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      Cognitive ScienceArtificial IntelligenceComputational LogicModel Checking
A number of approaches to agent society modeling can be found in the Multi-Agent Systems literature which exploit (variants of) Deontic Logic. In this paper, after briefly mentioning related approaches, we focus on the Computational Logic... more
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      Computational LogicDeontic LogicMulti Agent SystemModel development
Software engineering courses offer one of many opportunities for providing students with a significant experience in declarative programming. This report discusses some results from taking advantage of this opportunity in a two-semester... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware EngineeringFunctional ProgrammingComputational Logic
Introduction to Symbolic Logic
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      Computational LogicFuzzy LogicPhilosophy of LogicFormal Logic
In this paper, we analyse the structure of evolving moral dilemmas with an eye of regard for the increasing importance of the role of artificial intelligence in such context. Starting with the analysis of the famous trolley problem... more
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      SociologyComputational LogicPhilosophy Of LawArtificial Intelligence and Law
OR consultants aspire to provide their clients with good reasoning. OR methods are designed to support the process of developing good reasoning. Logic examines what counts as good reasoning. The aim of the paper is to investigate the... more
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      Modal LogicComputer ScienceLogicDecision Making
(Dalla prefazione:) Questo lavoro si propone di contribuire a chiarire alcuni aspetti dei rapporti che sussistono fra le teorie filosofiche del significato di impostazione logico-modellistica e l'intelligenza artificiale (IA) di... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceLogicComputational LogicTheories of Meaning
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      JainismArtificial IntelligencePolitical PhilosophyComputational Logic
This paper shows why the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ must always be on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 and not anywhere else on the critical strip bounded by Re(s) = 0 and Re(s) = 1, thus affirming the validity of the... more
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      Analytic Number TheoryAlgebraic Number TheoryAlgebraLogic
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      Information TheoryComputational LogicAlgorithm AnalysisDiscrete Mathematics
VI in agent systems, in addition to the conventional reactivity and pro-activity features.
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      Applied MathematicsComputational LogicMulti Agent SystemPhilosophy and Religious Studies
Three classic distinctions specify that truths can be necessary versus contingent, analytic versus synthetic, and a priori versus a posteriori. The philosopher reading this article knows very well both how useful and ordinary such... more
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      PsychologyCognitive PsychologyCognitive ScienceLogic And Foundations Of Mathematics
VI in agent systems, in addition to the conventional reactivity and pro-activity features.
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      Applied MathematicsComputational LogicMulti Agent SystemPhilosophy and Religious Studies
This book constitutes the proceedings of the 12th International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems, CLIMA XII, held in Barcelona, Spain, in July 2011. The 22 papers presented were carefully reviewed and selected from... more
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      Applied MathematicsComputational LogicMulti Agent SystemPhilosophy and Religious Studies
I introduce, defend, and demonstrate, a new paradigm for artificial discovery in science, called ‘Computational Axiomatic Science’ (CAS). This doctoral dissertation has two parts. In the first part, I discuss the philosophical roots of... more
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      Formal Methods (Formal Verification)Artificial IntelligenceScientific Computing (Computational Science)Philosophy of Science
These are the proceedings of the tenth International Workshop on Computational Logic in Multi-Agent Systems (CLIMA-X), held from 9-10th September in Hamburg, colocated with MATES and MOCA.
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      Computational LogicMulti Agent SystemIncomplete Information
VI in agent systems, in addition to the conventional reactivity and pro-activity features.
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      Applied MathematicsComputational LogicMulti Agent SystemPhilosophy and Religious Studies
VI in agent systems, in addition to the conventional reactivity and pro-activity features.
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      Applied MathematicsComputational LogicMulti Agent SystemPhilosophy and Religious Studies
This paper shows why the non-trivial zeros of the Riemann zeta function ζ will always be on the critical line Re(s) = 1/2 and not anywhere else on the critical strip bounded by Re(s) = 0 and Re(s) = 1, thus affirming the validity of the... more
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      MathematicsNumber TheoryAnalytic Number TheoryAlgebraic Number Theory
The analogy between inference and mereological containment goes at least back to Aristotle, whose discussion in the Prior Analytics motivates the validity of the syllogism by way of talk of parts and wholes. On this picture, the... more
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      Modal LogicIntuitionistic LogicPhilosophyComputational Logic
Logic provides the mathematical basis for hardware design and software development. In fact, digital circuits and computer programs are logic formulas expressed in a formal language. Accordingly, educated computer scientists should have... more
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      LanguagesComputer ScienceSoftware EngineeringComputer Science Education
Major ideas found in philosophy of logic and by implication Nathan Coppedge's philosophy.
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      Critical TheoryModal LogicMetaphysicsOntology
The reflection theorem has been proved using Isabelle/ZF. This theorem cannot be expressed in ZF, and its proof requires reasoning at the meta-level. There is a particularly elegant proof that reduces the meta-level reasoning to a single... more
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      Set TheoryComputational LogicIsabelle
This paper is the author's personal side project and is of no affiliation to any institution or courses. The paper is a rookie attempt to deriving mathematical expressions of the well-known puzzle, the bridge and torch problem. The... more
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      MathematicsApplied MathematicsAlgebraPhysics
We analyze both pre- and post-verbal clitics in Italian in the context of infinitival phrases and declarative sentences, using a new form of categorial grammar in which one assigns to each morpheme a type, an element of the free... more
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      Philosophy Of LanguagePhilosophy of ScienceLogicComputational Logic
Let us suppose that you are a research linguist, tormented by some doubts and questions about the state of your profession, and not constrained by having to repeat a catechism of "known truths" to Linguistics 101 students, and not worried... more
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      EngineeringDiscourse AnalysisHistory of LinguisticsRhetoric (Languages and Linguistics)
Interactive theorem provers require too much effort from their users. We have been developing a system in which Isabelle users obtain automatic support from automatic theorem provers (ATPs) such as Vampire and SPASS. An ATP is invoked at... more
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      Computational LogicResolution Theorem ProversIsabelle
To date, a number of researchers are seeking for and/or designing novel molecules which function as arithmetic molecular engines. Biomolecules such as deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA) and proteins are examples of promising candidate molecules.... more
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      Information SystemsBioengineeringBiochemistryBioinformatics
A novel improved VPN (Virtual Private Network) system based on SSL (Secure Socket Layer) protocol is discussed to overwhelm the defect of traditional SSL VPN. The concept, critical technique and working process of the geo-secured SSL... more
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      Computational LogicAccess ControlEncryptionGlobal Positioning System
The Unified Foundational Ontology (UFO-A) is a foundational ontol-ogy about endurants that has been built as a foundation for conceptual modeling, and which focuses on static aspects of endurants. In addition to UFO-A, we have the Unified... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceOntologyApplied OntologySemantic Web Technologies
Commonsense reasoning has proven exceedingly difficult both to model and to implement in artificial reasoning systems. This paper discusses some of the features of human reasoning that may account for this difficulty, surveys a number of... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceComputational LogicNon-Classical LogicParaconsistent logic
Informal arguments that cryptographic protocols are secure can be made rigorous using inductive definitions. The approach is based on ordinary predicate calculus and copes with infinite-state systems. Proofs are generated using... more
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      Computational LogicIsabelleFormal Verification of Cryptographic Protocols
A quotient construction defines an abstract type from a concrete type, using an equivalence relation to identify elements of the concrete type that are to be regarded as indistinguishable. The elements of a quotient type are equivalence... more
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      Formal Methods (Formal Verification)Computational Logic
The use of formal languages in the specification of upper ontologies helps establishing precise and unambiguous definitions for its concepts and relations. In this context, the use of formal languages with support of proof-assistant... more
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      Formal Methods (Formal Verification)MetaphysicsOntologyApplied Ontology
In this paper, we analyse the structure of evolving moral dilemmas with an eye of regard for the increasing importance of the role of artificial intelligence in such context. Starting with the analysis of the famous trolley problem... more
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      Computational LogicPhilosophy Of LawArtificial Intelligence and LawAutomated Guided Vehicles
The hallmark of the deductive systems known as ‘conceptivist’ or ‘containment’ logics is that for all theorems of the form A→B, all atomic formulae appearing in B also appear in A. Significantly, as a consequence, the principle of... more
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      Computational LogicPhilosophical LogicMathematical LogicNon-Classical Logic
Computers may be thought of as engines for transforming free energy into waste heat and mathematical work. Existing electronic computers dissipate energy vastly in excess of the mean thermal energy kT, for purposes such as maintaining... more
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      Theoretical PhysicsThermodynamicsComputational LogicDNA replication
The theorem prover Isabelle is described briefly and informally. Its historical development is traced from Edinburgh LCF to the present day. The main issues are unification, quantifiers, and the representation of inference rules. The... more
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      Type TheoryComputational LogicLogical Frameworks (Computer Science)Isabelle
A logic for specification and verification is derived from the axioms of Zermelo-Fraenkel set theory. The proofs are performed using the proof assistant Isabelle. Isabelle is generic, supporting several different logics. Isabelle has the... more
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      Set TheoryComputational LogicIsabelle
The current paper details a restricted semantics for active logic, a time-sensitive, contradictiontolerant logical reasoning formalism. Central to active logic are special rules controlling the inheritance of beliefs in general, and... more
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      Computational LogicSoftware AgentsBelief SystemsLogical reasoning
CORCORAN ON QUINE’S PHILOSOPHY OF LOGIC Corcoran, J. 1972. Quine, Willard. Philosophy of Logic. In Philosophy of Science 39, 97–99. WILLARD QUINE, Philosophy of logic, Harvard, 1970/1986. This book is best regarded as a concise essay... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsModal LogicLogicComputational Logic
CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1. Tarski’s three-implication theorem. 2. Three-implication conditional-convertibility theorems. 3. Existential Import. 4. Three-implication consequent-affirmability theorems. INTRODUCTION The thinking in this... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsModal LogicLogicComputational Logic
Deductive inference is usually regarded as being "tautological" or "analytical": the information conveyed by the conclusion is contained in the information conveyed by the premises. This idea, however, clashes with the undecidability of... more
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      Logic And Foundations Of MathematicsModal LogicPhilosophyLogic
La logica è la scienza che si occupa di ciò che è comune e generale a tutte le branche della nostra attività conoscitiva, e quindi a tutte le discipline scientifiche, ed i suoi temi sono quindi quei temi che si ritrovano in tutte le... more
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      Computational LogicConnectives
A theory of recursive definitions has been mechanized in Isabelle''s Zermelo-Fraenkel (ZF) set theory. The objective is to support the formalization of particular recursive definitions for use in verification, semantics proofs, and other... more
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      Set TheoryComputational LogicIsabelle
Many theorems involving special functions such as ln, exp and sin can be proved automatically by MetiTarski: a resolution theorem prover modified to call a decision procedure for the theory of real closed fields. Special functions are... more
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      Real AnalysisComputational LogicResolution Theorem Provers
The impossibility of tiling the mutilated chess board has been formalized and verified using Isabelle. The formalization is concise because it is expressed using inductive definitions. The proofs are straightforward except for some lemmas... more
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      Computational LogicIsabelle
There is meaning in mathematics because it is knowledge. Set theory stays at the formal basis of that knowledge. Its most basic relation is the "… belongs to…" relation,. ∈ Our mathematical understanding of the world begins with the... more
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      Set TheoryComputational LogicApplied mathematics and Modelling