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The paper traces a profound process of educational reform and simultaneous processes of social mobilization, catalyzed by the nitrate era. It follows a group of teachers and officers -who are understood as "transitional personalities"... more
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      Latin American StudiesHistory of EducationHistory of ChileHistory of Latin America
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      German HistoryHistory of EducationPublic History20th Century German History
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      History of EducationAfrican HistoryHistory of West AfricaFrench colonialism
The institution of education is ancient and a deep understanding of the development of an educational system demands a study from the beginning... (educational system in ancient Athens and Sparta, educational system in 1830 - the new... more
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      History of EducationTeaching MethodologyHistory of teacher educationHistory of Greek Higher Education
This article examines NCATE requirements for field experiences in the context of research related to teaching, learning, and teacher education. According to NCATE, field experiences , sometimes referred to as practicum experiences,... more
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      Teacher EducationTechnology in Teacher EducationTeacher ResearchSecond Language Teacher Education
«Французский и другие языки в образовании в России 18 века» Статья исследует процесс изучения французского и других живых языков в частном и государственном образовании в России в 18 веке. Основные задачи этого исследования – понять,... more
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      Russian StudiesEducationTeacher EducationHistory of Education
It is significant to present the detailed biographies of the figures having critical roles during the modernization of education in the Ottoman Empire and analyse their contribution to the educational policies and practices of their... more
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      History of EducationBiographyHistory of higher educationOttoman-Turkish Westernization
In this chapter, we introduce the phrase teacher education curriculum to focus specifically on the question of what curriculum prospective elementary and secondary teachers should study. Then, we organize teacher education curriculum into... more
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      Teacher EducationCurriculum StudiesCurriculum and InstructionHistory of teacher education
Spišská Kapitula as a cultural and educational centre has played an important role in both the history of the Kingdom of Hungary and the Slovak history. With its institutions that had been established and operated in the area throughout... more
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      HistoryHistory of higher educationHistory of teacher educationJesuits
Der Sammelband „Medien machen Geschichte. Neue Anforderungen an den geschichtsdidaktischen Medienbegriff im digitalen Wandel“ beinhaltet acht Beiträge der Tagung „Geschichtsdidaktische Medienverständnisse“, die im April 2014 an der... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMedia and Cultural StudiesWeb 2.0
Cross-national empirical research consistently suggests that, on average, former British colonies are both more democratic and have more stable democratic transitions. I argue that former British colonies are distinct not because Great... more
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      Economic HistoryPolitical SociologySocial MovementsSociology of Religion
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      Teacher EducationPhilosophy of EducationHistory of teacher education
Dalton education is the largest educational reform movement in the Netherlands. Around eighty years ago it spread throughout the world; Dalton education was found in the USA, England, Australia, Germany, the Netherlands, the Soviet Union,... more
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      Teaching and LearningTeacher EducationPhilosophy of EducationCritical Pedagogy
Dall’ antichità fino al Rinascimento, dal Medioevo al Novecento, le lingue classiche hanno svolto un ruolo formativo nel plasmare anime e menti dei giovani. Nel delineare il contesto culturale nell’ ambito della storia dell’istruzione... more
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      ClassicsEducationMedieval HistoryTeacher Education
Vatandaşlık tartışmaları son yıllarda birçok kitabın konusu oldu. “Vatandaşlık ve kimlik arasındaki ilişki modern dönemden farklılaşacak mı?” bir soru olarak hala orta yerde duruyor. Farklı ülkelerden, farklı sesler ile vatandaşlık –... more
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      Social IdentityGlobal CitizenshipIdentity (Culture)Education for Citizenship
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      History of EducationHistory of photographyHistory of teacher educationItalian fascism
El presente estudio histórico investiga la génesis de la formación de docentes secundarios estatales entre 1889 y 1910 en Chile, la cuál está íntimamente ligada a un proceso de transferencia educativa con Alemania propiciado por el... more
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      History of teacher educationHistory of Chilean EducationEducational Transfer
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      HistoryHistory of EducationHistory of ScienceHistory of teacher education
«John Amos Comenius», MOCHE 10 (2013) 141-142 [Strategikes Ekdoseis, Athens]

«Ιωάννης Αμώς Κομένιος», ΜΟΧΕ 10 (2013) 141-142 [Στρατηγικές Εκδόσεις, Αθήνα]
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      History of EducationHistory of teacher education
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      History of EducationHistory of teacher educationHistory of Poland in twentieth centuryHigher Education and History of Universties
U ponedjeljak 5. prosinca u OŠ "dr. Jure Turića" u Gospiću obilježen je vrlo vrijedan jubilej-250 godina osnovnog školstva na području grada Gospića. Tim povodom u holu škole otvorena je izložba "Blago iz školske škrinjice" koju su... more
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      Cultural HistorySocial HistoryHistory of teacher education
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      History of teacher educationTeaching French as a foreign languageWomen's educationHistory of Foreign Language Teaching
Memoria de investigación (TFM) del Máster de Historia Contemporánea coorganizado por la Universitat de València (2009).
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      Gender StudiesWomen's HistoryHistory of EducationModern Spanish History
Este libro es producto de las Jornadas “Intelectuales de la educación y el Estado” realizadas en noviembre de 2015 en la sede del Centro de Historia Intelectual de la Universidad Nacional de Quilmes. El encuentro tuvo por objetivo... more
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      History of EducationHistory of teacher education
L'opera, comprese tutte le sue parti, è tutelata dalla legge sui diritti d'autore. Sono vietate e sanzionate (se non espressamente autorizzate) la riproduzione in ogni modo e forma (comprese le fotocopie, la scansione, la memorizzazione... more
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      Italian (European History)History of EducationContemporary HistoryHistory of teacher education
The paper deals with the relation between teacher and student, analyzed by Giovanni Calò in his handbooks of Pedagogy for initial teacher education. In particular, it focusses on some elements of contiguity between L'educazione degli... more
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      History of EducationHistory of teacher educationItalian PedagogyItalian Education
(extrait de l'article) Les premiers huguenots venus en Russie ne sont pas des éducateurs ; il faut attendre la fondation de l’Académie de Saint-Pétersbourg en 1725 pour voir apparaître des enseignants huguenots dans les établissements... more
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      Cultural StudiesRussian StudiesEducationHistory of Education
Resumo: A história do século XIX revela muitas faces da educação brasileira. No que concerne à educação paulista, é possível encontrar na sociedade lutas e resistências em relação à educação feminina. Paralelo a essas lutas e resistências... more
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      History of EducationLiteratura brasileiraHistory of teacher educationHistoria Intelectual
In an important article reflecting on the history of education in Europe, Dominique Julia argued that "one of the most promising areas of research is certainly the culture of the school". In a broad sense, the culture of the school means... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of teacher educationTime Management
A popularização das tecnologias digitais de informação e comunicação (TDIC) permitiu uma grande conexão da sociedade, através das redes de internet, possibilitando a consolidação da Cibercultura, fenômeno diagnosticado por alguns autores... more
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      HistoryEvaluationDigital StorytellingTeaching History
A finales del Siglo XIX en México tuvo lugar un proceso de modernización de la formación docente y una reforma educativa de gran calado. Se presenta un análisis de este proceso.
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      History of teacher educationHistoria de la EducaciónFormación y Actualización de Maestros de Educación BásicaHistoria Y Teoría De La Educación
Der Band »Landesgeschichte an der Schule« dokumentiert die Ergebnisse einer Tagung, die vom 1. bis 2. Dezember 2016 in Kiel stattfand. Der gemeinsame Tenor der 13 Beiträge lautet, die Erkenntnispotentiale der Landes- und... more
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      HistoriographyCurriculum TheoryTeaching HistoryCurriculum and Instruction
While science museum programs for classroom teachers are commonplace, they are surprisingly underrepresented in historical research literature. As a result, little is known about how we have come to the widespread assumption that science... more
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      History of teacher educationHistory of Science MuseumsHistory of Science Education
The book is a critical edition of a methodological manual for teachers of grammar classes in Jesuit colleges of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. Copies of Sczaniecki's original work, published in 1715, were almost completely read and... more
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      History of the Polish-Lithuanian CommonwealthJesuit educationHistory of teacher education
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      Greek HistoryHistory of teacher education
This call for papers is part of the research activities envisaged for the project of significant national interest entitled School Memories between Social Perception and Collective Representation (Italy, 1861-2001). The intention is to... more
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      History of EducationHistory of higher educationMemory StudiesSocial and Collective Memory
Cet article examine l’histoire enseignée dans les écoles soudanaises durant les trois premiers quarts du XXe siècle. Englobant les ères coloniale et postcoloniale, l’analyse scrute l’évolution d’un certain nombre de variables (le statut... more
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      History of EducationHistory EducationSudan and the Middle EastSudan
Rudolf Steiner presented the Ilkley Conference on Waldorf Education at Ilkley from the 4th-18th August, 1923. He promised his audience: “I shall try to show what Anthroposophy has to say on the subject of education and describe the... more
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      EducationAlternative EducationHistory of EducationAnthroposophy
Chapitre 7 de la thèse de doctorat de Bruno Restif, soutenue en décembre 2004 à l'Université Rennes 2 Haute-Bretagne sous la direction d'Alain Croix : La Paroisse, cadre d'application de la Réforme catholique en Haute-Bretagne (diocèses... more
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      Early Modern HistoryCatholic ReformHistory of SculpturePopular Arts
Il volume ricostruisce la genesi dei musei scolastici nella città di Bologna dopo l'Unità e si sofferma in particolare sulla storia del Museo didattico 'Luigi Bombicci' sorto nel 1883 a Bologna per la didattica delle scienze, esplorando... more
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      Science EducationHistory of EducationHistory of ScienceHistory of teacher education
This quantitative study examines the training of student teachers for ICT-based teaching in two teacher education institution, in Israel and Finland. The data was collected in 2015-2017 using a questionnaire administered to 41 Finnish and... more
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      Teacher EducationSecond Language Teacher EducationMotivation Of Student TeachersSpecial Education Teacher Education
Viața elvețianului Léopold Bachelin (1857-1930) a fost bogată în realizări culturale, dar astăzi ele se află într-o nemeritată uitare. Existența omului atât de stimat în mediile culturale ale timpului său și prețuit de însăși Familia... more
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    • History of teacher education
This article recovers a 1972 essay from James Moffett entitled ‘Who Counts?’ that the National Council of Teachers of English commissioned at the onset of US standards and accountability reforms. The essay historicises NCTE’s positions on... more
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      LiteracyHistory of EducationAccountabilityEducational reform
Apart from John Dewey, no American educational reformer has been as internationally successful and influential as Helen Parkhurst, the founder of Dalton education. In the twenties and thirties of the twentieth century, Dalton education... more
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      HistorySocial MovementsPositive PsychologyDevelopmental Psychology
Antes de iniciar una disertación sobre la historia de la educación peruana, resulta un tanto arbitrario empezar este trabajo desde 1821. Pero es la fecha de nuestra Independencia y ese es un acontecimiento, contradictorio tal vez, pero... more
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      History of EducationHistory of teacher educationEarly Education
This paper summarizes the most recent studies on primary school teachers' associative phenomenon in Italy between Unification and late Ninteenth century. The aim of this paper is to trace the evolution of associations and the transition... more
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    • History of teacher education
Latin Epigraphy has bequeathed to us the memory of twelve teachers and a group of ludi magistri in Roman Spain. The various texts, most of them of funeral nature and from urban context, inform us about the functions that these... more
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      Ancient HistoryRoman HistoryHistory of EducationLatin Epigraphy
Social studies course is a pivotal course offered in the first three years of students’ primary education. Since the foundation of the Turkish Republic to the present, there have been changes in the curricula of the social studies course... more
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      Modern HistoryEducationHistory of IdeasSocial Sciences
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      HistoryHistory of EducationMaterial Culture StudiesTeacher Training
Für die Zeit am Ende des Ancien Regimes gilt es als ausgemacht, dass die Schulorganisation schlecht war und die Lehrer am Existenzminimum lebten. Die Besoldung wird meist als ungenügend eingestuft (Hunziker 1881) und die Lehrperson als... more
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      Cultural HistoryHistory of EducationHistory of teacher education