Scandinavian history
Recent papers in Scandinavian history
The overwhelming majority of those accused of witchcraft during the early modern European witch-hunt were women. 80-percent of the accused were female with some regions seeing figures as high as 96 percent. The stereotype of the witch as... more
A paternal lineage associated with Nordic Europeans, the Germanic migrations and the Vikings.
Published in Scandinavian Economic History Review 41, 1993: 82-3. Review of an important study of the economic history Norwegian fisheries - unfortunately never translated into English.
Since the 1990s, an increasing number of inquiries into the history of children's out-of-home care have shown that child welfare sometimes failed to protect children. In this Special Issue, we explore how the Nordic countries have... more
An article published in Skírnir 187 (2013), 161-75.
Per Wirtén har inte föresatt sig att skriva den definitiva biografin över Herbert Tingsten och han tillför heller inget nytt om dennes idévärld. I stället försöker han göra Tingsten till en bundsförvant i kampen för att vitalisera... more
This study is among the first works in English to comprehensively address the Scandinavian First World War experience in the larger international context of the war. It surveys the complex relationship between the belligerent great powers... more
This book examines the experiences and interconnections of the Reformations, principally in Denmark-Norway and Britain and Ireland (but with an eye to the broader Scandinavian landscape as well), and also discusses instances of... more
Although the International Symbol of Access (ISA) has undergone a sustained critique in recent years, its roots in Scandinavian
"Science, Geopolitics and Culture in the Polar Region" is the second of five volumes in the series "The Nordic Experience" – the outcome of an interdisciplinary, multi-year research project at the Centre for Baltic and East European... more
The Viking Era is not covering a broad era, most of the events took place between 800 A.D and 1100 A.D. To make a brief introduction, first we have to know about the etymology of the "Viking" name and who were these violent Vikings?... more
Are Scandinavian monarchs worshipped as state gods, as part of an inherited mystery apotheosis cult? Her Majesty Queen Margrethe II of Denmark is the supreme authority of the state Church of Denmark (Den Danske Folkekirke.) Supreme... more
Biografi (del 1 av 2) over Rasmus Claussøn Rosing (1641-1705), prest og salmediktar som utgav samlinga Den grædende Jeremias og Siungende Salomon (Kbh 1696). Fødd i Brønnøy med bakgrunn i både den lokale eliten og ei påstått adeleg slekt... more
· 289 · Inledning Var och en som försökt sätta sig in i ärkesätet Hamburg-Bremens äldsta rättigheter vet att detta är en osedvanligt komplicerad historia där förfalskningar överlagrar varandra på det mest intrikata sätt, men där samtidigt... more
Riksgrensen mellom Norge og Sverige ble formelt slått fast ved grensetraktaten i 1751. Grensen er Europas eldste uendrede avtalefestede riksgrense – og i tillegg den lengste. Før grensetraktaten ble inngått var det for de fleste deler av... more
in: Das Auswärtige Amt in der NS-Diktatur, eds. Johannes Hürter and Michael Mayer, München: Oldenbourg, 2014 (= Schriftenreihe der Vierteljahrshefte für Zeitgeschichte, 109), 131-150.
Under okkupasjonen vokste det frem et nytt norsk politi etter tysk modell. Politiaspirantskolen på Kongsvinger var selve grunnsteinen i denne omdannelsen. Under rettsoppgjøret ble bare et mindretall av de som gikk på de såkalte... more
Table of contents of the 18th volume (Nordic Historical Review)
Sommaire du n°18 à paraître (Revue d'Histoire nordique)
Sommaire du n°18 à paraître (Revue d'Histoire nordique)
A brief paper on the effects and importance of the Kalmar Union
Den pfalziska ättens sista monark, drottning Ulrika Eleonora, kom till makten under en brytningstid för både land och regent. Under hennes regering 1719-1720 lades grunderna för det frihetstida statsskicket, och drottningens myndighet... more
Genom internaten fostrades för första gången adelns och den framväxande högborgerlighetens barn på samma lärosäten. På så vis skapades en ny överklass.
2022 marks the 150 Jubilee of the first recorded Scandinavian language service in Queensland. It was held on 26 June 1872 in the Lutheran Chapel on Wickham Terrace, Brisbane, by a Norwegian, Christopher Gaustad. To honour the occasion I... more
We find throughout the sagas and other Viking literary sources mentions of Berserkers, “ferocious warriors who were able to fall into a battle frenzy in which they fought without regard for their own safety and reputedly, could not be... more
On the salvage boat Blaavand (built 1876) and the organisation of volunteer salvage operations in Denmark. In the 19th century personal income from salvage operations at Blaavand and Skagen amounted to about as much as could be gained by... more
This is chapter one of the book: Britain, Denmark-Norway and the House of Stuart (2000)
In the eyes of its inhabitants, post-war Sweden was by all accounts a unique country. With its peaceful, evolutionary character, the course of modern Swedish history was certainly very different from the brutal developments on the... more
These pages are from a blog post written for (published 22.11.2020). They present some preliminary remarks on a newly discovered historical source that describes the loss of Danish King John's flagship,... more
Ringborgarna på Öland och romarrikets fall När man utforskar kopplingen mellan romarriket och Skandinavien slås man ofta av den ojämna fördelningen av arkeologiska fynd. På de flesta platser i Sverige är romerska fynd mycket sällsynta... more
“Hero or Traitor? The Cultural Canonisation of Snorri Sturluson in Denmark, Norway, Iceland, and Beyond”, in Marijan Dović and Jón Karl Helgason (eds.), Great Immortality. Studies on European Cultural Sainthood (Boston and Leiden: Brill,... more
Many interpretations have been applied to ship symbolism in Scandinavian mortuary contexts, the most common of which describes the ship as a vessel to transport the dead from one world to the next. However, many of these interpretations... more
A szerző ezúton is szeretné megköszönni Jes Bjarup professzor úr (Stockholmi Egyetem) anyaggyűjtésben nyújtott felbecsülhetetlen értékű segítségét. Köszönetet mond továbbá feleségének és kislányainak a sok türelemért, Édesanyjának a... more
Adam of Bremen was one of the most important chronicles of the eleventh century. He wrote a chronicle Gesta Hamburgensis Ecclesiae Pontificum. This work is full of information. Many of them are about northern Europe, Iceland, Greenland... more