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This is not a Job post its just an article to know to help for new freelancers
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      Freelance ResearcherFreelancers
Bangladesh is next ICT destination,
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      BangladeshIT OutsourcingFreelancersDigital Bangladesh
This dissertation is a theoretical, interpretative, and empirical study of online freelance writing work in the 2010s in the United States. The aftermath of the 2008 recession saw a rise in remote writing work opportunities and online... more
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      Internet StudiesDigital MediaWriting StudiesAffect (Cultural Theory)
There has been little research on the role of translation memory (TM) in practitioners' working practices, apart from reviews and a survey into ownership and rates issues. The present study provides a comprehensive snapshot of the... more
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      Translation StudiesTranslation theoryTranslation TechnologyTranslation Technologies
Wer nach einer professionellen Musikausbildung die Hochschule verlässt, hat sehr unterschiedliche Vorstellungen vom zukünftigen Berufsleben. Eines ist den fertig ausgebildeten Musiker:innen jedoch gemeinsam: Sie müssen sich mehrheitlich... more
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      EntrepreneurshipMusic EducationProfessional DevelopmentMusicians
Veja neste artigo tudo o que você precisa saber para poder se transformar em um freelancer de sucesso e ganhar dinheiro tanto nas horas vagas, como até mesmo transformar esta atividade em sua principal fonte de renda.
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    • Freelancers
This study revealed the limitations of freelancers’ inability to perform portfolios and biographies, their performance ratings to a large community of customers. The difficulties were evident in searching for reliable, qualified and... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingInformation TechnologyTechnology
This paper argues that Marxian perspective on class can help us analyse highly fragmented and autonomous forms of work organisation, taking 'artisanal creative work' as a test case. It surveys the difficulties of applying class categories... more
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      Industrial And Labor RelationsCultural StudiesTechnologyMarxism
This chapter takes up the heuristic of “body-work” to explain how novice women freelance writers using online freelance marketplaces handle the minefield of gendered paradoxes, and constraints, about their self-presentation online. From... more
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      Feminist TheoryInvisible LaborFoucaultFreelancers
This study examines the war-reporting industry’s attitude toward news “fixers”—the locally based contacts who become news employees, by helping foreign reporters translate interviews, build contacts, and navigate the cultural contexts... more
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      Global StudiesWar ReportingForeign CorrespondenceWorld News
International interest in freelance contracting as a distinct socio-economic phenomenon has been growing in recent years in the labour market and entrepreneurship literatures. Drawing on unique dataset comprising three waves of survey... more
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      RussiaTransition EconomiesSelf-EmploymentFreelance
This study revealed the limitations of freelancers' inability to perform portfolios and biographies, their performance ratings to a large community of customers. The difficulties were evident in searching for reliable, qualified and... more
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      Information SystemsMarketingInformation TechnologyTechnology
Artificial Intelligence finds freelance jobs with the highest possibility to get.
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    • Freelancers
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      PrecarityPrecariatPrecarious WorkersIndividualization
[Context] The software startups could continuously innovate business model value proposition by involving freelancers as a source of innovative ideas (that enhance customer perceived value) and as experts for implementing the innovative... more
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      Software EngineeringRequirements EngineeringSoftware DevelopmentBusiness Model Innovation
It is with great pleasure that we share the e-publication Towards an Infrastructure of Humans, gathering working group statements arising from the Humans of the Insti- tution talks and workshops organised in Amsterdam, 25 to 27 November... more
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      InstitutionsCuratorial PracticeContemporary Art, Institutional Criticism, Artists Run SpacesFreelancers
This article examines the unique ways in which the figure of the freelance war correspondent is entangled within both the material and discursive logic of the digital in the age of the “war on terror.” Because freelancers increasingly... more
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      Digital JournalismGlobal StudiesWar ReportingIraq War
In China, the genre (Bhatia 1993) of news commentary has had a key role in the evolution of the country’s politics since the end of the 19th century, when modern journalism started to develop under the late Qing dynasty (De Giorgi 2001).... more
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      Media StudiesChinaJournalists' professional identityEditorials
This article proposes an analysis of the “extractive” model of the on-demand economy platforms. The attention is focused on the emblematic case of Uber in the French context, specifically in the city of Paris. A field inquiry highlights... more
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      French banlieuesPlatform StudiesExtractivismFreelancers
Easy import of accessories (tattoos) and cosmetics. Ava Trading Group is a subsidiary of Ava Group multinational company, which started its activity in 2005 with the efforts and collective thinking of business and financial affairs... more
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While the role of small businesses in innovation is well described, little attention is given to freelancers (business owners whose businesses are without personnel and who have no desire to grow their business). We used a sample of... more
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      Economics of InnovationStartupsGENDER ISSUES IN WOMEN ENTREPRENEUSHIP DEVStart-ups and Scalability in Entrepreneurial ventures
Veja neste artigo o que faz um freelancer de marketing digital e qual seria o melhor caminho para começar uma carreira nesta área, que vem conquistando um número cada vez maior de profissionais, em função de um modelo de trabalho bastante... more
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    • Freelancers
Generally, most positive and negative political revolutions and political changes are caused by unresolved underlying problems, such as the inability to become gainfully employed at least in the case of Adolf Hitler and Dr. Thomas Hahn.... more
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      BusinessEconomicsEmployabilityAntitrust (Law)
The software startups could continuously innovate business model value proposition by involving freelancers as a source of innovative ideas (that enhance customer perceived value) and as experts for implementing the innovative ideas (by... more
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      BusinessSoftware EngineeringRequirements EngineeringSoftware Development
Rudi Tyyanda adalah Seorang Pria Berkebangsaan asal Tanah air Negara Indonesia. Berdarah adat budaya suku Sunda. Dia lahir dikota Garut pada Tanggal 27 (Hari/Day Selasa/Tuesday) – 04 (Bulan/Month April) – 1988. Ber-Zodiak Bintang Taurus... more
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This article examines some of the cultural differences between news 'fixers' and foreign reporters, focusing specifically on the expectations and experiences of the fixers, rather than the correspondents whose own perspectives have... more
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      War on TerrorMedia, Foreign News and International RelatiosnWorld NewsInterpreters and Translators
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    • Freelancers
The software startups could continuously innovate business model value proposition by involving freelancers as a source of innovative ideas (that enhance customer perceived value) and as experts for implementing the innovative ideas (by... more
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      BusinessSoftware EngineeringRequirements EngineeringSoftware Development
Исследователи выделяют различные категории Интернет-работников — студенты-фрилансеры, совместители, мамалансеры и т. д. Однако лишь у мамалансеров формируется собственное сообщество на основании определенной идентичности. Данная... more
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      Sociology of WorkLabour StudiesWork and LabourThe Internet
Freelance journalists in China emerged in the early 2000s as a much-needed professional entity in a sector that had changed significantly since the media reform was launched in the country in 1978. When Chinese newspapers, which formerly... more
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Context: freelancers and startups could provide each other with promising opportunities that lead to mutual growth, by improving software development metrics, such as cost, time, and quality. Niche skills processed by freelancers could... more
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentStartupsInnovation Management
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      Social PolicyCreative IndustriesSocial Science Research NetworkPrecarious work
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      Computer ScienceSoftware DevelopmentCrowdsourcingProcesses
This working paper identifies some key areas of policy intervention for advancing socially sustainable and fair solutions for freelancers working in the creative industries, who are among those have suffered the most from the economic... more
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      Social PolicyCreative IndustriesFreelancers
Reflective professional practice guest article for Museum Freelance on realising your value as a contractor or freelancer.
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      Professional DevelopmentMuseumsFreelancers
The study makes use of the servicescape framework of Balakrishnan et al. (2016) to examine the relationship between the physical and social elements of a coworking space and the intention of customers to use it. Specifically, the study... more
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      CollaborationCoworkingFreelancersCoworking Spaces
Context: freelancers and startups could provide each other with promising opportunities that lead to mutual growth, by improving software development metrics, such as cost, time, and quality. Niche skills processed by freelancers could... more
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      Software DevelopmentStartupsInnovation ManagementFreelancers
This study explores how recent global news startups have connected freelancers with traditional news organizations. Through 10 interviews with founders and editors, the results reveal a networked marketplace of global journalism: the... more
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      Global journalismFreelancers
В данной работе рассматривается одна из наиболее популярных и развитых сфер Интернет-занятости - работа с текстом: копирайт и рерайт. Автор проводит социологическое исследование, используя контент-анализ в отношении заказов, размещённых... more
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      Sociology of WorkWork and LabourTranslationText
Take a moment to think about how you would really answer this question. If given enough thought just about any freelance business owner who utilizes the Internet.
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      Information TechnologyFreelanceFreelancers