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This article reflects upon the impact that technology and innovation has had on urban development. From NASA's Landstat program, to Google maps and GPS, technlogy has had a significant impact on urban planning and land use law. The... more
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      EngineeringTechnologyPublic TransportUrban Planning
Digital maps and route descriptions on a PDA have become very popular for navigation, not the least with the advent of the iPhone and its Google Maps application. A visual support for wayfinding, however, is not reasonable or even... more
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      Digital mappingOpen FieldUser Interface EvaluationGoogle Map
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      Human Computer InteractionUser eXperienceInteractive MultimediaDigital Content
Background: Displaying complex metabolic-map diagrams, for Web browsers, and allowing users to interact with them for querying and overlaying expression data over them is challenging. Description: We present a Web-based metabolic-map... more
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      Systems BiologyWeb TechnologiesNetworksMetabolic Networks
BioCaster is an ontology-based text mining system for detecting and tracking the distribution of infectious disease outbreaks from linguistic signals on the Web. The system continuously analyzes documents reported from over 1700 RSS... more
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      BioinformaticsComputer ScienceText MiningPublic Health
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    • Google Map
The majority of transit trip planners currently exist as proprietary systems based on particular vendor 3 products. With more functional components incorporated, the system maintenance and regular transit 4 information updates become... more
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      Civil EngineeringInformation TechnologyService Oriented ArchitectureTransportation
A Geographic Information System (GIS) is a computer program for storing, retrieving, analyzing, and displaying cartographic data. 1 - Storing (Spatial vertexes, Attribute Texture Table) 2 - Retrieving (File processing) 3 - Analyzing (... more
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      GPS ApplicationsGeo-spatial analysis with GIS and GPSGPSGPS tracking
Top 10 DIY SEO tips for restaurants shared directly from our internal service menu.
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      BlogsSmall BusinessSocial Media OptimizationOnline Marketing
Sound pollution and traffic jam are two major problems in most of the city roads of developing cities like as Dhaka, Bangladesh. Traffic jam, as well as mixed traffic condition, is the major cause of sound pollution in the city roads.... more
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      BusinessSoundTraffic EngineeringTraffic Flow Theory
This paper reports an explanatory study of using Google Map API to develop two destinationspecific tourist information tools: a handheld tour guide and an online trip planner for Charleston, South Carolina, USA. The background,... more
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      Ubiquitous ComputingSouth CarolinaMobile phoneInformation Communication
Traffic jam in Jakarta, Indonesia has become a crucial problem for the society. A Traffic Management Center has been built by the police, in this case Polda Metro Jaya to help people to get the latest information regarding traffic jam.... more
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      Electrical EngineeringInformation RetrievalNatural Language ProcessingData Mining
Tesi di Laurea Magistrale in Culture Moderne Comparate presso l'Università degli Studi di Torino. Votazione: 110 e Lode con Dignità di Stampa.
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      Comparative LiteratureDigital HumanitiesLiteratureDigital Media
This paper describes technologies from Daden Limited for geographically mapping and accessing live news stories/feeds, as well as other real-time, real-world data feeds (e.g., Google Earth KML feeds and GeoRSS feeds) in the 3-D virtual... more
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      Human GeographyComputer GraphicsSecond LifeUser Interface
Bu makalede R istatistik uygulamalarıyla beraber Google Map haritaları üzerinde yapılması mümkün olan görsel çalışmalar ele alınmıştır.
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      R (Statistics)Google Map
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      .net Technologies ( ,, etc)GoogleVisual basicVisual Basic Programming
Sound pollution and traffic jam are two major problems in most of the city roads of developing cities like as Dhaka, Bangladesh. Traffic jam, as well as mixed traffic condition, is the major cause of sound pollution in the city roads.... more
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      SoundTraffic EngineeringTraffic Flow TheoryNoise Pollution
This paper presents a real time tracking system that provides accurate localizations of the tracked vehicle with low cost. The system is implemented using GM862 cellular quad band module. A monitoring server and a graphical user interface... more
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      Global Positioning SystemGPSGraphic User Interface DesignGSM
Panduan web design dan web programming menyajikan contoh-contoh kasus yang sering menjadi kebutuhan kita baik dalam proses design maupun programming dalam sebuah web. Panduan ini sangat sesuai bagi anda yang menekuni dunia web. Dalam... more
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      Web ProgrammingBootstrapWeb Design, HTML5, Responsive WebGoogle Map
تصميم أي قاعدة بيانات يتطلب دراسة إذ أن تصميم أي قاعدة بيانات يتطلب دراسة ،إن أهمية قواعد البيانات تكمن في أنها تنتج البيانات و تربطها ببعضها البعض بفعل إدارة البيانات التي يمكن الاسترجاع والتعديل عليها . تهدف هاته الدراسة للتعرف على... more
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      BibliometricsBibliographyLibrary and Information ScienceAlgerian war
Nowadays, security system and navigators have always been a necessity of human's life. The main aim of vehicle tracking system is to give security to all vehicles. Vehicle tracking systems are also popular among people as a theft... more
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      GPSVehicle TrackingGoogle MapBlynk App
لم يسلم مجال الأرشيف من التغيرات التي جعلت منه مجالا ديناميكيا يحتاج الى حرص واهتمام شديدين ,لهذا وجد الارشيفيين انفسهم امام تحدي يستوجب اليقظة الدائمة و التصرف السريع لان مصير الأرشيف بين أيديهم لهذا فلا سبيل لذلك الا مواصلتهم للتكوين... more
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      Library ScienceFirst Amendment Law (USA)Academic LibrariesNext Generation Library Catalogues
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      Concept MapConcept MappingMap useKnowledge Map
This paper proposes a real-time vehicle tracking system using a global positioning system (GPS) technology module to receive the location of the vehicle, to forward into microcontroller and to connect internet by a general packet radio... more
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The purpose of this paper is to present #DigitalInvasions’ (#invasionidigitali), a project which has just finished its second edition, held on 24 April to 4 May 2014. Digital Invasions’ is an Italian bottom-up project of collective... more
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      Digital HumanitiesSocial NetworksArtMuseum Studies
La formación crítica del antropólogo es un compromiso que todo docente debe promover en sus aulas, para ello, no sólo debe cubrir la dimensión teórica de su programa de estudio sino impulsar el uso de herramientas análogas o digitales y... more
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      GeographyHuman GeographyCartographyCultural Landscapes
According to statistics " road to safety " [1], in a highly populated country like India, the usage of vehicles is rapidly increasing and at the same time people lose their lives because of accidents and poor emergency facilities. Hence,... more
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      AccidentGPSGSMGoogle Map
Initially mobile phones were developed only for voice communication but now days the scenario has changed, voice communication is just one aspect of a mobile phone. There are other aspects which are major focus of interest. Two such major... more
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      Web ServicesGlobal Positioning SystemMobile ComputingOpen Source
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      PedagogyTeaching with TechnologyGoogle Map
According to statistics " road to safety " , in a highly populated country like India, the usage of vehicles are rapidly increasing and at the same time people lose their lives because of accidents and poor emergency facilities. Hence,... more
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      AccidentGPSGSMGoogle Map
Este livro reúne 14 artigos escritos por pesquisadores de Portugal, Brasil e Guiné-Bissau sobre temas relacionados com a Internet e as redes de comunicação globais. A proposta deste livro nasceu da insatisfação. Ser insatisfeito move a... more
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      Social MovementsMusicInternet StudiesSocial Media
Starting from the concept of Digital Earth, the article questions the effects that Google’s geo-spatial applications have produced on our daily relationship with information, and the way we experience the... more
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      Cultural StudiesCartographyAestheticsDigital Media
World Health Organization showed at one year about 287 000 women died most of them during and following pregnancy and childbirth in Africa and south Asia. This paper suggests mHealth system for serving pregnant women, that proposed system... more
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      South AsiaMobile GISComputer ApplicationsPregnant Women
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    • Google Map
New and redesigned version of Internet service MapsOfSerbia is presented in the paper. High quality data for the territory of Serbia cannot be found on worldwide existing services of similar category (Google Maps - GM, Microsoft Virtual... more
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      Telemedicine Applications and e-Health SystemsSatellite ImageryROAD NETWORKInternet services
This article argues that the computer automation of perspective and rendering in Google Earth has far-reaching consequences for the relationships between representations of the earth, its ecology and cultural responses to climate change.... more
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      SociologyEnvironmental SociologyCartographyGame Theory
This demo presents OpenVoIP, a 500 node open peer-to-peer VoIP and IM system running on Planet Lab. The three key aspects of OpenVoIP's design are its ability to use any DHT or unstructured peer-to-peer protocol for directory service, the... more
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      System IntegrationPeer to PeerComputer communication networksGoogle Map
The Web took the world by storm, and as a result developed rapidly in many directions. However it still exhibits many aspects of its early development, such as its visual and computer-screen orientation. But the Web is still developing... more
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      Visual ImpairmentSearch EngineEarly developmentRemote Control
Housing in Potsdam varies from flats in redeveloped prefabricated high-rise buildings to apartments in historical townhouses to condominiums in Germany's first gated community. Increasing demographic development and a stagnant public... more
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      Real EstateSpatial AnalysisOpen SourceHousing Market
In 2003 the Palestinian state received official recognition on the Web before it was established on the ground. The delegation of the .ps Country code Top level domain (CcTld) to the Palestinian Authority and its inclusion in the UN list... more
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      Israel/PalestineUser-Generated ContentPalestineNew ICANN Top Level Domains
We investigate a security framework for collaborative applications that relies on the role-based access control (RBAC) model. In our framework, roles are pre-defined and organized in a hierarchy (partial order). However, we assume that... more
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      User InterfaceSemantic WebWeb TechnologyGoogle Map
The Internet through Web services is providing innovative ways of business and flexible computing paradigm. SaaS (Software as a Service) is an emerging new model for software as a service. The number of SaaS services are available in the... more
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      Computational ModelingSoftware ArchitectureWeb ServicesVirtual Machines
الاستشهاد المرجعي: المصري، أحمد حسين بكر (2019) . المؤشرات الجغرافية لمؤسسات المكتبات ومراكز المعلومات العربية بمنصة خرائط جوجل: دراسة وصفية . المجلة العربية للأرشيف والتوثيق والمعلومات، س23، ع46 (ديسمبر 2019). ص: 446-504.... more
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      Location Based ServicesLibrary and Information ScienceLibrariesDigital mapping
Development Telecommunication Tower growth cannot be avoided. Accordingly, the local government makes local regulations on Planning and Control of Telecommunication Tower to avoid illegal construction of Telecommunication Tower because... more
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      Computer Networking and TelecommunicationAnalisis Data SpasialGoogle MapGeographic Information Systems (GIS)
Abstract—This paper proposes and implements a low cost object tracking system using GPS and GPRS. The system allows a user to view the present and the past positions recorded of a target object on Google Map through the internet. The... more
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      Object TrackingCost effectivenessGoogle MapTracking system
An increasing number of new geolocation services are exploiting the new capabilities of smartphones, most of which incorporate GPS location. There are fewer applications for providing indoor location, partly due to the cost of the... more
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      Mobile CommunicationWireless TechnologyRadio Frequency IdentificationMobile service
The process of cartography and the ideological problems that accompany this process has taken on new significance in the digital age with the proliferation of digital maps and geographic information systems such as Google Earth. This... more
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      Human GeographyCultural GeographyMaps and SocietyHegemony
One of the greatest challenges for computing today involves providing access to large volumes of distributed multimedia data. Mapping and personal navigation are among the most interesting applications involving this challenge, since they... more
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      CartographyWeb ServicesMobile GISMobile Computing
People who have impaired vision regularly use white canes and/or guide dogs to assist in obstacle avoidance. Guide dogs can also be of limited assistance for finding the way to a remote location, known as "wayfinding". Several electronic... more
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      Speech SynthesisSpeech RecognitionOpen SourceObstacle Avoidance