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The following article considers the missions of public Black colleges and universities, asking whether or not these missions are focused on liberal arts or professional education, or perhaps a hybrid of these foci. More importantly, we... more
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      Adult Continuing and Professional EducationHistorically Black Colleges and UniversitiesLiberal Arts EducationAfrican American students
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      GlobalizationHuman RightsLiberal artsLiberal Arts Education
I. Introduction: Plato's dialogues in relation to Plato's cultural context This paper will briefly explain some aspects of how Plato's dialogues arose from the cultural and historical situation into which he was born. Plato responded to... more
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      PlatoLiberal Arts EducationPlatón
This paper discusses the background and status of liberal arts education in Canada. First, it explains the place of liberal arts education in Canadian universities and outlines an example of required liberal arts coursework at a typical... more
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      Liberal Arts EducationImpact of Social Sciences and Humanities
Modern Language Studies is collaborating with JSTOR to digitize, preserve and extend access to Modern Language Studies.
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      Liberal Arts EducationJohn Henry Newman
Este ensayo analiza en primer lugar los motivos de las crecientes dudas acerca de la idea de la universidad, entre las que destaca un profundo escepticismo sobre la utilidad de las ciencias y la cognoscibilidad de la verdad. En segundo... more
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      Academic FreedomTransformation of University SystemsLiberal Arts EducationUniversity
Our creative arts help to define our societies and our civilisation. Digital developments are democratising enjoyment of the arts and participation in the arts. The creative arts can address social issues, reach excluded groups, open-up... more
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      EntrepreneurshipDesignCreativityArts Education
Drawing on a review of NITLE’s history, and interviews and surveys of past and current stakeholders, the assessment team identifies ways to build thoughtfully on NITLE's legacy to support the use of digital technologies in liberal... more
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      Educational TechnologyAssessmentLiberal Arts EducationSmall Liberal Arts Colleges
The Jesuit Ratio studiorum of 1599, deeply rooted in Ignatius's life and spirituality, is not only an indispensable source for the concept of Jesuit education but an essential part of the Society's foundation. It highlights the importance... more
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      ClassicsHistory of EducationCurriculum StudiesEducation History
This article describes liberal education as it comes to light not historically but philosophically, taking the word liber (free) as its chief distinguishing feature. It considers what liberal education presupposes of those who pursue... more
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      Liberal Arts Educationthe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationLiberal education
Description "History of Liberal Arts Education" is a survey seminar course in which students take up and discuss short selections of texts about liberal arts education from antiquity to the present. Co-lead by Professors Peterson & Sosa,... more
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      PhilosophyRhetoricChristian EducationPhilosophy of Education
Globalization is a deeply ambivalent phenomenon, involving both widened horizons of understanding and the commodification of natural and human resources. The Catholic university's engagement with our new global situation needs to keep... more
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      HumanitiesGlobalizationGlobalization And Higher EducationStudy Abroad
This paper is gleaned from years of learning through various styles and limited experience as a design educator. A myth was broken in an effort to 'educate design students'. 'Teaching' and 'Learning' are not equal experiences as both... more
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      Teaching and LearningDesignArts EducationLiberal Arts Education
Despite scholars' praise of liberal arts education as a model form, very little research has examined the actual impact of liberal arts education on learning outcomes. The elaborate rhetoric and anecdotal support, long used to advance... more
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      Lifelong LearningHigher EducationLearning OutcomesArt Education
A Brief Summary of Freud's Psychosexually Based Psychological pPerspective
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      PsychologyPersonality PsychologyPsychoanalysisSocial Psychology
In the critical words of political author Chris Hedges: “We’ve bought into the idea that education is about training and ‘success’, defined monetarily rather than learning to think critically and to challenge. “We should not forget that... more
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      HumanismLiberal Arts EducationHumanities and Social Sciences
A proposal for a Jesuit core reading list and the rationale behind it. Ideally there will be an autonomous or semi-autonomous college granting a two-year bachelor's degree (or certificate) in Letters. Such a program will provide the... more
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      Christian HumanismSocial JusticeGreat BooksEducational Equity and Justice
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      HumanitiesPlatoSocratesLiberal Arts Education
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      ClassicsLatin LiteratureLiteratureLatin Language and Literature
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      Liberal artsLiberal Arts Education
Cicero was a central figure for the development of John Henry Newman‘s thought. After Aristotle, he is the main source of inspiration for Newman‘s idea of liberal education. This paper examines in detail how Newman made profit of his... more
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      Philosophy of EducationPhilosophy of Higher EducationCiceroJ H Newman
A sketch for the curriculum of a Catholic liberal arts college.
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      PhilosophyTheologyPhilosophy Of FreedomLiberal Arts Education
Following Judy Celine Ick’s suggestion that storytelling is the mode of pedagogy in a Humanities classroom, this study attempts to explore how an artwork becomes a myriad of possible stories and concepts related to the nature of art even... more
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      Digital HumanitiesArts EducationOnline LearningLiberal Arts Education
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      John Henry Newman / Oxford MovementLiberal Arts EducationIntellectual VirtueThe Blessed John Henry Newman
Academic jobs remain difficult to attain. Over the last few years, several colleagues have sought advice from me on how to approach an interview of a job search. My experience, both as a job applicant and as a member of over six academic... more
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      ChristianityTeaching and LearningTheologyHigher Education
Supplement 3 (master's level): preliminary verses of _Don Quijote_ 1.
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureHumanitiesLiterature
This chapter makes the argument for both the practicality and impracticality of philosophy as it relates to liberal education. An exploration of the history of science in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries reveals that a study of... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of EducationLiberal artsLiberal Arts Education
What does one do with Stanley Fish's argument that the humanities have no persuasive extrinsic justification because they are simply " for their own sake "? This brief essay offers several answers and invites readers to quite a different... more
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesClassicsHumanities
Talk given at Deakin University (Melbourne) on November 18th, 2019 in the context of a workshop on "Philosophy and the Far Right, from Weimar to Charlottesville."
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      Political TheoryFriedrich NietzscheMartin HeideggerLiberal Arts Education
Dear colleagues and friends who value education, Enclosed is a letter I have drafted and posted to Academe, Inside Higher Ed., and The Chronicle of Higher Education. I am very grateful to Norman Markowitz for posting the original here,... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyEthicsApplied Ethics
On the eve of a global pandemic, Kathleen Gough, a theatre professor, becomes immersed in the lives of five artist-mystics, each of whom is a pioneer in her field: Hildegard of Bingen (1098-1179), the first known musical composer;... more
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      Performing ArtsTheatre StudiesHumanitiesEnd Of Life Studies
What can a liberal education and especially philosophy accomplish, either theoretically or practically? The question, or insinuation, is familiar to anyone in the liberal arts today. Precisely because it is familiar, we may too casually... more
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      Philosophy of EducationScottish EnlightenmentHistory Of Modern PhilosophyDavid Hume
This study focuses on determining the current job market for potential faculty members in the field of educational leadership and educational administration. The researchers analyzed all the job advertisements (N=173) seeking faculty... more
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      Higher EducationLiberal Arts EducationAcademic Women Administrators and Leaders, College and University PresidentsLeadership for Equity Diversity Inclusion
The future of the arts in higher education--writ large--requires the examination, analysis, and synthesization of many central and peripheral issues if arts education is to be successfully sustained. Present-day and future leadership must... more
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      Art HistoryPerforming ArtsArtArt Theory
A review essay on recent writing in the United States about the introduction of new forms of learning assessment using "student learning outcomes" into college classrooms for the purpose of improving post-secondary education. The essay... more
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      History EducationStudent learning outcomesLiberal Arts EducationLearning and Assessment in Higher Education
Why does medieval art matter today? This beautifully illustrated book will examine this question through the lens of the magnificent objects in the Wyvern Collection of Medieval and Early Renaissance art, accompanying the collection’s... more
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      Art HistoryMedieval StudiesHistory of ArtMedieval Art
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      Character EducationLiberal Arts EducationLiberal education
An introduction to the history and ideals of Liberal Arts education, with an explanation of Benedictine College's core requirements deliver that education. Written for incoming students in Benedictine's "First Year Experience" course.... more
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      HumanitiesHigher EducationChristian HumanismPedagogy
This essay aims to raise awareness of small, scattered ethnographic collections and illustrate how a liberal arts model of open-ended, object-based inquiry can help breathe new life into old collections. The term “dangling collection” is... more
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      Museum StudiesCollecting and CollectionsArctic AnthropologyCollaborative Learning
This volume is a collection of European students’ voices on their liberal education. It is not a comparative, scholarly study of student experience in liberal education programmes, although it might serve as a first step towards such an... more
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      Liberal artsLiberal Arts Educationthe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationCollege Students
This papers aims to contribute to the ongoing debate over the identity of the university, particularly in Europe. The first part reviews relevant bibliography about the tradition of liberal education in the United States in the past 20th... more
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      Higher EducationLiberal Arts Educationthe History and Theory of Liberal Arts EducationEducación superior
Here is a handout for a class given on Part 4 of the Jesuit Constitutions authored by Ignatius of Loyola (1491 to 1556). This part deals with Jesuit studia, that is, Jesuit education, for members of the Society and for non-members as well.
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      Renaissance HumanismChristian HumanismJesuit historyJesuit education
Supplement 5 (doctoral level): geographical, historical, and biographical contexts of _Don Quijote_.
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      Cultural StudiesComparative LiteratureSpanish LiteratureHumanities
E.H. Gombrich's critique of cultural history as dependent on Hegelian holism is flawed.  Overcoming his approach is necessary to restore cultural history and use it to our pedagogical advantage.
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      Cultural HistoryCultural StudiesEducationCultural Heritage
This article draws on some initial investigation into the relationship between liberal arts education in Asia and youth citizenship to examine the roles of the 'institution' and the 'student' in citizenship formation. The article begins... more
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      Liberal Arts EducationCitizenship EducationYouth and citizenship
For the last 50 years, a belief that building a robust and competitive state economy should predominate California's public higher education goals has become increasingly prevalent, and today it is taken as an unchallenged assumption.... more
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The diversity of learning differences in today’s college classrooms raises an array of difficult questions that pedagogical theory and practice have yet to address. The trend toward more individualized instruction presents a puzzle when... more
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      PragmatismPhilosophy of EducationLearning DifficultiesJohn Dewey
Liberal arts education is highly commodified, yet it also boasts to cultivate critical thinkers and progressive changemakers. What exactly is the kind of "critical mindedness" that liberal arts institutions produce? Drawing from... more
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      NeoliberalismElitesLiberal Arts Education
Some research aiming to improve problem-solving skills in physics by various learning models has been performed. So far, there is no comprehensive research that uses Inquiry-discovery learning model to improve problem solving skills (PSS)... more
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      Liberal Arts EducationEducational values