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This article deals with the usage and combinability of words from the synonymic rows Rusʹ/Rossiia/Russiia, russkii/rossiiskii/rosskii, and russkie/rossiiane/rossy, on the basis of the Catalogue of the Kievan Metropolitans, from the early... more
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      18th CenturyOrthographyHistory Of Russian Language, Old Church SlavonicEthnonymics
„O cursed bastard, o faithless traitor, o violent volves…” – apostrophes in Rozmyslanie przemyskie as a different part of the Text… This article treats about apostrophes in Rozmyslanie przemyskie. In the past few years in mediaeval... more
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      Apocrypha/PseudepigraphaOld Polish literatureSlavonic ApocryphaHistorical Stylistics
While Elizabeth’s linguistic excellence is widely acknowledged and easily verifiable in her writings, scholars have paid her prayers surprisingly little attention. Yet, the voice of Elisabetta supplex, of the Queen at prayer, is one of... more
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      Early Modern Women's WritingReligious DiscourseHistorical Stylistics
This article deals with external voicing in early news discourse, focusing on how the function of announcing future events was realised in letters to the editor and classified adverts, using data from the British daily newspaper The Times... more
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      Football (soccer)PragmaticsGenreStylistics
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      Russian StudiesFolkloreLiturgical StudiesSlavic Languages