Nuclear Materials
Recent papers in Nuclear Materials
This paper provides an overview of the geochemical alteration of basaltic glass, considered for over 20 years as a suitable natural analogue for nuclear borosilicate glasses. The available data show that natural basaltic glasses may... more
In modeling of release of a dust particle from a plasma-facing wall it is usually assumed that electron velocity distribution is Maxwellian. However, the absorption of fast electrons by the conducting wall can lead to truncation of fast... more
Sodium n-propoxide and sodium iso-propoxides were synthesized and characterized. Thermal decomposition of these compounds was studied using thermogravimetric technique (TGA) coupled with mass spectrometry (MS) under non-isothermal and... more
The salient characteristics of martensite formation kinetics in 9Cr-1W-0.23V-0.063Ta-0.09C-0.02N (wt.%) reduced activation steel have been investigated using differential scanning calorimetry and supplemented by microscopy... more
Early interest in metallic plutonium fuels for fast reactors led to much research on plutonium alloy systems including binary solid solutions with the addition of aluminum, gallium, or zirconium and low melting eutectic alloys with iron... more
The on-heating phase transformation temperatures up to the melting regime and the specific heat capacity of a reduced activation ferritic-martensitic steel (RAFM) with a nominal composition (wt%): 9Cr-0.09C-0.56Mn-0.23V-1W-0.063Ta-0.02N,... more
Laser Raman spectroscopy and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy were used to study the evolution of composition of oxide films in the presence of zirconia coatings on miniature HT-9 alloy specimens subjected to elevated temperature in air.... more
Preliminary investigations revealed that beryllides like Be 12 Ti may be much more suitable for neutron multipliers in future fusion power plants than pure beryllium. With suitable mechanical alloying and hot pressing methods, beryllium... more
The formation and medium-term evolution of point defect and solute-rich clusters under neutron irradiation have been modelled in a complex Fe-CuMnNiSiP alloy representative of RPV steels, by means of first principle-based atomistic... more
The irradiation response of PH13-8Mo stainless steel was measured up to 2.5 dpa at 200 and 300°C irradiation temperatures. The PH13-8Mo, a martensitic precipitation-hardened steel, was produced by Hot Isostatic Pressing at 1030°C. The... more
The results of post-irradiation examinations of a pressure tube of fuel channel No. G-12 of KANUPP have been described. A detailed study was made in Canada by AECL. A parallel investigation on its seven rings of about 50 mm length each... more
Long term tritium retention is one of the most critical issues for ITER and future fusion devices. While a global analysis of the T retention can be made by T accountancy in the activated phase of ITER, fuel retention and control must be... more
The behavior of argon and nitrogen, injected into single null diverted Ohmic discharges, has been compared. The screening of the divertor and scrape-off layer plasma is studied by comparing the number of impurity atoms in the core with... more
An alteration phase that formed during the corrosion of commercial oxide spent nuclear fuel has been characterized with analytical transmission electron microscopy (AEM). The phase is a Cs-Ba uranyl molybdate oxide hydrate that has an... more
Batch precipitation of ammonium diuranate (ADU) was carried out at various temperatures and at different flow rates of ammonia and their effects on the characteristics of ADU such as the nature of settling, moisture content,... more
The influence of nitrogen co-deposition in ITER mixed layers on deuterium retention and release dynamics was studied in situ by Nuclear Reaction Analysis (NRA) and thermodesorption spectroscopy. W:Al and W:Be mixed layers deposited by TVA... more
Uniaxial creep-to-rupture tests were performed on T91 in air and in flowing lead-bismuth eutectic melts. Compared to specimens tested in air, the specimens tested in liquid-metal show: (i) strain and strain rate increase up to a factor of... more
A new methodology is proposed to correlate the upper shelf energy (USE) of full-size and subsize Charpy specimens of a nuclear reactor pressure vessel plate material. The methodology appears to be more satisfactory than those methodlogies... more
Mg–6Zn–5Al–4RE (RE= Mischmetal, mass%) alloy was prepared by metal mould casting method. The microstructure and mechanical properties of the as-cast and heat-treated alloys were investigated. The results show that the phase compositions... more
Recently, in situ Raman setups under irradiation become available, and uranium dioxide is one of the most studied compounds. This paper reports the temperature dependence of the only Raman-active mode in fluorine UO2. Besides the interest... more
As well as acting as a moderator and reflector, graphite is used as a structural component in many gas-cooled fission nuclear reactors. Therefore the ability to predict the structural integrity of the many graphite components which make... more
Gadolinium oxide homogeneously mixed with uranium oxide nuclear fuel is used as burnable poison in modem LWR. Solid solutions of UOz with Gd20, additions of between 5 and 10 wt% have been prepared according to the following routes: (a)... more
Transition metal ferrocyanides have important applications in the selective removal of radioactive caesium from low level and intermediate level radioactive liquid waste streams. The microcrystalline nature of these materials renders them... more
A self-consistent description (performed by means of the B2-EIRENE code package) of a hydrogen plasma including electrons, ions and neutral background gas is used to investigate the processes and plasma behavior under conditions expected... more
The influence of composition variations on long-term glass behavior was investigated for three nuclear glass composition domains: the French SON 68 (R7T7-type) glass, the Na-Mg borosilicate AVM glass and the aluminosilicate VRZ glass... more
The effective atomic numbers, Z eff of some glass systems with and without Pb have been calculated in the energy region of 1 keV-100 GeV including the K absorption edges of high Z elements present in the glass. Also, these glass systems... more
In the near surface of plasma facing materials, high concentrations of hydrogen and helium isotopes can build up, which will interact with the point defects resulting from the bombardment of the surface as well as with the impurities of... more
High-temperature solid state syntheses of monazite powders containing plutonium (III), plutonium (IV) and americium (III) were performed. Resulting powders were characterized by X-ray diffraction. Pu 3+ PO 4 was readily obtained as a... more
Hot compression testing of Mo-TZM (Mo-0.5Ti-0.1Zr-0.02C) alloy was carried out between 600 and 900°C employing strain rates from 0.001 s À1 to 1 s À1. Both the constant strain rate and strain rate change test results showed that Mo-TZM... more
The oxidation behavior of ferritic-martensitic (F-M) alloys in supercritical water (SCW) was studied in order to evaluate the suitability of these alloys for use in the Gen IV supercritical water reactor (SCWR) concept. A series of... more
A modified version of the concentration-dependent model (CDM) potential (A. Caro et al., Phys. Rev. Lett. 95 (2005) [1] has been developed to study defects in Fe-Cr for different Cr concentrations. A comparison between this new potential... more
Tensile testing has been performed at 25 and at 400 °C on two ferritic/martensitic steels (JFMS and HT-9) after irradiation in FFTF to up to 70 dpa at 373433 °C. As observed in previous studies, this range of irradiation temperatures has... more
An X-ray diffraction method was applied to measure the mean crystallite size (MCS) of the UO,,, powder, where x varied from 0.10 to 0.20. The MCS determination of UO z+x powder plays an important role in the process control of UOz pellets... more
The degradation in mechanical properties of Inconel 625 ammonia cracker tubes occurs during the service for long duration in heavy water plants. The present study brings out the possibility of using Poisson's ratio (derived from... more
In the Generation IV Materials Program cross-cutting task, irradiation and testing were carried out to address the issue of high temperature irradiation effects with selected current and potential candidate metallic alloys. The materials... more
The consequences of irradiation damage in austenitic stainless steels on their mechanical properties, namely the yield stress, are investigated both experimentally and theoretically. The observed hardening is correlated with the... more
Zircaloy cladding oxidation is mostly represented by parabolic rate correlation. But the correlation approach is not suitable for long-term isothermal oxidation or oxidation occurs under steam starvation conditions and cannot obtain the... more
CuCrZr is a high copper alloy widely used as electrical and thermal conducting material, especially in heat exchangers in nuclear reactors. In this respect, the physical and fatigue properties of CuCrZr have been extensively studied. The... more
During normal operation of PWRs, routine fuel rods failures result in release of radioactive fission products (RFPs) in the primary coolant of PWRs. In this work, a stochastic model has been developed for simulation of failure time... more
Journal of Nuclear Materials 170 (1990) 169-177 North-Holland 169 URANIUM NITRIDE FUEL SWELLING CORRELATION Steven B. ROSS * and Mohamed S. EL-GENK Institute for Space Nuclear Power Studies, Chemical and Nuclear Engineering Department,... more
At temperatures above the (01+ p)/p transformation temperature for zirconium alloys, steam reacts with P-ZI to form a superficial layer of zirconium oxide (Z102) and an intermediate layer of oxygen-stabilized a-ZI. Reaction kinetics and... more
The development of an intergranular stress corrosion crack initiation site in thermally sensitized type 304 austenitic stainless steel has been observed in situ in high temperature oxygenated water using digital image correlation of... more
The influence of ageing heat treatment on alloy A-286 microstructure and stress corrosion cracking behaviour in simulated Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR) primary water has been investigated. A-286 microstructure was characterized by... more
Recent research results obtained in Europe, Japan, China and the USA on reduced activation ferritic/martensitic (RAFM) steels are reviewed. The present status of different RAFM steel products (plate, powder HIPped steel, many types of... more
India's nuclear programme envisages a large-scale utilisation of thorium, as it has limited deposits of uranium but vast deposits of thorium. The large-scale utilisation of thorium requires the adoption of closed fuel cycle. The stable... more