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En este trabajo colectivo se busca, antes que un tratamiento secuen-cial o diacrónico, una interpretación panorámica de la principal ins-titución universitaria de México y de sus referentes institucionales más significativos: la propia... more
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      History of EducationHistoria de la UniversidadHigher Education and History of UniverstiesHistoria De Las Universidades
Despite the centrality of the institution of the university to liberalism, the trajectory of the institution in non-western, postcolonial democracies like India has scarcely received attention. The subject has rarely generated the kind of... more
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      Cultural HistoryPhilosophy of EducationHigher EducationIndian studies
Монография посвящена историку, ректору Московского университета, академику Вячеславу Петровичу Волгину (1879–1962). Выпускник историко-филологического факультета, революционер, публицист после Октябрьской революции стал непосредственным... more
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      History of IdeasHistory of ScienceHigher Education and History of UniverstiesHistory of the Russian Academy of Sciences
Cuvinte-cheie: învățământ superior, dictatură, autonomie universitară, educație dirijată, șomaj intelectual * Doctor în Istorie (2014). Autor al lucrării Limitele meritocrației într-o societate agrară, Iași, Polirom, 2015.
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      Romanian HistoryDictatorshipsState and University AutonomyHigher Education and History of Universties
La cattedra "rovesciata" prima che Foscolo vi sedesse: dal mito alla storia C he l'Orazione dell'Origine e dell'Ufficio della Letteratura abbia acquisito tanto più risalto delle prolusioni che l'avevano preceduta dipende da molti fattori,... more
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      PhilologyModern HistoryCultural HistoryItalian (European History)
Философия и наука: проблемы соотнесения. Алёшинские чтения – 2016: Материалы междунар. конф. Москва, 7–9 декабря 2016 г. / Отв. ред. Т.А. Шиян. М.: РГГУ, 2016. 339 с. ISBN 978-5-7281-1863-3. ===== Сборник статей выпущен к конференции... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceHistory of EducationSocial PhilosophyHistory of Science
In "A ‘Splendid Idiosyncrasy’: Prehistory at Cambridge 1915-50" Pamela Jane Smith charts the development of prehistoric archaeology from an amateur ‘haphazard’ pastime to a fully ledged academic discipline. Smith argues persuasively that... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyArchaeology
1 Foscolo professore a Pavia. Esortazione alla storia dell'Università 1. La presenza di Foscolo a Pavia è un nodo che stringe la storia del nostro Ateneo alla storia italiana. Mostrare quanto, di quel nodo, attiene propriamente alla... more
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      HistoryItalian (European History)Modern Italian HistoryItalian Studies
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      History of higher educationHistory of UniversitiesWorld War IHistory of Russia
La storia di Sapienza è costellata di eccellenze che rappresentano gran parte della storia del pensiero scientifico in Italia. Le discipline che hanno sviluppato una vera e propria “scuola” presso Sapienza coprono tutto l’arco dei saperi,... more
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      History of architectureUniversityCampusHigher Education and History of Universties
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      PhilologyHistoryAncient HistoryEuropean History
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      History of EducationHistory of teacher educationHistory of Poland in twentieth centuryHigher Education and History of Universties
Orta Çağ, Yunan Roma kültüründen sonra gelerek, Aydınlanma Çağı'na kadar uzanan yaklaşık bin yıllık bir dönemi kapsar. Orta Çağ şüphesiz Antikçağ ile Rönesans arasında bir geçiş dönemi olarak kabul edilir. Dolayısıyla hem önceki dönemden... more
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      History of UniversitiesMiddle AgesEuropean universitiesHigher Education and History of Universties
Questo libro costituisce il risultato di una ricerca di dottorato nata con il proposito di ampliare le attuali conoscenze in merito ai rapporti tra i doctores dello Studium e la città di Perugia. Il legame tra Università e città, intesa... more
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      Cultural HistoryEconomic HistoryLate Middle AgesMedieval History
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      History of HistoriographyHistoriography and Philosophy of HistoryHigher Education and History of Universties
Surtout connu des seiziémistes pour ses volumineux Epitheta et Officina, le Nivernais Joannes Ravisius Textor, Tixier de Ravisy sous son nom français le plus commun, naît seulement en 1492 ou 1493, non pas en 1480 ou même avant comme on... more
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      History of EducationRenaissance HumanismHistory of UniversitiesHumanistics
The year 2015 marks the passing of the first fifty years of Wolfson College, Cambridge. In celebration of this a pictorial history of the College at the turn of the millennium is presented. This history recalls the College from the... more
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      HistoryCultural HistorySociologyEducation
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      PhilologyHistoryModern HistoryLate Middle Ages
Margrave Frederic IV., the first Saxon prince-elector of the noble house Wettin, earned his tittle in crusades and battles against the bohemian Hussites. In 1409 he also took the chance to lure Silesian and Saxon scholars, which left in... more
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      History of UniversitiesCourts and Elites (History)LeipzigHistory of Universities in the Middle Ages
A (very) personal note about the years of 1970, 1980 and 1990 in Hungary. During those decades the author emerged from his earlier status of a school teacher of a country elementary school to a social researcher and university instructor.... more
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      History of EducationHistory of SociologyHigher Education and History of UniverstiesPolitical transition
Vol V in the Cultural History of Education series published by Bloomsbury
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      Cultural HistoryWomen's HistoryHistory of EducationHigher Education and History of Universties
This book analyzes the emergence of computer science in French higher education and research bodies, with a comparative approach. The main sources are the archives of about 50 universities, institutes, ministries, companies and private... more
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      Science and Technology PolicyHistory of Computing (Computer Science)Higher Education and History of Universties
D elle quattro corporazioni in cui si articolava lo Studium Papiense, le due Universitates studentesche e i due Collegia dei dottori addetti agli esami, di una soltanto non possediamo lo statuto, l'Universitas scholarium artistarum et... more
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      HistoryArchival StudiesHistory of MedicineHistory of Science
"Raccontare in breve la storia di una istituzione che ha alle spalle più di sette secoli non è certo impresa facile. Ma gli autori, Rosa Marisa Borraccini e Luigiaurelio Pomante, ci sono riusciti con tratto sicuro. Di solito le sintesi si... more
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      History of higher educationHistory of UniversitiesHigher Education and History of Universties
This book presents a critical analysis of the corporate university. The author's personal narrative unfolds between the reality of the corporate university and the rhetoric of the entrepreneurial university, which allows the author to... more
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      Higher EducationHistory of higher educationMarxist theoryIntellectuals
Dans le premier quart du XXe siècle, la géographie universitaire française connaît une féminisation lente et difficile, mais réelle, accélérée par la Grande Guerre. C'est le temps des pionnières, autant dans les revues disciplinaires que... more
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      French StudiesWomen's HistoryHistory of geographyHigher Education and History of Universties
This chapter reviews the history of environmental disasters that affected agriculture in the Americas, Asia, Europe and Africa, mainly in the medieval and modern periods. It emphasizes the importance of local and regional environments for... more
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      Victorian StudiesVictorian cultural studiesVictorian Literature and CultureHigher Education and History of Universties
Visions of Education conference, Thornycroft Hall, Cheshire, 26 October 2019
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      History of EducationJohn Henry Newman / Oxford MovementPastoral care in educationJohn Henry Newman
P avia, probabilmente 1488. Era una delle prime uscite pubbliche di Ludovico il Moro, convalescente d'una malattia durata mesi e tanto grave che a un certo punto s'era pronti a esporlo fuori del castello di Milano, considerandolo ormai... more
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      ArchitectureHigher EducationArchitectural HistoryHistory of Universities
The literature of the last few decades shows that the relationships between men and women in high education not only have social and institutional repercussions, but they influence the making of science too. Following these discussions,... more
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      Gender StudiesModern Italian HistoryHistory of ScienceHistory of Universities
Since 1964, there have been four periods in which a northern university for the Canadian territories was proposed or attempted. The first, from 1964 to 1982, coincided with such motivating national forces as post-war expansion and... more
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      History of EducationNorthern studiesNorthern Studies: Circumpolar NorthHigher Education and History of Universties
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      BuddhismHinduismNew Religious MovementsSocial Theory
The article discusses on the discovery of two documents about the student-time of the writer Joanes Etxeberri Sarakoa. The author thinks Joanes Etxeberri Sarakoa attended his first courses in Pau, in spite of the lack of any document to... more
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      Basque StudiesHistory of EducationBasque LiteratureHigher Education and History of Universties
A Pécsi Erzsébet Tudományegyetem orvosi fakultása sokáig habozott azon, hogy a fogászati oktatást bevezessék-e az egyetemi oktatásba, holott az 1930-as évekre már a másik két vidéki egyetemen sztomatológiai klinikák is működtek.
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      History of higher educationHistory of UniversitiesHistory of DentistryHigher Education and History of Universties
Статья посвящена истории создания и деятельности Военно-химического комитета при Русском физико-химическом обществе Петроградского университета. Комитет был создан осенью 1915 г. в Петрограде с целью объединить «русских химиков для... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of UniversitiesWorld War IRussian History
Решением Президиума Высшей аттестационной комиссии Министерства образования и науки России от 19.02.2010 г. журнал для ученых «Клио» включен в Перечень ведущих рецензируемых научных журналов и изданий, в которых должны быть опубликованы... more
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      History of higher educationHistory of UniversitiesHistory of RevolutionsHistory of Russia
Seminario intorno all'opera "Almum Studium Papiense. Storia dell'Università di Pavia". Locandona-programma.
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      HistoryCultural HistoryCultural StudiesHistory of Universities
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      History of higher educationMuseologyMuseologiaExhibitions
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      History of EducationRenaissance HumanismProsopographyItalian Humanism
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      Intellectual HistoryClassicsHistory of EducationHigher Education
n the following, we analyze the admission requirements to higher education, specialization history, in the History Faculties of the Universities of Bucharest, Cluj and Iasi. In the early 1950s, admission to higher education and especially... more
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      EducationRomanian HistoryHigher EducationCommunism
Очерк истории развития европейских университетов в эпоху Возрождения (перемены в сфере высшего образования).
Essay on the history of European universities in the Renaissance (the changes in higher education)
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      Late Middle AgesHistory of EducationRenaissance StudiesHistory of Science
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      Critical TheoryHistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
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      History of EducationHistory of higher educationSiglo XIXHistoria de México
This paper explores the evolution and development of Indian Higher Education system under the East India company rule. Starting the narrative in 1784, with the establishment of Calcutta Madrassah, this paper argues that the establishment... more
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      History of IdeasHistory of EducationHistory of UniversitiesHistory of Colonial India
В статье рассмотрена университетская корпорация Казани в год Великой революции 1917 г. Революционные события этого времени вызвали кардинальную перестройку многих сфер жизни страны; они привели к серьезным изменениям и в высшей школе. В... more
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      Russian StudiesHistory of ScienceHistory of higher educationHistory of Universities
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      World HistoryTransnational HistoryHistory of higher educationHistory of Universities
Archbishop Laud's ecclesiastical and political energy has left historians gasping behind him. This is not simply a result of his passion for detail and singleminded capacity for hard work; it is also a product of his geographical and... more
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      Irish StudiesBritish HistoryEnglish HistoryEarly Modern Ireland
The Archaeology and Anthropology (Arch and Anth) Tripos is a hundred years old in 2015. To mark the centennial the activities of the Department and Archaeological Field Club (AFC) around the turn of the millennium from 1999 to 2003 are... more
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      HistoryEuropean HistoryCultural HistorySociology