Sociohistorical Linguistics
Recent papers in Sociohistorical Linguistics
Stephen Pax Leonard is a Fellow of Trinity Hall, Cambridge and a Research Associate at the Scott Polar Research Institute. Educated at the University of Oxford, he studied modern and ancient languages before developing interests in... more
2003 UPenn dissertation: Viking Pronouns in England Chapter 3: Pronoun Forms and Uses: Etymologies and Attested Paradigms Summary: I provide evidence bearing on two of the principal questions posed by the Scandinavian to English pronoun... more
Com origem no romance galego-português, transplantado da sua área inicial a norte do vale do Vouga pelos conquistadores, o dialecto algarvio conserva ainda sons, palavras e regras de gramática que testemunham esse estado de língua... more
This thesis takes three major claims made by literary scholars about Shakespeare’s use of language regarding issues of social identity. Each chapter introduces a critical perception of Shakespeare’s language - madness (Neely 1991),... more
Between 1847 and 1874, the international trade of Asian indentured laborers that is often referred to as the ‘Coolie Trade’ took the first large-scale arrivals of Chinese to colonial Cuba. During this period, there existed a system of... more
A companion series to the journal Studies in Language. Volumes in this series are functionally and typologically oriented, covering speci c topics in language by collecting together data from a wide variety of languages and languages... more
This work discusses the sociohistorical origins of Anguillian (also known as Anguilla Talk), the English-lexifier Creole spoken on the Caribbean island of Anguilla. It focuses on the earliest period of colonization (1650-1700) because... more
This article explores how the phrase 'mad woman' is used to construct gendered face-threatening actions in Early Modern dramatic writing. Although literary scholars are familiar with the more canonical mad women, I show that feminine... more
This study investigates linguistic and scriptal variation in notary signatures found in late antique contracts from Egypt, seeking to identify and interpret the potential relationship between choices in language and script. To answer... more
This chapter pursues four goals beyond the overall aim of illustrating the relevance of emigrant letters in the historical linguistics of Canadian English, North American English and its donor varieties. The first goal is to introduce a... more
This dissertation investigates the use of the subjunctive in completive clauses governed by verbs in Italian, both synchronically and diachronically, and in Vulgar Latin. By making use of the tools provided by the Variationist... more
This newspaper article presents a short study of toponyms in St Vincent and the Grenadines from sociohistorical and linguistic perspectives.
Working at the forefront of Tibeto-Burman linguistics, Professor David Bradley’s exceptional expertise lies in his ability to blend comparative diachronic research with distinctions drawn from the sociology, anthropology, geography and... more
Paper presented at the Linguistics Association of Great Britain (LAGB), Queen's College, University of Oxford, 3 September 2014
Die Entstehung der sogenannten ‚uneigentlichen' bzw. verfugten Komposita im Frühneuhochdeutschen aus pränominalen Genitivkonstruktionen wird gemeinhin als natürliche Entwicklung verstanden, die sich prinzipiell mithilfe üblicher... more
The aim of this paper is to offer an analysis based on a phi-feature theory for gender, from a minimalist viewpoint (Chomsky, 1995; 1998; 1999), concerning empirical evidence of the variation of this category in a rural Brazilian... more
O objetivo principal deste trabalho é mapear os pronomes de segunda pessoa do singular (tu e você) na posição de sujeito em 420 cartas pessoais escritas por catarinenses entre 1880 e 1990. A discussão teórica aqui proposta é amparada na... more
On the Necessary Unity of Trees and Waves in Historical Reconstruction: The Case of Phowa. Linkage models of language diversification (Ross 1988, François 2014) represent the slow differentiation of closely related sister languages via... more
This dissertation investigates the use of the subjunctive in completive clauses governed by verbs in Italian, both synchronically and diachronically, and in Vulgar Latin. By making use of the tools provided by the Variationist... more
. lo a n l) r r y x n , t) c ll I -1 . lly r le s , V e r a M . K u tz in s k i, C a n d a c e S la te r , a r r c l lr is N l. Z a v a la , E d ite d b y Je ssica A d a m s, M ich a e l P . B ib le r, a n d C 6 cile A ccilie n N e w \... more