History of Children and Childhood
Recent papers in History of Children and Childhood
http://shcyhome.org/2015/01/chc-episode-4-developmental-thinking/ Episode 4 of CHILDHOOD: History & Critique offers a brief review essay of the 2008 book _A Historical Sociology of Childhood_ and an extended conversation with its author... more
Centuries of Childhood was a multidisciplinary conference exploring the history of children and childhood in Ireland and beyond from the late sixteenth century onward. Hosted by the DCU School of History and Geography, it took place on... more
Zadnji dan leta 1943 je preko Jadranskega morja odrinila prva skupina od skupaj skoraj 30.000 beguncev, ki so našli zatočišče v šotorskih begunskih taboriščih Egipta. Večino so sestavljali ženske in otroci. Daleč od doma in očetov, ki so... more
Utah historical quarterly. Vol. 49, no. 3 (summer 1981)
En las investigaciones colombianas dedicadas a socializar y examinar el fenómeno de los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (NNA) que se vincularon y posteriormente dejaron atrás la guerra, sobresalen, la mayoría de las veces, las conclusiones... more
Après la Première guerre mondiale, la tuberculose devient un enjeu de lutte collective : de vastes campagnes visent à rendre à la nation malade un corps robuste et sain. Faute de guérir les enfants, on les éloigne des villes en les... more
Introduction from book Children, Childhood and Cultural Heritage, edited by Kate Darian-Smith and Carla Pascoe (Routledge 2013).
Since Barbara Kellum’s pioneering work on child murder in medieval England, published in 1973, medieval historians have argued that the courts adopted an approach to child murder that highlighted “the casual nature and mild consequences... more
The Irish cultural revival of the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries bolstered calls for increased or outright political independence for Ireland by emphasising the uniqueness of Irish culture and by extension its separate... more
This dissertation examines how a series of interlocking labor, welfare, and education policies framed the practices of growing up working-class in the half-century before World War II. For the masses of working people in northern... more
Established in 1265 as the Padua’s general hospital for needy adults and hospice of the infirm and orphans, the Ca’ di Dio was transformed in the course of the 15th century into the city’s principal orphanage. The transformation of the... more
Una vez apareció la Convención sobre los Derechos del Niño (CDN) en 1989, la producción académica e institucional subsiguiente se centró sobre todo en promocionarla y en celebrarla. A excepción de unas contadas miradas que la discutieron... more
L' esposizione, cioè l'abbandono di un bambino in luogo pubblico, è pratica antichissima, testimoniata nel mondo ebraico, nel mondo pagano, greco e romano, e in quello cristiano. Il diritto, i testi storiografici e letterari, il mito, ma... more
Susana Sosenski INTRODUCCIÓN E 1 primero de mayo de 1920, los obreros mexicanos se preparaban para conmemorar la tradicional "Fiesta del Trabajo". Ese año, el Sindicato de Panaderos era el encargado de planear las ceremonias que se... more
During the Enlightenment, education was considered fundamental to advancing a society’s progress and happiness, which were based on the desired “common good”. Consequently, educational initiatives to encourage the moral, intellectual and... more
The book is in Lithuanian, with Lithuanian and English photo captions, and an English summary. ISBN 978-609-8061-10-9 http://v2.valdovurumai.lt/en/activities/publications/povilas-blazevicius-the-oldest-lithuanian-toys#.XOzIPtSLRpg Ši... more
Un elemento no desdeñable de las religiones políticas contemporáneas, desde el jacobinismo al nazismo, fue la emulación del pasado clásico, no solo en sus formas culturales y artísticas, sino también en lo que tenía de retorno a la ética... more
[RO] Rezumat. Confruntată cu primele eforturi de modernizare, societatea românească din prima jumătate a secolului al XIX-lea a încercat să-și prezerve mecanismele culturale tradiționale, atitudinile și cutumele pe care și-a clădit... more
Incomplete working notes for biography, "Fifty Years of Begging: Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke and Christian Children's Fund. Notes arranged chronologically and begin with the first known Clarke in his family tree, Joshua Giles Clarke, and ends... more
edit e d b y Ada C oh e n a n d J e r e m y B . Ru t t e r
La sezione Brefotrofio rappresenta il segmento principale di un corpus documentario-l'Archivio Istituti provinciali assistenza infanzia Milano 1-formato da molteplici complessi, alcuni dei quali sono ancora in corso d'inventariazione.... more
Résumé Largement diffusées dans le monde grec à l’époque archaïque, les figurines en terre cuite de « nain ventru » sont issues de l’iconographie des dieux nains égyptiens Bès et Ptah-Patèques. Cet article examine les différentes... more
How did adults, religious institutions and the state view children during the Ottoman Empire? This volume gathers specialists in the social history of the Ottoman Empire as a whole – in regions ranging from Anatolia through the Arab... more
The educational and rehabilitative work that three young women carried out with uprooted child Holocaust survivors in postwar children’s homes forms the subject of the following article. These caretakers also had lost most of their... more
I saggi raccolti nel volume indagano il tema dell'infanzia in prospettiva stori-co-religiosa, lungo un arco cronologico che va dal iii millennio a.C. al vi sec. d.C., con un approccio multidisciplinare. Il confronto fra contesti... more
The dissertation explores the administrative practices and social dynamics of imperial settlement in the German-Polish borderlands before WWI. Between 1886 and 1914, Prussia, the dominant German power, invested a billion Marks in settling... more
Esta publicación ha sido evaluada por expertos ajenos a esta universidad por el método de doble ciego.
This thesis aims to make an art historical examination of early modern children and adolescents in Ottoman book paintings that were produced from the sixteenth to the beginning of the eighteenth century. This thesis has two main focuses.... more
Dedicating his life to the welfare of children, Dr. J. Calvitt Clarke (1887-1970) was one of the twentieth century’s most successful charitable fundraisers. In the last decade of his life, Dr. Clarke began writing his autobiography,... more
This article explores the cultural consumption of adult comics by Mexican children, focusing on comics that considered the figure of child kidnappers (robachicos) in the context of the mid-twentieth century. In a time, when mass culture... more
Growing up in ancient Roman society was full of risks meaning that ancient infant and child mortality was high. Children up to the age of five appear to have been particularly vulnerable, but the prospect of survival increased after that... more
It is well known that the archives of charitable institutions represent rich mines for the history of medieval and modern age adoption and fosterage practices. The acts drawn up by notaries employed by the old hospitals are a repository... more
JSTOR is a not-for-profit service that helps scholars, researchers, and students discover, use, and build upon a wide range of content in a trusted digital archive. We use information technology and tools to increase productivity and... more
La Casa editrice e gli Autori si dichiarano pienamente disponibili a regolare eventuali spettanze per quelle immagini di cui non sia stato possibile identificare e reperire la fonte. Avvertenza: divieto di ulteriori riproduzioni o... more
In this study through an in-depth analysis of a series of documents from the Turkish national archives that date in 1936-1939 I delve into the ways in which the issue of destitute children manifested itself in the early republican era. As... more
In this part of the lecture we will examine the identity value of work for three lower-class children: Pagus (goldsmith), C. Vettius Capitolinus (embroiderer) and Quartulus (miner).
The paper examines the relation between three concepts: a child's will, children's agency and child labour. Addressing the current debate about children's agency, this paper shows how these concepts were developed in Byzantine society in... more
a cultural history of the introduction of the zipper into clothing as part of a larger change in the kinaesthetics of the era