Electronic Art
Recent papers in Electronic Art
Call For Papers | Festival e critica: ieri, oggi e domani a cura di Marco Dalla Gassa, Francesco D’Asero, Giulio Tosi e Federico Zecca Giornata di studi Trieste, 21 gennaio 2025 Il rapporto tra critica e festival è antico quanto il... more
ARTWORK TITLE: Art Installation “The Evolution of Wo/Man” a 7’canvas-screen framework. [Artwork consists 7’variable sized complimentary-in-scale paired-canvasses, timber framed. This is “Green Art” in format, the Installation’s merit... more
ABSTRACT Paper describes one artist’s recent studies of Light Refraction in Portraiture as a Materials Science docx. This artist’s “Green” or Sustainable format of portraiture projection for canvas screen imaging is now of such a... more
Il cinema degli anni Sessanta del secolo scorso viene segnato da una grande rottura con la tradizione: negli Stati Uniti, in Italia, in Francia, in Inghilterra, in Germania, in Austria, in Giappone, ecc., escono allo scoperto, nel corso... more
Analysis of the experience of video in Brazil during the period between 1950 and 1980, as a pluralism strategy , cultural hybridization and opening of new circuits for art. During this period, this form of perception was observed from a... more
“The Aesthetics of Sensations in Mexican Electronic Art" addresses the study of the origins of electronic art in Mexico, the differences between contemporary art, electronic art, and digital art. It takes a turn to dwell on the analysis... more
O trabalho etnográfico em torno das estratégias de consumo do acesso à internet em arranjos informais e 'clandestinos' ("favelox", "gatonet", "chupa-cabra" dentre outros) me permitiu a identificação de uma importante dimensão das práticas... more
The effects of the epidemic of COVID-19 can be seen in the natural deterioration of the roads. Self-isolation and curfews during the pandemic further exacerbate the mental health problem. Through this project, the researchers hoped to... more
The modern world could not exist without cell phones. This fundamental technology is commonly utilised on a daily basis. Using technology makes life simpler. It is currently impossible to conceive a world without technology. The... more
[Ussachevsky] often discussed with me how important he felt it was that composers in an electronic music center take the lead in imagining what they would like, as he did, and then involve the creative capacity of engineers on staff to... more
The extensive exhibition catalogue, designed by Studio Najbrt, is available in Czech and English. It offers the first comprehensive overview of art forms incorporating electricity and electronics, presenting a logically structured... more
The excessive use of gadgets takes away so much time and robs of all the fun from children. It affects children's cognitive, emotional, and social skills. Hence, by exposing children to various sensory experiences, they can develop... more
Silvia Bordini e Valentino Catricalà, "Videoarte e arte. Tracce per una storia dagli anni Sessanta a oggi", Postmedia Books 2024
Recent developments on artificial intelligence expedited the computational fabrication of visual information, especially photography, with realism and easiness never seen before. In this paper, we present an interactive installation that... more
Giacomo Verde (1956-2020) è stato uno dei protagonisti della videoarte, dell’arte digitale e interattiva e del videoteatro in Italia. In oltre quarant’anni di attività ha realizzato centinaia di installazioni elettroniche e opere video... more
Giacomo Verde nasce in provincia di Napoli nel '56. Figlio di emigranti si diploma all'Istituto d'Arte di Firenze. Migrante, ha passato 12 anni a Treviso, ora vive a Lucca ma lavora nel mondo. Negli anni Settanta ha fatto animazione... more
is primarily remembered today as a pioneer in the development and proliferation of electronic music. As a composer he left 53 works in the electronic medium, including those in combination with conventional instruments and voices, and 39... more
Composer Jose María Berenger was invited by Parque Explora to the Saturday get-together, "Science on Bicycle", with the support of the Antioquia Museum and Eafit University. For Artes, la Revista, Berenguer left his article Absent... more
El arte tecnológico mexicano, arte electrónico o arte de los nuevos medios, ha incursionado en la cultura y tradiciones que forman parte de la identidad nacional. Los grupos indígenas que poblaron el país antes de la conquista dejaron... more
The "VOID" project (founded by the Langlois Foundation, Canada; and supported by the V2_Lab, at the V2_Org in the Netherlands) is a work in progress that intends to create an interaction that introduces the user to an observational... more
Separately, all existing portrait samples are viewable under Artwork Submission No's. 7-to-14 as commissions on the same website (above).
De la representación a la modelización. Evoluciones La emergencia ecológica que transitamos señala una necesidad que para muchos artistas constituye el sentido axiológico y conceptual de producción. Desarrollamos prácticas en... more
Tessitrici dalle labbra nere. La maternità a partire dai miti meso-americani
/2/ Excepto que se establezca de otra forma, el contenido de esta revista cuenta con una licencia Creative Commons Atribución 3.
Proprietà letteraria riservata. I diritti di traduzione, memorizzazione elettronica, di riproduzione e di adattamento totale e parziale di questa pubblicazione, con qualsiasi mezzo (compresi i microfilm, le fotocopie e altro) sono... more
/2/ Excepto que se establezca de otra forma, el contenido de esta revista cuenta con una licencia Creative Commons Atribución 3.
Globalization through developed nations encouraged the Malay culture to compete and adapt to the most popular foreign culture globally. In Malay fashion culture, the difficulties in recognizing values related to customs, lead to the loss... more
Analysis of the experience of video in Brazil during the period between 1950 and 1980, as a pluralism strategy , cultural hybridization and opening of new circuits for art. During this period, this form of perception was observed from a... more
In this paper we describe two artworks, Recognition, an outdoor interactive installation and Instrumental a live dance performance. In both works a performing agent has learnt sequences of movement from a dancer and uses these to stand in... more
Esta investigação visa compreender as sinergias que as plataformas digitais podem proporcionar para o desenvolvimento dos trabalhos pelos nômades digitais. O enquadramento teórico inicia-se abordando a evolução da condição de trabalho até... more
Contribution to the off-site exhibition La Lune: Energy Producing Art curated by Allan Giddy (Director of ERIA). La Lune was a temporary outdoor sculpture exhibition which in part responded to the site at Long Reef Headland. It has been... more
Music education in Malaysia has been through various stages of development that finally got its recognition in formal education in public schools in Malaysia. The purpose of this study is to identify the perceptions of the community... more
This article examines how synthetic biology, which is the construction of novel biological parts, devices, and systems, as well as the modification of regular organisms, impacts biosafety regimes in the European Union (EU) and the United... more
O Circulo de Cultura do coletivo cultural �Fora do Eixo Bauru� proporciona a possibilidade de os/as membros estabelecerem dialogos com a sociedade, em espacos coletivos aprendentes � presenciais e digitais -, que buscam a construcao do... more
“Artistic diary, between physical and virtual space”. An essay by Chiara Passa, September 2020.
From the Book: “L’elettronica è donna” edited by Castelvecchi, Roma 2022. Cod. 9788832905694
From the Book: “L’elettronica è donna” edited by Castelvecchi, Roma 2022. Cod. 9788832905694
The contribution examines the work of the Sicilian sculptor Carmelo Cappello in the light of the critical fortune and adversity that accompanied the evolution of his artistic language. Analyzing his creative path from the archaic... more
A partir de um processo de trabalho artístico coletivo, que se centra na valorização da comunidade enquanto lugar de criação e produção de conhecimento, geram-se inúmeras obras criadas em conjunto que são guardadas através de registos... more
Mostro-mostrare-mostra. Forme di esposizione e messa in scena nel lavoro di Diego Perrone di Luca Cerizza 52 Tossicità e cura: Diana Policarpo Una conversazione con Ilaria Gianni 64 Critic Dispatch: 23a Triennale di Milano Sassi che hanno... more
Dalla metà degli anni Ottanta, nel contesto italiano, si sono susseguite diverse mostre dedicate alla computer art e al rapporto tra informatica e arti visive. In questo periodo, soprattutto grazie alla diffusione del personal computer,... more