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This book focuses on the Shrine Madonnas, or Vierges ouvrantes, sculptures which conceal within their bodies complex carved and/or painted iconographies. The Shrine Madonna emerged in Europe at the end of the 1200s, and reached a peak of... more
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      Medieval Theater and PerformanceMedieval ArtMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)Medieval Medicine
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      Escultura MedievalVierge Ouvrante
Nella Pinacoteca civica di Pieve di Cento (Bologna, Emilia-Romagna) è conservata una Madonna stante col Bambino del XIV secolo appartenente al gruppo delle Vierges ouvrantes o Madonne Scrigno in italiano. Si tratta di un tipo di Madonne... more
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      Medieval StudiesMedieval EuropeMedieval ArtMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)
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      Art HistoryVisual AnthropologyMaterial culture of religionMedieval Iberian History
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      Art HistoryVisual AnthropologyMaterial culture of religionAnthropology of the Body
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      Art HistoryVisual AnthropologyGender HistoryMedieval Iberian History
Teilen ungeschriebene Medienrefl exionsgeschichte des Bildes muss ergänzend zu schriftlichen Quellen auch die selbstbezüglichen Aussagen der Bilder als Quelle nutzen lernen. Dies gilt insbesondere für Epochen wie das westliche... more
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      Self-Reference, Reflexivity, ReflectionSelfreflexivityVierge OuvranteGrisaille
Die* bescheidene spätgotische Holzmadonna im Limburger Domschatz (Abb. 1) scheint eines Aufsatzes kaum würdig zu sein. Die nur 78,5 cm hohe Plastik zeigt eine Muttergottes, die, streng, frontal und symmetrisch gestaltet, auf einer... more
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      Art HistoryArtMedieval StudiesHistory of Art
This paper was given at a one-day workshop entitled "Art and Death: Death and Dying" at the Courtauld Institute of Art in July 2012. It presents some of my doctoral research on a Vierge ouvrante sculpture from Maubuisson, France, and its... more
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      PathologyAnthropologyArt HistorySculpture
Resumo: Virgem Abrideira é uma escultura com um mecanismo frontal de abertura. Quando está fechada, apresenta a Virgem entronizada; quando aberta, exibe outras imagens religiosas incorporadas na cavidade de seu corpo. Elaboradas a partir... more
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      Ivory CarvingArte MedievalArte MedievaleVierge Ouvrante
La Reforma auspiciada por los protestantes en el siglo XVI tuvo su correlato en la Contrarreforma católica nacida a partir del concilio de Trento (1545-1563). El cisma producido tuvo una enorme influencia en la expresión artística. Nuevos... more
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      Reformation StudiesHistory of the ReformationVirgin MaryContrarreforma
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      Art HistoryMedieval Iberian HistorySpainMedieval Sculpture (XIII-XVth Century)
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    • Vierge Ouvrante