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It is a well-worn, yet astonishingly resilient, cliché that the Enlightenment was the 'Age of Reason.' By focusing on Diderot and Helvétius this paper shows that, rather than proceeding in the name of reason, key figures within the... more
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      Diderot, DenisPhilosophy of the EnlightenmentEtienne Bonnot, abbé de CondillacClaude-Adrien Helvétius
Sensibility, in any of its myriad realms – moral, physical, aesthetic, medical and so on – seems to be a paramount case of a higher-level, intentional property, not a basic property. Diderot famously made the bold and attributive move of... more
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      Materialism18th Century PhilosophyHistory of Medicine and the BodyDiderot, Denis
Cet article est consacré au rapport que, dans la France du XVIII e siècle, la réflexion sur l'utilité et la légitimité des systèmes entretient avec le débat sur le statut et l'usage des mathématiques. En retraçant une double ligne... more
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      MathematicsEnlightenmentDiderot, DenisEarly Modern Philosophy
This work addresses bell hooks’s call for the development of an alternative to patriarchal masculinity which she calls feminist masculinity. Patriarchal masculinity has convinced most men and women that the development of different forms... more
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      Feminist PhilosophyEcofeminismDiderot, DenisMontesquieu
Cet article s’attache à un aspect fondamental de la philosophie matérialiste de Diderot, à savoir le fait que l’individualité psychologique ne peut pas correspondre à l’individu matériel que nous sommes parce que la mémoire sur laquelle... more
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      MetaphysicsOntologySelf and IdentityMaterialism
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      Democratic TheoryPostmodernismCynicism (Ancient Greek Philosophy)Diderot, Denis
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      EnlightenmentEnlightenment Political ThoughtJean Jaques RousseauDiderot, Denis
RÉSUMÉ : Les interprétations habituelles de l’article «Éclectisme» de l’Encyclopédie mettent l’accent sur l’idée que Diderot y annonce le programme de la philosophie moderne, dont il se ferait par le fait même un illustre représentant et... more
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      Diderot, DenisHistoire des idées et de la penséeEclecticismDIDEROT
At the very beginning of L’Homme-Machine, La Mettrie claims that Leibnizians with their monads have “rather spiritualized matter than materialized the soul”; a few years later Pierre-Louis Moreau de Maupertuis, President of the Berlin... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyIntellectual History of Enlightenment18th Century PhilosophyDiderot, Denis
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      Postcolonial StudiesTheodor AdornoFrench RevolutionSouth Asia
In selected texts by Diderot, including the Encyclopédie article “Cabinet d’histoire naturelle” (along with his comments in the article “Histoire naturelle”), the Pensées sur l’interprétation de la nature and the Salon de 1767, I examine... more
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      17th Century & Early Modern PhilosophyHistory of Natural HistoryIntellectual History of Enlightenment18th Century Philosophy
A literary, historical and philosophical exploration of blindness, the possibilities of sensory substitution, and the perennial fascination with what the blind ‘see’ The “man born blind restored to light” was one of two foundational... more
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      History of Blindness/Visual ImpairmentBlindnessDiderot, DenisVoltaire
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      GlobalizationEuropean EnlightenmentDiderot, DenisImperialism
Alienation [Verfremdung] is a concept that is inextricably linked with the name of Bertolt Brecht; with twentieth-century modernism, the avant-garde and Marxist theory. However, alienation as a sociological and aesthetic notion avant la... more
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      Bertolt BrechtModernismDiderot, DenisAlienation
L'article art de Diderot participe d'un premier mouvement de l'écriture encyclopédique qui s'inscrit dans un propos délibérément critique, non seulement vis-à-vis de la constitution des savoirs hérités, mais aussi de certaines tendances... more
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      LiteratureDiderot, DenisHistoire des idées et de la penséeHistoire Des Techniques
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      IconoclasmFriedrich NietzscheRoland BarthesBertolt Brecht
How we think of the relationship between the Jesuits and the Enlightenment largely depends on how we conceptualize the latter. This chapter addresses it as a series of debates conducted in the context of a cosmopolitan Republic of Letters... more
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      Intellectual History of EnlightenmentEuropean EnlightenmentJean-Jacques RousseauDiderot, Denis
This paper deals with a development of the ancient thought on mimesis in its modern reception as regards a certain idea of theatre. It defends the hypothesis that the figure of the character, as set up in Diderot's Paradoxe sur le... more
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      AestheticsTheatre StudiesHistory of IdeasArt Theory
This is an MA thesis available on Proquest (academic access): The Rococo period in the arts, flourishing mainly from about 1710 to about 1750, was stylistically unified, but nevertheless its... more
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      Giambattista VicoGilles DeleuzePhilosophy of HistoryTheory of History
From Hegel to Engels to Sartre and Raymond Ruyer (Ruyer, 1933), to name only a few, materialism is viewed as a necropolis, or the metaphysics befitting such an abode. Endless numbers of authors describe matter’s crudeness, bruteness,... more
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      EthicsEighteenth Century RadicalismMaterialismIntellectual History of Enlightenment
In Thoughts on the Interpretation of Nature (1753), Denis Diderot discusses what may be the novelty of a science of becoming and morphogenesis, consequent with the autopoietic of nature. Far from arriving at a positivist conception, as is... more
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      Philosophy of ScienceImaginationDiderot, DenisAbduction
À la fin du XVIIe siècle, la dissolution du pacte allégorique semblait avoir à tout jamais disjoint la fable et le conte, la première prenant en charge seule un but didactique et le second se définissant comme un récit pur, sans intention... more
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      Jean-Jacques RousseauDiderot, DenisMontesquieuVoltaire
Статья рассматривает повесть «Пиковая дама» А. С. Пушкина как сугубо метапоэтическое произведение, в котором присутствует обилие рассказов, «сочиняемых» разными «рассказчиками» - Чаплицким, Германном (в его письмах Лизе), и графиней,... more
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      Diderot, DenisинтертекстуальностьжанрыА. С. Пушкин
To whom do you pretend to make believe that a man can be the property of a sovereign, that a child can be the property of his father, that a woman can be the property of her husband, that a servant can be the property of his master, that... more
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      EqualityDiderot, DenisAnticolonialism
Si le XVIIIe siècle passe pour une oasis colorée, sa littérature reflète peu cette polychromie, contrairement à celle du XIXe siècle. Ce décalage entre imaginaire littéraire et culture matérielle est le point de départ de cet ouvrage qui... more
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      Nineteenth Century StudiesEighteenth-Century literatureEnlightenmentEighteenth-Century French Studies
La signification que d'Alembert confère au terme « méchanique », et dont l'Encyclopédie peut être le moyen d'une diffusion élargie au-delà des cercles académiques, résulte d'une élaboration critique des concepts de la science... more
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      Diderot, DenisHistoire des idées et de la penséeHistoire Des SciencesHistoire Des Techniques
Gerhardt Stenger : The dating of Diderot's early works. The generally accepted dating of Diderot's early works, which places the writing of De la suffisance de la religion naturelle and La Promenade du sceptique after that of the Pensées... more
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    • Diderot, Denis
Gerhardt Stenger : Two unknown manuscripts of Diderot : madame de la Carlière and Sur les femmes. The Vienna National Library possesses two Diderot manuscripts that have hitherto escaped the notice of editors of his works. They are... more
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    • Diderot, Denis
As the key term in Michael Fried’s criticism and art history, theatricality remains an influential and contentious concept. In defending its validity, Fried has repudiated social historical interpretations and alternatives, arguing for... more
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      MarxismStanley CavellMinimalismDiderot, Denis
Denis Diderot's ideas about war and peace crystalize many of the contradictions in the world that he identified. On the one hand, war is a natural product of contradictions between natural law and human developments. On the other hand, it... more
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    • Diderot, Denis
The best-known intellectual persona of the French Enlightenment, the philosophe , is typically associated not with the vicissitudes of sensory, corporeal existence, but with reason, truth-telling, and the pursuit of social and political... more
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      Eighteenth-Century French StudiesDiderot, Denis
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      Diderot, DenisLittérature Et Histoire Des Idées Du XVIIIe Siècle
Le polype, ou hydre d'eau douce, est un petit être extraordinaire: on peut tout lui infliger—le décapiter, lui mutiler les bras, le couper en morceaux, le gaver, l’affamer, l’obliger à manger un autre polype ou le retourner comme un gant:... more
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      18th Century French LiteratureDiderot, DenisMonstresRêve de d'Alembert
In 1749, while on the road to Vincennes to visit his friend Diderot in prison, Rousseau had an inspirational experience that prove to be a deciding moment in his life story. In his many autobiographical writings, he would time and again... more
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      Intellectual HistoryLiteratureEnlightenmentIntellectual History of Enlightenment
Denis Diderot’s Le Neveu de Rameau contains many intriguing passages that reference music and musical matters—from mimed performances and popular folk tunes to musical theories and broader aesthetic debates on the imitative functions of... more
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      French LiteratureFrench StudiesMusic and LanguageEighteenth-Century literature
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      John LockeDiderot, DenisInteriority
With the notion of hieroglyph, Diderot tries to demonstrate that listening to poetry and music involves a schematic indication that, as in a rough draft, helps to produce images. Pleasure is generated by the recognition of an... more
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      XVIII centuryPhilosophy of MusicMusic AestheticsDiderot, Denis
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    • Diderot, Denis
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    • Diderot, Denis
Je traiterai de l’« hétérodoxie » de la construction biologique chez Diderot : de sa construction conceptuelle du vivant qui serait l’équivalent « clandestin » d’une contribution à la biologie. Mais justement en tant que c’est une forme... more
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      History of ScienceHistory of Philosophy of ScienceEnlightenmentMaterialism
On se demande parfois ce qui a bien pu pousser Diderot à choisir une forme littéraire pour exprimer ses idées (Dieckmann CXLII-CXLII) Dialogue defines Denis Diderot's oeuvre. It structures almost all of his writings from the earliest to... more
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    • Diderot, Denis
Continuité et rupture en histoire de la philosophie : le cas de l'épicurisme selon Diderot Résumé À la toute fin de l'article « Épicuréisme ou Épicurisme » de l'Encyclopédie, après une adaptation très particulière de l'information qu'il a... more
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      Diderot, DenisEpicureanismDIDEROTDiderot and D'Alembert's Encyclopedia
Dans cette contribution, je m’attarde à la manière dont l'intérêt de la philosophie des Lumières pour la métaphysique est rendu visible dans certaines entrées de l’Encyclopédie expressément mises sous les rubriques « Philosophie » et «... more
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      Diderot, DenisDiderot, situiertes Wissen, historische EpistemologieDIDEROTDiderot and D'Alembert's Encyclopedia
Vérité sexuelle et mensonge légal : « jouissance et possession » dans l'Encyclopédie selon Diderot, ou : deviendrons-nous galants, éclairés et heureux ? Sophie audidière En cherchant la philosophie de l'Encyclopédie dans l'Encyclopédie,... more
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      Diderot, DenisEncyclopédiePlaisir
Cet article montre que la philosophie de l'éducation de Diderot trouve son sens dans le cadre d'une pensée de la civilisation, au sein de laquelle elle théorise le rôle de l'institution publique d'éducation. À partir d'une analyse... more
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      Philosophy of EducationDiderot, DenisPhilosophie de l'éducation
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      Diderot, DenisLettre sur les aveugles
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      Diderot, DenisDIDEROTDenis DiderotThéories Esthétiques Du XVIIIe Siècle Français
El presente estudio busca establecer un punto de partida para la comprensión de la no-vela filosófica de los philosophes. No pretende ser un estudio analítico o formal sino sintético o contextual en sus aspectos esenciales. Por... more
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      French LiteratureJean-Jacques RousseauDiderot, DenisVoltaire
The materialism of La Mettrie and Diderot has been the object of some recent reevaluations, most of which focus on their conception of matter, and how this changes, notably, our idea of a predominantly mechanistic materialism in the... more
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      MaterialismDiderot, DenisLa Mettrie