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Wolna kultura" to nazwa specyficznego ruchu społecznego, ściśle związanego, i to na różnych płaszczyznach, z przemianami społecznymi wynikającymi z przechodzenia społeczeństwa industrialnego na informacyjne. Aby osiągnąć postawiony sobie... more
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      Free CultureNew social movementsPiracyDigital Piracy/ Filesharing
Après la présentation des activités GLAM (pour Galeries, Libraries, Archives and Museums) de Wikmédia France en 2019 par Xavier Cailleau, Benoit Soubeyran poursuit la réflexion entamée sur son blog à propos des connections entre les... more
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      Information RetrievalDigital LibrariesFree CultureWikipedia
What would a “free knowledge bank’look like if it were to be designed as an architectural object? The challenge was posed by El Ranchito, a curatorial project based at Madrid’s contemporary art centre, Matadero, to the art and... more
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      Intellectual PropertyArchitectureOpen Source and Free Software StudiesFree Culture
Immer mehr Musiker nutzen das Internet als Verbreitungsmedium für ihre Musik. Dort werden sie mit dem Umstand konfrontiert, dass Musik heute in vielerlei Form für den Konsumenten kostenlos im Internet verfügbar ist. Diese Praxis steht... more
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      Popular MusicOpen Source SoftwareCreative CommonsCopyright
Vastly growing online free-hospitality networks are a phenomenon of modern times. They have been already subject of social and peace studies, here explored from the perspective of information science. The main focus in this research,... more
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      SociologyTourism StudiesIntellectual PropertyKnowledge Management
On assiste à un véritable travail sur les individus et les mentalités pour susciter la crainte et le respect des règles de propriété intellectuelle. Au point que la gratuité finit même par en devenir suspecte. » Plusieurs États, dont la... more
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      Free CultureContributionDONInternet
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      The InternetFree CultureIntelectual Property
Edición original: The Code version 2.0, Cambridge, Basic Books, 2006.
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      The InternetFree CultureIntelectual Property
The concept of Open Source continues to inspire artists. But it is an intentionally vague concept that is often more confusing than enlightening. Unpacking this concept involves examination of the practices that are associated with it,... more
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      CensorshipArt TheoryContemporary ArtFree Speech
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      Media StudiesDigital HumanitiesCreative CommonsDigital Arts
La Business Software Alliance (BSA) realiza anualmente un estudio sobre el monto y el impacto económico de copias no autorizadas de software. Para el año 2011 se estimó que la tasa de software no autorizada ascendía al 42%, cuyo costo... more
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      Free CultureSoftwareDigital Piracy/ FilesharingIntelectual Property
Apresentação utilizada na palestra no II Congreso de Cultura Livre. Quito, Equador, 30 de maio de 2014.
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      JournalismDigital CultureCopyleftFree Culture
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      The InternetFree CultureIntelectual Property
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      Intellectual PropertyCommonsWalter BenjaminMichel Foucault
This paper analyses the core role of Public Domain works, those whose copyright protection have expired, in the Wikimedia projects, and the challenges and threats to using the Public Domain due to some Intellectual Property trends.... more
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      Public DomainCopyrightFree CultureWikipedia
While the Internet and digital networks provide unprecedented opportunities to access the sum of the world's knowledge and culture, current copyright laws add burdensome complexity for artists who wish to distribute their creative works... more
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    • Free Culture
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      Community Engagement & ParticipationPeer ProductionThe InternetFree Culture
Open Access (OA) is the movement to make academic research available without charge, typically via digital networks. Like many cyberlibertarian causes OA is roundly celebrated by advocates from across the political spectrum. Yet like many... more
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      Labor EconomicsNew MediaDigital HumanitiesMarxism
The Siddur is an aggregate of thousands of years of creatively inspired work by hundreds of authors. The innumerable variations in Jewish liturgy evidenced in so many siddurim witness the diversity of customs embraced by Jewish... more
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      JudaismFree CultureOpen SourceOpen Content
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      New MediaDesignE-learningInteraction Design
Este Código Fuente: la remezcla es un viaje al pasado en donde cabe imaginar un futuro que nos ayude a comprender nuestro presente. Además de la acción de trasladarse físicamente, el viaje supone una transformación y una mudanza. No... more
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      Free CultureRemixRemix CultureRemix Literature
This chapter concerns the emergence and growing popularity of the international pirate party movement. We survey critical approaches to the phenomenon of piracy, consider the usefulness of this concept in discussions of digital practices... more
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      Intellectual PropertyFree CultureDigital Piracy/ FilesharingPirate Party
¿qué resonancias genera el modelo del software libre cuando ingresa a la escena del arte contemporáneo en Argentina y algunos países de Latinoamérica? El modelo de producción, circulación y recepción "participativa" que practica y difunde... more
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      Art HistoryDigital HumanitiesDigital CultureNet Art
A diferencia de otros cruces entre el ámbito de los productores culturales y la tecnología -como en el caso de la música, o de la producción textual- el encuentro entre fotografía y cultura libre es un escenario de posibilidades, no una... more
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      CopyleftFree CultureCiberculturaCultura Libre
Polityka kulturalna w Polsce była w ciągu trzech ostatnich dekad polem, na któ­rym dokonały się dwie ważne rewolucje. Pierwsza była wynikiem zmiany systemu politycznego, druga - przewrotu informacyjno-komunikacyjnego. Każda z tych... more
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      Cultural PolicyDigital CultureCultureFree Culture
Resumen // El concepto de libertad asociado al de cultura obliga a reflexionar sobre el papel que asumen las partes implicadas: creadores, mediadores y receptores. De esta manera, definir la cultura libre es en cierto modo hacer un... more
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      Arts EducationFree CultureCultura LibreArtes
The book is a critique of the duality "Copyrigh x Copyleft" and the attempt at synthesis made by Creative Commons as these perspectives are unable to account for the multiplicity of perspectives and practices that are developed around... more
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      Media and Cultural StudiesFree CultureCommunication Science
El artículo discute una serie de planteos en torno a transformaciones recientes del capitalismo a escala global, marcadas por la transición hacia un modo de desarrollo informacional. Sostendremos la tesis de que el despliegue... more
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      Collective IntelligenceICT for DevelopmentFree Culture
The article describes a long-term collaboration with a variety of free culture activists in Madrid: digital artists, software developers and guerrilla architectural collectives. Coming of age as Spain walked into the abyss of the economic... more
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      Free CultureOccupy Wall StreetOccupy Movement15M movement
Paper covers a brief practical introduction to the concepts and applications of Copyleft and Creative Commons licencing, as well as exploring how open access to research literature is able to function in a legal capacity. The paper also... more
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      Open AccessAcademic LibrariesCreative CommonsCopyright
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      ActivismFree CultureFree Culture and New TechnologiesOuverture
Not so long ago, before we all knew the impact that new technologies were going to have on museums, there was a lot of speculation about a promising new future. As we analyse in this text, however, copyright has curbed that promise,... more
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      Digital CurationDigital CultureCopyrightCopyleft
Se muestra la evolución del movimiento de acceso abierto, en contraste con la resistencia de empresas editoriales que desean seguir controlando la distribución de la información científica a través del pago por publicar. Se presenta a los... more
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      Science CommunicationOpen AccessOpen Access PublishingLibrary and Information Science
Resumo: Falamos com John Postill, professor de Comunicação na RMIT University (Melbourne, Austrália), sobre tópicos do seu novo livro: " The Rise of Nerd Politics ". Postill explica o que é a política nerd, como as práticas criativas da... more
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      Social MovementsPoliticsFree CultureCultura Libre
The same open source philosophy that has been traditionally applied to software development can be applied to the collaborative creation of non-software information products, such as books, music and video. Such products are generically... more
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      New MediaDesignInteraction DesignComputer Mediated Communication
El espacio público urbano, las creaciones digitales o el aire, objetos cuya propiedad se pensaba tradicionalmente desde la lógica dicotómica de lo público y lo privado han comenzado a ser considerados como un procomún. Un concepto antiguo... more
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      CommonsOpen Source and Free Software StudiesFree CultureProcomún
Text around the collective actions and prototypes of 15M Movement in its first to years 2011-13. Published originally in
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      Digital CultureUrbanismSpainFree Culture
Resumen // Una comparación estructurada entre las libertades que promueve el Software Libre y sus relaciones con la experiencia estética puede facilitar una mejor comprensión de probables soluciones ante el problema irresoluto que ya... more
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      Free SoftwareFree CultureSoftware LibreCopyLeft, CC, cultura libre
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      Political PhilosophyCopyleftFree CultureHackers
Resumen // La cultura es un procomún. Esta idea es una premisa para el desarrollo educativo. Aunque como proposición inicial debe ser justificada para que, en consecuencia, podamos asumir una defensa, recreación y difusión de la propia... more
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      CommonsArts EducationFree CulturePedagogía Crítica
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      CollaborationPoliticsResearchFree Culture
Celem tekstu jest opisanie fandomów -społeczności fanów róznych zjawisk kultury populamej-jako elementu ruchu społecznego "wolnej kultury". Praca ukazać ma fanów jako aktywistów free culture oraz pokazać, ze jako tacy spotykają się z... more
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      Fan CulturesFandomFan Theory and CultureFree Culture
Open-source religions employ open-source methods for the sharing, construction, and adaptation of religious belief systems, content, and practice.[1] In comparison to religions utilizing proprietary, authoritarian, hierarchical, and... more
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      History of ReligionFree CultureOpen SourceOpen Content
El artículo explora diferentes experiencias de organización en torno a la cultura libre en Argentina, a lo largo de la última década. Con una mirada desde los estudios de acción colectiva, buscamos comprender estas manifestaciones como... more
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      CommonsOpen Source and Free Software StudiesFree Culture
Recent publications have reached conflicting conclusions on whether allowing users to have unlimited free access for downloading music and films is beneficial or not for the content production industry (CPI). Not only do models differ in... more
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      MicroeconomicsP2p(peer-2-Peer) NetworksFree CultureBranching Processes
This talk is about the use of technologies, and specifically smart contracts, to reintroduce artificial scarcity into digital culture and the implications this may have for the future of cultural production and distribution
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      CommonsMedia ArtsSoftware StudiesNet Art
Este trabalho é fruto de uma pesquisa acadêmica de três anos realizada na Universidade de São Paulo, dividida em duas partes: uma de caráter teórico, que buscou traçar a trajetória do licenciamento alternativo de obras culturais desde o... more
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      Creative CommonsCopyrightThe InternetFree Culture
La qüestió dels drets de propietat intel·lectual ha esdevingut central pel sector cultural. Amb la creixent independència dels suports materials i la simplificació de la distribució i la reproductibilitat, les indústries culturals han... more
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      CommonsCopyrightFree CultureProcomún
"The Internet economy has been conceptualized as a contradiction or symbiosis between commodity and gift exchange. Richard Barbrook (2005) argues that the Internet, with its reliance on non-rivalrous digital data and low cost of copying,... more
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      Media StudiesNew MediaMarxismDigital Media
El espacio público urbano, las creaciones digitales o el aire, objetos cuya propiedad se pensaba tradicionalmente desde la lógica dicotómica de lo público y lo privado han comenzado a ser considerados como un procomún. Un concepto... more
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      CommonsOpen Source and Free Software StudiesFree CultureCultura Libre