Electric Field
Recent papers in Electric Field
This paper presents a method of calculating the possible striking points of lightning and their probabilities. The calculations are based on a dynamic electromagnetic model. This model is based on the Wave-Pair concept which is presented... more
In this work an optimized version of the field-mill sensor structure for atmospheric electric field measurements was presented. Both the mechanical structure and the electronic front-end, acquisition and control system are optimized in... more
We show that the shape of electroluminescence transients in organic semiconductors can be conveniently used to obtain the diffusion constant D of injected charge carriers, enabling the study of generalized Einstein relationship under... more
Ion mobility spectrometry has become the most successful and widely used technology for the detection of trace levels of nitro-organic explosives on handbags and carry on-luggage in airports throughout the US. The low detection limits are... more
We analyze the pair production of charged particles in two-dimensional Anti-de Sitter space (AdS_2) with a constant, uniform electric field. We compute the production rate both at a semi-classical level, viewing Schwinger pair production... more
One of the important phenomena which is important in equipment when they are under high voltage stress is Partial discharge (PD). Partial discharge measurement is commonly used to evaluate the performance of the insulation in high voltage... more
The classical Yang-Mills equation of motion is numerically investigated in the Lorentz gauge for a SU(2) gauge group. The color-electric field of two point-like charges is studied in the "empty" vacuum and in a state with an instanton... more
The Boltzmann equation for transport in semiconductors is projected onto spherical harmonics in such a way that the resultant balance equations for the coefficients of the distribution function times the generalized density of states can... more
Silicon thin films grown near the boundary between the amorphous/microcrystalline growth offer superior properties for industrial applications. Series of silicon samples, in which crossing of this transition region was achieved by... more
Drift wave maps, area preserving maps that describe the motion of charged particles in drift waves, are derived. The maps allow the integration of particle orbits on the long time scale needed to describe transport. Calculations using the... more
In modeling of release of a dust particle from a plasma-facing wall it is usually assumed that electron velocity distribution is Maxwellian. However, the absorption of fast electrons by the conducting wall can lead to truncation of fast... more
This study is concerned with the anisotropy of the electron drift velocity in germanium crystals at high electric "elds and low temperature, and its in#uence on the charge collection process in n-type, high-purity germanium (HPGe)... more
The idea behind the methods described in the remaining part of this book is to speed up antigen-antobody precipitation in an electric field. This permits fast assays and assays in which diffusion can be kept to a minimum, giving a high... more
The distribution of electric field for the alignment and attachment of carbon nanotubes (CNTs) was simulated. To be attached at the desired place, the aligned and attracted CNTs should be stayed in the desired area called the stable... more
The low-latitude boundary layer (LBL) and its separation from the cusp have previously been identified using observations of particle precipitation at magnetosheath energies. Using $3-3 satellite observations, we have determined that... more
A typical 1 /f noise is excited in a GaAs filament with the Hooge's noise parameter of about aH = 2 x The noise level increases in proportion to the square of the terminal voltage, and decreases approximately in inverse proportion to the... more
Using the ladder operator technique, a construction of the supersymmetric Hamiltonian is proposed. We show that the accidental degeneracies associated with the Coulomb and isotropic oscillator problems may be attributed to the existence... more
Abstrat-Mammalian cells can be cultured and therefore studied in vitro. Normally, the cells' morphology and other static properties are observed with the aid of a light microscope. A method is described here that allows observation of the... more
We propose an equivalent circuit representation of the photogenerated charge separation and propagation in dye sensitized polycrystalline semiconductor in contact with a redox electrolyte. The suggested equivalent circuit for this type of... more
A set of heavily doped Al0.48In0.52As samples grown by molecular beam epitaxy on InP (Fe) substrates was investigated using the photoreflectance (PR) technique. The spectra at 300 K are characterized by a transition in the vicinity of the... more
We demonstrate feedback control optimization for the Stark deceleration and trapping of neutral polar molecules using evolutionary strategies. In a Stark-decelerator beamline, pulsed electric fields are used to decelerate OH radicals and... more
An isoparametric 3D electromechanical hexahedral finite element integrating a 3D phenomenological ferroelectric and ferroelastic constitutive law for domain switching effects is proposed. The model presents two internal variables which... more
Finite-amplitude bifurcation diagrams of axisymmetric liquid bridges anchored between two plane parallel electrodes subjected to a potential difference and in the presence of an axial gravity field are found by solving simultaneously the... more
Numerical computation of the electric field strength and ionic space charge density in electrode systems consisting of ionizing wire and non-ionizing cylinder, connected to the same DC high-voltage supply and facing a grounded plate, is a... more
The first satellite observations of the total field-aligned component of the quasi-dc Poynting flux are presented for two passes over the polar region, one in the noon sector and one in the afternoon. The energy input due to electron... more
Steeply-dipping mineralized bodies present a particular problem for audio-magnetotelluric (AMT) exploration. Such targets have little observable effect on currents flowing perpendicular to their dominant strike, thus TM-mode AMT data are... more
An EMC experimental kit is developed to illustrate the fundamental mechanisms of radiated emissions from printed circuit boards. The kit is then expanded to cover and demonstrate some of the EMC design techniques such as shielding and... more
Using a block model of 1532 cubical cells, temperature distributions are calculated for the lowest 21 cm of the human leg for electric fields recommended in the ANSI RF safety guideline. The thermal model uses inhomogeneous... more
A new model describing laser noise in terms of non-Markovian stochastic phase jumps has been recently introduced. In this letter an exact expression for the correlation function for the electric field is obtained. This expression, valid... more
Vertebrates have evolved electrosensory receptors that detect electrical stimuli on the surface of the skin and transmit them somatotopically to the brain. In chondrichthyans, the electrosensory system is composed of a cephalic network of... more
The horizontal electric field both at points above and below ground in the vicinity of lightning return strokes were evaluated by numerical solution of Sommerfeld's integrals. Results are presented for ground conductivities in the range... more
Consider a conducting disk surrounded by a thin dielectric layer submitted to an electric field at the pulsation ω. The conductivity of the layer grows like ω 1−γ , γ ∈ [0, 1], when the pulsation ω tends to infinity. Using a... more
The purpose of this study was to examine the feasibility of using irreversible electroporation (IRE) as a non-chemical method for eliminating microorganisms of liquid drugs. The studied drug was a topical ophthalmic medication, a... more
The differentiation and proliferation of neural stem/progenitor cells (NPCs) depend on various in vivo environmental factors or cues, which may include an endogenous electrical field (EF), as observed during nervous system development and... more
The application of a nonuniform ac electric field to an electrolyte using coplanar microelectrodes results in steady fluid flow. The flow has its origin in the interaction of the tangential component of the nonuniform field with the... more
An integral equation analysis is proposed to determine the phase constant of an arbitrarily shaped dielectric waveguide. The main feature of this approach is the use of Green's scalar identity in which only simple contour integrals have... more
The application of a DC electric field down gradient to the contaminated zone in the subsurface can create an electrokinetic barrier. The electrical potential gradient causes the movement of ions which in turn imposes a viscous drag on... more
and the calculations of Glendenning et al. (5), (GWM:neutrons) predict lower pressures. The uncertainty in the pressure due to the asymmetry term widens the range of possible EOSs that may be consistent with the experimental data. For... more
The multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) dispersed polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) composite membranes have been prepared for hydrogen gas permeation application. Composite membranes are characterized by Raman spectroscopy, optical... more
A novel low-loss planar dielectric waveguide is proposed. It is based on a high-permittivity dielectric slab parallel to a metal ground. The guiding channel is limited at the sides by a number of air holes which are lowering the effective... more
We report numerical results on the repton model of Rubinstein [Phys. Rev. Lett. 59, 1946 (1987)] as adapted by Duke [Phys. Rev. Lett. 62, 2877 (1989)] as a model for the gel electrophoresis of DNA. We describe an efficient algorithm with... more
We present new numerical and analytic solutions of the two-dimensional Fokker-Planck equation supplemented by a parallel quasilinear diffusion term. The results show a large enhancement of the perpendicular temperature of both the... more
We present a parametric experimental study of convective electrokinetic instability (EKI) in an isotropically etched, cross-shaped microchannel using quantitative epifluorescence imaging. The base state is a three-inlet, one-outlet... more
Several electrostatic technologies, such as separation of granular mixtures, flocking, printing, or biological cell manipulation, are based on the accurate control of conductive particle motion in insulating gases or liquids by means of... more
We observe electric field induced second harmonic generation in a GaN based W diode laser. The scattered second harmonic is collected and measured as a function of bias voltage and incident laser power.