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L’articolo riconsidera l’esperienza delle ciurme a bordo delle galere veneziane e nei porti dello Stato da Mar. Nei brevi momenti di libertà, la quotidianità dei galeotti era caratterizzata da una vera e propria economia clandestina: la... more
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      Early Modern HistoryMaritime HistorySocial HistoryHistory of the Mediterranean
In early modern Europe, spontaneous festive activities such as gambling and other street entertainments were a prominent part of everyday urban life. This article analyses their impact on some of Venice’s informal political spaces. Ludic... more
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      Urban HistoryEarly Modern EuropeEarly Modern ItalyHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
The profound processes that will manifest in the 16th century in Europe also influenced the Moldovan country. Anchored in general European issues, Moldova's leaders will be involved in the political and cultural disputes that have taken... more
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SOMMARIO: 1. Le avanguardie dello specialismo-2. «Che lo scolaro vegga la procedenza di quest'ultimo dal primo»: il problema dell'autonomia nella scuola-3. Giuseppe Montanelli e il diritto commerciale nel processo di incivilimento-4.... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHungarian Soviet Republic 1919
Az 1919-es Magyarországi Tanácsköztársaság ítélkezésének vizsgálata azon témák közé tartozik, amelynek mind ez idáig periferikus hely jutott történetírásunkban, objektív munkák pedig még kevésbé jutottak e szegmensnek. Nem elhanyagolható... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHungarian Soviet Republic 1919
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      HumanitiesHistorical Studies
La thèse propose d'appréhender les débuts de l’éclairage public avant l’invention du gaz et de l’électricité, comme un objet d'histoire urbaine totale. Elle analyse le processus d'introduction, de diffusion et d’appropriation... more
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      Urban LightingPublic Lighting
Production et régulation des violences juvéniles dans une cité populaire Turbulent youth and social workers. Production and regulation of juvenile violence in a city popular
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      HumanitiesArtPolitical ScienceReification
В статье изучены основные решения Верховного Суда США, касающиеся установления, толкования и применения международно-правовых обычаев в ХХ – начале XIX веков, а также их оценка в американской доктрине международного права: The Paquete... more
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      Public International LawCustomary International LawUS Supreme Courtмеждународное право
Ce précis traite des fondements romains du droit privé moderne, tant en Suisse qu’en Europe. Enseigner la culture juridique romaine permet de mieux comprendre, à travers l’évolution de la pensée juridique, le droit actuel et les enjeux... more
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      Comparative LawProperty LawRoman LawTalmud
Corruption has attracted the attention of researchers and experts as an obstacle to growth and a burden on public finances. Where the concerned mind sees a threat to good governance, the clever swindler finds an opportunity for profit.... more
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      CriminologyBulgarian historyCorruptionForeign Trade
Целта на настоящата работа е да проучи възникването и развитието на обществения транспорт в гр. Фердинанд/Михайловград през периода 1938 - 1952 г. В тази статия ще проследим появата и развитието на обществения транспорт в гр. Фердинанд и... more
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Розкрито актуальність україноцентричного дослідження писемних пам’яток давньогрецької культури для історико-географічного обґрунтування етногенезу українців, витоків української державності, європейського цивілізаційного вибору України.... more
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      Historical GeographyHerodotus
HAL is a multi-disciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or... more
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      Political ScienceEconomic Justice
Das mais simples às mais elaboradas, das mais ‘sérias’ às mais rocambolescas, as vigarices atravessam todas as sociedades e todos os tempos. Nas páginas seguintes contamos as histórias de cinco pessoas que protagonizaram algumas das... more
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Статья посвящена анализу практики Международного суда ООН по применению доктрины подразумеваемой компетенции. Изучены основные решения и консультативные заключения данного органа. Определены принципы и способы толкования уставов... more
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      Public International Lawмеждународное правоДипломатическое право международных организаций
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The article examines various forms of female deviant behavior in the late 19th - early 20th centuries. The author pays special attention to the study of the relationship between female crime and alcoholism. It is emphasized that the level... more
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      Sociology of Crime and DevianceAlcohol StudiesHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of Crime
The ‘institutional’ affairs that unfolded between the early and late Middle Ages can be (and have been) reconstructed in varying degrees of detail through diplomas, documents and chronicles. Regarding Italy, there is also another source... more
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    • Medieval and Early Modern European History, Legal History and Legal Theory, History from Below, Cultural Studies, Political Sciences
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    • Roman Private Law
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    • Roman Private Law
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    • Roman Private Law
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      SociologyCriminologyLawHistory of India
A cikk azt kívánja feltárni, hogy Péter Gábor, aki éveken át feltétel nélküli engedelmességgel hajtotta végre Rákosi Mátyás utasításait, és aki az ÁVO, majd az ÁVH vezetőjeként a kommunista diktatúra megteremtésének és a kirakatperek... more
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      Communist Secret PoliceRákosi-korszak
Lincoln HEN THE CHARACTER Joan La Pucelle has been captured and is brought before Warwick and York to be condemned at the end of Shakespeare's 1 Henry VI, she at first denies her shepherd father and proclaims both her noble birth and her... more
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A post at the blog Legal History Miscellany that offers a preliminary examination of a 1580 English perjury case against jurors who refused to indict a woman accused of murder-by-witchcraft.
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWEarly Modern European Witchcraft
En este artículo examino la administración de justicia de paz en la ciudad de Buenos Aires, con el objetivo de identificar la participación de los jueces de paz en la construcción del orden público durante el último gobierno rosista. En... more
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      Social NetworksSocial NetworkingProsopographyHistoria Social
Pour une historiographie majoritaire, l'histoire du parquet depuis trois siècles est celle d'un développement à peu près linéaire sur lequel les bouleversements politiques, y compris la parenthèse révolutionnaire, n'auraient eu presque... more
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The formation of the modern national consciousness of the Ukrainians of the Crimea: trends, perspectives and assimilation threats (the end of the 19th - the beginning of the 21st century) / Compiler and scientific editor, Doctor of... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWCrimeaHetmanateнаціональна ідентичність
The book provides examination of 103 ceramic vessels with painted figural decoration unearthed during the excavations of the Museum in the 1990s. Richly illustrated with 233 color plates, black-and-white drawings, tables, and charts, it... more
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      Mediterranean StudiesAncient ThraceBlack SeaApollonia Pontica
El presente artículo analiza el tema de la criminalidad desde todos los aspectos que la componen: sus tipologías, sus causas, sus protagonistas, etc. La frontera entre la Alta Extremadura y Portugal, en un tiempo de cambio, el siglo... more
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      GeographyHumanitiesEarly Modern HistoryViolencia
Su Ermanno Sangiorgi è stato scritto tutto, o quasi. Brillante funzionario di polizia per quarantasette anni-dal 1860 al 1907-, è ricordato soprattutto per l'impegno profuso contro la criminalità in Sicilia e per avere descritto, in... more
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Este artigo analisa as materias referentes ao crime de moeda falsa que foram publicadas no jornal Diario do Rio de Janeiro, entre 1840 e 1869. O crime em questao envolve a falsificacao de dinheiro, seja ele moeda metalica seja de papel, e... more
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      HumanitiesPolitical Science
Dans la lignée de diverses manifestations scientifiques tenues en France au cours des vingt dernières années, et prioritairement adressées aux jeunes chercheurs, ce volume s’intéresse à aux réalités actuelles de la recherche universitaire... more
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      LawCriminal LawPolitical ScienceLiterary studies
The published version of a conference talk of mine at the following conference of the Holocaust Memorial Center in Budapest on October 27, 2022: “Visszatérés – hazatérés? Magyar zsidók kivándorlási dilemmái [Return - coming home?... more
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      Modern Hungarian Jewish HistoryEmigrationHolocaust ShoahHungarian Jews
El presente artículo explora la experiencia policial del Segundo Imperio Mexicano. El texto se estructura sobre dos ejes principales. En primer lugar, se ofrece una mirada diacrónica del concepto de policía para entender en dónde se... more
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      Seguridad PúblicaPolicíaHistoria de MéxicoVigilancia
Reflecting the carceral turn in scholarship, this introduction to a special issue on engendering carcerality explores the difference that gender makes in the history of the carceral in its various forms over time and space. It considers... more
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      HISTORY OF CRIME AND LAWHistory of CrimePunishment and PrisonsPrisons
The salt trade in early colonial Orissa was shaped by its unique landscape with intersecting river valleys, forested plateaus, and a long coastline where salt was produced. In the late eighteenth century, the East India Company (EIC)... more
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      18th & 19th CenturiesEarly Modern economic and social history
What explains the law-abidingness of late Victorian England? A number of modern historians contend that the answer lies with the effectiveness of policing, and with the imposition of a 'policeman-state' in Victorian and Edwardian England.... more
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The pieces in this collection range from an account of the Skeleton Army riots against the Salvation Army in the early 1880s to the unsuccessful campaign to abolish the death penalty in the aftermath of the Second World War. They include... more
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      SociologyCriminologypunishment psychology
From the early 16th century, Europeans gradually established their trading bases in India. The Portuguese, British, Dutch, Danish, and French came to India to expand trade, but gradually they involved themselves in the internal politics... more
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    • Local and regional history
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      HistoryCultural HistorySocial HistoryHISTORY OF CRIME AND LAW
Cet article fait suite à celui publié récemment par l'auteur, consacré à la « Commission d'enquête pour l'accès à la vérité » sur la guerre civile mexicaine et les disparitions forcées d'opposants au Mexique, entre 1965 et 1990. Il permet... more
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Alleweireldt of van Alderwerelt werd in Brugge geboren op 16 oktober 1824 en overleed in Oostende op 22 augustus 1892, bijna 68 jaar geworden. Wie de architectuur in de negentiende eeuw in Brugge bestudeert, vooral dan de nieuwbouw in... more
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Hablar de sectores medios o clases medias refiere a clasificaciones ocupacionales o a un lugar determinado en la sociedad por sus relaciones con los de arriba y los de abajo. Es un tema poco explorado en la historiografía mexicana, la... more
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      IdentidadesDistinción socialMovilidad socialCiudad de México
This article delves into a crucial yet understudied aspect of Italian penitentiary history during the 1930s: the intricate interplay between international influences and the development of fascist prison policies with regard to issues of... more
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      FascismHistory of prisonsPunishment and PrisonsItalian fascism