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      ArchaeologyBronze Age Europe (Archaeology)Russian HistoryScandinavian history
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      Sociology of EducationSociolinguisticsSociology of KnowledgeBilingual Education
The image of Alexandra Kollontai activity wasn’t placed in the magazine „Dalpilen”. The of-fice of the newspaper was definitely conservative, but surprisingly new social groups coming into existence in Sweden became emancipated and... more
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      Newspaper HistoryAlexandra KollontaiHistory of SwedenSlavic Studies in Sweden
A building with a unique history on Riddarholmen, Stockholm
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      Cultural HeritageSocial HistoryHistory of architectureHistory of Sweden
En av samtidens största utmaningar är att ordna boende åt alla Sveriges invånare. Landet ska få hundratusentals nya bostäder under den närmaste tioårsperioden. Debatten om hur det ska gå till blir alltmer laddad. Det planerade... more
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      Urban GeographySocial SciencesHousing in Developing AreasUrban History
Det har ofta sagts att ”kulturarvet är vårt kollektiva minne”, men vilka är egentligen ‘vi’. I det här fallet verkar det snarast vara svenska folket, eller åtminstone det ‘kollektiv’ som svenska staten är satt att företräda och erbjuda... more
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      Cultural HeritageNational IdentityHistory of Sweden
Sweden, rising far above the European continent and brushing the Arctic Circle, is not often discussed as being a major player in Europe in the 18th century; with a population of only 1.15 million in 1700 it was the largest Nordic country... more
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      History of SwedenHistory of Stockholm17th and 18th century European Decorative Arts and Design
Myten om “den gamla goda svensktiden” och dess betydelse för Estland, Aktuellt om Historia, 1, 2016, pp. 53-66.
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      History of EstoniaSwedish HistoryEstonian HistoryHistory of Sweden
The marketplace in Kolari, Northern Finland was used until the 1880s. Located on Kolarinsaari island on the Muonionjoki river in close proximity to the Kolari church, it was a winter meeting place for local farmers and Sámi, as well as... more
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      ArchaeologyHistorical ArchaeologyZooarchaeologyGeoarchaeology
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      Reception StudiesHistoriographyMedievalismBaltic Studies
Coffee plays in important role in the minds of Contemporary Swedes. It is ineed what nutritional anthropologists call a cultural superfood. For the past Three centuries, Swedish authorities have considered in their right and duty to... more
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      EthnographyFood and NutritionFamine StudiesHistory of Sweden
The role of neutrality during the War in the Pacific has been overlooked by World War II scholars and researchers of neutrality alike. The reason for that is somewhat understandable; to the European neutrals, Japan was far, far away. Why... more
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      Japanese StudiesRussian StudiesJapanese HistoryAsia Pacific Region
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      Russian StudiesRussian HistorySwedenHistory of Sweden
"Sametinget welcomes the visit of Ms. Victoria Tauli-Corpuz to Sápmi this August 2015 in her examination of the current status of the Indigenous Rights of the Sami People residing in Sápmi and Sweden. Sápmi is the traditional... more
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      International RelationsDomestic ViolenceHistory Of EugenicsIndigenous Politics
I palatstaken på Riddarholmen berättas via symboliska dekorationer historien om gamla tiders familjevärderingar. Statens fastighetsverks kulturarvsspecialist, Alexandru Babos, tar oss med på en resa där vi möter den kyska Dafne, den... more
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      Cultural HistoryArt HistoryNordic StudiesCultural Heritage
Although there is keen interest in the military history of many conflicts, the Great Northern War (1700–1721) is relatively uncharted in terms of food history, despite its ability to make visible the limits of the possible logistics of... more
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      Military HistoryRussian HistoryGreat Northern WarHistory of Sweden
Under the dominion of young Charles XI, the Kingdom of Sweden had relatively friendly relations with the Habsburgs from 1668. However, the bilateral partnership was not to last long. In the early 70s, the French diplomacy again fully... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of SwedenHistory of Early Modern Diplomacy
FROM: Analecta Romana Instituti Danici, XXVIII (2001)
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryMedieval HistoryMedieval Studies
La presencia de chilenos en el exterior constituye un elemento importante del Chile actual. De ello da cuenta, por ejemplo, la denominación de XIV Región, para referirse a esta realidad. A pesar de esto, no existen publicaciones que... more
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      International RelationsDiasporasHistory of International RelationsScandinavian Studies
El libro que tiene el lector en sus manos es una buena disculpa para que se concilie con la historia de calidad. Un amplio grupo de académicos, con trayectorias profesionales muy variadas, se han unido para homenajear al profesor Javier... more
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      European StudiesInternational RelationsWelfare StateContemporary History
Are Scandinavian monarchs worshipped as state gods, as part of an inherited mystery apotheosis cult? Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark is the supreme authority of the state Church of Denmark (Den Danske Folkekirke.) Supreme... more
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      Comparative ReligionHistory of ReligionSaints' CultsMystery cult
The paper analyses the vernacular Swedish saints of the 13th century. It first gives an overview over the characteristics of those saints before it details on functions and transfer of ideals of sanctity among them. Particular emphasis... more
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      HagiographyMedieval Church HistoryMedieval ScandinaviaChurch History
This is the contents and introduction for my book by Amsterdam University Press: Corporeality and immersion in material environment make people inherently spatial beings and their communities spatially ordered. This book explores urban... more
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      Cultural HistoryEarly Modern HistoryUrban HistoryHistory of the Family
Wallehundar föllja troget sin anförtrodda hjord hela dagen, och med skjällande thess fiender fördrifwa, samt förswara dem för Rofdjur och tjufwar» (Carl Linnaeus, Cynographica Eller Beskrifning Om Hunden, 1756, s. 51).
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      European StudiesEthnographyEthnobiologyEthnozoology
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      Military ArchitectureHistory of EstoniaSwedish HistoryFortifications
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      Military HistoryHistoriographyMilitary RevolutionSweden
Publikacja powstała na podstawie badań Autorki przeprowadzonych wśród społeczności asyryjsko-aramejskiej w Szwecji. Asyryjczycy/Aramejczycy trafili do Skandynawii w późnych latach 60. XX wieku, uciekając z Turcji, Syrii, Iraku i Libanu... more
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      International RelationsPolitical ScienceMiddle Eastern HistorySyriac Studies
Akadeemia 8, 2017, pp. 1427-1499
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      History of EstoniaSwedish HistoryEstonian HistoryHistory of Sweden
This study focuses on the intersection of Hip-hop culture and the Chilean diaspora in Sweden after 1973. Based on a close reading of the lyrics and oral testimonies of Hip-hop artists in both countries, it uses an entangled history... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistory and Memory
In this article, I use the experience of a Czech doctoral student to discuss why religion education in Sweden can be understood as both deeply Lutheran and at the same time neutral and objective. In do- ing this, I look at the present... more
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      EducationTeacher EducationMulti-religious EducationHistory of Sweden
This is the summary volume in English of a work in Swedish: five volumes and c. 2,100 pages, many color photos. Also the Swedish "Det svenska jordbrukets historia" are free downloadable online: the website of Kungl. Agriculture and... more
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      Agrarian HistoryHistory of Sweden
On 16 March 1792 Swedish king Gustav III (1746–1792) was shot at the Stockholm Opera by captain Jacob Johan Anckarström (1762–1792) during a masked ball.2 The projectile hit slightly above the king’s left hip and next to his spine; it was... more
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      French RevolutionEnlightenmentConspiracy TheoriesIntellectual History of Enlightenment
Rev. - Robert I. Frost. The Northern Wars: War, State and Society in Northeastern Europe, 1558 - 1721. Lietuvos istorijos metraštis. 2001 metai, 1, 2002, p. 197-201  (Gintautas Sliesoriūnas)
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthGreat Northern WarHistory of SwedenGrand Duchy of Lithuania
In numerous Russian Chronicles we find under the year 1352 (6860 AM) a curious text entitled “The Testament of the Swedish King Magnus” (Рукописания короля свейского Магнуша). The king in question is Magnus Eriksson, who became king of... more
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      HagiographyRussian Orthodox ChurchNovgorod the GreatHistory of Sweden
The history of the Sparre palace addresses the main stories of the house's existence from construction until today. One of the main stories is about the Sparre family's ambition to build palaces in the capital. The family's construction... more
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      Nordic StudiesCultural HeritageRenaissance StudiesCultural Heritage Conservation
Висвітлюється розвиток правового змісту моделей української державності, обумовлених у договорах Війська Запорозького із східноєвропейськими державами у другій половині XVII — на початку XVIII століття. Визначено теоретичне підґрунтя та... more
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      Ottoman HistorySocial Contract TheoryPolish HistoryLegal History
’Hallandia Landæmærkæ’, kaldet Hallandslisten, blev sandsynligvis til i Valdemar II Sejrs regeringstid (1202-1241) og plausibelt i et dertil oprettet kancelli. Oplistning af grænsens landemærker fra syd mod nord, har været et stort og... more
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesMedieval Scandinavia
Mit der Landung des schwedischen Königs Gustav Adolf (1594–1632) auf der norddeutschen Insel Usedom am 6. Juli 1630 intensivierten sich die publizistischen Bemühungen des (pro)schwedischen Publikationswesens illustrierte Flugblätter... more
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      Military HistoryVisual propagandaMedia StudiesPropaganda
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      History of IdeasEarly Modern HistoryOsteologyScandinavian Archaeology
Because the entries in the internet version of the ‘Den Store Danske Encyklopædi‘ (The Great Danish Encyclopedia. in Danish) seldom can compete with similar articles in Wikipedia, which in minor languages are often of poor quality, I... more
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      Soviet HistoryRussian HistorySoviet Union (History)Sweden
Norr om Stockholm ligger en av stadens ”gröna kilar”, vilken sträcker sig ända från Sigtunaområdet i norr till Järva i söder. Den södra delen av denna kil kallas Järvafältet och har ett idag delvis välbevarat kulturlandskap och stora... more
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      ArchaeologyPrehistoryHistory of SwedenSwedish Archaeology
Państwo dobrobytu, państwo opiekuńcze, welfare state -pojęcia używane często jako zamienniki niezupełnie są synonimami. Pojęcie państwo dobrobytu jest określeniem modelu państwa, które poprzez zapewnianie wysokiego standardu życia... more
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      Welfare StatePolitical ScienceSwedish HistorySweden
Praca omawia sytuację wewnętrzną w Rzeczypospolitej w latach 1587-1589. Wówczas po rozdwojeniu sejmu elekcyjnego i wojnie między Zygmuntem Wazą a Maksymilianem Habsburgiem, tron polski zdobył królewicz szwedzki. Pierwsze lata panowania... more
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      Early Modern HistoryHistory of ElitesHistory of EstoniaHistory of Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth
This paper questions how prevalent Christianity was in Sweden by the time the King of the Swedes officially converted in c. 1008, using mortuary evidence. Burials are used as evidence for practice rather than identity. I summarise and... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ChristianityEarly ChristianityEarly Medieval Archaeology
This paper represents a forensic perspective in the analysis of perimortem injuries, associated to interpersonal violence in events such as executions, homicide, violation to human rights issue and battle (in relation to warfare). Violent... more
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      ArchaeologyForensicsForensic AnthropologyHistorical Archaeology
Adolfas Šapoka, Works. Vol. 3, Lithuania and Poland After the Union of Lublin 1569. Features of Their State Relations The Treaty of Kėdainiai 1655 or Swedes in Lithuania 1655–1656 One of the most talented, productive and famous... more
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      HistoriographyHistory of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthHistory of SwedenEarly modern Sweden
Книга об истории Аландских островов – особого региона, расположенного между финским и шведским берегами. Его принадлежность несколько раз менялась: он являлся частью Шведского королевства, затем – Российской империи, чтобы после Первой... more
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      Cultural HistoryAland IslandsHistory of SwedenHistory of Russia
The significance of the Elementary School Act of 1842 (1842 års folkskolestadga) is one of the fundamental issues in the historiography of Swedish elementary schooling. In this study, I argue that the school act did not merely confirm an... more
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      History of EducationHistory of Sweden
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      Critical TheoryEconomic HistorySociologyEconomic Sociology
Книга «Встречное наступление» является третьей частью масштабного исследования забытой ныне Украинской войны XVI—XVII вв. События, которые прослеживаются в ней, разворачиваются в середине — второй половине XVI в. на огромном пространстве... more
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      Military HistoryEastern European StudiesRussian StudiesMilitary Science