Children and War
Recent papers in Children and War
As a result of the destruction of the First World War, the Esperantists from the Austrian area of Styria made a desperate appeal to their co-thinkers from other countries to temporarily take in their children, who were suffering all kinds... more
In the article it is cleared up the participation of minor young people in the events of November national-democratic revolution of 1918 in Lviv and Eastern Galicia. It is shown teens assistance in establishing Ukrainian power (The... more
(Comment): This is a rare study describing the development and validation of a psychological test of perceived social support as conducted in a war-torn field setting. Although originally developed for use with Bosnian adolescents who,... more
Anti-aircraft shells exploding at high altitudes scattered shards of red-hot steel across the towns and cities of Britain during the Second World War. For many schoolchildren, collecting and trading this shrapnel became a popular social... more
This is the full text of my 2009 Dutch language book on the children of Dutch Nazi collaborators
This document was researched, written and edited by Jeltje Gordon-Lennox for the International Committee of the Red Cross (1994). Publisher: ICRC Publications Department, Geneva, Switzerland.
In the mid-1950s, a national exercise in West Germany's secondary schools led to almost 6,800 adolescents writing about their wartime experiences. Many portrayed Allied bombing raids and their emotional impact but went beyond predictable... more
This paper analyzes the struggle to forge a new male gender identity fought in postwar Italy; it explores in particular the attempt to counteract the militarization of the child that had been promoted by the fascist regime through a... more
Winner of the 2014 Neil Sutherland Prize for the best scholarly article on the history of children and youth.
For a long time usually considered as simple scribbles, children's drawings have become, over the 20th century, an object of study for an ever growing number of experts and scholars. Psychologist and psychoterapists, semiologists,... more
Автор рассматривает тему на материале 1960х-2010х годов, приходя к выводу, что в советском научно-фантастическом кинематографе (в отличие от западного) тема Нашествия из Космоса практически не разрабатывалась; доминирующую позицию... more
The First and Second World Wars fostered the birth of the first children’s relief organizations, which were instrumental in safeguarding a whole generation of Europeans, as well as ultimately Europe itself. These organizations... more
Conflict's path of devastation and chaos has dramatically slowed the ability of war-torn countries to reach the Education for All (EFA) goals adopted in Dakar in April 2000. This paper sketches the situation confronting children, their... more
Since the sixties, Catalan literature has followed the European tendency to offer to young readers historical novels that go beyond mere adventure books. Specifically since the eighties, the setting for these stories has often been the... more
In the aftermath of nearly three decades of conflict in northern Uganda, children born into the rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) experience social, economic, and political exclusion. Thousands were born to mothers and often... more
A monográfia a Hitlerjugend „külpolitikájáról” szól, ennek változásairól a kezdetektől, a tevékenység 1933-1939 közötti kiteljesedésén át egészen a második világháború végéig. Középpontjában a bilaterális ifjúsági kapcsolatok állnak: a) a... more
This text is an attempt to examine the ways how the war, extermination and difficult and painful memories are described in the literature dedicated to children and teenagers. There are two books taken into consideration: Kotka Brygidy... more
Nach dem "Anschluss" Österreichs an das Deutsche Reich im März 1938 wurden die meisten jüdischen Kinder-und Jugendheime auf Anweisung der nationalsozialistischen Behörden sukzessive geschlossen. Einige wandelte die Israelitische... more
The perceived innocence and vulnerability of children has been a dominant theme in modern conceptualizations of childhood, particularly in the aftermath of the Second World War. A growing number of studies suggest however that a notion of... more
DDAA, Fenomens migratoris a Catalunya al llarg del segles XIX i XX. Col.lecció Inter primas, núm 5, Tarragona: Silva Editorial, 2020. ENGLISH: In the first half of the 20th century, hundreds of thousands of children moved all around... more
There are many critical studies of androcentrism in archaeology, for an overview, see SKOGSTRAND 2010. Unfortunately, there are no studies of this scholarly problem in Egyptology. 12 This is probably because in disciplines such as... more
The third issue of Mediactive examines the media's portrayal of the Iraq war. The British and American governments have been accused of employing misinformation, twist and spin in the lead up to the invasion of Iraq. Media management has... more
During World War II and the occupation of Belgium by Germany, several thousand young Belgians engaged in pro-German activities, mainly via collaborationist youth movements, leading some of them to commit serious acts of treason or... more
On a module delivered at Queen's University Belfast 2005-2013 As Santos Juliá wrote: En la Guerra civil del siglo XX hubo un vencedor que exterminó al perdedor y que no dejó espacio alguno para un tercero para que hubiera negociado... more
Upper Silesia may be understood as a region in constant turmoil. Since the era of nation states, it was faced with its conflicted history, when it came to determent the national belonging of its autochthon population. In the aftermath of... more
20 Kasım 2017
20 Kasım 2017
Öz Bu çalışmada Birinci Dünya Savaşı'nda Sarıkamış Harekâtı sonrasında Türk ordusu içerisinde görülen salgın hastalıklar, hastalıklara bağlı yaşanan kayıplar işlenecektir. 22 Aralık 1914-6 Ocak 1915 tarih aralığında Türk ordusu tarafından... more
Review of Magdalena Grzebalkowska's POLAND 1945. WAR AND PEACE. Translated from the Polish by John Markoff and Malgorzata Markoff. 2020
Özet Bu makalede, özellikle İkinci Dünya Savaşını konu alan Hollywood yapımı filmlerde, çocuğun ideolojik bir sembol olarak konumlandırıldığı düşüncesinden hareketle iki farklı filmin incelemesine yer verilmiştir. ‘Empire of The Sun’... more
After decades of war in northern Uganda, children born of forced marriage in the rebel group the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA) struggle to feel belonging. Based on data collected through a longitudinal study in the urban centre of Gulu... more
Este texto tiene como objetivo aportar, desde algunas revisiones históricas, políticas y jurídicas, al esclarecimiento de las violencias perpetradas contra los Niños, Niñas y Adolescentes (NNA) que la Comisión para el Esclarecimiento de... more
This paper focuses on psychological mechanisms of dissociation, dehumanization and renouncement of subject position, and their relation to the carrying out of violence. Its context is the violent towards children and families in the West... more