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Scholars have addressed the tendency of U.S. symphony orchestras to perform the works of relatively few composers. While many highlight this phenomenon, others note that the nature and extent of this conformity can shift over time, as... more
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      Sociology of CultureCultural SociologySociology of MusicBeethoven
I recently saw a local band playing in San Francisco whose name is “Or, The Whale,” an in-joke for Melvilleans, or perhaps part of a tradition going back to the late 1960s, when another local band named itself Moby Grape. (They played,... more
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      Popular Music StudiesHistory of the BookPopular CultureLiterary Theory
Uredili: Daniel Patafta - Nedjeljka Valerija Kovač; Zbornik radova četvrtog, međunarodnog, znanstvenog skupa Franjevački velikani o sv. Nikoli Taveliću, održanom u Šibeniku, 20. i 21. listopada 2017. // Collection of papers from the... more
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      Christian-Muslim DialogueHoly Land StudiesFranjevciCanonization
Song translation is one of the most creative and swiftly-moving kinds of translation as it is highly governed by artistic, cultural, aesthetic, and communicative priorities rather than linguistic correspondence. Interlingual song covers,... more
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      Translation of PoetryPlutarchPoetry TranslationCavafy
As the visionary Benedictine Hildegard of Bingen died in 1179, she left a great amount of writings and knew a fame of holiness which had largely developed when she was alive. After her death, her surroundings wanted to obtain the official... more
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      Orthodox ChristianityHildegard of BingenCanonizationGebeno of Eberbach
The original article, written in Arabic by HH Pope Shenouda III, was published in Watani, 18 August 1991, in celebration of the forty-year anniversary of the departure of his mentor Archdeacon Habib Girgis. I published my first... more
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      HagiographyCoptic StudiesCoptic HistoryCanonization and sanctity
The author elaborates in detail on Canonization, its Historical Evolution and the Catholic Church Law related to the Procedure for Canonization untill 2020.
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      Saints' CultsLegislationsCanonisation and beatificationCanonization Process This study investigates the promotion of saints' cults and the controls imposed on them both in Germany and Rome in the first half of the eighteenth century. It attempts to... more
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      Cult of SaintsSaints' CultsCatholic Church HistoryCanonization and sanctity
Philippe Castagnetti et Christian Renoux (sous la direction de), Culture et société au miroir des procès de canonisation, St. Etienne, Publications de l'Université de St. Etienne, 2016.
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      History of SlaveryCanonization and sanctityEsclavitudCanonization Processes
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      Qur'anic StudiesHadith StudiesBukhariCanonization
հին ձեռագրերի ին-տ. Երևան, 2020։ 616 էջ (ներդիր՝ 8)։ Հ 30/խմբ. Վ. Տեր-Ղևոնդյան, 2020։ «Բանբեր Մատենադարանի» հանդեսի սույն համարում ընդգրկված են Նարեկացիական 5-րդ ընթերցումների (2019, 23-24.10) նյութերը, Արամ Տեր-Ղևոնդյանին նվիրված... more
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      Canon LawCanonizationArmenian Canon Law
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      MiraclesCanonization and sanctityCanonization ProcessesCanonization
Cette contribution examine la promotion du culte de certains saints et les controles imposes a la veneration de ces saints en Allemagne et a Rome dans la premiere moitie du XVIIIe siecle. Il s’agit de comprendre comment et pourquoi une... more
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      Cult of SaintsCatholic Church HistoryCanonization and sanctityCanonization Processes