Recent papers in Grisaille
Das Verständnis des Zerreißens und Spaltens als eines Ereignisses, das Leben, Liebe und Weisheit hervorbringt (wie beim Zerreißen des Vorhangs im Tempel), ist tief verwurzelt im visuellen und textuellen „Körper“ des antiken und... more
La grisaille fait-elle sens ? C’est la question posée par l’existence d’une peinture en nuances de gris dans le riche éventail qu'est celui des couleurs médiévales. C’est aussi la question à laquelle ont tenté de répondre un certain... more
Through an examination of the miracles of Anthony of Padua painted by Girolamo da Treviso in the Saraceni Chapel (1525–26), this essay demonstrates the complex ways in which monochrome painting would have created meaning for diverse... more
The article discusses the origins of grisaille manuscripts at the fifteenth-century Burgundian court under Duke Philip the Good (1396-1467), beginning with a payment record from 1455. The first part of the article examines the evidence... more
English Translation of the above article
Teilen ungeschriebene Medienrefl exionsgeschichte des Bildes muss ergänzend zu schriftlichen Quellen auch die selbstbezüglichen Aussagen der Bilder als Quelle nutzen lernen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Epochen wie das westliche... more
The ancient Greeks had a name for the joy as well as the sorrow of an occasion that suddenly presents itself, but disappears just as swiftly: kairos, or in Latin occasio. Using the Mantua grisaille as starting point and leading motif,... more
An innovative visible retouching method was successfully attempted on a set of seven paintings, the Puys d'Amiens, amongst which three of them presented large losses. The challenge was to find a retouching solution that would enable... more
In the 1520s, a series of indigo-dyed linen cloths were painted in monochrome by Teramo Piaggio di Zoagli, for the Benedictine abbey of San Nicolò del Boschetto, outside Genoa. The cloths were intended to create an enclosure for the... more
in: Les modèles dans l’art du Moyen Âge (XIIe-XVe siècles) Models in the Art of the Middle Ages (12th–15th Centuries). Terrier Aliferis L, Borlée D (Eds); Les Études du RILMA, 10, Turnhout, 2018, Brepols: 121–132.
Texto sobre a exposição Retratos preto sobre preto, do artista Alexandre Ignácio Alvez, participante da II Mostra da 29ª ed. do Programa de Exposições do Centro cultural São Paulo, em 2019.
The meaning of tearing and splitting as a life-, love- and wisdom-generating event (for example, the tearing of the temple curtain) is profoundly rooted in the visual and literary 'bodies' of ancient and Christian thought. The primordial... more
Long considered only a mere technique, grisaille illumination has so far resisted any attempt to uncover its many meanings. Assessing the reasons for such a reduction of color to shades of grey is no easy task, since it gathers a wide... more
Journal of Glass Studies 15 (1973), 69-78.
À la fin du Moyen Âge, les documents rédigés en langue latine et italienne, française et catalane, allemande et flamande documentent un mode chromatique connu des artistes, commanditaires et notaires : l’œuvre « de blanc et de noir ».... more
Graue Fassaden waren nicht immer ein Synonym für Tristesse: Bei der Fassadengestaltung im Florentiner Palastbau des 15. Jahrhunderts konnte sogar nur das grau-weiße Sgraffito mit dem teuren Haustein konkurrieren. Das hohe Ansehen des... more
The Renaissance Society of America Annual Meeting, Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, 15 April 2021.
In: Chiaroscuro als ästhetisches Prinzip. Kunst und Theorie des Helldunkels 1300–1500. Lehmann C, Gramaccini N, Rößler J, Dittelbach T (Eds), Berlin, 2018: De Gruyter.
Black as Ink. Materials and Techniques in Fiftheenth Century Flemish Grisaille Illumations by Jan de Tavernier, Willem Vrelant and Dreux Jean in New Persperspecitives on Flemish Illumination, Corpus of Illuminated Manuscripts, Vol 22,... more
University Park: Penn State University Press, 2016. 216 pp.; 34 color ills.; 48 b/w ills. Cloth $79.95 (9780271070896) Arthur J. DiFuria CrossRef DOI: