Lingua Franca
Recent papers in Lingua Franca
Vivemos, hoje, uma época individualista, em que as pessoas se trancam em suas salas de bate papo, vivendo virtualmente, distanciando-se do contato direto com seus semelhantes. Nesse ambiente pós-moderno de microeletrônica, engenharia... more
pomorski leksikografi. To je razdoblje u kojemu su pripremljeni temelji za stvaranje suvremene hrvatske pomorske terminologije u drugoj polovici 19. i u 20. stoljeću.
The adequate development of children is essential for the survival of a society. Dramatic negative changes in current societies have increased both the number of disadvantaged children and the severity of their disadvantage, thus... more
The default assumption in human communication is mutual intelligibility between interlocutors. Nevertheless, misunderstandings also occur, and languages have resources for managing these in communicative interaction. When speakers do not... more
The adequate development of children is essential for the survival of a society. Dramatic negative changes in current societies have increased both the number of disadvantaged children and the severity of their disadvantage, thus... more
Onde não chegaram os portugueses com as suas caravelas? Desde Ceuta, em Marrocos, conquistada em 1415, ao Japão, alcançado por acaso em 1542 (por três mercadores de peles, Francisco Zeimoto, António da Mota e António Peixoto, que faziam... more
In an increasingly globalized world in which people from a variety of different geographical and linguistic backgrounds must communicate with one another daily, the need for a global lingua franca is obvious. The economic and cultural... more
The scope of this article is Prescriptive Grammar. Any English user may need a quick reference concerning conditionals in general. However, many users have an incorrect idea that, when we use past perfect in the if clause, it is ALWAYS... more
Nel capitolo si ripercorrono sinteticamente le vicende dell'italiano fuori d'Italia in età preunitaria. In particolare, si mettono in evidenza i diversi caratteri della sua fortuna da un lato nell'Europa continentale e in Inghilterra,... more
This book is a first. Language Education Policy is a new field of study that establishes a cross section between educational policy and language policy studies. It inherits from an abundance of intellectual and methodological traditions... more
This paper aims to give an outline of the development of the term "Lingua Franca". Initially the proper name of an extinct pidgin, to "Lingua Franca", the term has become a common noun, used with regard to language contact phenomena in... more
An ethnographically revised linguistic landscape study can be used as a sensitive methodological tool for detecting the complexities of urban space in superdiverse areas. The data used in this book are from an inner-city neighborhood in... more
Playlist of thousands of movies posted on YouTube (everything accessible in Spanish) with topic specific side links to resources to help interpret each movie. Introduction models creative learning strategies, specific browsing... more
Películas de YouTube anotadas, vol-4,issue-1, Mayo, 2019 [Fonken & otros] Estos días, YouTube is getting harder to surf. Its next up offerings are more commercialized, less local, fewer links to authentic, non-profit resources.... more
Characteristics of the Arabic Lingua Franca spoken along the coast of the Red sea (Eritrea, including the Dahlak islands, and Djibouti). It is the vehicular variety for people whose mother tongues are Afro-Semitic (Dahalik, Tigre) or... more
Giorgio Maria Ciaceri was a Jesuit missionary from Sicily who spent about ten years in North Africa during the mid Nineteenth century. From his Jesuit center located near Algiers, he travelled all over Algeria and arrived until Tunis... more
В статье рассматриваются особенности общения на лингва франка с точки зрения рисков коммуникации. Такое общени сопоставляется с общением в домашних условиях.
Science and academic education are determined by discussion and scientific exchange across the borders of both languages and countries. Consequently, universities can be described as melting pots: places where, traditionally, different... more
It is a heavily debated issue: To define language, which one is the controlling authority between the Descriptive Grammar (DG) and Prescriptive Grammar (PG)? Observing those debates, it seems like the debaters make it unnecessarily... more
1950’li yıllarda Amerikalı dil bilimci Morris Swadesh, leksiko-istatistik yöntemler geliştirerek diller arasındaki akrabalığın oranını ve tarihini tespit etmek üzere anlamlarına göre bir dilde bulunması gereken temel sözcükleri... more
Stemming from real or seeming incompetence, the pragmatic failures L2 learners and LF speakers often commit may lead to stereotyping and negative labelling as a consequence of hearers' mindreading abilities and relevance-driven... more
Orientalismi in un anonimo Dictionnaire della lingua franca (1830)* 0. Introduzione Dictionnaire de la Umgue franque ou petit mauresque 1 e im libretto anonimo stampato a Marsiglia nel 1830. Uopera si presenta, * Questo lavoro nasce come... more
EN | The paper treats the popular concept of lingua franca. During the antiquity, such common language appeared as a natural process since the Middle Ages and Renaissance lingua franca becomes an important part in the policy of... more
The Swedish educational policy for upper secondary English, which took effect in 2011 and adopts a globalized perspective on language, is explored with respect to how skills and awareness related to local, national, and international... more
The external socio-historical factors that determine the rise of contact languages define the new varieties and decide on their form and structures. Pidgin languages arise as a consequence of many social and historical processes which... more
Sinographic Sphere and the Issue of “Diglossia” in East Asia This paper examines the role of literary Chinese in East Asia and the changing functions and positions of the vernacular languages. Paying particular attention to the... more
Lo studio intende tracciare un quadro storico-sociolinguistico dell'antica lingua franca, dalla sua nascita fino agli eventi sociali che ne hanno determinato l’estinzione. Più nel particolare, nella prima parte verranno discusse le... more
Among many teachers, students, and users, there exist two fundamentally confused issues that are as follows: 1. What is the standard version of English? and 2. How do I determine whether a language item is standard (correct)? The instant... more
To keep up with the internationalisation of academia, universities are anxious to attract more and more international students and teachers by increasing the number of international English-medium study programmes. A recent survey... more
1909 (traduzione di Federica Venier) GUIDO CIFOLETTI Sulla lingua franca barbaresca DANIELE BAGLIONI Sull'affidabilità delle fonti della lingua franca mediterranea GLAUCO SANGA Signor, per favor: la lingua franca tra i mendicanti?... more