Women In Buddhism
Recent papers in Women In Buddhism
• 'This is a thorough, comprehensive and well researched guide to the history and agency of women in Buddhism. We travel widely through time and space, discovering awakened and well-practised women of old to the present day.'-Martine... more
In what follows I translate a discourse preserved as an individual translation in the Taishō edition under entry number 60, which reports the going forth of Mahāpajāpatī Gotamī, followed by a discussion of the different attitudes towards... more
With this paper I examine the narrative that in the Cullavagga of the Theravāda Vinaya forms the background to the different rules on bhikkhunī ordination, alternating between translations of the respective portions from the original Pāli... more
A study of women in the early Buddhist tradition and their relationship with meditative practice, using the Lotus Sūtra as an example of the potential for female enlightenment within Mahāyāna doctrine. Central themes include the... more
It is rare to find a recorded lineage of female teachers in either Bön or Tibetan Buddhism, but here thirty heart teachings of Bön Khandro are being made publically available in English for the first time. In fact, this book combines many... more
Love and Liberation – Autobiographical Writings of the Tibetan Buddhist Visionary Sera Khandro is an impressive study on the autobiography of the early twentieth century treasure revealer (Tib. gter ston) and tantric adept Sera Khandro... more
This article revisits the question, first introduced by feminist scholars in the mid-1990s, about whether sexual practices within Buddhist tantra (heterosexually conceived) are empowering or exploitative to women. The purpose here is to... more
This paper explores the visual representation of Guanyin (Avalokiteshvara) and argues that this, understood in relation to the traditions and devotion to him/ her, allows her to be read as a figure of subversive religiosity. Indeed, it is... more
This paper considers the process of doctrinal reinterpretation and rhetorical conformity to globalization-driven changes in socio-cultural standards. Considered are the Virgin Mary, Kuan-yin, and Athena in the context of gender equality.... more
Available records, when gathered together, could be seen as suggesting that in the past there have been both bhikkhunis and samaneris in the lands now known as Thailand, from the time of the Aśokan missions of arahants Sona and Uttara to... more
This article presents an avadāna excerpt found in Śamathadeva’s Abhidharmakośopāyikā-ṭīkā. The tale reports a monk’s change of sex to female, followed by five hundred successive births as a woman, all of which happened as the karmic... more
This article further articulates Sponberg’s (1992) seminal identification of four distinct attitudes toward women and the feminine in Buddhism, by including a sub-typology of ‘essentialist misogyny’. Textual and institutional voices in... more
This is the second article in a two-part study of the hagiographic narrative of the parinirvāṇa of Mahāprajāpatī Gautamī and her five hundred bhikṣuṇī companions, as told in the Kṣudrakavastu of the Mūlasarvāstivāda Vinaya extant in... more
As so many ancient tales, the disciple Uppalavaṇṇā's is one of many twists and turns, spanning vast reaches of time and space, past, present and future -the web of incarnations, human, animal and divine -in connection with the Buddha. It... more
This paper argues that the Kṛṣṇa-carita as presented in the Bhāgavata Purāṇa was strongly influenced by biographies of the Buddha, and that Aśvaghoṣa’s Buddha in the Buddhacarita might have been a model for the Bhāgavata’s portrayal of... more
Commemorative Essay Offered on the Occasion of the 2600th Anniversary of the Bhikkhunī Sangha & 30th Anniversary of the First Contemporary Theravāda Sāmaṇerī
The article establishes the history and precise dating of the Tibetan translation of Lakṣmī's *Sahajasiddhipaddhati, a significant female-authored Tantric Buddhist text. By way of examining the scholarly activities of the Tibetan... more
This article studies narratives related to the topic of women receiving a prediction or declaration (vyākaraṇa) for Buddhahood. The texts in question—in their received form—have their place in the Indian Buddhist traditions of the Middle... more
Course Description: Gender Issues in Religion introduces the students to various religious traditions and investigates prevailing attitudes toward women. The course deals with the role women play in religion and society, and the way women... more
Buddhism is widely known throughout the world as a religion of peace and kindness. It is less known as a religion of gender-equality. Nonetheless, that the Buddha would harbor the slightest bit of ill-will toward women, flies in the face... more
Theist religions argue for the pre-existence of self/Atman/ruh based on mentalistic idealism and/or interactive substance dualism frameworks; whereas Buddhism denies this; instead, this atheist religion (i) proposes Karmic theory... more
This article studies the double sex-change motif in the Soreyyatthera-vatthu, the “Story (literally, “subject matter”) of the Elder Soreyya”, of the Dhammapada-aṭṭhavaṇṇanā, the commentary on the canonical stanzas of the Dhammapada. The... more
This article explores narrtives relevant to the study of the representation of women’s soteriological agency in the Middle Period by looking at two parallel versions of a story that are located respectively in the Mūlasarvāstivāda and the... more
In his edicts, the emperor Aśoka Maurya extols brāhmaṇas, usually alongside ascetics (śramaṇas), as deserving honor and generosity, though he never alludes to their connection with ritual, the central theme of early Brahmanical... more
The science of psychology is believed to consist of objective and meaningful knowledge about a realm of our own direct experiencing with which we are all intimate and familiar, yet about which we also feel we have very little... more
This paper was first presented at Zhuhai Conference on Buddhist Culture in 2015. It is a brief history of the planning and construction of both an internet atlas as well as a 3-D Virtual Reality installation for museums. The project... more
Liang, Jue. "Branching from the Lotus-Born: Padmasambhava in the Extensive Life of Ye shes mtsho rgyal." In About Padmasambhava: Historical Narratives and Later Transformations of Guru Rinpoche, edited by Geoffrey Samuel and Jamyang... more
In this article I explore aspects of the situation of women in early Buddhism. In an appendix to the present article, I take the occasion to reply to criticisms raised by Oskar von Hinüber and Bhikkhu Ṭhānissaro in relation to... more
In the Theravāda Buddhist polities on the mainland of Southeast Asia, abiding concerns about the proper structuring of the relationship between the ‘two wheels of dhamma’ (i.e. the realm of religion and the realm of politics) have had a... more
Position of Women in Islam and Buddhism: A Comparative Study. By Shabbir Ahmmad, Jaffary Awang and Indriaty Ismail. Journal of Islamic and Human Advanced Research, vol. 7, no. 3, 2017, pp.1-9. This article is interesting because two of... more
A significant venue for critiquing "fake" lamas and sexual transgressions has been contemporary Tibetan language fiction. The favored style of social realism is particularly well-suited to delve into the messiness of human failings and... more
This paper looks at a set of related Jātaka tales, the Mahā-paduma Jātaka and the Bandhanamokkha Jātaka, to determine what ethical prescriptions are conveyed, and if there are gendered ethical messages therein. It is my contention that... more
A translation of Jikmé Lingpa's "btsun mo la spring ba'i gtam." In A Gathering of Brilliant Moons: Practice Advice from the Rime Masters of Tibet. Eds. Holly Gayley and Josh Schapiro. Boston: Wisdom Publications 2017... more
Power-point presentation for a lecture given in the online course "Asian Buddhist Women" on July 14, 2016 (organised by Hamburg University and the Dharma Drum Institute of Liberal Arts).
The literary sources reveal that Buddha left his wife and child at home to find enlightenment, which implies that he saw women, and domestic life in particular, as an obstacle in the path of liberation (nirvana). This article is an... more