Recent papers in Text
Removal of colorectal adenomas during colonoscopy reduces the incidence of colorectal carcinoma (CRC) and CRC-related mortality [1 -4]. Despite surveillance of patients after resection of adenomas [5] the risk of developing CRC remains... more
Which domains in life produce the greatest potential for regret, and what features of those life domains explain why? Using archival and laboratory evidence, the authors show that greater perceived opportunity within life domains evokes... more
The thesis explores how the literary status of Fitzgerald’s novel published in 1925 evolved from being dismissed to becoming a canonical work of American Literature after the death of its author. The role of criticism and adaptations and... more
While software play integral role in every aspect of the modern world, software development process still faces many problems. During development process in an organization, effective methodology has a crucial role in order to become... more
Aim. To provide an overview of current knowledge on pharmacotherapy of premature ejaculation (PE).
A special thanks to my partner Petra, whose emotional support and patience has been invaluable, and to my family and friends for your support and courageous attempts to understand what I'm talking about. I would also like to acknowledge... more
In de ontmoeting tussen jongeren enerzijds en de gemeente en woningcorporaties anderzijds speelt beeldvorming een belangrijke rol. Dit hoofdstuk laat zien hoe jongeren in sociale woningbouw vaak geen helder beeld hebben van de gemeente en... more
The greater emphasis on information books in elementary schools has led to an increased emphasis on informational writing as well. Although some have suggested utilizing mentor texts to engage children in informational writing, there has... more
to the notion of FLOSS community 13 2.3.4 FLOSS Project artifacts 13 2.3.5 Community roles 14 2.3.6 Relationship between core and non-core developers 17 2.3.7 Multiple roles and non-programming/non-technical tasks in FLOSS communities 17... more
Ordering information is a difficult but a important task for natural language generation applications. A wrong order of information not only makes it difficult to understand, but also conveys an entirely different idea to the reader. This... more
Genre' is almost a dirty word among creative writers. It seems to imply something derivative rather than original, commercial rather than artistic, prescriptive rather than innovative. These perspectives, however, can be called into... more
A new voltage-mode second-order low pass OTA-C filter is proposed. The filter is integrator-based and uses only one OTA and two grounded capacitors. A multiple-input operational transconductance amplifier (OTA) for the simulation of the... more
Self-assembly of molecular units into complex and functional superstructures is ubiquitous in biology. The number of superstructures realized by self-assembly of man-made nanoscale units is also growing. However, assemblies of colloidal... more
Extraction of text from image and video is an important step in building efficient indexing and retrieval systems for multimedia databases. We adopt a hybrid approach for such text extraction by exploiting a number of characteristics of... more
Objective: To determine whether the routine examination of the newborn by a midwife compared with a junior paediatrician (SHO) affects maternal satisfaction with this examination. Methods: Randomised controlled trial: 826 mother and baby... more
This chapter focuses on income inequality as measured by gross (i.e. pre-tax) household income across individuals within a country. It builds upon a number of large-scale initiatives to chart income inequality trends over time,... more
This booklet is based on fathers' experiences of reducing and quitting smoking. The quotes in the booklet are from expectant and new dads who smoke or have recently reduced or quit and offer their thoughts and ideas. This booklet is... more
- by Gayl Sarbit
- Text, New
Information on toxicokinetics is critical for animal-free human risk assessment. Human external exposure must be translated into human tissue doses and compared with in vitro actual cell exposure associated to effects (in vitro-in vivo... more
The nature of financial reporting in the public sector in Australia has undergone substantial change in the last twenty years. One result has been the promulgation of public sector accounting standards based on the private sector... more
The paper focuses on Billig's (Billig, M. (1995). Banal nationalism. London: Sage) notion of banal nationalism. While Billig's work is to be commended for demonstrating the way in which nationalism is an endemic political ideology... more
During renal injury, activation of p38 mitogen-activated protein kinase (MAPK) in proximal tubular cells plays an important role in the inflammatory events that eventually lead to renal fibrosis. We hypothesized that local inhibition of... more
In this work, we present a recently developed evaluation framework for video OCR specifically for English Text but could well be generalized for other languages as well. Earlier works include the development of an evaluation strategy for... more
The aim of this study was to determine a relationship between vaccine potency (amount of PD 50 per dose) and fraction of clinically protected cattle following homologous challenge with infectious foot-andmouth disease (FMD) virus, and to... more
The objective of this study was to examine the influence of reactive oxygen species (ROS), generated through the use of the xanthine (X)-xanthine oxidase (XO) system, on equine sperm motility, viability, acrosomal integrity, mitochondrial... more
In this paper we introduce the 'Hertfordshire Colour-blind Emulator' (HCBE) software application. Currently, our aim is to raise awareness of the challenges that the colour-blind encounter on their learning journey. HCBE emulates four... more
Virtual microscopy is being introduced in medical education as an approach for learning how to interpret information in microscopic specimens. It is, however, far from evident how to incorporate its use into existing teaching practice.... more
Objective: Follow-up data were collected using postal questionnaires and if participants did not respond, then data was collected using telephone interviews. The objectives of this study were to examine, for the two methods, how... more
The Prominence Effect
Nutzungsbedingungen: Dieser Text wird unter dem "PEER Licence Agreement zur Verfügung" gestellt. Nähere Auskünfte zum PEER-Projekt finden Sie hier: http://www.peerproject.eu Gewährt wird ein nicht exklusives, nicht... more
"Models for learning outcomes-reflected assessment" The point of departure for the present project was the Degree Ordinance (SFS 2006:1053). Keywords as knowledge, understanding, ability, skills, assessment, and perspectives are focused.... more
EntrE nivEl Primario y nivEl SEcundario. Una propuesta de articulación Cuaderno para el Alumno EntrE nivEl Primario y nivEl SEcundario. Una propuesta de articulación Cuaderno para el Alumno ¡EN POCOS MESES, A LA SECUNDARIA! Estas... more
Titel Reklam i mobilen? En studie av förutsättningar för tidningsföretag att använda mobiltelefonen som marknadsföringskanal Författare Beata Jungselius Kurs MK1500-Examensarbete i Medie-och kommunikationsvetenskap Termin VT-09... more
In this paper we consider a chosen-plaintext variant of the linear attack on DES introduced by Matsui. By choosing plaintexts in a clever way one can reduce the number of plaintexts required in a successful linear attack. This reduces the... more
This paper proposes and evaluates the use of linguistic information in the pre-processing phase of text classification. We present several experiments evaluating the selection of terms based on different measures and linguistic knowledge.... more
Category-specific disorders are perhaps the archetypal example of domain-specificity -being typically defined by the presence of dissociations between living and nonliving naming ability in people following neurological damage. The... more