The paper examines the reflection of the population stability and the labor market during the tra... more The paper examines the reflection of the population stability and the labor market during the transformation period in Czechia. The results are based on an extensive survey in 16 selected border microregions. Population stability is shown eg. by the percentage of natives. The most often mentioned reasons for not moving from the border region were housing, family relations, work, and the feeling of "being here at home". Among the most often mentioned reasons for changing jobs were financial reasons, company liquidation, and an employment termination notice given by the employer. The results of reflection are considerably different in each border region of the Czechia12313
Border regions play an important role in the history of the European integration process. On the ... more Border regions play an important role in the history of the European integration process. On the borders of the “Inner Six”, the first formal cross-border institutions were formed over 55 years ago; they aimed to reduce the weaknesses of border regions in competition with core areas. In the process of historical development, Euroregions cover a significant part of the borders, and not only in Central Europe. The topics of border regions’ development and cross-border cooperation became an important part of European regional policy. In the context of regional policy, financial tools to support border region development were set in the form of individual programmes (CBC PHARE, INTERREG, Phare CREDO, Tacis CBC, CARDS, MEDA, Cil 3, EUS). Czech border regions underwent a fundamental change after joining the European Union in 2004, which applies the four freedoms, including the free movement of people. What is the Czech borderland residents’ reflection on joining the European Union? Residents have not experienced significant changes in living standards in the border regions after joining the European Union; however, the changes for the better outweigh the changes for the worse. Overall, joining the European Union has brought positive changes to the Czech borderland; there are minor differences between its different sections. In terms of the residents’ identity, there are noticeable differences in the identification of the population in the border areas with the concept of a European: there is a significantly higher proportion of identification in neighbouring border regions than in the Czech regions.
Geografie. Sborník České geografické společnosti, 2000
The population development in the borderland of South Bohemia and Upper Austria after the Second ... more The population development in the borderland of South Bohemia and Upper Austria after the Second World War.-Geografie-Sbornik CGS, 105, 1, pp. 77-85 (2000).-The article briefly analyses the population development in the Czech-Austrian borderland and that in five time horizons during the period 1950-1997. The model territory (municipalities of four near-border districts) manifested a very intensive development of the number of inhabitants due mainly to the transfer of the inhabitants of German nationality after the Second World War and the establishment of the so-called iron curtain. What a strong barrier for population development was the existence of the iron curtain and has its fall caused new development tendencies? In general it can be said that nearer the locality was to the border line, more the number of inhabitants stagnated or even decreased. After the fall of the iron curtain the model territory has been getting more attractive and the number of inhabitants has been progressively growing. KEY WORDS: population-borderland-South Bohemia-Upper Austria. Ptispevek byl castecne zpracovan v ramci grantoveho projektu GA CR c. 205/99/1142 pod l)azvem "Postavenf pohranicf v regionalnim rozvoji Ceske republiky se zretelem k zapojenf CR do evropskych struktur" a autor dekuje Grantove agenture Ceske republiky za jeji finacni podporu.
This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-borde... more This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-border cooperation, using the example of the Silva Nortica Euroregion on the border between South Bohemia and Lower Austria and aims primarily at mapping, analysing and evaluating the process of the institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation and the formation of cross-border regions. We describe and analyse the transformation of the geo-position of the Czech-Austrian borderland from a closed territory (Iron Curtain) to an open one (Schengen). The key data of the study are the result of a field survey both among the inhabitants and the key personalities of the Euroregion. Cross-border contacts and cooperation are greater in areas closer to the state border. Cross-border cooperation in the Silva Nortica Euroregion is also heavily influenced by its organisational structure, or, differences in the organisation of its individual national parts. The cross-border community and identity is underdeveloped in the region. These are represented by persistent prejudices and injustice from the past, the language barrier and bad experience with Czechs/Austrians and others. The chapter results show that building cross-border cooperation, followed by a cross-border identity, or forming a cross-border region, is a complex process. It is influenced by administration, institutions and powers, as well as individual perceptions and the local specifics of the region and its inhabitants.
The Central European borderlands have so far been an underdeveloped areas both nationally and cro... more The Central European borderlands have so far been an underdeveloped areas both nationally and cross-border/internationally within the integration processes taking place in Europe. At the same time, we consider the areas to be highly differentiated, both from the internal and external point of view. Cross-border cooperation, therefore, means that these areas (localities) have a chance to fully participate in the regional system not only within states, but also at higher Central European level. A prerequisite for this is knowledge of the border areas, at all levels of order (national, regional, and local). That is why this book was created, reflecting the latest development toward a fundamentally new situation, different from the beginning of the twenty-first century, when the editors published the monograph entitled Czech Borderlands – Space of Barrier or Mediation? Jeřabek (Certifikovana metodika k usměrněni přeshranicniho regionalniho rozvoje. MINO, Usti nad Labem, 2004). However, it turns out that the changes do not come as a jump, for example, by entering the Schengen area. Rather, it is a gradual linking of cross-border areas within Central Europe.
Borders in Central Europe After the Schengen Agreement, 2017
The research problem of the paper concerns multiple catalysts for the development of cross-border... more The research problem of the paper concerns multiple catalysts for the development of cross-border cooperation in Euroregions, and in particular their impact on public institutions and NGOs. The aim of the paper is to determine whether in a specific Euroregion environment, cooperating public institutions and non-governmental organizations are affected by similar or different catalysts for the development of crossborder cooperation. Based on the literature review as well as desk research analyze, the theoretical part of the paper presents three key sets of catalysts for the development of cross-border cooperation, related to: the adopted model of cooperation; cooperating organizations; implemented cross-border activities. In order to solve the paper's research problem the qualitative research were conducted. The co-authors analysed the results of focus group interviews and a survey conducted on a group of 100 Polish and Czech respondents developing cross-border cooperation in the Polish and Czech part of the Beskidy Euroregion were used. The sets of catalysts: "the model of cooperation", "the resources and potential of partners" refer in a universal way to the processes of development of cross-border cooperation, while the third set-joint activities of partners is strongly correlated with Euroregional determinants. The analysis confirms that for nongovernmental organizations the strong catalysts for the development of cross-border cooperation are the resources and potentials of the cooperating organizations and joint activities of the partners, while the set including the cooperation model is not important. On the other hand, in the case of public institutions, the cooperation model and the resources and potentials of cooperating organizations can be considered weak catalysts, while the set including joint activities of partners is not important.
The process of postsecularisation is present not only in Western Europe but also in post-communis... more The process of postsecularisation is present not only in Western Europe but also in post-communist countries. This paper focuses on the way young adults who do not have personal experiences with co...
This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-borde... more This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-border cooperation, using the example of the Silva Nortica Euroregion on the border between South Bohemia and Lower Austria and aims primarily at mapping, analysing and evaluating the process of the institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation and the formation of cross-border regions. We describe and analyse the transformation of the geo-position of the Czech-Austrian borderland from a closed territory (Iron Curtain) to an open one (Schengen). The key data of the study are the result of a field survey both among the inhabitants and the key personalities of the Euroregion. Cross-border contacts and cooperation are greater in areas closer to the state border. Cross-border cooperation in the Silva Nortica Euroregion is also heavily influenced by its organisational structure, or, differences in the organisation of its individual national parts. The cross-border community and identity is unde...
Czech society’s tendencies towards secularization over the past 20 years are reflected in the iss... more Czech society’s tendencies towards secularization over the past 20 years are reflected in the issue of the restitution of church properties seized during the communist era. The overall amount is calculated at 134 billion CZK (approx. 6.7 billion USD) and represents the state’s financial debt towards the churches. Despite the low percentage of believers (21 %) according to the 2011 census, no official declaration mandating the separation of the church and state has been currently made in Czechia as it has been done elsewhere in Europe. After the fall of the communist dictatorship, attempts to return formerly church-owned properties seized by the state began in the hopes of achieving a full restitution of properties and resolving disrupted church-state relations. After more than 20 years the majority of previously church-owned properties remain unresolved. Most churches continue to be dependent on the state, because legislative and legal conditions have not been agreed upon or enforced. We evaluate the process of returning church properties seized during the communist era as a reflection of continually developing church-state relations. We analyze discussions and priorities of the individual actors (state, churches, administrations, landowners and developers) including the public. The state is obligated to fulfill its social-moral commitments as well as with responsibilities towards the citizens/voters and the public. It is clear not only that a conflict exists and that is the primary cause for the long period of inactivity. We examine these unresolved issues in the village of Cervena Řecice and how they affect local and regional development and the major actors. Not only does the blockage of church properties result in stagnation (infrastructure and new construction), but also other socioeconomic developments. This issue remains outside of the interest of mainstream media and the professional and lay public interest as well.
Rural Areas Between Regional Needs and Global Challenges, 2019
Social and economic development as well as living conditions in Poland are to a large extent conn... more Social and economic development as well as living conditions in Poland are to a large extent connected to the situation of the labour market: stability of employment, structure and collocation of work resources, adjustment to changing needs of economy and external conditions, i.e. attractiveness and pull factors of foreign labour markets. Likewise, the development of rural areas is closely related to the success or lack of success in nearby urban centres and strongly dependent on fluctuating rural labour resources as well as on externalities and endogenous conditions of the rural labour market. This study attempts to assesses the trends of the rural labour market in the development of rural areas in Poland, taking into account changes in the countryside labour resources (and therefore labour supply) as well as to examine causes that affect the direction of these changes. It also identifies the conditions and ability to maintain or increase the demand for labour in the countryside due to declining employment in agriculture (particularly stable workplaces in the agricultural and non-agricultural sector in rural areas).
Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z ob... more Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z obou stran hranice v obdobi 1970-2011. Infrastruktura je zastoupena zobrazenim hranicnich přechodů, přicemž jejich zatiženi nakladni a osobni dopravou je na samostatne analyticke mapě. Pro znazorněni růstových typů sidel byla využita data ze scitani obyvatel 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 a 2011, tedy růst byl zjisťovan ve ctyřech mezicenzovnich etapach. V modelových euroregionech je soubor vsech obci diferencovan do 5 typů: trvalý růst, akcelerujici růst, stagnace, akcelerujici pokles, trvalý pokles. Popsana metoda nam poměrně výstižně v zjednodusene podobě zachyti vývoj sidel v delsim casovem horizontu, přicemž v postsocialistických statech je toto obdobi rozděleno přibližně na dvě dvojice etap v různých politických systemech. Mapy byly vytvořeny pro každý modelový euroregion (Labe, Praděd, Silva Nortica, Sumava a Bile Karpaty).
Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z ob... more Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z obou stran hranice v obdobi 1970-2011. Infrastruktura je zastoupena zobrazenim hranicnich přechodů, přicemž jejich zatiženi nakladni a osobni dopravou je na samostatne analyticke mapě. Pro znazorněni růstových typů sidel byla využita data ze scitani obyvatel 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 a 2011, tedy růst byl zjisťovan ve ctyřech mezicenzovnich etapach. V modelových euroregionech je soubor vsech obci diferencovan do 5 typů: trvalý růst, akcelerujici růst, stagnace, akcelerujici pokles, trvalý pokles. Popsana metoda nam poměrně výstižně v zjednodusene podobě zachyti vývoj sidel v delsim casovem horizontu, přicemž v postsocialistických statech je toto obdobi rozděleno přibližně na dvě dvojice etap v různých politických systemech. Mapy byly vytvořeny pro každý modelový euroregion (Labe, Praděd, Silva Nortica, Sumava a Bile Karpaty).
The paper examines the reflection of the population stability and the labor market during the tra... more The paper examines the reflection of the population stability and the labor market during the transformation period in Czechia. The results are based on an extensive survey in 16 selected border microregions. Population stability is shown eg. by the percentage of natives. The most often mentioned reasons for not moving from the border region were housing, family relations, work, and the feeling of "being here at home". Among the most often mentioned reasons for changing jobs were financial reasons, company liquidation, and an employment termination notice given by the employer. The results of reflection are considerably different in each border region of the Czechia12313
Border regions play an important role in the history of the European integration process. On the ... more Border regions play an important role in the history of the European integration process. On the borders of the “Inner Six”, the first formal cross-border institutions were formed over 55 years ago; they aimed to reduce the weaknesses of border regions in competition with core areas. In the process of historical development, Euroregions cover a significant part of the borders, and not only in Central Europe. The topics of border regions’ development and cross-border cooperation became an important part of European regional policy. In the context of regional policy, financial tools to support border region development were set in the form of individual programmes (CBC PHARE, INTERREG, Phare CREDO, Tacis CBC, CARDS, MEDA, Cil 3, EUS). Czech border regions underwent a fundamental change after joining the European Union in 2004, which applies the four freedoms, including the free movement of people. What is the Czech borderland residents’ reflection on joining the European Union? Residents have not experienced significant changes in living standards in the border regions after joining the European Union; however, the changes for the better outweigh the changes for the worse. Overall, joining the European Union has brought positive changes to the Czech borderland; there are minor differences between its different sections. In terms of the residents’ identity, there are noticeable differences in the identification of the population in the border areas with the concept of a European: there is a significantly higher proportion of identification in neighbouring border regions than in the Czech regions.
Geografie. Sborník České geografické společnosti, 2000
The population development in the borderland of South Bohemia and Upper Austria after the Second ... more The population development in the borderland of South Bohemia and Upper Austria after the Second World War.-Geografie-Sbornik CGS, 105, 1, pp. 77-85 (2000).-The article briefly analyses the population development in the Czech-Austrian borderland and that in five time horizons during the period 1950-1997. The model territory (municipalities of four near-border districts) manifested a very intensive development of the number of inhabitants due mainly to the transfer of the inhabitants of German nationality after the Second World War and the establishment of the so-called iron curtain. What a strong barrier for population development was the existence of the iron curtain and has its fall caused new development tendencies? In general it can be said that nearer the locality was to the border line, more the number of inhabitants stagnated or even decreased. After the fall of the iron curtain the model territory has been getting more attractive and the number of inhabitants has been progressively growing. KEY WORDS: population-borderland-South Bohemia-Upper Austria. Ptispevek byl castecne zpracovan v ramci grantoveho projektu GA CR c. 205/99/1142 pod l)azvem "Postavenf pohranicf v regionalnim rozvoji Ceske republiky se zretelem k zapojenf CR do evropskych struktur" a autor dekuje Grantove agenture Ceske republiky za jeji finacni podporu.
This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-borde... more This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-border cooperation, using the example of the Silva Nortica Euroregion on the border between South Bohemia and Lower Austria and aims primarily at mapping, analysing and evaluating the process of the institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation and the formation of cross-border regions. We describe and analyse the transformation of the geo-position of the Czech-Austrian borderland from a closed territory (Iron Curtain) to an open one (Schengen). The key data of the study are the result of a field survey both among the inhabitants and the key personalities of the Euroregion. Cross-border contacts and cooperation are greater in areas closer to the state border. Cross-border cooperation in the Silva Nortica Euroregion is also heavily influenced by its organisational structure, or, differences in the organisation of its individual national parts. The cross-border community and identity is underdeveloped in the region. These are represented by persistent prejudices and injustice from the past, the language barrier and bad experience with Czechs/Austrians and others. The chapter results show that building cross-border cooperation, followed by a cross-border identity, or forming a cross-border region, is a complex process. It is influenced by administration, institutions and powers, as well as individual perceptions and the local specifics of the region and its inhabitants.
The Central European borderlands have so far been an underdeveloped areas both nationally and cro... more The Central European borderlands have so far been an underdeveloped areas both nationally and cross-border/internationally within the integration processes taking place in Europe. At the same time, we consider the areas to be highly differentiated, both from the internal and external point of view. Cross-border cooperation, therefore, means that these areas (localities) have a chance to fully participate in the regional system not only within states, but also at higher Central European level. A prerequisite for this is knowledge of the border areas, at all levels of order (national, regional, and local). That is why this book was created, reflecting the latest development toward a fundamentally new situation, different from the beginning of the twenty-first century, when the editors published the monograph entitled Czech Borderlands – Space of Barrier or Mediation? Jeřabek (Certifikovana metodika k usměrněni přeshranicniho regionalniho rozvoje. MINO, Usti nad Labem, 2004). However, it turns out that the changes do not come as a jump, for example, by entering the Schengen area. Rather, it is a gradual linking of cross-border areas within Central Europe.
Borders in Central Europe After the Schengen Agreement, 2017
The research problem of the paper concerns multiple catalysts for the development of cross-border... more The research problem of the paper concerns multiple catalysts for the development of cross-border cooperation in Euroregions, and in particular their impact on public institutions and NGOs. The aim of the paper is to determine whether in a specific Euroregion environment, cooperating public institutions and non-governmental organizations are affected by similar or different catalysts for the development of crossborder cooperation. Based on the literature review as well as desk research analyze, the theoretical part of the paper presents three key sets of catalysts for the development of cross-border cooperation, related to: the adopted model of cooperation; cooperating organizations; implemented cross-border activities. In order to solve the paper's research problem the qualitative research were conducted. The co-authors analysed the results of focus group interviews and a survey conducted on a group of 100 Polish and Czech respondents developing cross-border cooperation in the Polish and Czech part of the Beskidy Euroregion were used. The sets of catalysts: "the model of cooperation", "the resources and potential of partners" refer in a universal way to the processes of development of cross-border cooperation, while the third set-joint activities of partners is strongly correlated with Euroregional determinants. The analysis confirms that for nongovernmental organizations the strong catalysts for the development of cross-border cooperation are the resources and potentials of the cooperating organizations and joint activities of the partners, while the set including the cooperation model is not important. On the other hand, in the case of public institutions, the cooperation model and the resources and potentials of cooperating organizations can be considered weak catalysts, while the set including joint activities of partners is not important.
The process of postsecularisation is present not only in Western Europe but also in post-communis... more The process of postsecularisation is present not only in Western Europe but also in post-communist countries. This paper focuses on the way young adults who do not have personal experiences with co...
This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-borde... more This chapter attempts to present one model of cross-border regions, including related cross-border cooperation, using the example of the Silva Nortica Euroregion on the border between South Bohemia and Lower Austria and aims primarily at mapping, analysing and evaluating the process of the institutionalisation of cross-border cooperation and the formation of cross-border regions. We describe and analyse the transformation of the geo-position of the Czech-Austrian borderland from a closed territory (Iron Curtain) to an open one (Schengen). The key data of the study are the result of a field survey both among the inhabitants and the key personalities of the Euroregion. Cross-border contacts and cooperation are greater in areas closer to the state border. Cross-border cooperation in the Silva Nortica Euroregion is also heavily influenced by its organisational structure, or, differences in the organisation of its individual national parts. The cross-border community and identity is unde...
Czech society’s tendencies towards secularization over the past 20 years are reflected in the iss... more Czech society’s tendencies towards secularization over the past 20 years are reflected in the issue of the restitution of church properties seized during the communist era. The overall amount is calculated at 134 billion CZK (approx. 6.7 billion USD) and represents the state’s financial debt towards the churches. Despite the low percentage of believers (21 %) according to the 2011 census, no official declaration mandating the separation of the church and state has been currently made in Czechia as it has been done elsewhere in Europe. After the fall of the communist dictatorship, attempts to return formerly church-owned properties seized by the state began in the hopes of achieving a full restitution of properties and resolving disrupted church-state relations. After more than 20 years the majority of previously church-owned properties remain unresolved. Most churches continue to be dependent on the state, because legislative and legal conditions have not been agreed upon or enforced. We evaluate the process of returning church properties seized during the communist era as a reflection of continually developing church-state relations. We analyze discussions and priorities of the individual actors (state, churches, administrations, landowners and developers) including the public. The state is obligated to fulfill its social-moral commitments as well as with responsibilities towards the citizens/voters and the public. It is clear not only that a conflict exists and that is the primary cause for the long period of inactivity. We examine these unresolved issues in the village of Cervena Řecice and how they affect local and regional development and the major actors. Not only does the blockage of church properties result in stagnation (infrastructure and new construction), but also other socioeconomic developments. This issue remains outside of the interest of mainstream media and the professional and lay public interest as well.
Rural Areas Between Regional Needs and Global Challenges, 2019
Social and economic development as well as living conditions in Poland are to a large extent conn... more Social and economic development as well as living conditions in Poland are to a large extent connected to the situation of the labour market: stability of employment, structure and collocation of work resources, adjustment to changing needs of economy and external conditions, i.e. attractiveness and pull factors of foreign labour markets. Likewise, the development of rural areas is closely related to the success or lack of success in nearby urban centres and strongly dependent on fluctuating rural labour resources as well as on externalities and endogenous conditions of the rural labour market. This study attempts to assesses the trends of the rural labour market in the development of rural areas in Poland, taking into account changes in the countryside labour resources (and therefore labour supply) as well as to examine causes that affect the direction of these changes. It also identifies the conditions and ability to maintain or increase the demand for labour in the countryside due to declining employment in agriculture (particularly stable workplaces in the agricultural and non-agricultural sector in rural areas).
Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z ob... more Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z obou stran hranice v obdobi 1970-2011. Infrastruktura je zastoupena zobrazenim hranicnich přechodů, přicemž jejich zatiženi nakladni a osobni dopravou je na samostatne analyticke mapě. Pro znazorněni růstových typů sidel byla využita data ze scitani obyvatel 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 a 2011, tedy růst byl zjisťovan ve ctyřech mezicenzovnich etapach. V modelových euroregionech je soubor vsech obci diferencovan do 5 typů: trvalý růst, akcelerujici růst, stagnace, akcelerujici pokles, trvalý pokles. Popsana metoda nam poměrně výstižně v zjednodusene podobě zachyti vývoj sidel v delsim casovem horizontu, přicemž v postsocialistických statech je toto obdobi rozděleno přibližně na dvě dvojice etap v různých politických systemech. Mapy byly vytvořeny pro každý modelový euroregion (Labe, Praděd, Silva Nortica, Sumava a Bile Karpaty).
Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z ob... more Specializovana mapa sidelniho systemu vychazi z vývoje růstu nebo poklesu populace v sidlech z obou stran hranice v obdobi 1970-2011. Infrastruktura je zastoupena zobrazenim hranicnich přechodů, přicemž jejich zatiženi nakladni a osobni dopravou je na samostatne analyticke mapě. Pro znazorněni růstových typů sidel byla využita data ze scitani obyvatel 1970, 1980, 1991, 2001 a 2011, tedy růst byl zjisťovan ve ctyřech mezicenzovnich etapach. V modelových euroregionech je soubor vsech obci diferencovan do 5 typů: trvalý růst, akcelerujici růst, stagnace, akcelerujici pokles, trvalý pokles. Popsana metoda nam poměrně výstižně v zjednodusene podobě zachyti vývoj sidel v delsim casovem horizontu, přicemž v postsocialistických statech je toto obdobi rozděleno přibližně na dvě dvojice etap v různých politických systemech. Mapy byly vytvořeny pro každý modelový euroregion (Labe, Praděd, Silva Nortica, Sumava a Bile Karpaty).
Papers by Tomas Havlicek