Papers / publications by Kevin Tracy
No interpretation of Aristotle’s “definition” of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithf... more No interpretation of Aristotle’s “definition” of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithful unless it places both the definition and the Greek word in their proper contexts—and it fits plausibly into those contexts. See [3], pp. 105ff.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and as a genus containing all demonstrations.
Contextualizing the Greek word sullogismos requires describing its grammar, its etymology, and its previous uses. Specifically, interpretations should identify sullogismos as a noun derived from the verb sullogizesthai—revealingly rendered ‘syllogize’ in [3]—and meaning the result of the action denoted. Thus, ‘syllogization’, connoting activity, would be more faithful than ‘syllogism’, an English noun devoid of connotation of activity. The ‘-ism’ of our word ‘syllogism’ is not the ‘-ism’ of activity as it is in ‘criticism’, ‘hypnotism’, or ‘plagiarism’.
Moreover, interpretations should note that sullogizesthai combines sul (together) and logizesthai (reckon, compute) and that sullogizesthai had been used in Greek mathematics for “calculate” [2]. Contextualizing sullogismos also requires noting that it had been used by Plato in connection with deducing conclusions in arguments, a sense very close to those found in Aristotle.
Related points are in [1].
[1] JOHN CORCORAN AND THOMAS GEZELLA, Aristotle’s conception of syllogism, this BULLETIN, vol. 16 (2012) 301.
[2] BENEDICT EINARSON, Mathematical terms in Aristotle’s logic, American Journal of Philology, vol. 57 (1936) 34-54 and 151-172.
[3] ROBIN SMITH, Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, Hackett, 1989.
We propose a third logic Aristotle could have
constructed next|using three and four-noun sentence... more We propose a third logic Aristotle could have
constructed next|using three and four-noun sentences with restrictive relative clauses:
`that is an [ : : : ]'.
In 2004 Jonathan Barnes gave Oxford University’s prestigious John Locke Lectures on a
surprising ... more In 2004 Jonathan Barnes gave Oxford University’s prestigious John Locke Lectures on a
surprising topic: ancient logic. Each chapter of [1] is a revised and enlarged version of one
of those six lectures. [1]’s publication was an important event in a broader field: history and
philosophy of logic. Each chapter gives new perspective on some currently relevant aspect
of ancient logic.
The 551-page book is meticulously produced with tasteful font choices, helpful section divisions,
sparing use of logical notation, and surprisingly few printing errors—given extensive
use of Greek and Latin quotations. Although the book is thoroughly grounded in modern
symbolic logic, analytic philosophy, classical philology, and the scholarship on ancient
logic—even readers new to these areas can follow the discussion with understanding, profit,
and pleasure.
In this presentation, we describe [1]’s highpoints for modern logicians and philosophers
of logic. Chapter 1, on ancient theories of truth, at once supports and questions Tarski’s
theory. Chapter 2 treats ancient analyses of the simple proposition. It contrasts the twopart
“subject-predicate” view with the three-part “subject-copula-predicate” view—both
ultimately eclipsed by Peirce’s multi-place-predicate view and Frege’s multi-place-function
view. Chapter 3 discusses connectives: truth-functional, causal, inferential, etc. Chapter 4
concerns logical form. Chapter 5 opens with a lucid description of Aristotle’s truth-andconsequence
theory of demonstration with the syllogistic as underlying logic providing the
deductions; its central concern, however, is the tortured question of whether logic is a science
or an instrument. Chapter 6, the last, considers several topics related to ancient debates
about the nature and proper roles of syllogisms.
[1] Jonathan Barnes, Truth, etc.: Six Lectures on ancient logic, OxfordUniversity Press,
Oxford, 2007.
Aristotle establishes that a [premise-conclusion] argument is invalid—that the conclusion
is not ... more Aristotle establishes that a [premise-conclusion] argument is invalid—that the conclusion
is not implied by the premise set—using a uniform one-one substitution applied to the
whole argument producing a counterargument: anewargument in the same formwitha false
conclusion and all true premises. “Some pleasure is not a good” was shown not to follow from
its converse “Some good is not a pleasure” by substituting “human” and “animal”: “Some
human is not an animal” is false, “Some animal is not a human” true. In Prior Analytics,
a counterargument accompanies every invalidity claim. Aristotle accepts no other way of
judging invalidity. Because his theory of deduction requires “intuitive” judgments of validity,
it is conspicuous that he avoids “intuitive” judgments of invalidity—creating an asymmetry
that foreshadows modern metalogical methodology. However, he was suspiciously silent on
certain glaring cases: “Some polygon is not a square” follows neither from “Every square is a
polygon” nor from certain premise sets implying the latter, e.g., the “minor”, “Every square is
a rectangle”, takenwith the “major”, “Every rectangle isa polygon”. Everycounterargument
for these has coextensive subject and predicate terms in the conclusion—in stark dissonance
with his misleadingly ill-chosen terminology of “major” and “minor” terms. In the onepremise
case, “Some polygon is not a square” is seen to not follow from “Every square is a
polygon” by substituting “quadrangle” and “quadrilateral”. Aristotle’s view that the terms
of a proposition must be distinct only increases the awkwardness of cases that require the
concept of distinct but coextensive terms—a concept he did not treat. This lecture sharpens
discussions in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 14 (2008) pp. 155-156.
Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic. Bull... more SEE PUBLISHED ABSTRACT AND NOTES BELOW 031016
Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2012) 473–4. (Co-authors: John Corcoran and Kevin Tracy)
When we make a statement we have three ways of referring to a string of characters: (1) heteronymously, (2) autonymously, and (3) parautonymously. Consider the number word spelled tee-dubya-oh, the one-word English name of the third natural number.
(1) The one-word English name of the third natural number has a silent letter. (2) Two has a silent letter. (3) The one-word name ‘two’ has a silent letter.
(1) In heteronymous referring the word mentioned does not occur at all. (2) In autonymous referring the string mentioned occurs as a name of itself. (3) In parautonymously referring the word mentioned occurs as a proper part of a name of the string.
The proposition that one of these is logically correct and the others wrong has never even been explained much less proved. Anyway, we do not judge.
This lecture urges that editors of ancient manuscripts respect the author’s choice. Doing otherwise a falsifying a document. This lecture also urges that translators of ancient manuscripts respect the author’s choice. Doing otherwise isn’t exactly falsifying the document but it can be misleading and confusing, especially to historians of syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics. This lecture also urges that commentators of ancient manuscripts discuss the author’s choice and be alert to confusions the author avoids and those the author commits.
►JOHN CORCORAN AND KEVIN TRACY, Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic.
Philosophy, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Classics, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI 54912-0599 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Premises rhymes with nemesis.
The words ‘premises’ and ‘nemeses’ are used autonymously above. A word that denotes itself—that is used to mention itself—in a given statement is used autonymously. Autonymy is the phenomenon of autonymous usage.
The word premises rhymes with the word nemesis.
In the preceding statement, ‘premises’ and ‘nemesis’ are used parautonymously—as they are in this statement. A word denoted in a given statement by an expression containing that word is used parautonymously. Parautonymy is parautonymous usage. Autonymy cannot “iterate”; parautonymy can—at least in “semi-ideographic” contexts.
‘Plato’ begins with pee.
‘ ‘Plato’ ’ begins with a left quotation mark.
Ancient Greek and Medieval Latin writings were usually phonographic—readable aloud. Both languages permitted autonymy and both had phonographic devices for parautonymy. The two-letter Ancient Greek word to—also used for the definite article—marks parautonymy: aristotelês denotes Aristotle, to aristotelês denotes Aristotle’s Greek name, the word aristotelês. In Medieval Latin, which lacks articles, the otherwise meaningless two-letter word li marks parautonymy: aristoteles denotes Aristotle, li aristoteles denotes Aristotle’s Latin name, the word aristoteles.
Autonymy permits ambiguity not present in parautonymy.
Socrates is Greek.
The name Socrates is Greek.
This study—sharpening Corcoran’s discussions in this BULLETIN vol. 12 (2006), pp. 219–40—surveys logic-related autonymy and parautonymy (and use-mention distinctions). We discuss previously ignored questions: whether translations should respect the two distinctions of autonymy versus parautonymy and phonography versus ideography. For example, should autonymy and parautonymy in Greek be rendered respectively as autonymy and parautonymy in English? Should Greek intended phonographically be rendered in English that admits being read phonographically?
BTW, we should look as the passages in modern logics about material and formal supposition to see how the former was indicated, what devices were used.
This is a word I have written several time today. [Here ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type.]
This occurs twice in this sentence type. [Again ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type but then it is used as an adjective.]
This occurs twice in this. [Again ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type but then it is used as a proper name of a sentence. ]
This is separated by six word-occurrences from this. [ Here one occurrence of ‘this’ is used occurrence-autonymously as a proper name for the first four-letter word occurrence in the sentence and then another occurrence is used to denote itself.]
This is separated by six word-tokens from this. [Here ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word token but then it is used as a name of another token.]
Every this begins with a tee and ends with an ess.—Frango Nabrasa.
Drafts by Kevin Tracy
Rini, Adriane. Aristotle’s logic.
The history of phil... more JOHN CORCORAN AND KEVIN TRACY
Rini, Adriane. Aristotle’s logic.
The history of philosophical and formal logic, 29-49.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2017.
“Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay intended to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation... more The syllogistic mnemonic known by its first two words Barbara Celarent introduced a constellation of terminology still used today. This concatenation of nineteen words in four lines of verse made its stunning and almost unprecedented appearance around the beginning of the thirteenth century—before or during the lifetimes of the logicians William of Sherwood and Peter of Spain, both of whom owe it their lasting places of honor in the history of syllogistics.The mnemonic, including the theory or theories it encoded, was prominent if not dominant in syllogistics for the next 700 years until a new paradigm was established in the 1950s by the great polymath Jan Łukasiewicz, a scholar equally at home in philosophy, classics, mathematics, and logic. Perhaps surprisingly, the then-prominent syllogistic mnemonic played no role in the Łukasiewicz work. His 1950 masterpiece does not even mention the mnemonic or its two earliest champions William and Peter.
The syllogistic mnemonic is equally irrelevant to the post-Łukasiewicz paradigm established in the 1970s and 1980s by John Corcoran, Timothy Smiley, Robin Smith, and others. Robin Smith’s comprehensive 1989 treatment of syllogistic does not even quote the mnemonic’s four verses. Smith’s work devotes only 2 pages of its 262 pages to part of the mnemonic and its code. Continuing the post-Łukasiewicz paradigm, the most recent translation of Prior Analytics by Gisela Striker in 2009 does not quote it or even refer to its code.
Full mastery of modern understandings of syllogistic does not require and is not facilitated by ability to decode the mnemonic. Nevertheless, an understanding of the history of logic requires detailed mastery of the syllogistic mnemonic, of the logical theories it spawned, and of the conflicting interpretations of it that have been offered over the years by respected logicians such as De Morgan, Keynes, and Peirce. After presenting useful expository, bibliographic, hermeneutic, historical, and logical background, this paper gives a critical exposition of Smith’s interpretation.
Abstracts by Kevin Tracy
The late Alfred Tarski’s classic masterpiece INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC originated in Polish in 1936 ... more The late Alfred Tarski’s classic masterpiece INTRODUCTION TO LOGIC originated in Polish in 1936 and appeared in German in 1937 and in English in 1941. Its merits were immediately recognized.
Alonzo Church wrote that the chapter On the deductive method “treats the methodology of mathematics, postulate theory, in a way which altogether supersedes more familiar, but less accurate, accounts”. Church concluded: “[…] a work of unusual merit, serves a purpose no other treatise adequately fulfills. It will have a great influence.”
Haskell Curry’s review states: “This book and preceding editions were reviewed in several places. All reviewers, including the present one, are agreed that this is a work of exceptional merit […] a masterpiece of exposition.”
Versions appear in over eleven languages. The fourth edition edited by Alfred’s son Jan contains corrections by Alfred, other revisions due to Jan and others, and supplementary notes by Jan. This presentation analyzes one of Jan’s notes.
In 1941 Alfred presented two “excluded-middles”, one for sentences, one for classes; likewise two “non-contradictions”.
In 1994 Jan noted that the class laws resemble laws of sentential calculus and added that one “can easily verify that the above class-theoretical laws are direct consequences” of the two sentential-calculus laws.
Our investigation leads beyond Jan’s note to a study of the role Alfred attributed to sentential calculus in mathematical proof.
Sometimes we better understand what had been done when we juxtapose what had not yet been done.--... more Sometimes we better understand what had been done when we juxtapose what had not yet been done.--Frango Nabrasa
We always better understand what had been done when we stop pretending that it was more even than what it claimed to be.--Carolina Banks
Consider the following four sentence schemata: distinct English common-noun “terms” replace placeholders.
(Every* No* Some* Not-every) S is a P.
Every instance sentence has two terms: “subject” and “predicate”.
Aristotle made a “first logic” before constructing the familiar “syllogistic” or “second logic” [1]. Syllogistic argument constituents—premises and conclusions—are expressible using such sentences.
We propose a “third logic” Aristotle could have constructed next. Aristotle could have considered three and four-noun sentences with restrictive relative clauses: ‘that is an […]’.
Every S that is an R is an M.
Every R that is an M is a P.
Every R that is an S is a P.
Instances of this “five-term” argument schema cannot be seen to be valid using the second logic. However, they can be seen to be valid using rules Aristotle could accept: expanding his rules of deduction—“conversions” and “perfect syllogisms”—could produce the following deduction schema, using notation from [2], p. 8.
1. Every S that is an R is an M.
2. Every R that is an M is a P.
? Every R that is an S is a P.
3. Every S that is an R is an M that is an R. (1) Restriction Repetition
4. Every M that is an R is a P. (2) Predicate-Restriction Conversion
5. Every S that is an R is a P. (3, 4) Subject-Restriction Barbara
6. Every R that is an S is a P. (5) Subject-Restriction Conversion
This begins a series of lectures treating Aristotle’s third logic.
[1] JOHN CORCORAN, Completeness of an ancient logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 37 (1972), pp. 696–702.
[2] _______, Aristotle's demonstrative logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Barbara, Baroco, and Bocardo.
This is the first of a series of l... more Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Barbara, Baroco, and Bocardo.
This is the first of a series of lecture abstracts about decoding syllogistic mnemonics.
The next four are tentatively titled as follows.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Celarent, Cesare, and Camestres.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Darii, Datisi, and Darapti.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Ferio, Festino, and Felapton.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Bramantip, Camemes, and Dimaris.
John Corcoran and Kevin Tracy. 2017
Interpreting Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos. Bulletin ... more John Corcoran and Kevin Tracy. 2017
Interpreting Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 23, p. 132.
“If you by your rules would measure what with your rules doth not agree, forgetting all your learning, seek ye first what its rules may be.” — Richard Wagner, Die Meistersinger.
No interpretation of Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithful unless it places both the definition and the Greek word in their proper contexts—and it fits plausibly into those contexts.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and as a genus containing all demonstrations.
Aristotle said that every demonstration is a syllogism. It is absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogisms are composed of abstract forms rather concrete propositions. It is just as absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogism that there are only 14 of them, or that there are only 24 of them, or that there are only 256 of them. It is absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogism that they are all made up of four kinds of propositions: A, E, I, O.
eduction: three proof-... more ► JOHN CORCORAN, PIERRE JORAY, AND KEVIN TRACY, Deduction, reduction, and
eduction: three proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics.
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA
Université de Rennes-1, 135042 Rennes, France
Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630-6534 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Mill, De Morgan, Łukasiewicz, and many others discuss Aristotle’s reductions [1] [2]; references [3] and [4] treat Aristotle’s deductions. Even without explicit contrast, the distinction is clear in Aristotle’s work.
Deductions are sentence-sequences constructed using evident rules showing the premise-set implies the conclusion [4]. Aristotle’s took seven rules: three one-premise “conversions” and four two-premise “perfect-syllogism” rules—four “moods” among 256, only 24 of which are consequence-preserving or “valid” [4, p. 83]. Deductions have epistemic force: Every deduction produces knowledge that its conclusion is a consequence of its premise-set.
Reductions are argument-sequences: each successive argument derives from its predecessor by “weakening” the premise-set, by “strengthening” the conclusion, or by “contraposition” [2]. The initial argument, chosen from the 256 two-premise moods or even from multi-premise moods, is “reduced to” the final argument.
Some valid arguments reduce to invalid [2]. However, as Aristotle noticed, invalid arguments reduce only to invalid: reductions ending with valid arguments started with valid arguments, thereby providing marks of validity. Nevertheless, reduction isn’t reasoning: Reduction is a computational process for studying relationships among arguments (29b26). What reductions “show”, if anything, is an open question not addressed by Aristotle.
Besides deductions, Aristotle also considered sentence-sequences we call eductions. These are similar to deductions: deductions require “perfect-syllogism” two-premise rules, but eductions use arbitrary two-premise rules among the 256 moods. The eductions Aristotle constructed use as rules some of the 20 non-perfect two-premise valid moods (29b6–16, 62b38ff, 63a14–18).
[1] MORRIS COHEN AND ERNEST NAGEL, Introduction to Logic, Hackett, 1993.
[2] JOHN CORCORAN, Deduction and reduction: two proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics I, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 48 (1983), p. 906.
[3] JOHN CORCORAN, Completeness of an ancient logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 37 (1972), pp. 696–702.
[4] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle's demonstrative logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
The five-word English sentence (1) can express a true proposition if the word ‘rhombus’ is taken ... more The five-word English sentence (1) can express a true proposition if the word ‘rhombus’ is taken in the broad sense coextensive with “equilateral quadrangle”.
(1) Every square is a rhombus.
Aristotle took a Greek equivalent to express a universal-affirmative categorical proposition: one composed of three parts: predicate, copula, and subject [2]. For emphasis Aristotle used an artificial formula never before used in Greek—rendered into equally artificial “English” below:
(2) Rhombus belongs-to-every square.
Aristotle’s copula “belongs-to-every” is logical (or form-determining); the subject and predicate—which he appropriately called ‘horoi’ (boundaries, limits, extremities)—are non-logical (or content-determining).
After Aristotle such sentences have been “paraphrased” in several ways. Some older logics such as [1, pp. 41f] take such sentences to express “hypothetical” [sic] propositions involving more than three parts and rendered with ‘if-then’ as:
(3) If anything is a square, then it is a rhombus.
Other logics, e.g. [4], construe them as universalized conditionals of various forms as:
(4) For every object x, if x is a square, then x is a rhombus.
(5) For every object x, if x is square, then x is rhombic.
Building on [3], this descriptive, historical, and analytic lecture considers these and other construals, their logical interrelations, claims made about them, and reasons given for the claims. No attempt is made to reconcile conflicting claims or to decide which if any are correct—or even how such a decision could be made objectively.
[1] MORRIS COHEN AND ERNEST NAGEL, Introduction to Logic, second edition, Hackett, 1993.
[2] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle’s Demonstrative Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
[3] JOHN CORCORAN, Meanings of implication, Diálogos, vol. 9 (1973), pp. 59-76.
[4] WILLARD QUINE, Methods of logic, Holt-Rinehart-Winston, 1959.
Teaching Documents by Kevin Tracy
Digital Augustan Rome, 2013
From the Website's Home Page:
Digital Augustan Rome:
See also:... more From the Website's Home Page:
Digital Augustan Rome:
See also: Mapping Augustan Rome, L. Haselberger, D.G. Romano, E.A. Dumser, edds. JRA Supplement 50. Providence 2002 (1st ed) / 2008 (2nd ed).
By: David Gilman Romano
Digital Augustan Rome is a long term mapping project that is prepared to provide a worthy digital successor to the published book and maps of Mapping Augustan Rome that appeared as Supplement 50 in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Series, 2002. The volume was directed by Lothar Haselberger in collaboration with David Gilman Romano and edited by Elisha Dumser. The entries were written by over 12 authors.
Digital Augustan Rome has also been a group effort and I have been ably assisted in this endeavor by Dr. Nicholas L. Stapp and Mark Davison who were also my collaborators on the original map from the 2002 publication. Our intentions were first signaled at the Third Williams Symposium on Classical Architecture held in Rome in May of 2004 where we presented a brief summary of our thoughts and plans on a successor to the Mapping Augustan Rome volume.1 Since the earliest days of the Mapping Augustan Rome project, it has been our intent to produce a digital version of the results and we have been working towards this goal virtually from the outset. The work of this digital project is the direct result of work carried out in the Archaeological Mapping Lab of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The work of the lab (formerly the Corinth Computer Project lab) since 1984 has been devoted to using the most modern methods of digital cartography, remote sensing and GIS in the field of ancient cities, landscapes and sanctuaries in order to study and better understand their composition, organization and planning.
The Digital Augustan Rome project relies totally on the work that has been accomplished for the paper volume and maps and is based on the entries of each of the authors that are listed separately here under Mapping Augustan Rome. Whereas Mapping Augustan Rome has appeared in its 2002 published form and a reprinted edition with corrections in 2009, Digital Augustan Rome is envisaged as a living resource for the study of Augustan Rome, one that will be able to be updated and modified as modern research brings new information about the Augustan city to light. In this way it will serve as a ongoing project with the goal to incorporate new information into the digital map.
The maps of the Mapping Augustan Rome project are two: 1:6,000 scale, a map of the entire city with an area of approximately 20 square kilometers and a 1:3,000 scale that is a map focused on the center of the Augustan city, specifically the forum area and neighboring regions. Digital Augustan Rome is based on the 1:6000 map of the publication that has been scanned and digitally linked with the names of all of the entries.
Digital Augustan Rome has been envisaged as a digital publication in three stages that include the phases of work that need to be accomplished. In addition a fourth stage is anticipated as the ongoing work of the project.
Book Reviews by Kevin Tracy
Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic”[AL] is a 20-page... more DISSECTING RINI’S 'ARISTOTLE'S LOGIC' 010419
Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic”[AL] is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic. We cannot recommend AL to students. It is poorly written and difficult to follow; it is pedagogically inept; it would confuse the students it is meant to instruct. Moreover, it inculcates bad habits of thinking and bad habits of writing. AL could discourage intelligent students from further study of Aristotle’s logic, perhaps from further study of logic in general. We also cannot recommend it to teachers who want a quick and elementary overview of Aristotle’s logic or of the state of contemporary research on Aristotle’s logic. AL’s views of Aristotle’s logic are idiosyncratic, garbled, and inconsistent. Moreover, AL’s views are out of touch with contemporary research.
After proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s ... more DISSECTING RINI’S 'ARISTOTLE'S LOGIC' [PROOF READ]
After proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic” will appear in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. “Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
Acknowledgements: Murtadha AlBahrani, Carolina Banks, James Cargile, Idris Samawi Hamid, Leonard Jacuzzo, Calvin Jongsma, Justin Legault, Hassan Masoud, Joaquin Miller, Frango Nabrasa, Daniel Novotny, Anthony Preus, Michael Scanlan, Layth Yousef, and others.
After editing and proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristot... more DISSECTING 'ARISTOTLE'S LOGIC'
After editing and proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic” will appear in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. “Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
Acknowledgements: Murtadha AlBahrani, Carolina Banks, James Cargile, Idris Samawi Hamid, Leonard Jacuzzo, Calvin Jongsma, Justin Legault, Hassan Masoud, Joaquin Miller, Frango Nabrasa, Daniel Novotny, Anthony Preus, Michael Scanlan, Layth Yousef, and others.
Pierre Joray’s 2017 paper corrects and supplements ... more CORCORAN-TRACY: RECENT RESEARCH ON ECTHESIS
Pierre Joray’s 2017 paper corrects and supplements Robin Smith’s 1983 investigation and reconstruction of ecthesis [exposition], an aspect of Aristotle's logic not treated by the 1972 Corcoran model—the acknowledged “point of departure” of Joray’s work. This essay-review of Joray's paper puts the issues in context and critically evaluates Smith’s contribution and Joray’s supplement.
Aristotle (384–322 BCE), the inventor of syllogistic, is the undisputed founder of logic: the fie... more Aristotle (384–322 BCE), the inventor of syllogistic, is the undisputed founder of logic: the field that, among other things, asks of a given conclusion whether it follows from a given set of premises; and, if it follows, how we determine that it follows; and, if it does not follow, how we determine that it does not follow. We treat recent research on syllogistic's inability to deal with deductions now explained using introduction and elimination rules for universal and existential quantifiers—rules that have a tantalizing resonance with a type of reasoning Aristotle called ecthesis, echthesis, or ekthesis, or even eckthesis, conveniently translated “exposition” by Łukasiewicz. Many modern scholars including the reviewers regard ecthesis as outside the boundaries of what is known as syllogistic. The paper under review correctly reports on page 331 that modern scholars have largely considered ecthesis to be redundant and that most modern accounts of syllogistic exclude it.
Papers / publications by Kevin Tracy
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and as a genus containing all demonstrations.
Contextualizing the Greek word sullogismos requires describing its grammar, its etymology, and its previous uses. Specifically, interpretations should identify sullogismos as a noun derived from the verb sullogizesthai—revealingly rendered ‘syllogize’ in [3]—and meaning the result of the action denoted. Thus, ‘syllogization’, connoting activity, would be more faithful than ‘syllogism’, an English noun devoid of connotation of activity. The ‘-ism’ of our word ‘syllogism’ is not the ‘-ism’ of activity as it is in ‘criticism’, ‘hypnotism’, or ‘plagiarism’.
Moreover, interpretations should note that sullogizesthai combines sul (together) and logizesthai (reckon, compute) and that sullogizesthai had been used in Greek mathematics for “calculate” [2]. Contextualizing sullogismos also requires noting that it had been used by Plato in connection with deducing conclusions in arguments, a sense very close to those found in Aristotle.
Related points are in [1].
[1] JOHN CORCORAN AND THOMAS GEZELLA, Aristotle’s conception of syllogism, this BULLETIN, vol. 16 (2012) 301.
[2] BENEDICT EINARSON, Mathematical terms in Aristotle’s logic, American Journal of Philology, vol. 57 (1936) 34-54 and 151-172.
[3] ROBIN SMITH, Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, Hackett, 1989.
constructed next|using three and four-noun sentences with restrictive relative clauses:
`that is an [ : : : ]'.
surprising topic: ancient logic. Each chapter of [1] is a revised and enlarged version of one
of those six lectures. [1]’s publication was an important event in a broader field: history and
philosophy of logic. Each chapter gives new perspective on some currently relevant aspect
of ancient logic.
The 551-page book is meticulously produced with tasteful font choices, helpful section divisions,
sparing use of logical notation, and surprisingly few printing errors—given extensive
use of Greek and Latin quotations. Although the book is thoroughly grounded in modern
symbolic logic, analytic philosophy, classical philology, and the scholarship on ancient
logic—even readers new to these areas can follow the discussion with understanding, profit,
and pleasure.
In this presentation, we describe [1]’s highpoints for modern logicians and philosophers
of logic. Chapter 1, on ancient theories of truth, at once supports and questions Tarski’s
theory. Chapter 2 treats ancient analyses of the simple proposition. It contrasts the twopart
“subject-predicate” view with the three-part “subject-copula-predicate” view—both
ultimately eclipsed by Peirce’s multi-place-predicate view and Frege’s multi-place-function
view. Chapter 3 discusses connectives: truth-functional, causal, inferential, etc. Chapter 4
concerns logical form. Chapter 5 opens with a lucid description of Aristotle’s truth-andconsequence
theory of demonstration with the syllogistic as underlying logic providing the
deductions; its central concern, however, is the tortured question of whether logic is a science
or an instrument. Chapter 6, the last, considers several topics related to ancient debates
about the nature and proper roles of syllogisms.
[1] Jonathan Barnes, Truth, etc.: Six Lectures on ancient logic, OxfordUniversity Press,
Oxford, 2007.
is not implied by the premise set—using a uniform one-one substitution applied to the
whole argument producing a counterargument: anewargument in the same formwitha false
conclusion and all true premises. “Some pleasure is not a good” was shown not to follow from
its converse “Some good is not a pleasure” by substituting “human” and “animal”: “Some
human is not an animal” is false, “Some animal is not a human” true. In Prior Analytics,
a counterargument accompanies every invalidity claim. Aristotle accepts no other way of
judging invalidity. Because his theory of deduction requires “intuitive” judgments of validity,
it is conspicuous that he avoids “intuitive” judgments of invalidity—creating an asymmetry
that foreshadows modern metalogical methodology. However, he was suspiciously silent on
certain glaring cases: “Some polygon is not a square” follows neither from “Every square is a
polygon” nor from certain premise sets implying the latter, e.g., the “minor”, “Every square is
a rectangle”, takenwith the “major”, “Every rectangle isa polygon”. Everycounterargument
for these has coextensive subject and predicate terms in the conclusion—in stark dissonance
with his misleadingly ill-chosen terminology of “major” and “minor” terms. In the onepremise
case, “Some polygon is not a square” is seen to not follow from “Every square is a
polygon” by substituting “quadrangle” and “quadrilateral”. Aristotle’s view that the terms
of a proposition must be distinct only increases the awkwardness of cases that require the
concept of distinct but coextensive terms—a concept he did not treat. This lecture sharpens
discussions in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 14 (2008) pp. 155-156.
Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2012) 473–4. (Co-authors: John Corcoran and Kevin Tracy)
When we make a statement we have three ways of referring to a string of characters: (1) heteronymously, (2) autonymously, and (3) parautonymously. Consider the number word spelled tee-dubya-oh, the one-word English name of the third natural number.
(1) The one-word English name of the third natural number has a silent letter. (2) Two has a silent letter. (3) The one-word name ‘two’ has a silent letter.
(1) In heteronymous referring the word mentioned does not occur at all. (2) In autonymous referring the string mentioned occurs as a name of itself. (3) In parautonymously referring the word mentioned occurs as a proper part of a name of the string.
The proposition that one of these is logically correct and the others wrong has never even been explained much less proved. Anyway, we do not judge.
This lecture urges that editors of ancient manuscripts respect the author’s choice. Doing otherwise a falsifying a document. This lecture also urges that translators of ancient manuscripts respect the author’s choice. Doing otherwise isn’t exactly falsifying the document but it can be misleading and confusing, especially to historians of syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics. This lecture also urges that commentators of ancient manuscripts discuss the author’s choice and be alert to confusions the author avoids and those the author commits.
►JOHN CORCORAN AND KEVIN TRACY, Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic.
Philosophy, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Classics, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI 54912-0599 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Premises rhymes with nemesis.
The words ‘premises’ and ‘nemeses’ are used autonymously above. A word that denotes itself—that is used to mention itself—in a given statement is used autonymously. Autonymy is the phenomenon of autonymous usage.
The word premises rhymes with the word nemesis.
In the preceding statement, ‘premises’ and ‘nemesis’ are used parautonymously—as they are in this statement. A word denoted in a given statement by an expression containing that word is used parautonymously. Parautonymy is parautonymous usage. Autonymy cannot “iterate”; parautonymy can—at least in “semi-ideographic” contexts.
‘Plato’ begins with pee.
‘ ‘Plato’ ’ begins with a left quotation mark.
Ancient Greek and Medieval Latin writings were usually phonographic—readable aloud. Both languages permitted autonymy and both had phonographic devices for parautonymy. The two-letter Ancient Greek word to—also used for the definite article—marks parautonymy: aristotelês denotes Aristotle, to aristotelês denotes Aristotle’s Greek name, the word aristotelês. In Medieval Latin, which lacks articles, the otherwise meaningless two-letter word li marks parautonymy: aristoteles denotes Aristotle, li aristoteles denotes Aristotle’s Latin name, the word aristoteles.
Autonymy permits ambiguity not present in parautonymy.
Socrates is Greek.
The name Socrates is Greek.
This study—sharpening Corcoran’s discussions in this BULLETIN vol. 12 (2006), pp. 219–40—surveys logic-related autonymy and parautonymy (and use-mention distinctions). We discuss previously ignored questions: whether translations should respect the two distinctions of autonymy versus parautonymy and phonography versus ideography. For example, should autonymy and parautonymy in Greek be rendered respectively as autonymy and parautonymy in English? Should Greek intended phonographically be rendered in English that admits being read phonographically?
BTW, we should look as the passages in modern logics about material and formal supposition to see how the former was indicated, what devices were used.
This is a word I have written several time today. [Here ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type.]
This occurs twice in this sentence type. [Again ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type but then it is used as an adjective.]
This occurs twice in this. [Again ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type but then it is used as a proper name of a sentence. ]
This is separated by six word-occurrences from this. [ Here one occurrence of ‘this’ is used occurrence-autonymously as a proper name for the first four-letter word occurrence in the sentence and then another occurrence is used to denote itself.]
This is separated by six word-tokens from this. [Here ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word token but then it is used as a name of another token.]
Every this begins with a tee and ends with an ess.—Frango Nabrasa.
Drafts by Kevin Tracy
“If you by your rules would measure what with your rules doth not agree, forgetting all your learning, seek ye first what its rules may be.” — Richard Wagner, Die Meistersinger.
No interpretation of Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithful unless it places both the definition and the Greek word in their proper contexts—and it fits plausibly into those contexts.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and that sullogismos Is a genus containing all demonstrations.
2018. Aristotle’s Prototype Rule-based Underlying Logic. Logica Universalis. Vol. 2 (2018) 9-35. Published online 19 April 2018
Rini, Adriane. Aristotle’s logic.
The history of philosophical and formal logic, 29-49.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2017.
“Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay intended to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
The syllogistic mnemonic is equally irrelevant to the post-Łukasiewicz paradigm established in the 1970s and 1980s by John Corcoran, Timothy Smiley, Robin Smith, and others. Robin Smith’s comprehensive 1989 treatment of syllogistic does not even quote the mnemonic’s four verses. Smith’s work devotes only 2 pages of its 262 pages to part of the mnemonic and its code. Continuing the post-Łukasiewicz paradigm, the most recent translation of Prior Analytics by Gisela Striker in 2009 does not quote it or even refer to its code.
Full mastery of modern understandings of syllogistic does not require and is not facilitated by ability to decode the mnemonic. Nevertheless, an understanding of the history of logic requires detailed mastery of the syllogistic mnemonic, of the logical theories it spawned, and of the conflicting interpretations of it that have been offered over the years by respected logicians such as De Morgan, Keynes, and Peirce. After presenting useful expository, bibliographic, hermeneutic, historical, and logical background, this paper gives a critical exposition of Smith’s interpretation.
Abstracts by Kevin Tracy
Alonzo Church wrote that the chapter On the deductive method “treats the methodology of mathematics, postulate theory, in a way which altogether supersedes more familiar, but less accurate, accounts”. Church concluded: “[…] a work of unusual merit, serves a purpose no other treatise adequately fulfills. It will have a great influence.”
Haskell Curry’s review states: “This book and preceding editions were reviewed in several places. All reviewers, including the present one, are agreed that this is a work of exceptional merit […] a masterpiece of exposition.”
Versions appear in over eleven languages. The fourth edition edited by Alfred’s son Jan contains corrections by Alfred, other revisions due to Jan and others, and supplementary notes by Jan. This presentation analyzes one of Jan’s notes.
In 1941 Alfred presented two “excluded-middles”, one for sentences, one for classes; likewise two “non-contradictions”.
In 1994 Jan noted that the class laws resemble laws of sentential calculus and added that one “can easily verify that the above class-theoretical laws are direct consequences” of the two sentential-calculus laws.
Our investigation leads beyond Jan’s note to a study of the role Alfred attributed to sentential calculus in mathematical proof.
We always better understand what had been done when we stop pretending that it was more even than what it claimed to be.--Carolina Banks
Consider the following four sentence schemata: distinct English common-noun “terms” replace placeholders.
(Every* No* Some* Not-every) S is a P.
Every instance sentence has two terms: “subject” and “predicate”.
Aristotle made a “first logic” before constructing the familiar “syllogistic” or “second logic” [1]. Syllogistic argument constituents—premises and conclusions—are expressible using such sentences.
We propose a “third logic” Aristotle could have constructed next. Aristotle could have considered three and four-noun sentences with restrictive relative clauses: ‘that is an […]’.
Every S that is an R is an M.
Every R that is an M is a P.
Every R that is an S is a P.
Instances of this “five-term” argument schema cannot be seen to be valid using the second logic. However, they can be seen to be valid using rules Aristotle could accept: expanding his rules of deduction—“conversions” and “perfect syllogisms”—could produce the following deduction schema, using notation from [2], p. 8.
1. Every S that is an R is an M.
2. Every R that is an M is a P.
? Every R that is an S is a P.
3. Every S that is an R is an M that is an R. (1) Restriction Repetition
4. Every M that is an R is a P. (2) Predicate-Restriction Conversion
5. Every S that is an R is a P. (3, 4) Subject-Restriction Barbara
6. Every R that is an S is a P. (5) Subject-Restriction Conversion
This begins a series of lectures treating Aristotle’s third logic.
[1] JOHN CORCORAN, Completeness of an ancient logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 37 (1972), pp. 696–702.
[2] _______, Aristotle's demonstrative logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
This is the first of a series of lecture abstracts about decoding syllogistic mnemonics.
The next four are tentatively titled as follows.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Celarent, Cesare, and Camestres.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Darii, Datisi, and Darapti.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Ferio, Festino, and Felapton.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Bramantip, Camemes, and Dimaris.
Interpreting Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 23, p. 132.
“If you by your rules would measure what with your rules doth not agree, forgetting all your learning, seek ye first what its rules may be.” — Richard Wagner, Die Meistersinger.
No interpretation of Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithful unless it places both the definition and the Greek word in their proper contexts—and it fits plausibly into those contexts.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and as a genus containing all demonstrations.
Aristotle said that every demonstration is a syllogism. It is absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogisms are composed of abstract forms rather concrete propositions. It is just as absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogism that there are only 14 of them, or that there are only 24 of them, or that there are only 256 of them. It is absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogism that they are all made up of four kinds of propositions: A, E, I, O.
eduction: three proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics.
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA
Université de Rennes-1, 135042 Rennes, France
Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630-6534 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Mill, De Morgan, Łukasiewicz, and many others discuss Aristotle’s reductions [1] [2]; references [3] and [4] treat Aristotle’s deductions. Even without explicit contrast, the distinction is clear in Aristotle’s work.
Deductions are sentence-sequences constructed using evident rules showing the premise-set implies the conclusion [4]. Aristotle’s took seven rules: three one-premise “conversions” and four two-premise “perfect-syllogism” rules—four “moods” among 256, only 24 of which are consequence-preserving or “valid” [4, p. 83]. Deductions have epistemic force: Every deduction produces knowledge that its conclusion is a consequence of its premise-set.
Reductions are argument-sequences: each successive argument derives from its predecessor by “weakening” the premise-set, by “strengthening” the conclusion, or by “contraposition” [2]. The initial argument, chosen from the 256 two-premise moods or even from multi-premise moods, is “reduced to” the final argument.
Some valid arguments reduce to invalid [2]. However, as Aristotle noticed, invalid arguments reduce only to invalid: reductions ending with valid arguments started with valid arguments, thereby providing marks of validity. Nevertheless, reduction isn’t reasoning: Reduction is a computational process for studying relationships among arguments (29b26). What reductions “show”, if anything, is an open question not addressed by Aristotle.
Besides deductions, Aristotle also considered sentence-sequences we call eductions. These are similar to deductions: deductions require “perfect-syllogism” two-premise rules, but eductions use arbitrary two-premise rules among the 256 moods. The eductions Aristotle constructed use as rules some of the 20 non-perfect two-premise valid moods (29b6–16, 62b38ff, 63a14–18).
[1] MORRIS COHEN AND ERNEST NAGEL, Introduction to Logic, Hackett, 1993.
[2] JOHN CORCORAN, Deduction and reduction: two proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics I, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 48 (1983), p. 906.
[3] JOHN CORCORAN, Completeness of an ancient logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 37 (1972), pp. 696–702.
[4] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle's demonstrative logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
(1) Every square is a rhombus.
Aristotle took a Greek equivalent to express a universal-affirmative categorical proposition: one composed of three parts: predicate, copula, and subject [2]. For emphasis Aristotle used an artificial formula never before used in Greek—rendered into equally artificial “English” below:
(2) Rhombus belongs-to-every square.
Aristotle’s copula “belongs-to-every” is logical (or form-determining); the subject and predicate—which he appropriately called ‘horoi’ (boundaries, limits, extremities)—are non-logical (or content-determining).
After Aristotle such sentences have been “paraphrased” in several ways. Some older logics such as [1, pp. 41f] take such sentences to express “hypothetical” [sic] propositions involving more than three parts and rendered with ‘if-then’ as:
(3) If anything is a square, then it is a rhombus.
Other logics, e.g. [4], construe them as universalized conditionals of various forms as:
(4) For every object x, if x is a square, then x is a rhombus.
(5) For every object x, if x is square, then x is rhombic.
Building on [3], this descriptive, historical, and analytic lecture considers these and other construals, their logical interrelations, claims made about them, and reasons given for the claims. No attempt is made to reconcile conflicting claims or to decide which if any are correct—or even how such a decision could be made objectively.
[1] MORRIS COHEN AND ERNEST NAGEL, Introduction to Logic, second edition, Hackett, 1993.
[2] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle’s Demonstrative Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
[3] JOHN CORCORAN, Meanings of implication, Diálogos, vol. 9 (1973), pp. 59-76.
[4] WILLARD QUINE, Methods of logic, Holt-Rinehart-Winston, 1959.
Teaching Documents by Kevin Tracy
Digital Augustan Rome:
See also: Mapping Augustan Rome, L. Haselberger, D.G. Romano, E.A. Dumser, edds. JRA Supplement 50. Providence 2002 (1st ed) / 2008 (2nd ed).
By: David Gilman Romano
Digital Augustan Rome is a long term mapping project that is prepared to provide a worthy digital successor to the published book and maps of Mapping Augustan Rome that appeared as Supplement 50 in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Series, 2002. The volume was directed by Lothar Haselberger in collaboration with David Gilman Romano and edited by Elisha Dumser. The entries were written by over 12 authors.
Digital Augustan Rome has also been a group effort and I have been ably assisted in this endeavor by Dr. Nicholas L. Stapp and Mark Davison who were also my collaborators on the original map from the 2002 publication. Our intentions were first signaled at the Third Williams Symposium on Classical Architecture held in Rome in May of 2004 where we presented a brief summary of our thoughts and plans on a successor to the Mapping Augustan Rome volume.1 Since the earliest days of the Mapping Augustan Rome project, it has been our intent to produce a digital version of the results and we have been working towards this goal virtually from the outset. The work of this digital project is the direct result of work carried out in the Archaeological Mapping Lab of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The work of the lab (formerly the Corinth Computer Project lab) since 1984 has been devoted to using the most modern methods of digital cartography, remote sensing and GIS in the field of ancient cities, landscapes and sanctuaries in order to study and better understand their composition, organization and planning.
The Digital Augustan Rome project relies totally on the work that has been accomplished for the paper volume and maps and is based on the entries of each of the authors that are listed separately here under Mapping Augustan Rome. Whereas Mapping Augustan Rome has appeared in its 2002 published form and a reprinted edition with corrections in 2009, Digital Augustan Rome is envisaged as a living resource for the study of Augustan Rome, one that will be able to be updated and modified as modern research brings new information about the Augustan city to light. In this way it will serve as a ongoing project with the goal to incorporate new information into the digital map.
The maps of the Mapping Augustan Rome project are two: 1:6,000 scale, a map of the entire city with an area of approximately 20 square kilometers and a 1:3,000 scale that is a map focused on the center of the Augustan city, specifically the forum area and neighboring regions. Digital Augustan Rome is based on the 1:6000 map of the publication that has been scanned and digitally linked with the names of all of the entries.
Digital Augustan Rome has been envisaged as a digital publication in three stages that include the phases of work that need to be accomplished. In addition a fourth stage is anticipated as the ongoing work of the project.
Book Reviews by Kevin Tracy
Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic”[AL] is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic. We cannot recommend AL to students. It is poorly written and difficult to follow; it is pedagogically inept; it would confuse the students it is meant to instruct. Moreover, it inculcates bad habits of thinking and bad habits of writing. AL could discourage intelligent students from further study of Aristotle’s logic, perhaps from further study of logic in general. We also cannot recommend it to teachers who want a quick and elementary overview of Aristotle’s logic or of the state of contemporary research on Aristotle’s logic. AL’s views of Aristotle’s logic are idiosyncratic, garbled, and inconsistent. Moreover, AL’s views are out of touch with contemporary research.
After proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic” will appear in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. “Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
Acknowledgements: Murtadha AlBahrani, Carolina Banks, James Cargile, Idris Samawi Hamid, Leonard Jacuzzo, Calvin Jongsma, Justin Legault, Hassan Masoud, Joaquin Miller, Frango Nabrasa, Daniel Novotny, Anthony Preus, Michael Scanlan, Layth Yousef, and others.
After editing and proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic” will appear in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. “Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
Acknowledgements: Murtadha AlBahrani, Carolina Banks, James Cargile, Idris Samawi Hamid, Leonard Jacuzzo, Calvin Jongsma, Justin Legault, Hassan Masoud, Joaquin Miller, Frango Nabrasa, Daniel Novotny, Anthony Preus, Michael Scanlan, Layth Yousef, and others.
Pierre Joray’s 2017 paper corrects and supplements Robin Smith’s 1983 investigation and reconstruction of ecthesis [exposition], an aspect of Aristotle's logic not treated by the 1972 Corcoran model—the acknowledged “point of departure” of Joray’s work. This essay-review of Joray's paper puts the issues in context and critically evaluates Smith’s contribution and Joray’s supplement.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and as a genus containing all demonstrations.
Contextualizing the Greek word sullogismos requires describing its grammar, its etymology, and its previous uses. Specifically, interpretations should identify sullogismos as a noun derived from the verb sullogizesthai—revealingly rendered ‘syllogize’ in [3]—and meaning the result of the action denoted. Thus, ‘syllogization’, connoting activity, would be more faithful than ‘syllogism’, an English noun devoid of connotation of activity. The ‘-ism’ of our word ‘syllogism’ is not the ‘-ism’ of activity as it is in ‘criticism’, ‘hypnotism’, or ‘plagiarism’.
Moreover, interpretations should note that sullogizesthai combines sul (together) and logizesthai (reckon, compute) and that sullogizesthai had been used in Greek mathematics for “calculate” [2]. Contextualizing sullogismos also requires noting that it had been used by Plato in connection with deducing conclusions in arguments, a sense very close to those found in Aristotle.
Related points are in [1].
[1] JOHN CORCORAN AND THOMAS GEZELLA, Aristotle’s conception of syllogism, this BULLETIN, vol. 16 (2012) 301.
[2] BENEDICT EINARSON, Mathematical terms in Aristotle’s logic, American Journal of Philology, vol. 57 (1936) 34-54 and 151-172.
[3] ROBIN SMITH, Aristotle’s Prior Analytics, Hackett, 1989.
constructed next|using three and four-noun sentences with restrictive relative clauses:
`that is an [ : : : ]'.
surprising topic: ancient logic. Each chapter of [1] is a revised and enlarged version of one
of those six lectures. [1]’s publication was an important event in a broader field: history and
philosophy of logic. Each chapter gives new perspective on some currently relevant aspect
of ancient logic.
The 551-page book is meticulously produced with tasteful font choices, helpful section divisions,
sparing use of logical notation, and surprisingly few printing errors—given extensive
use of Greek and Latin quotations. Although the book is thoroughly grounded in modern
symbolic logic, analytic philosophy, classical philology, and the scholarship on ancient
logic—even readers new to these areas can follow the discussion with understanding, profit,
and pleasure.
In this presentation, we describe [1]’s highpoints for modern logicians and philosophers
of logic. Chapter 1, on ancient theories of truth, at once supports and questions Tarski’s
theory. Chapter 2 treats ancient analyses of the simple proposition. It contrasts the twopart
“subject-predicate” view with the three-part “subject-copula-predicate” view—both
ultimately eclipsed by Peirce’s multi-place-predicate view and Frege’s multi-place-function
view. Chapter 3 discusses connectives: truth-functional, causal, inferential, etc. Chapter 4
concerns logical form. Chapter 5 opens with a lucid description of Aristotle’s truth-andconsequence
theory of demonstration with the syllogistic as underlying logic providing the
deductions; its central concern, however, is the tortured question of whether logic is a science
or an instrument. Chapter 6, the last, considers several topics related to ancient debates
about the nature and proper roles of syllogisms.
[1] Jonathan Barnes, Truth, etc.: Six Lectures on ancient logic, OxfordUniversity Press,
Oxford, 2007.
is not implied by the premise set—using a uniform one-one substitution applied to the
whole argument producing a counterargument: anewargument in the same formwitha false
conclusion and all true premises. “Some pleasure is not a good” was shown not to follow from
its converse “Some good is not a pleasure” by substituting “human” and “animal”: “Some
human is not an animal” is false, “Some animal is not a human” true. In Prior Analytics,
a counterargument accompanies every invalidity claim. Aristotle accepts no other way of
judging invalidity. Because his theory of deduction requires “intuitive” judgments of validity,
it is conspicuous that he avoids “intuitive” judgments of invalidity—creating an asymmetry
that foreshadows modern metalogical methodology. However, he was suspiciously silent on
certain glaring cases: “Some polygon is not a square” follows neither from “Every square is a
polygon” nor from certain premise sets implying the latter, e.g., the “minor”, “Every square is
a rectangle”, takenwith the “major”, “Every rectangle isa polygon”. Everycounterargument
for these has coextensive subject and predicate terms in the conclusion—in stark dissonance
with his misleadingly ill-chosen terminology of “major” and “minor” terms. In the onepremise
case, “Some polygon is not a square” is seen to not follow from “Every square is a
polygon” by substituting “quadrangle” and “quadrilateral”. Aristotle’s view that the terms
of a proposition must be distinct only increases the awkwardness of cases that require the
concept of distinct but coextensive terms—a concept he did not treat. This lecture sharpens
discussions in The Bulletin of Symbolic Logic, vol. 14 (2008) pp. 155-156.
Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 16 (2012) 473–4. (Co-authors: John Corcoran and Kevin Tracy)
When we make a statement we have three ways of referring to a string of characters: (1) heteronymously, (2) autonymously, and (3) parautonymously. Consider the number word spelled tee-dubya-oh, the one-word English name of the third natural number.
(1) The one-word English name of the third natural number has a silent letter. (2) Two has a silent letter. (3) The one-word name ‘two’ has a silent letter.
(1) In heteronymous referring the word mentioned does not occur at all. (2) In autonymous referring the string mentioned occurs as a name of itself. (3) In parautonymously referring the word mentioned occurs as a proper part of a name of the string.
The proposition that one of these is logically correct and the others wrong has never even been explained much less proved. Anyway, we do not judge.
This lecture urges that editors of ancient manuscripts respect the author’s choice. Doing otherwise a falsifying a document. This lecture also urges that translators of ancient manuscripts respect the author’s choice. Doing otherwise isn’t exactly falsifying the document but it can be misleading and confusing, especially to historians of syntactics, semantics, and pragmatics. This lecture also urges that commentators of ancient manuscripts discuss the author’s choice and be alert to confusions the author avoids and those the author commits.
►JOHN CORCORAN AND KEVIN TRACY, Autonymy and parautonymy in history of logic.
Philosophy, University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Classics, Lawrence University, Appleton, WI 54912-0599 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Premises rhymes with nemesis.
The words ‘premises’ and ‘nemeses’ are used autonymously above. A word that denotes itself—that is used to mention itself—in a given statement is used autonymously. Autonymy is the phenomenon of autonymous usage.
The word premises rhymes with the word nemesis.
In the preceding statement, ‘premises’ and ‘nemesis’ are used parautonymously—as they are in this statement. A word denoted in a given statement by an expression containing that word is used parautonymously. Parautonymy is parautonymous usage. Autonymy cannot “iterate”; parautonymy can—at least in “semi-ideographic” contexts.
‘Plato’ begins with pee.
‘ ‘Plato’ ’ begins with a left quotation mark.
Ancient Greek and Medieval Latin writings were usually phonographic—readable aloud. Both languages permitted autonymy and both had phonographic devices for parautonymy. The two-letter Ancient Greek word to—also used for the definite article—marks parautonymy: aristotelês denotes Aristotle, to aristotelês denotes Aristotle’s Greek name, the word aristotelês. In Medieval Latin, which lacks articles, the otherwise meaningless two-letter word li marks parautonymy: aristoteles denotes Aristotle, li aristoteles denotes Aristotle’s Latin name, the word aristoteles.
Autonymy permits ambiguity not present in parautonymy.
Socrates is Greek.
The name Socrates is Greek.
This study—sharpening Corcoran’s discussions in this BULLETIN vol. 12 (2006), pp. 219–40—surveys logic-related autonymy and parautonymy (and use-mention distinctions). We discuss previously ignored questions: whether translations should respect the two distinctions of autonymy versus parautonymy and phonography versus ideography. For example, should autonymy and parautonymy in Greek be rendered respectively as autonymy and parautonymy in English? Should Greek intended phonographically be rendered in English that admits being read phonographically?
BTW, we should look as the passages in modern logics about material and formal supposition to see how the former was indicated, what devices were used.
This is a word I have written several time today. [Here ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type.]
This occurs twice in this sentence type. [Again ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type but then it is used as an adjective.]
This occurs twice in this. [Again ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word type but then it is used as a proper name of a sentence. ]
This is separated by six word-occurrences from this. [ Here one occurrence of ‘this’ is used occurrence-autonymously as a proper name for the first four-letter word occurrence in the sentence and then another occurrence is used to denote itself.]
This is separated by six word-tokens from this. [Here ‘this’ is used autonymously as a proper name for the four-letter word token but then it is used as a name of another token.]
Every this begins with a tee and ends with an ess.—Frango Nabrasa.
“If you by your rules would measure what with your rules doth not agree, forgetting all your learning, seek ye first what its rules may be.” — Richard Wagner, Die Meistersinger.
No interpretation of Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithful unless it places both the definition and the Greek word in their proper contexts—and it fits plausibly into those contexts.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and that sullogismos Is a genus containing all demonstrations.
2018. Aristotle’s Prototype Rule-based Underlying Logic. Logica Universalis. Vol. 2 (2018) 9-35. Published online 19 April 2018
Rini, Adriane. Aristotle’s logic.
The history of philosophical and formal logic, 29-49.
Bloomsbury Academic, London, 2017.
“Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay intended to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
The syllogistic mnemonic is equally irrelevant to the post-Łukasiewicz paradigm established in the 1970s and 1980s by John Corcoran, Timothy Smiley, Robin Smith, and others. Robin Smith’s comprehensive 1989 treatment of syllogistic does not even quote the mnemonic’s four verses. Smith’s work devotes only 2 pages of its 262 pages to part of the mnemonic and its code. Continuing the post-Łukasiewicz paradigm, the most recent translation of Prior Analytics by Gisela Striker in 2009 does not quote it or even refer to its code.
Full mastery of modern understandings of syllogistic does not require and is not facilitated by ability to decode the mnemonic. Nevertheless, an understanding of the history of logic requires detailed mastery of the syllogistic mnemonic, of the logical theories it spawned, and of the conflicting interpretations of it that have been offered over the years by respected logicians such as De Morgan, Keynes, and Peirce. After presenting useful expository, bibliographic, hermeneutic, historical, and logical background, this paper gives a critical exposition of Smith’s interpretation.
Alonzo Church wrote that the chapter On the deductive method “treats the methodology of mathematics, postulate theory, in a way which altogether supersedes more familiar, but less accurate, accounts”. Church concluded: “[…] a work of unusual merit, serves a purpose no other treatise adequately fulfills. It will have a great influence.”
Haskell Curry’s review states: “This book and preceding editions were reviewed in several places. All reviewers, including the present one, are agreed that this is a work of exceptional merit […] a masterpiece of exposition.”
Versions appear in over eleven languages. The fourth edition edited by Alfred’s son Jan contains corrections by Alfred, other revisions due to Jan and others, and supplementary notes by Jan. This presentation analyzes one of Jan’s notes.
In 1941 Alfred presented two “excluded-middles”, one for sentences, one for classes; likewise two “non-contradictions”.
In 1994 Jan noted that the class laws resemble laws of sentential calculus and added that one “can easily verify that the above class-theoretical laws are direct consequences” of the two sentential-calculus laws.
Our investigation leads beyond Jan’s note to a study of the role Alfred attributed to sentential calculus in mathematical proof.
We always better understand what had been done when we stop pretending that it was more even than what it claimed to be.--Carolina Banks
Consider the following four sentence schemata: distinct English common-noun “terms” replace placeholders.
(Every* No* Some* Not-every) S is a P.
Every instance sentence has two terms: “subject” and “predicate”.
Aristotle made a “first logic” before constructing the familiar “syllogistic” or “second logic” [1]. Syllogistic argument constituents—premises and conclusions—are expressible using such sentences.
We propose a “third logic” Aristotle could have constructed next. Aristotle could have considered three and four-noun sentences with restrictive relative clauses: ‘that is an […]’.
Every S that is an R is an M.
Every R that is an M is a P.
Every R that is an S is a P.
Instances of this “five-term” argument schema cannot be seen to be valid using the second logic. However, they can be seen to be valid using rules Aristotle could accept: expanding his rules of deduction—“conversions” and “perfect syllogisms”—could produce the following deduction schema, using notation from [2], p. 8.
1. Every S that is an R is an M.
2. Every R that is an M is a P.
? Every R that is an S is a P.
3. Every S that is an R is an M that is an R. (1) Restriction Repetition
4. Every M that is an R is a P. (2) Predicate-Restriction Conversion
5. Every S that is an R is a P. (3, 4) Subject-Restriction Barbara
6. Every R that is an S is a P. (5) Subject-Restriction Conversion
This begins a series of lectures treating Aristotle’s third logic.
[1] JOHN CORCORAN, Completeness of an ancient logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 37 (1972), pp. 696–702.
[2] _______, Aristotle's demonstrative logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
This is the first of a series of lecture abstracts about decoding syllogistic mnemonics.
The next four are tentatively titled as follows.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Celarent, Cesare, and Camestres.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Darii, Datisi, and Darapti.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Ferio, Festino, and Felapton.
Decoding syllogistic mnemonics: Bramantip, Camemes, and Dimaris.
Interpreting Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos. Bulletin of Symbolic Logic. 23, p. 132.
“If you by your rules would measure what with your rules doth not agree, forgetting all your learning, seek ye first what its rules may be.” — Richard Wagner, Die Meistersinger.
No interpretation of Aristotle’s definition of sullogismos—often rendered ‘syllogism’—is faithful unless it places both the definition and the Greek word in their proper contexts—and it fits plausibly into those contexts.
Contextualizing the definition requires noting that it follows Aristotle’s opening declaration—that his work is about demonstration (proof)—and noting that it precedes his unequivocal observation that demonstration is a species of syllogism. Thus, the context requires that sullogismos was construed as relating to demonstration and as a genus containing all demonstrations.
Aristotle said that every demonstration is a syllogism. It is absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogisms are composed of abstract forms rather concrete propositions. It is just as absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogism that there are only 14 of them, or that there are only 24 of them, or that there are only 256 of them. It is absurd to think that according to Aristotle's definition syllogism that they are all made up of four kinds of propositions: A, E, I, O.
eduction: three proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics.
University at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY 14260-4150, USA
Université de Rennes-1, 135042 Rennes, France
Christendom College, Front Royal, VA 22630-6534 USA
E-mail: [email protected]
Mill, De Morgan, Łukasiewicz, and many others discuss Aristotle’s reductions [1] [2]; references [3] and [4] treat Aristotle’s deductions. Even without explicit contrast, the distinction is clear in Aristotle’s work.
Deductions are sentence-sequences constructed using evident rules showing the premise-set implies the conclusion [4]. Aristotle’s took seven rules: three one-premise “conversions” and four two-premise “perfect-syllogism” rules—four “moods” among 256, only 24 of which are consequence-preserving or “valid” [4, p. 83]. Deductions have epistemic force: Every deduction produces knowledge that its conclusion is a consequence of its premise-set.
Reductions are argument-sequences: each successive argument derives from its predecessor by “weakening” the premise-set, by “strengthening” the conclusion, or by “contraposition” [2]. The initial argument, chosen from the 256 two-premise moods or even from multi-premise moods, is “reduced to” the final argument.
Some valid arguments reduce to invalid [2]. However, as Aristotle noticed, invalid arguments reduce only to invalid: reductions ending with valid arguments started with valid arguments, thereby providing marks of validity. Nevertheless, reduction isn’t reasoning: Reduction is a computational process for studying relationships among arguments (29b26). What reductions “show”, if anything, is an open question not addressed by Aristotle.
Besides deductions, Aristotle also considered sentence-sequences we call eductions. These are similar to deductions: deductions require “perfect-syllogism” two-premise rules, but eductions use arbitrary two-premise rules among the 256 moods. The eductions Aristotle constructed use as rules some of the 20 non-perfect two-premise valid moods (29b6–16, 62b38ff, 63a14–18).
[1] MORRIS COHEN AND ERNEST NAGEL, Introduction to Logic, Hackett, 1993.
[2] JOHN CORCORAN, Deduction and reduction: two proof-theoretic processes in Prior Analytics I, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 48 (1983), p. 906.
[3] JOHN CORCORAN, Completeness of an ancient logic, Journal of Symbolic Logic, vol. 37 (1972), pp. 696–702.
[4] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle's demonstrative logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
(1) Every square is a rhombus.
Aristotle took a Greek equivalent to express a universal-affirmative categorical proposition: one composed of three parts: predicate, copula, and subject [2]. For emphasis Aristotle used an artificial formula never before used in Greek—rendered into equally artificial “English” below:
(2) Rhombus belongs-to-every square.
Aristotle’s copula “belongs-to-every” is logical (or form-determining); the subject and predicate—which he appropriately called ‘horoi’ (boundaries, limits, extremities)—are non-logical (or content-determining).
After Aristotle such sentences have been “paraphrased” in several ways. Some older logics such as [1, pp. 41f] take such sentences to express “hypothetical” [sic] propositions involving more than three parts and rendered with ‘if-then’ as:
(3) If anything is a square, then it is a rhombus.
Other logics, e.g. [4], construe them as universalized conditionals of various forms as:
(4) For every object x, if x is a square, then x is a rhombus.
(5) For every object x, if x is square, then x is rhombic.
Building on [3], this descriptive, historical, and analytic lecture considers these and other construals, their logical interrelations, claims made about them, and reasons given for the claims. No attempt is made to reconcile conflicting claims or to decide which if any are correct—or even how such a decision could be made objectively.
[1] MORRIS COHEN AND ERNEST NAGEL, Introduction to Logic, second edition, Hackett, 1993.
[2] JOHN CORCORAN, Aristotle’s Demonstrative Logic, History and Philosophy of Logic, vol. 30 (2009), pp. 1–20.
[3] JOHN CORCORAN, Meanings of implication, Diálogos, vol. 9 (1973), pp. 59-76.
[4] WILLARD QUINE, Methods of logic, Holt-Rinehart-Winston, 1959.
Digital Augustan Rome:
See also: Mapping Augustan Rome, L. Haselberger, D.G. Romano, E.A. Dumser, edds. JRA Supplement 50. Providence 2002 (1st ed) / 2008 (2nd ed).
By: David Gilman Romano
Digital Augustan Rome is a long term mapping project that is prepared to provide a worthy digital successor to the published book and maps of Mapping Augustan Rome that appeared as Supplement 50 in the Journal of Roman Archaeology Series, 2002. The volume was directed by Lothar Haselberger in collaboration with David Gilman Romano and edited by Elisha Dumser. The entries were written by over 12 authors.
Digital Augustan Rome has also been a group effort and I have been ably assisted in this endeavor by Dr. Nicholas L. Stapp and Mark Davison who were also my collaborators on the original map from the 2002 publication. Our intentions were first signaled at the Third Williams Symposium on Classical Architecture held in Rome in May of 2004 where we presented a brief summary of our thoughts and plans on a successor to the Mapping Augustan Rome volume.1 Since the earliest days of the Mapping Augustan Rome project, it has been our intent to produce a digital version of the results and we have been working towards this goal virtually from the outset. The work of this digital project is the direct result of work carried out in the Archaeological Mapping Lab of the University of Pennsylvania Museum of Archaeology and Anthropology. The work of the lab (formerly the Corinth Computer Project lab) since 1984 has been devoted to using the most modern methods of digital cartography, remote sensing and GIS in the field of ancient cities, landscapes and sanctuaries in order to study and better understand their composition, organization and planning.
The Digital Augustan Rome project relies totally on the work that has been accomplished for the paper volume and maps and is based on the entries of each of the authors that are listed separately here under Mapping Augustan Rome. Whereas Mapping Augustan Rome has appeared in its 2002 published form and a reprinted edition with corrections in 2009, Digital Augustan Rome is envisaged as a living resource for the study of Augustan Rome, one that will be able to be updated and modified as modern research brings new information about the Augustan city to light. In this way it will serve as a ongoing project with the goal to incorporate new information into the digital map.
The maps of the Mapping Augustan Rome project are two: 1:6,000 scale, a map of the entire city with an area of approximately 20 square kilometers and a 1:3,000 scale that is a map focused on the center of the Augustan city, specifically the forum area and neighboring regions. Digital Augustan Rome is based on the 1:6000 map of the publication that has been scanned and digitally linked with the names of all of the entries.
Digital Augustan Rome has been envisaged as a digital publication in three stages that include the phases of work that need to be accomplished. In addition a fourth stage is anticipated as the ongoing work of the project.
Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic”[AL] is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic. We cannot recommend AL to students. It is poorly written and difficult to follow; it is pedagogically inept; it would confuse the students it is meant to instruct. Moreover, it inculcates bad habits of thinking and bad habits of writing. AL could discourage intelligent students from further study of Aristotle’s logic, perhaps from further study of logic in general. We also cannot recommend it to teachers who want a quick and elementary overview of Aristotle’s logic or of the state of contemporary research on Aristotle’s logic. AL’s views of Aristotle’s logic are idiosyncratic, garbled, and inconsistent. Moreover, AL’s views are out of touch with contemporary research.
After proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic” will appear in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. “Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
Acknowledgements: Murtadha AlBahrani, Carolina Banks, James Cargile, Idris Samawi Hamid, Leonard Jacuzzo, Calvin Jongsma, Justin Legault, Hassan Masoud, Joaquin Miller, Frango Nabrasa, Daniel Novotny, Anthony Preus, Michael Scanlan, Layth Yousef, and others.
After editing and proofing, this review of Adriane Rini’s “Aristotle’s logic” will appear in MATHEMATICAL REVIEWS. “Aristotle’s logic” is a 20-page essay claiming to introduce Aristotle’s logic to undergraduates having studied one course in logic. It appears in “The history of philosophical and formal logic from Aristotle to Tarski”, a collection of similarly introductory essays all by different authors and all on different areas of history of logic.
Acknowledgements: Murtadha AlBahrani, Carolina Banks, James Cargile, Idris Samawi Hamid, Leonard Jacuzzo, Calvin Jongsma, Justin Legault, Hassan Masoud, Joaquin Miller, Frango Nabrasa, Daniel Novotny, Anthony Preus, Michael Scanlan, Layth Yousef, and others.
Pierre Joray’s 2017 paper corrects and supplements Robin Smith’s 1983 investigation and reconstruction of ecthesis [exposition], an aspect of Aristotle's logic not treated by the 1972 Corcoran model—the acknowledged “point of departure” of Joray’s work. This essay-review of Joray's paper puts the issues in context and critically evaluates Smith’s contribution and Joray’s supplement.
This is a draft review of Joray's paper.
Is this ready to be submitted? Please let us know if anything sounds unfair, inaccurate, or unclear.