Amiens Cathedral
Recent papers in Amiens Cathedral
Equipo: Jose Antonio Jesús Mondragón y Germán Tenorio
[EN] The expansion of Gothic architecture in Europe, well beyond its birthplace, took place in the 13th century through contacts between patrons and through the circulation of architects, but also through the exchange of architectural... more
"Alchemical Traditions from Antiquity to the Avant-Garde, ed. Aaron Cheak (Melbourne: Numen Books, 2013), ISBN 0987559826 (684 pages): ◊ more
An innovative visible retouching method was successfully attempted on a set of seven paintings, the Puys d'Amiens, amongst which three of them presented large losses. The challenge was to find a retouching solution that would enable... more
Lepanto, mattina del 7 ottobre 1571: "Già le due potentissime armate a tiro di cannone s'avvicinavano, sperando ciascuna la vittoria, […] Allora Don Giovanni intrepidamente andò a prua e facendo sonar le trombe a battaglia, era in sì... more
These skyscrapers of stone dominated skylines for nearly a thousand years. Now, a team of scholars and builders investigates how they we went up, and why some of the tallest fell down. Embedded in stone and stained glass, they uncover a... more
avec le soutien de la Ville d'Ath ATH BRUXELLES LOUVAIN-LA-NEUVE 2003 LEUVEN ' Six Vertus et six vices de cette même série se reconnaissent aussi sur une belle salière en vermeil de la fin du XIV' siècle conservée à Osnabriick, en... more
Pour de nombreux auteurs participant depuis plus de vingt ans au festival Les Rendez-vous de la bande dessinée d’Amiens, la cathédrale Notre Dame représente un imaginaire riche et parfois contradictoire : de la nostalgie à la destruction,... more
Accueil café (salle polyvalente, CESR) 9h30
Depuis le milieu du XIXe siècle, les portails occidentaux amiénois ont régulièrement fait l’objet de publications. Jusque récemment, les études consacrées aux sculptures se bornaient à décrire les sujets iconographiques, comme si les... more
The work makes an iconographic analysis of images of medieval peasants in the cathedrals of Chartres and Amiens, topic titled Labours of the Months, present in medieval art. These images will be considered from its realistic character, as... more