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Roger Bacon and the Defence of Christendom, The Catholic Historical Review, 2015, 101:3, pp. 625-627.
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      Franciscan StudiesBonaventureFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual Franciscans
Para citar: Obando Belard Silvano, Mijael. "Viciar para evangelizar. El tabaco en las misiones del norte del Nuevo Reino de León, 1698-1747", en "Pastores, misioneros, inquisidores, jueves y administradores: El clero del antiguo regimen... more
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      History of ReligionTobacco historyHistoria De Nuevo LeónFranciscan History
One of the topics developed by the Clarissan abbess Isabel de Villena in her work "Vita Christi" was the politics. This text is framed in the cultural and political polemic known as "Querelle des Femmes" that was developed in the Late... more
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      Women's StudiesMedieval HistoryWomen's HistoryEarly Modern History
Inicialmente, os franciscanos reuniam-se em casas emprestadas ou arrendadas, e só muito mais tarde, começaram a projetar e a construir edifícios destinados à sua residência. A evolução da arquitetura franciscana é assim marcada por três... more
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual FranciscansLisbon (Portugal)
Curriculum vitae et studiorum
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      Medieval HistoryHistory of Economic ThoughtHistory of Political ThoughtHistory of the Crown of Aragon
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      Spiritual ExercicesFranciscan HistoryExercices spirituels
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of the Franciscan OrderFranciscan OrderFranciscan History
Giovedì 10 febbraio alle ore 17.30 nella Sala degli Intronati in Palazzo Patrizi (Via di Città, 75) Michele Pellegrini e Giovanni Minnucci presentano il volume Contro frate Bernardino da Siena. Processi al maestro Amedeo Landi (Milano... more
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      Medieval StudiesLegal HistoryMedieval Church HistoryFranciscan Studies
Edition of 878 model letters in Latin from the Chancellery of the Hungarian Franciscan Observants. Extensive introduction in German, highlighting the new insights the texts offer into the identity, administration and economy of the... more
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      Early Modern Hungarian HistoryHungarian historyMedieval FranciscansMedieval Formularies
The town of Catubig is one of the ancient pueblos in Samar Island. Its foundation can be traced back to the time of the early Jesuits who ministered as early as 1596-1597. It was also the Jesuits who established firmly and made progress... more
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      Local HistoryFranciscan HistorySamar History
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual FranciscansFranciscanism
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      ReligionHistoryEarly Modern HistoryHistory of Religion
Uredili: Daniel Patafta - Nedjeljka Valerija Kovač; Zbornik radova četvrtog, međunarodnog, znanstvenog skupa Franjevački velikani o sv. Nikoli Taveliću, održanom u Šibeniku, 20. i 21. listopada 2017. // Collection of papers from the... more
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      Christian-Muslim DialogueHoly Land StudiesFranjevciCanonization
Nella Milano dei mercanti del Broletto il maestro d'abaco Amedeo Landi si trova coinvolto in uno scontro con il famoso frate dell'Osservanza minoritica Bernardino da Siena che, nel 1437, lo accusa di eresia durante una predica pubblica.... more
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      Medieval StudiesLegal HistoryInquisitionMedieval Church History
resto do mundo pelos árabes. Igualmente na arquitetura sul-americana, é possível encontrar traços da cultura árabe trazida pelos ibéricos no uso dos azulejos decorativos, no chafariz, nos pátios floridos e nos detalhes em arabescos.... more
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      Latin American StudiesGlobalizationBrazilian StudiesSpanish History
The article supplies, for the first time in a unitary form, the edition of the thirteenth-century legislation of the province of Sant’Antonio concerning the 80’s (1281, 1282, 1288) and the 90’s (1290, 1291, 1292, 1294, 1295, 1296). This... more
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of the Franciscan OrderConstitutionsMedieval Franciscans
Fuentes primarias de siglo XVI y XVII nos hacen sospechar que entre la Sicilia virreinal y el Atlántico de los felipes (1580-1640) se haya forjado un modelo franciscano de santidad en el "negro y esclavo" Benedetto Manasseri (1524-1589):... more
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      Latin American StudiesHagiographyAfro Latin AmericaSaints' Cults
Forman también parte de oficio del Consejo Científico las personas que, en corriente mandato, integren el consejo directivo del Seminario de Estudios Medievales y Renacentistas
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      ReligionInquisitionFranciscan StudiesFranciscan Spirituality
RogeRIo R. TosTes.-la textualidad de la representación política: el ejemplo de los franciscanos en los dominios catalano-aragoneses (siglos XIII-XIV) CayeTano sánCheZ FueRTes, oFM.-el monasterio de santa Clara de Manila durante la... more
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of the Franciscan OrderHistoria FranciscanaFranciscan History
Durante la segunda mitad del siglo XV y el primer tercio del XVI se atestigua en el contexto hispánico un importante fenómeno de mujeres autoras muy relevante en el campo espiritual. Esta renovación solió entenderse en clave de reforma... more
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      Cultural HistoryGender StudiesSecular HumanismHistory of Ideas
Qué papel jugó el cristianismo propuesto por la Orden franciscana en la creación de lo que Gilberto Freyre ha codificado ser una civilización hispanotropical en el Brasil colonial? ¿De que manera el arte y las imágenes religiosas... more
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      ReligionHistoryLatin American StudiesFranciscan Studies
Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi, "Rebelión de las clarisas vizcaínas frente al Concilio de Trento", en Labrador Arroyo, Felix (ed.), Líneas recientes de investigación en Historia Moderna, Universidad Rey Juan Carlos, pp.93-104, (2015)... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
MaRIe-MaDeleIne De CeVIns.-le Tractatus de confraternitate de nicolas lackmann († 1479
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of the Franciscan OrderMedieval FranciscansFranciscan History
La Observancia franciscana en La prOvincia de aragón (1380ca-1517): aprOximación a su estudiO the franciscan Observance in the prOvince Of aragOn (1380ca-1517): an apprOach tO its study resuMen: Describimos las pautas que seguiremos en el... more
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      Catalan StudiesMedieval HistoryMedieval StudiesFranciscan Studies
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    • Franciscan History
Te article researches the existence and ministry of Franciscan friars in the territory of the Soviet Union during1941–1991. In the light of printed sources, the historical – geographical view of ministry and its type is portrayed.Te... more
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      History of the USSRLithuanian HistoryCatholic ChurchFranciscan History
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    • Franciscan History
Buffon, Giuseppe «Ite vos»: entre la uniformidad institucional y la conciencia individual 39-65 Muñoz sánchEz, Fernando La representación de la bula «Ite vos» (1517) en las crónicas franciscanas hispánicas .
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      Spanish HistoryFranciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual Franciscans
There have only been five bright supernovae in the Milky Way in the last millennium (starting in 1006). Of these, the Chinese supernova, which is also known as the ‘Chinese Guest Star’ of 1181AD has remained a mystery. It was originally... more
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      SupernovaeFranciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual Franciscans
La bula Ite vos (29 de mayo 1517), buscó la unión de las distintas reformas franciscanas en la Observancia, pero dividió definitivamente la Orden de Hermanos Menores entre la Conventualidad y la Regular Observancia. La celebración de su... more
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      Modern HistoryMedieval HistoryEarly Modern HistoryMedieval Iberian History
In the Friars Minor museum DE MINDERE (Sint-Truiden-Belgium), a medieval drinking cup is preserved. This cup is attributed to Saint Francis of Assisi (1181/82-1226). It is believed that Saint Francis drank and ate out of it. The object... more
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      Franciscan StudiesRelics (Religion)FranciscansFrancis of Assisi
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      ArchitectureFranciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual Franciscans
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      Franciscan HistoryEarly Modern Spiritual Literature
Starting from an episode of gender violence suffered by the community of Franciscan tertiaries of Santa Maria de la Cruz de Cubas and caused by its prelates, we analyze here the denounce discourse formulated by these women in the... more
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      Modern HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryWomen's Studies
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      Medieval LiteratureMedieval StudiesCrusadesMedieval Church History
Dal sogno giovanile di diventare un cavaliere, passando attraverso l’amaro (e al contempo “rivelatore”) incontro con i lebbrosi, l’esperienza con il Sultano, l’approvazione della Regola e la malattia, osservando la vita di Francesco... more
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual FranciscansFranciscanism
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      Franciscan StudiesFranciscan SpiritualitySpiritual FranciscansFranciscans
En parlant d'Exercices spirituels, on pense spontanément à saint Ignace. Pourtant, avant et après lui, de nombreux franciscains ont développé des exercices spirituels puisant à la source de Francois, Claire et Bonaventure. La solitude et... more
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      Spiritual ExercicesFranciscan HistoryFrench School of Spirituality
During the 17th/18th centuries, Franciscan Italy received various reform incentives from Spain, such as from the Alcantarines in Naples and the Riformella initiated by Bonaventure of Barcelona. Another component was the Alcantarine... more
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      Spiritual ExercicesFranciscan HistoryExerzitienFranziskanische Geschichte
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      PrayerFranciscan StudiesBonaventureDuns Scotus
A volume containing 14 studies highlighting different aspects of the general theme "The Poor Clares during the Modern Period, 16th-19th Century"
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      Poor ClaresFranciscan History
La reforma observante franciscana generó en Castilla un modelo religioso de educación femenina: los colegios de doncellas regentados por terciarias regulares. El Cardenal Cisneros fundó dos establecimientos en Alcalá y en Toledo en los... more
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      Gender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's HistoryEarly Modern History
13-14 de octubre de 2017 Mexican Cultural Institute, Washington, D.C. Un programa del Early Americas Working Group de Washington, D.C. Varias generaciones de investigadores han estudiado las experiencias multifacéticas de los... more
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      Franciscan StudiesHistory of the Franciscan OrderHistoria Del México ColonialSpain and Colonial Mexico
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    • Franciscan History
Between the Middle Ages and modern times there was in Castile a phenomenon of feminine prophetism with great public impact. Among its main exponents are two tertiaries, the Dominican Mary of Santo Domingo and the Franciscan Juana de la... more
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      Modern HistoryGender StudiesWomen's StudiesWomen's History
Nere Jone Intxaustegi Jauregi, "Celebraciones en torno a la clausura de los conventos bilbaínos en el siglo XVII", Bidebarrieta: Revista de humanidades y ciencias sociales de Bilbao. 2014 (25) Resumen: Bajo este título, se recogen los... more
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      ReligionChristianityHistoryEuropean History
Zur Geschichte der Laienbrüder im Franziskanerorden von Benedikt Mertens OFM Vor etwa zwanzig Jahren hatten wir einen Franziskanerkonventualen in einer unserer süddeutschen Ordensniederlassungen zu Besuch. Bei der ersten gemeinsamen... more
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      Franciscan SpiritualityFranciscan OrderFranciscan HistoryHistory of the Franciscans
A koldulórendi építészeti emlékek kutatása a magyar művészettörténet-írás egyik elhanyagolt és jobbára elnagyolt területe volt egészen 1988-ig. A középkori szerzetesrendi építészeti emlékek régészeti és művészettörténeti tanulmányozása... more
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      Architecture of Medieval MonasteriesArt of the Mendicant OrdersArchitettura Degli Ordini MendicantiHistory of the Order of Preachers (Dominicans)