-territorial division of the region, the economic activity of the settlers, as well as trade, contributed to the final formation of the road network in the region. It should be noted that the Tartar ways and sakmas contributed to the creation of land-based ties between the major cities of Slobozhanshchyna from south to north and were great significance for the chumatstva.
The author defined that the process of formation of a land-based road network of Sloboda Ukraine is completed in the second half of the XVIII century. There was a multi-level system of communication, namely roads of the federal, provincial, and local significance. This is evidenced by the analysis of cartographic materials of the late XVIII century. In addition to that, bridges and bridge crossings functioned. The fashin was the main method of laying roads and bridges in Slobozhanshchyna, which foresees the use of wood with soil or sand. This method was distributed throughout the Russian Empire, although there were attempts to build stone roads. Instead, in the countries of Western Europe in XVIII century, the systemic development of road communications began and was associated with the advent of the first technology of the construction of a road cloth with the help of a stone. Progressive methods of laying roads were proposed at that time in France and England. There were methods of hand-packed stone and MacAdam’s method. There were special institutions for road construction in the first half of the XVIII century. At that time, special state institutions that took care of road communications began to function in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. The local population was obliged to do the maintenance and repair roads, which didn’t contribute to the development of new technologies in laying the roadway in the Russian Empire and in Sloboda Ukraine in particular.
The author disclosed the specifics of the maintenance and repair of land-based road communications in Slobozhanshchyna. According to the archival materials of the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century the first measures for the construction of roads on the territory of Slobozhanshchina were carried out by local authorities. Building and repair of bridges were the main measures to improve the operation of communication ways. The construction of new bridges was carried out in the cities of the region. The numerous reports of the late XVIII – early XIX century informed that there were mainly repairing old bridges and arranging crossings across the rivers. It was because it required less financial costs than building new ones. Fashine ways and wooden bridges had a relatively short lifetime, so they needed constant repairs. It should be noted that the first stone bridge was recommended to be built in Kharkiv at the end of the XVIII century.
According to the orders of the second half of the XVIII – beginning of the XIX century the main measures for the organization of traffic were installing vesrt pillars and barriers at roads crossing. The verst pillars were arranged on the side of the roads at a distance of 1 km 65 m from each other and stained in black and yellow colors. The system of barriers at the road crossings, which was introduced at the beginning of the XVIII century didn’t justify itself and was abolished at the end of the XVIII century.
The specificity of the use of roads in Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century was characterized in the thesis. The land-based road communications on the territory of Slobozhanshchyna performed economic, postal, and trade functions. There were the postal ways which were the main roads where the passenger traffic was taking place. The servicing of travelers was carried out at postal stations, or courtyards. Also, at that time, travel documents were introduced. The network of roads provided for the needs of fair trade as local as international. This fact contributed to the growth of Kharkiv as the center of international trade. Also, local land-based roads and crossings served to meet the economic needs: connected the settlements and fields, transportation of hay, crops, firewood, etc.
It was concluded that the network of land-road communication in the XVIII – early XIX century in Sloboda Ukraine was formed under the influence of many factors. And although the methods of building a roadway were not scientifically sound, during this time a multi-level network of roads was formed, which facilitated the satisfaction of the then needs of the settled population. Besides that, the network of roads which was formed at that time became the basis of modern transport communications of Slobozhanshchyna.
У книзі на основі залучення широкої джерельної бази та сучасних методологічних засад розкрито процес становлення суходільних
дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII – на
початку ХІХ ст. У монографії описані комунікації, які являли собою
багаторівневу мережу, до якої входили дороги державного, регіонального та місцевого значення, де основним методом будівництва доріг та
мостів був фашинний. Розкрито специфіку утримання та ремонту доріг
і мостів на теренах Слобожанщини. Описано основні заходи з організації дорожнього руху: встановлення верстових стовпів та шлагбаумів.
Схарактеризовано специфіку використання доріг у Слобідській
Україні у XVIII – на початку ХІХ ст., а саме господарчі, поштові та
торговельні функції.
Papers by Yuliia Koniva
features of the construction of bridges on the roads of the state, areas and country values. The system for maintenance and operation of bridges was described. Namely, based on the archival documents retention has been shown dependence on exploitation and vice versa. The attention on the fact their construction and maintenance performed by the peasants because it was one of his duties.
Висвітлено значення мостів та гребель у формуванні суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. Наголошено на значенні методу картографічної ретроспекції при дослідженні проблематики, а саме зазначено нові можливості сучасних геоінформаційних технологій. У статті зроблено акцент на зв'язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій та становлення мостів. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме опираючись на архівні дані було показано залежність утримання від експлуатації і навпаки. Акцентовано увагу, що їхнє будівництво та утримання виконувало селянство, як одну із його повинностей.
were established. In the article, there was presented the system of issuing and using of travel documents (a waybill and a ticket).
В статье, опираясь на картографические материалы, раскрыта эволюция сухопутных коммуникаций в Слободской Украине у XVIII в. Установлены особенности формирования почтовой службы. Определен порядок обслуживания путешественников на почтовых станциях. Показана система выдачи и использования подорожных
документов (подорожная грамота и билет).
Books by Yuliia Koniva
It was revealed that the network of land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century was formed by a settled population – Ukrainian migrants. In addition, during the specified period in the territory of Slobozhanshchyna were functioning the steppes roads – Muravsky way, Izium, and Kalmiuska saksms, which were later adapted to the network of roads of the settled population. The location of these roads depended on many factors. These were the natural-geographical peculiarities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Slobozhanshchyna influenced by the formation of land routes of both settled population and nomads. These were (such mostly) plain relief (there are hills, ravines, and beams) and river systems of the region, etc. Furthermore, the factors such as the location of settlements, the administrative-territorial division of the region, the economic activity of the settlers, as well as trade, contributed to the final formation of the road network in the region. It should be noted that the Tartar ways and sakmas contributed to the creation of land-based ties between the major cities of Slobozhanshchyna from south to north and were great significance for the chumatstva.
The author defined that the process of formation of a land-based road network of Sloboda Ukraine is completed in the second half of the XVIII century. There was a multi-level system of communication, namely roads of the federal, provincial, and local significance. This is evidenced by the analysis of cartographic materials of the late XVIII century. In addition to that, bridges and bridge crossings functioned. The fashin was the main method of laying roads and bridges in Slobozhanshchyna, which foresees the use of wood with soil or sand. This method was distributed throughout the Russian Empire, although there were attempts to build stone roads. Instead, in the countries of Western Europe in XVIII century, the systemic development of road communications began and was associated with the advent of the first technology of the construction of a road cloth with the help of a stone. Progressive methods of laying roads were proposed at that time in France and England. There were methods of hand-packed stone and MacAdam’s method. There were special institutions for road construction in the first half of the XVIII century. At that time, special state institutions that took care of road communications began to function in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. The local population was obliged to do the maintenance and repair roads, which didn’t contribute to the development of new technologies in laying the roadway in the Russian Empire and in Sloboda Ukraine in particular.
The author disclosed the specifics of the maintenance and repair of land-based road communications in Slobozhanshchyna. According to the archival materials of the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century the first measures for the construction of roads on the territory of Slobozhanshchina were carried out by local authorities. Building and repair of bridges were the main measures to improve the operation of communication ways. The construction of new bridges was carried out in the cities of the region. The numerous reports of the late XVIII – early XIX century informed that there were mainly repairing old bridges and arranging crossings across the rivers. It was because it required less financial costs than building new ones. Fashine ways and wooden bridges had a relatively short lifetime, so they needed constant repairs. It should be noted that the first stone bridge was recommended to be built in Kharkiv at the end of the XVIII century.
According to the orders of the second half of the XVIII – beginning of the XIX century the main measures for the organization of traffic were installing vesrt pillars and barriers at roads crossing. The verst pillars were arranged on the side of the roads at a distance of 1 km 65 m from each other and stained in black and yellow colors. The system of barriers at the road crossings, which was introduced at the beginning of the XVIII century didn’t justify itself and was abolished at the end of the XVIII century.
The specificity of the use of roads in Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century was characterized in the thesis. The land-based road communications on the territory of Slobozhanshchyna performed economic, postal, and trade functions. There were the postal ways which were the main roads where the passenger traffic was taking place. The servicing of travelers was carried out at postal stations, or courtyards. Also, at that time, travel documents were introduced. The network of roads provided for the needs of fair trade as local as international. This fact contributed to the growth of Kharkiv as the center of international trade. Also, local land-based roads and crossings served to meet the economic needs: connected the settlements and fields, transportation of hay, crops, firewood, etc.
It was concluded that the network of land-road communication in the XVIII – early XIX century in Sloboda Ukraine was formed under the influence of many factors. And although the methods of building a roadway were not scientifically sound, during this time a multi-level network of roads was formed, which facilitated the satisfaction of the then needs of the settled population. Besides that, the network of roads which was formed at that time became the basis of modern transport communications of Slobozhanshchyna.
У книзі на основі залучення широкої джерельної бази та сучасних методологічних засад розкрито процес становлення суходільних
дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII – на
початку ХІХ ст. У монографії описані комунікації, які являли собою
багаторівневу мережу, до якої входили дороги державного, регіонального та місцевого значення, де основним методом будівництва доріг та
мостів був фашинний. Розкрито специфіку утримання та ремонту доріг
і мостів на теренах Слобожанщини. Описано основні заходи з організації дорожнього руху: встановлення верстових стовпів та шлагбаумів.
Схарактеризовано специфіку використання доріг у Слобідській
Україні у XVIII – на початку ХІХ ст., а саме господарчі, поштові та
торговельні функції.
features of the construction of bridges on the roads of the state, areas and country values. The system for maintenance and operation of bridges was described. Namely, based on the archival documents retention has been shown dependence on exploitation and vice versa. The attention on the fact their construction and maintenance performed by the peasants because it was one of his duties.
Висвітлено значення мостів та гребель у формуванні суходільних дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII ст. Наголошено на значенні методу картографічної ретроспекції при дослідженні проблематики, а саме зазначено нові можливості сучасних геоінформаційних технологій. У статті зроблено акцент на зв'язок розвитку транспортних комунікацій та становлення мостів. Встановлено особливості мостобудування на дорогах державного, повітового та сільського значення. Окреслено систему утримання та експлуатації мостів. А саме опираючись на архівні дані було показано залежність утримання від експлуатації і навпаки. Акцентовано увагу, що їхнє будівництво та утримання виконувало селянство, як одну із його повинностей.
were established. In the article, there was presented the system of issuing and using of travel documents (a waybill and a ticket).
В статье, опираясь на картографические материалы, раскрыта эволюция сухопутных коммуникаций в Слободской Украине у XVIII в. Установлены особенности формирования почтовой службы. Определен порядок обслуживания путешественников на почтовых станциях. Показана система выдачи и использования подорожных
документов (подорожная грамота и билет).
It was revealed that the network of land-based road communications on the territory of Sloboda Ukraine in the first half of the XVIII century was formed by a settled population – Ukrainian migrants. In addition, during the specified period in the territory of Slobozhanshchyna were functioning the steppes roads – Muravsky way, Izium, and Kalmiuska saksms, which were later adapted to the network of roads of the settled population. The location of these roads depended on many factors. These were the natural-geographical peculiarities of the steppe and forest-steppe zones of Slobozhanshchyna influenced by the formation of land routes of both settled population and nomads. These were (such mostly) plain relief (there are hills, ravines, and beams) and river systems of the region, etc. Furthermore, the factors such as the location of settlements, the administrative-territorial division of the region, the economic activity of the settlers, as well as trade, contributed to the final formation of the road network in the region. It should be noted that the Tartar ways and sakmas contributed to the creation of land-based ties between the major cities of Slobozhanshchyna from south to north and were great significance for the chumatstva.
The author defined that the process of formation of a land-based road network of Sloboda Ukraine is completed in the second half of the XVIII century. There was a multi-level system of communication, namely roads of the federal, provincial, and local significance. This is evidenced by the analysis of cartographic materials of the late XVIII century. In addition to that, bridges and bridge crossings functioned. The fashin was the main method of laying roads and bridges in Slobozhanshchyna, which foresees the use of wood with soil or sand. This method was distributed throughout the Russian Empire, although there were attempts to build stone roads. Instead, in the countries of Western Europe in XVIII century, the systemic development of road communications began and was associated with the advent of the first technology of the construction of a road cloth with the help of a stone. Progressive methods of laying roads were proposed at that time in France and England. There were methods of hand-packed stone and MacAdam’s method. There were special institutions for road construction in the first half of the XVIII century. At that time, special state institutions that took care of road communications began to function in the Russian Empire in the second half of the XVIII century. The local population was obliged to do the maintenance and repair roads, which didn’t contribute to the development of new technologies in laying the roadway in the Russian Empire and in Sloboda Ukraine in particular.
The author disclosed the specifics of the maintenance and repair of land-based road communications in Slobozhanshchyna. According to the archival materials of the second half of the XVIII - the beginning of the XIX century the first measures for the construction of roads on the territory of Slobozhanshchina were carried out by local authorities. Building and repair of bridges were the main measures to improve the operation of communication ways. The construction of new bridges was carried out in the cities of the region. The numerous reports of the late XVIII – early XIX century informed that there were mainly repairing old bridges and arranging crossings across the rivers. It was because it required less financial costs than building new ones. Fashine ways and wooden bridges had a relatively short lifetime, so they needed constant repairs. It should be noted that the first stone bridge was recommended to be built in Kharkiv at the end of the XVIII century.
According to the orders of the second half of the XVIII – beginning of the XIX century the main measures for the organization of traffic were installing vesrt pillars and barriers at roads crossing. The verst pillars were arranged on the side of the roads at a distance of 1 km 65 m from each other and stained in black and yellow colors. The system of barriers at the road crossings, which was introduced at the beginning of the XVIII century didn’t justify itself and was abolished at the end of the XVIII century.
The specificity of the use of roads in Sloboda Ukraine in the XVIII – early XIX century was characterized in the thesis. The land-based road communications on the territory of Slobozhanshchyna performed economic, postal, and trade functions. There were the postal ways which were the main roads where the passenger traffic was taking place. The servicing of travelers was carried out at postal stations, or courtyards. Also, at that time, travel documents were introduced. The network of roads provided for the needs of fair trade as local as international. This fact contributed to the growth of Kharkiv as the center of international trade. Also, local land-based roads and crossings served to meet the economic needs: connected the settlements and fields, transportation of hay, crops, firewood, etc.
It was concluded that the network of land-road communication in the XVIII – early XIX century in Sloboda Ukraine was formed under the influence of many factors. And although the methods of building a roadway were not scientifically sound, during this time a multi-level network of roads was formed, which facilitated the satisfaction of the then needs of the settled population. Besides that, the network of roads which was formed at that time became the basis of modern transport communications of Slobozhanshchyna.
У книзі на основі залучення широкої джерельної бази та сучасних методологічних засад розкрито процес становлення суходільних
дорожніх комунікацій на території Слобідської України у XVIII – на
початку ХІХ ст. У монографії описані комунікації, які являли собою
багаторівневу мережу, до якої входили дороги державного, регіонального та місцевого значення, де основним методом будівництва доріг та
мостів був фашинний. Розкрито специфіку утримання та ремонту доріг
і мостів на теренах Слобожанщини. Описано основні заходи з організації дорожнього руху: встановлення верстових стовпів та шлагбаумів.
Схарактеризовано специфіку використання доріг у Слобідській
Україні у XVIII – на початку ХІХ ст., а саме господарчі, поштові та
торговельні функції.