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Claude Eatherly, pilota e metereologo, era un ragazzo texano di 27 anni quando ordinò lo sgancio della prima bomba atomica della storia, Little Boy, che colpì Hiroshima il 6 agosto 1945. Nonostante la giovane età, non era certo un... more
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      Cultural HistoryPolitical PhilosophyEthicsJewish Studies
The paper aims to investigate the lecture given by Günther Anders of John Heartfield’s peculiar art of expressionistic montage, in 1938, focusing the connections between aesthetics and politics. The role of the photomontage is, following... more
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAestheticsVisual Studies
The aim of this paper is to investigate some of Robert Jungk’s (1913-1994) most significant theses regarding nuclear weapons, comparing them on the one hand with the perspectives of the “philosopher of hope”, Ernst Bloch (1885-1977), and,... more
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      Future StudiesGerman StudiesAestheticsGerman Literature and Culture
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      ArendtGuenther AndersHannah ArendtPaul Celan
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      Guenther AndersGunther AndersGünther Anders
Musée Rodin, Paris, 9-10 novembre 2017 Pour le Centanaire de la mort d'Auguste Rodin, le second volet de "Rodin - L'Onde de choc" est l'occasion de poursuivre les réflexions et les échanges qui ont animé le colloque organisé au Grand... more
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      Art HistoryHistory of SculptureSculpturePhenomenology of Space and Place
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      Samuel BeckettGuenther AndersGunther AndersGünther Anders
The aim of my paper is to explore the investigations of Günther Anders about the violence within the horizon of his philosophical thinking, and in connection with his idea of the (possible) physical disappearance of humanity and of the... more
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      Sociology of ViolenceViolencePolitical Violence and TerrorismPolitical Violence
Anders was a preeminent critic of technology and critic of the atomic bomb as he saw this hermeneutico-phenomenologically in the visceral sense of being and time: the sheer that of its having been used (where the Nietzschean dialectic of... more
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      Peace and Conflict StudiesTheodor AdornoCold War and CultureGunther Anders
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      Political PhilosophyPolitical TheoryHistory of Political ThoughtGünther Anders
A translation of Günther Anders' 1958 essay 'The Obsolescence of Privacy' - on Electronic Surveillance, The Nature of Privacy, Acoustic Unfreedom and McCarthy’s America.
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophyPrivacySurveillance Studies
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      German StudiesGerman LiteratureAestheticsShame Theory
Os dois textos aqui traduzidos fazem parte do espólio de Günther Anders e só recentemente foram publicados na Alemanha, em um volume que reúne seus escritos de antropologia filosófica, a maioria deles sendo considerados "de juventude" 2.... more
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      Critical TheoryPhenomenologyFenomenologíaGünther Anders
Martin Heidegger, der sein Leben damit verbrachte, über die Frage nach der Beherrschung der Technik und insbesondere nach der Vorstellung technologischer Herrschaft über die Vorstellung dessen, was für ihn die Frage des Humanismus war,... more
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      RoboticsPhilosophy of TechnologyFilm StudiesMartin Heidegger
"Rosanna Gangemi dedica una profonda analisi alla pratica del fotomontaggio di John Heartfield, fondata sull’idea che il principio della composizione classica, basata sul pezzo isolato, restituisce l'immagine univoca di un mondo perfetto,... more
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      Art TheoryContemporary ArtCollageGunther Anders
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      Critical Theory of TechnologyPsychology Of TechnologySocial Study of TechnologyGunther Anders
Across the world, militaries are racing to acquire and develop new capabilities based on the latest in machine learning, neural networks, and artificial intelligence (AI). In this article, I argue that the shift into military AI is... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceDrones, Targeted Killing, Ethics of WarGünther AndersMoral Agency
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      Psychology Of TechnologySocial Study of TechnologyGunther AndersGünther Anders
Christian Dries Wesen müsse er "sich zu dem, was er schon ist, erst machen." (Plessner 1975, S. 309) Die menschliche ‚Natur' ist also von einer "spezifische[n] Gebrochenheit" gekennzeichnet, einer "eigentümliche[n] Verschränkung zwischen... more
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      Philosophical AnthropologyHelmuth PlessnerGunther AndersGünther Anders
La tecnicizzazione dell''esistenza è l'espressione usata da Anders in una lettera a Claude Eatherly per spiegare la strana e paradossale condizione dell'essere umano, nell'epoca della riproducibilità tecnica. Alla base di questa tesi c'è... more
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      German LiteratureAestheticsGerman Literature and CultureAtomic Bomb Literature
Starting from a critical evalutaion of the current mainstream in the philosophy of technology, this paper aims to outilne a historical and theoretical overview of the technology as philosophical question. The outocme of this overview is a... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPhilosophical AnthropologyErnst JüngerHeidegger and Technology
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      Gunther AndersGünther Anders
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      Philosophy of TechnologyGunther AndersGünther AndersScience and Technology Studies
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      Guenther AndersGunther AndersShoahGünther Anders
Following media-theoretical studies that have characterized digitization as a process of all-encompassing cybernetization, this paper will examine the timely and critical potential of Günther Anders’s oeuvre vis-à-vis the ever-increasing... more
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      Critical TheoryPhilosophy of TechnologyTechnologyCritical Theory of Technology
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      German StudiesAestheticsPolitical PhilosophyAesthetics and Politics
In questi ultimi anni, con l’incalzare della globalizzazione, della rivoluzione digitale, della bioingegneria, dell’automazione, dell’intelligenza artificiale e altro ancora, l’essere umano è stato sottoposto a molteplici sollecitazioni... more
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      Artificial IntelligenceAnthropologyPolitical PhilosophyEthics
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      Guenther AndersGunther AndersGünther Anders
Empfohlene Zitierweise: Grillmayr, Julia (2017): Was übermorgen gewesen ist. Die Rezeption von Günther Anders im zeitgenössischen französischen catastrophisme éclairé. In: Günther Anders-Journal, Jg. 1. Sonderausgabe zur Tagung "Schreiben... more
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      Future StudiesPhilosophyHans JonasJean-Pierre Dupuy
Nell'epoca degli sradicamenti, delle migrazioni, degli esili, delle fughe anche il pensiero sembra sotto scacco. Xenos, la cui stratificazione semantica rimanda alle forme plurali in cui l'alterità si manifesta -alla condizione di ospite,... more
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      MontageGuenther AndersGunther AndersJohn Heartfield
Syllabus of a course for graduate students of 60 hours (namely 20 3-hours lessons). Starting from the complex historical-theoretical evolution of the topic “technology” (i.e. from the idea of techné in the ancient Greek to modern and... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPhilosophical AnthropologyHerbert MarcuseGilbert Simondon
Ziel dieses Essays ist es, die Grundidee der „Desertion ins Lager der Geräte“ in Günther Anders’ „Die Antiquiertheit des Menschen 1“ darzulegen, sie mit Richard Dawkins‘ Theorien zu verknüpfen und einen Ausblick zu... more
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      PhilosophyGunther AndersRichard DawkinsGünther Anders
In seinem Buch "Das Konzept einer negativen Dialektik" beansprucht Marc Nicolas Sommer, Theodor W. Adornos negative Geschichtstheorie als „Geschichtsphilosophie aus Sicht der Opfer“ zu rekonstruieren. „[S]eit dem Zweiten Weltkrieg“, so... more
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      Critical TheoryFrankfurt School (Philosophy)Theodor AdornoFrankfurt School
Non so se (…) Le abbiano raccontato la mia storia. Sono il pilota che ha guidato, nella seconda guerra mondiale, la "missione atomica Hiroshima" e da allora la mia coscienza è stata tormentata dai rimorsi. Mi sono reso colpevole di atti... more
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      Apocalypticism In LiteratureGuenther AndersKarl JaspersHannah Arendt
The First World War was both an historical and a philosophical event. Philosophers engaged in what Kurt Flasch aptly called "the spiritual mobilization" of philosophy. Max Scheler was particularly important among these "war philosophers",... more
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      PhilosophyPhilosophy of TechnologyMax SchelerWar Studies
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      Guenther AndersGünther Anders
Call for Papers zur Konferenz "Die Plastizität der Gefühle
Günther Anders’ Beitrag zur Geschichte des Fühlens“, 29./30. Juni 2023, Kopenhagen
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      Philosophy of the EmotionsAffect TheoryGünther AndersHistory of Emotions
Günther Anders (1902-1992) is one of the most important thinkers of the twentieth century. German-Jewish man of letters, journalist, and activist, he is one of the few philosophers dealing intensely with the moral consequences of... more
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      Cultural HistoryAestheticsArt HistoryArt Theory
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      Guenther AndersGunther AndersGünther Anders
Negli ultimi anni si è assistito a una renaissance del pensiero di Anders (pseudonimo del cognome più ebreo Stern con cui non sarebbe sopravvissuto al nazismo), attestata non solo da traduzioni di opere nuove (Dopo Holocaust, 2015) ma... more
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      Gunther AndersGünther Anders
A atmosfera do século XIX via surgir, de modo relativamente consubstanciado, o cronotopo social abstrato fundado na "autonomização do valor", conforme postulado por Marx, o qual em sua dinâmica tendente ao ápice de sua força, passou a... more
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      Guy DebordTemporalityGunther AndersRobert Kurz
My paper focuses on two topics emerging from the third chapter of Carmine Di Martino's Viventi umani e non umani. Tecnica, linguaggio e memoria. The first topic deals with the possibility of a (re)encouter between philosophical... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPhilosophical AnthropologyPostphenomenologyDon Ihde
Editorial zur Themenausgabe "Günther Anders aktuell" des Behemoth. A Journal on Civilization, Vol. 11, Nr. 1, 2018 (hg. v. Christian Dries). Mit Beiträgen von Christian Bauer, Andreas Beinsteiner, Bernd Bösel, Felix Maschewski, Verena... more
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      Philosophy of TechnologyPhilosophy of EmotionGunther AndersTechnikphilosophie
Le « Poméranien robuste et non sentimental » George Grosz (1893-1959), peintre et dessinateur, et Günther Anders (1902-1992), le philosophe de la catastrophe et auteur, font connaissance tout en « se reconnaissant » à l’instant. Avec un... more
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      Cultural HistoryOntologyAestheticsArt History
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      Theodor AdornoSamuel BeckettGunther AndersNegative Dialectics
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      German StudiesWalter BenjaminGerman Literature and CultureDialectic
El presente escrito trata de abordar la relación entre el ser humano y su mundo de productos técnicos mediante la exploración del concepto de desnivel prometeico, acuñado por Günther Anders. De este modo, se llevará a cabo un análisis de... more
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      PhilosophyLudwig FeuerbachKarl MarxAlienation