Luís Manuel A V Bernardo
Luís Manuel A. V. Bernardo – Professor Catedrático da NOVA FCSH (Faculdade de Ciências Sociais e Humanas da NOVA). Investigador Integrado no Laboratório de Ética e Política do IFILNOVA e Investigador colaborador do CHAM. Coordenador da Secção Autónoma de Educação e Formação Geral ; Coordenador do Mestrado em Ensino de Filosofia no Ensino Secundário.
Outros cargos relevantes desempenhados anteriormente: Subdiretor Adjunto para a Gestão Curricular e a Avaliação do Ensino; Membro eleito do Conselho Pedagógico; Responsável da Qualidade da NOVA FCSH; Responsável pelo Sistema de Garantia da Qualidade do Ensino e Membro do Conselho da Qualidade do Ensino da UNL; Coordenador do Doutoramento em Filosofia; Coordenador do Mestrado em Filosofia; Presidente da Comissão Científica de Filosofia; Coordenador do Departamento de Filosofia; Coordenador departamental da Mobilidade; Subdiretor do Centro de História da Cultura. Investigador integrado no Grupo de Pensamento Moderno e Contemporâneo do CHAM - Centro de Humanidades. Subdiretor do CHAM - Centro de Humanidades, com o pelouro das edições e bibliotecas. Diretor da coleção «Estudos e Documentos» e Codiretor da Cultura - Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias,
Licenciado, Mestre e Doutor em Filosofia, com Agregação em Filosofia, na disciplina de Filosofia da Educação. Principais áreas de ensino, investigação e publicação: Filosofia do Conhecimento; Hermenêutica; Filosofia da Cultura e Filosofia da Educação). Interessa-se em particular pelo modo como textos e discursos procuram definir o sentido da Modernidade. Publicou vários livros, artigos e traduções sobre os séculos XVIII e XX. Uma versão detalhada do CV pode ser consultada em
Luís Manuel AV Bernardo – Full Professor at NOVA FCSH (NOVA Faculty of Social and Human Sciences). Integrated researcher of IFILNOVA and collaborator researcher of CHAM.
Coordinator of the Autonomous Section for Education and General Training; Coordinator of the Master in Teaching Philosophy in Secondary School.
Other relevant positions previously held: Assistant Deputy Director for Curriculum Management and Teaching Assessment; Elected member of the Pedagogical Council; Quality Responsible at NOVA FCSH; Responsible for the Teaching Quality Assurance System and Member of the UNL Teaching Quality Council; Coordinator of the PhD in Philosophy; Coordinator of the Master in Philosophy; President of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator of the Department of Philosophy; Erasmus Departmental Coordinator; Deputy Director of the Centre for the History of Culture. Integrated Researcher at the Modern and Contemporary Thought Group. Deputy Director of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities, responsible for editions and libraries.Director of CHAM’s collection «Estudos e Documentos» and Co-director of Cultura-Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias,
BA, MA, PHD In Philosophy, with Habilitation in the area of Philosophy of Education. Main areas of teaching, research and publication: Philosophy of Knowledge; Hermeneutics; Philosophy of Culture and Philosophy of Education). He is particularly interested in the way in which texts and discourses seek to define the meaning of Modernity. He has published several books, articles and translations about the 18th and 20th centuries. A detailed version of the CV can be found at tttps://
Address: Portugal
Outros cargos relevantes desempenhados anteriormente: Subdiretor Adjunto para a Gestão Curricular e a Avaliação do Ensino; Membro eleito do Conselho Pedagógico; Responsável da Qualidade da NOVA FCSH; Responsável pelo Sistema de Garantia da Qualidade do Ensino e Membro do Conselho da Qualidade do Ensino da UNL; Coordenador do Doutoramento em Filosofia; Coordenador do Mestrado em Filosofia; Presidente da Comissão Científica de Filosofia; Coordenador do Departamento de Filosofia; Coordenador departamental da Mobilidade; Subdiretor do Centro de História da Cultura. Investigador integrado no Grupo de Pensamento Moderno e Contemporâneo do CHAM - Centro de Humanidades. Subdiretor do CHAM - Centro de Humanidades, com o pelouro das edições e bibliotecas. Diretor da coleção «Estudos e Documentos» e Codiretor da Cultura - Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias,
Licenciado, Mestre e Doutor em Filosofia, com Agregação em Filosofia, na disciplina de Filosofia da Educação. Principais áreas de ensino, investigação e publicação: Filosofia do Conhecimento; Hermenêutica; Filosofia da Cultura e Filosofia da Educação). Interessa-se em particular pelo modo como textos e discursos procuram definir o sentido da Modernidade. Publicou vários livros, artigos e traduções sobre os séculos XVIII e XX. Uma versão detalhada do CV pode ser consultada em
Luís Manuel AV Bernardo – Full Professor at NOVA FCSH (NOVA Faculty of Social and Human Sciences). Integrated researcher of IFILNOVA and collaborator researcher of CHAM.
Coordinator of the Autonomous Section for Education and General Training; Coordinator of the Master in Teaching Philosophy in Secondary School.
Other relevant positions previously held: Assistant Deputy Director for Curriculum Management and Teaching Assessment; Elected member of the Pedagogical Council; Quality Responsible at NOVA FCSH; Responsible for the Teaching Quality Assurance System and Member of the UNL Teaching Quality Council; Coordinator of the PhD in Philosophy; Coordinator of the Master in Philosophy; President of the Scientific Committee and Coordinator of the Department of Philosophy; Erasmus Departmental Coordinator; Deputy Director of the Centre for the History of Culture. Integrated Researcher at the Modern and Contemporary Thought Group. Deputy Director of CHAM – Centre for the Humanities, responsible for editions and libraries.Director of CHAM’s collection «Estudos e Documentos» and Co-director of Cultura-Revista de História e Teoria das Ideias,
BA, MA, PHD In Philosophy, with Habilitation in the area of Philosophy of Education. Main areas of teaching, research and publication: Philosophy of Knowledge; Hermeneutics; Philosophy of Culture and Philosophy of Education). He is particularly interested in the way in which texts and discourses seek to define the meaning of Modernity. He has published several books, articles and translations about the 18th and 20th centuries. A detailed version of the CV can be found at tttps://
Address: Portugal
Papers by Luís Manuel A V Bernardo
Part of the dossier «Eric Weil, 120 years», the article examines Eric Weil’s Philosophie morale, published in 1961, contrasting it with the dominant
modern and contemporary tradition in moral philosophy. While modern philosophy often adopts a fragmented and
abstract approach, focused on the grounding of morality and the morality of subjective judgment, Weil presents an
inclusive and systematically distinctive perspective. He integrates the contributions of Kant, Hegel and Aristotle,
assigning each an essential role: Kant with the concept of morality, Hegel with the content of morality and Aristotle
with the moral life. However, Weil breaks with the traditional chronological sequence, opting for a logical order in
which the concept of moral life, linked to Aristotelian ethics, assumes a central and culminating position. In this
context, Weil values the concepts of virtue and eudemonism as crucial unifying elements in moral philosophy, as well
as the singular idea of a moral inventiveness. Unlike contemporary approaches that ignore or minimize the importance
of moral life, considering it anachronistic or conformist, Weil places it as a fundamental principle that gives coherence
to moral philosophy. The article therefore highlights the originality of Weil’s approach, which reorganizes philosophical
traditions into a new logical order, highlighting the operative importance of moral inventiveness for achieving a true
moral life.
a propósito das alterações que a utilização da IA obriga a introduzir nos quotidianos académicos. Vamos, pois, refletir um pouco sobre esses quotidianos, nos quais se desafia cada vez mais a Inteligência Humana.
Those who work with digital technologies have been using Artificial Intelligence for several decades, among other functions, to process data and produce knowledge. But a democratizing form of generative AI has recently reached schools and universities. It has been incorporated by students, researchers and teachers to produce and detect texts and images, for example (and one of the most talked about has been Chat GPT). By making using it, we are also contributing to feeding and optimizing existing databases. However, if reliability is not always perfect, there are answers we obtain that, despite being wrong, may seem credible. So, a lot has been thought regarding the changes that the use of AI introduces into academic daily lives. We shall therefore reflect a little on these new features, by which Human Intelligence is increasingly challenged.
This article analyzes the corpus constituted by the contributions of the philosopher Francisco Vieira de Almeida (1888-1962) to Seara Nova, one of the most relevant Portuguese journals in the twentieth century. The cultural, reformist, democratic and multidisciplinary orientation of this publication allowed it to bring together different authors and tendencies, giving rise to the coexistence of multiple corpora, whose identities are articulated with the editorial line. In the case of the set under study, a whole dynamic of intentionality embodied in the texts becomes particularly visible, which reveals how the Journal appears, for the Professor of the Faculty of Letters, the ideal place to cross academic, cultural, and political points of view. The treatment of such writings, which result from the dialogue between discourses and contexts, combines intratextuality and intertextuality, along with inferential paths through the folding of story and history, a composite interpretive methodology, aimed at making perceptible the textual hybridity that materializes the mesh of perspectives and intervention plans.
Présentation du dossier « Discours institutionnels d’autorité sur l’École et les systèmes éducatifs: circulation et (re)production de significations dans la recherche en éducation ». Le texte contient un résumé du sujet et un abrégé de chaque article.
Presentation of the dossier «Institutional discourses of authority on the School and the educational systems: circulation and (re)production of meanings in research in education». It contains a summary of the topic and a brief version of each article.
A Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses entry on Vieira de Almeida's Philosophy of History.
O texto foi escrito para a Coluna ANPOF - Série especial-Minicursos (XIX Encontro Anpof), de acordo com as condições editoriais desse espaço.
Il s'agit d'un chapitre du livre Espaço Público: variações críticas sobre a urbanidade, publié chez Afrontamento sous la direction de Paula Cristina Pereira.
Abstract :
Whether optimistics or pessimistics, philosophers seem to be unable to understand the evolution of public spaces out of an ideal of reason established in philosophical terms, even if it appears that reality doesn’t really feel attuned with it. As we suspect that such a gap is an effect of ideology on behalf of philosophical foundational discourse, we intend to discuss its modern source – Kant’s critical philosophy – with the concepts introduced by Michel Foucault in his last lectures at the Collège de France. Consequently, we could stress the modalities of modern parrêsia and parrêsiaste that keep on working contemporary philosophical analysis and suggest the necessity of an alternative version based on categories concerned with the idea of textuality, as narrativity and metalepsis.
It is a chapter in the book Espaço Público: variações críticas sobre a urbanidade , coordinated by Paula Cristina Pereira and published in Editora Afrontamento.
Os autores deste paper revêem o sítio, o programa, o concurso, o edifício e a sua relação com a cidade, através dos crivos críticos de Jean Baudrillard e de Reyner Banham (1922–1988), entre outros, para evidenciar algumas notas distintivas desse object singulier.
Trata-se de um capítulo do livro A Filosofia e a Cidade (vol. II), coordenado por Paula Cristina Pereira e publicada na Editora Afrontamento.
Jean Baudrillard's 1977 essay L' effet Beaubourg contrasts with most of contemporary architecture criticism about the Georges Pompidou Centre. Forty-two years later and after the inaugurations of other mega-buildings with contemporary art institutionalization programs, such as Temporary Contemporary (Los Angeles, inaug. 1983) and Tate Modern (London, inaug. 2000), his arguments continue to produce meaning.
The authors of this paper review the site, the program, the competition, the building and its relationship with the city, through the critical criteria of Jean Baudrillard and Reyner Banham (1922–1988), among others, to highlight some distinctive notes of this object singulier.
It is a chapter in the book Philosophy and the City (vol. II), coordinated by Paula Cristina Pereira and published in Editora Afrontamento.
A very short presentation of the paths that 20th Century Portuguese and Brazilian thinkers followed concerning the Philosophy of Knowledge
articles rassemblés dans ce dossier, paradoxalement, elles ne font l’objet d’aucun texte synthétique et eles trouvent leurs apparitions les plus consistantes là où elles sont les moins attendues : les contes, les articles de grammaire ou de physiologie de L’Encyclopédie, le « Plan d’une université » à l’intention de Catherine II de Russie…
filosofía de Eric Weil, é usada pela maioria dos intérpretes como uma
metalinguagem fechada e autossuficiente. Diferentemente, neste texto, dá-se corpo à suspeita de que um robusto exercício de composição, está em acção na longa narrativa aí ensaiada. Esse trabalho autoral, longe de subjetivar, relativizar ou enfraquecer a dimensão
filosófica do propósito, oferece-se como a condição primeira tanto
da sua viabilidade, quanto da sua capacidade para recriar o tipo de
evidência que é apanágio da dedução, favorecendo a proposta de mundos possíveis.
Este capítulo é retirado do livro: Marcelo Perine, João Henrique de Paula Borralho, Fancisco Valderio, Alessandro Francisco (Ed.), Pensamento e História; Michel Foucault, Paul Ricoeur, Eric Weil, São Paulo, É Realizações, 2020. Agradecemos à Editora a devida autorização.
The succession of categorical discourses, which constitute Eric Weil's The Logic of Philosophy, is used by most interpreters as a
closed and self-sufficient metalanguage. In contrast, in this text, the suspicion that a robust exercise in composition is at work in the long narrative rehearsed is substantiated. This authorial work, far from subjectifying, relativizing or weakening the philosophical dimension
of the purpose, offers itself as the first condition of both
its viability and of its ability to recreate the type of
evidence that is the hallmark of deduction. It also assures the proposal of possible worlds.
This chapter is taken from the book: Marcelo Perine, João Henrique de Paula Borralho, Fancisco Valderio, Alessandro Francisco (Ed.), Pensamento e História; Michel Foucault, Paul Ricoeur, Eric Weil, São Paulo, É Realizações, 2020. We would like to thank the Editor for the authorization.
This article aims to capture in the main work of Teodoro de Almeida (1722-1804), an Oratorian, defender of the introduction of the Enlightenment in Portugal and co-founder of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, of which he delivers the speech inauguration in 1780, the paradoxical negotiation between emancipation and conformity, associated with the concern for the canon. This can be seen from the wording of elementary didactic procedures, such as the proposal of recommended reading lists, and continues in the reasoned discussion of the value of Newtonianism. It is therefore less a matter of offering a global presentation of the author's thought, than of highlighting a feature that appears to us characteristic of the Portuguese Enlightenment movement.
A tribute article on a theme as old as it is current, the relationship between philosophy and poetry, in dialogue with the philosophy of Pierre-Jean Labarrière.
Matias Aires’s (São Paulo, 1705-Agualva, 1763) was a prominent figure in the Portuguese and Brazilian Enlightenment. In this article, we argue that the coherence of his work stems from the way he understood the metaphysical experience of time. In the first part, we establish a kind of contradiction between the biographical path and the sequence of the vanities criticized in order to deduce this experiential philosophic ground. In a second moment, we show how it operates in Reflexões sobre a Vaidade dos Homens, his masterpiece. Finally, we conclude, identifying the presence of this same concern in the relative indecision about alternatives to the empire of vanity.
In this paper, we propose an interpretation of the work of the Portuguese 19th-century artist, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, using the essay by Charles Baudelaire, "Le peintre de la vie moderne". This reading follows a threefold purpose: to determine a set of correspondences between what the French author advocates and what Bordalo's works reveal; to reflect on their relationship to Modernity; to contribute to the ongoing discussion concerning the privileged place reserved to caricature in the modern ethos. This path leads us to introduce the idea that we believe to be innovative of a kind of laughter of reassurance, alongside the already conventional laughter of exclusion and laughter of hospitality.
A critical analysis of various perspectives on educational discourse, derived from the philosophy of education, with some personal proposals around a philosophy of textuality. This article, which explores the aspect of discursive hybridity that assists the entire statement about the educational phenomenon, integrates the journa Itinerários de Filosofia da Educação, nº 9 / 2nd Semester of 2010, Porto, Afrontamento, pp. 119-152 (ISSN 1646-1959), whose publication in the printed version ceased.
Para o efeito, convocamos o pensamento de Eric Weil, todo ele atravessado pelo problemática da violência, as condições da sua existência e os modos pensados pela filosofia para contê-la. Neste ensaio, optámos por focar a nossa análise numa série de artigos do autor e, particularmente, em «Masses et individus historiques» (1950), seguindo a hipótese hermenêutica de que a questão do retorno dos populismos se liga com a de uma eventual remassificação.
O livro pode ser lido aqui:
The scale that the return of populist speeches and acts has taken over the past decade, within democratic states and on the part of groups whose members benefit from their respective conditions, requires renewed consideration. Another reason for a broad reflection on the problem comes from the feeling, augmented by the analogy with the general environment that preceded the rise of the great twentieth century totalitarianisms, that one may be witnessing a germinal stage of a new break of democratic regimes, that is , of the political formula more in line with the reasonability criteria advanced by philosophy. It thus results in the need to promote the philosophical debate about what is and is not acceptable, what is reasonable and what takes on the traits of unreason, what incites freedom and what induces to serve.
To this end, we summon Eric Weil's thinking, all of which was affected by the problem of violence, the conditions of its existence and the ways thought by philosophy to contain it. In this essay, we chose to focus our analysis on a series of articles by the author and, particularly, on «Masses et individus historiques» (1950), following the hermeneutical hypothesis that the question of the return of populisms is linked to that of an eventual remassification.
The book can be find here:
This paper intends to stress the general philosophical purpose, combining Gnosiology, Epistemology and Metaphysics, beneath the texts that Kant published on the Lisbon earthquake. In assuming, as we do, that they are applications of his theory of the first principles of knowledge, we are allowed to identify their legitimate place in Kant's production during that year of 1755 and their expected contribution to his project of establishing the foundations of a reasonable natural science.
Part of the dossier «Eric Weil, 120 years», the article examines Eric Weil’s Philosophie morale, published in 1961, contrasting it with the dominant
modern and contemporary tradition in moral philosophy. While modern philosophy often adopts a fragmented and
abstract approach, focused on the grounding of morality and the morality of subjective judgment, Weil presents an
inclusive and systematically distinctive perspective. He integrates the contributions of Kant, Hegel and Aristotle,
assigning each an essential role: Kant with the concept of morality, Hegel with the content of morality and Aristotle
with the moral life. However, Weil breaks with the traditional chronological sequence, opting for a logical order in
which the concept of moral life, linked to Aristotelian ethics, assumes a central and culminating position. In this
context, Weil values the concepts of virtue and eudemonism as crucial unifying elements in moral philosophy, as well
as the singular idea of a moral inventiveness. Unlike contemporary approaches that ignore or minimize the importance
of moral life, considering it anachronistic or conformist, Weil places it as a fundamental principle that gives coherence
to moral philosophy. The article therefore highlights the originality of Weil’s approach, which reorganizes philosophical
traditions into a new logical order, highlighting the operative importance of moral inventiveness for achieving a true
moral life.
a propósito das alterações que a utilização da IA obriga a introduzir nos quotidianos académicos. Vamos, pois, refletir um pouco sobre esses quotidianos, nos quais se desafia cada vez mais a Inteligência Humana.
Those who work with digital technologies have been using Artificial Intelligence for several decades, among other functions, to process data and produce knowledge. But a democratizing form of generative AI has recently reached schools and universities. It has been incorporated by students, researchers and teachers to produce and detect texts and images, for example (and one of the most talked about has been Chat GPT). By making using it, we are also contributing to feeding and optimizing existing databases. However, if reliability is not always perfect, there are answers we obtain that, despite being wrong, may seem credible. So, a lot has been thought regarding the changes that the use of AI introduces into academic daily lives. We shall therefore reflect a little on these new features, by which Human Intelligence is increasingly challenged.
This article analyzes the corpus constituted by the contributions of the philosopher Francisco Vieira de Almeida (1888-1962) to Seara Nova, one of the most relevant Portuguese journals in the twentieth century. The cultural, reformist, democratic and multidisciplinary orientation of this publication allowed it to bring together different authors and tendencies, giving rise to the coexistence of multiple corpora, whose identities are articulated with the editorial line. In the case of the set under study, a whole dynamic of intentionality embodied in the texts becomes particularly visible, which reveals how the Journal appears, for the Professor of the Faculty of Letters, the ideal place to cross academic, cultural, and political points of view. The treatment of such writings, which result from the dialogue between discourses and contexts, combines intratextuality and intertextuality, along with inferential paths through the folding of story and history, a composite interpretive methodology, aimed at making perceptible the textual hybridity that materializes the mesh of perspectives and intervention plans.
Présentation du dossier « Discours institutionnels d’autorité sur l’École et les systèmes éducatifs: circulation et (re)production de significations dans la recherche en éducation ». Le texte contient un résumé du sujet et un abrégé de chaque article.
Presentation of the dossier «Institutional discourses of authority on the School and the educational systems: circulation and (re)production of meanings in research in education». It contains a summary of the topic and a brief version of each article.
A Dicionário de Historiadores Portugueses entry on Vieira de Almeida's Philosophy of History.
O texto foi escrito para a Coluna ANPOF - Série especial-Minicursos (XIX Encontro Anpof), de acordo com as condições editoriais desse espaço.
Il s'agit d'un chapitre du livre Espaço Público: variações críticas sobre a urbanidade, publié chez Afrontamento sous la direction de Paula Cristina Pereira.
Abstract :
Whether optimistics or pessimistics, philosophers seem to be unable to understand the evolution of public spaces out of an ideal of reason established in philosophical terms, even if it appears that reality doesn’t really feel attuned with it. As we suspect that such a gap is an effect of ideology on behalf of philosophical foundational discourse, we intend to discuss its modern source – Kant’s critical philosophy – with the concepts introduced by Michel Foucault in his last lectures at the Collège de France. Consequently, we could stress the modalities of modern parrêsia and parrêsiaste that keep on working contemporary philosophical analysis and suggest the necessity of an alternative version based on categories concerned with the idea of textuality, as narrativity and metalepsis.
It is a chapter in the book Espaço Público: variações críticas sobre a urbanidade , coordinated by Paula Cristina Pereira and published in Editora Afrontamento.
Os autores deste paper revêem o sítio, o programa, o concurso, o edifício e a sua relação com a cidade, através dos crivos críticos de Jean Baudrillard e de Reyner Banham (1922–1988), entre outros, para evidenciar algumas notas distintivas desse object singulier.
Trata-se de um capítulo do livro A Filosofia e a Cidade (vol. II), coordenado por Paula Cristina Pereira e publicada na Editora Afrontamento.
Jean Baudrillard's 1977 essay L' effet Beaubourg contrasts with most of contemporary architecture criticism about the Georges Pompidou Centre. Forty-two years later and after the inaugurations of other mega-buildings with contemporary art institutionalization programs, such as Temporary Contemporary (Los Angeles, inaug. 1983) and Tate Modern (London, inaug. 2000), his arguments continue to produce meaning.
The authors of this paper review the site, the program, the competition, the building and its relationship with the city, through the critical criteria of Jean Baudrillard and Reyner Banham (1922–1988), among others, to highlight some distinctive notes of this object singulier.
It is a chapter in the book Philosophy and the City (vol. II), coordinated by Paula Cristina Pereira and published in Editora Afrontamento.
A very short presentation of the paths that 20th Century Portuguese and Brazilian thinkers followed concerning the Philosophy of Knowledge
articles rassemblés dans ce dossier, paradoxalement, elles ne font l’objet d’aucun texte synthétique et eles trouvent leurs apparitions les plus consistantes là où elles sont les moins attendues : les contes, les articles de grammaire ou de physiologie de L’Encyclopédie, le « Plan d’une université » à l’intention de Catherine II de Russie…
filosofía de Eric Weil, é usada pela maioria dos intérpretes como uma
metalinguagem fechada e autossuficiente. Diferentemente, neste texto, dá-se corpo à suspeita de que um robusto exercício de composição, está em acção na longa narrativa aí ensaiada. Esse trabalho autoral, longe de subjetivar, relativizar ou enfraquecer a dimensão
filosófica do propósito, oferece-se como a condição primeira tanto
da sua viabilidade, quanto da sua capacidade para recriar o tipo de
evidência que é apanágio da dedução, favorecendo a proposta de mundos possíveis.
Este capítulo é retirado do livro: Marcelo Perine, João Henrique de Paula Borralho, Fancisco Valderio, Alessandro Francisco (Ed.), Pensamento e História; Michel Foucault, Paul Ricoeur, Eric Weil, São Paulo, É Realizações, 2020. Agradecemos à Editora a devida autorização.
The succession of categorical discourses, which constitute Eric Weil's The Logic of Philosophy, is used by most interpreters as a
closed and self-sufficient metalanguage. In contrast, in this text, the suspicion that a robust exercise in composition is at work in the long narrative rehearsed is substantiated. This authorial work, far from subjectifying, relativizing or weakening the philosophical dimension
of the purpose, offers itself as the first condition of both
its viability and of its ability to recreate the type of
evidence that is the hallmark of deduction. It also assures the proposal of possible worlds.
This chapter is taken from the book: Marcelo Perine, João Henrique de Paula Borralho, Fancisco Valderio, Alessandro Francisco (Ed.), Pensamento e História; Michel Foucault, Paul Ricoeur, Eric Weil, São Paulo, É Realizações, 2020. We would like to thank the Editor for the authorization.
This article aims to capture in the main work of Teodoro de Almeida (1722-1804), an Oratorian, defender of the introduction of the Enlightenment in Portugal and co-founder of the Academy of Sciences of Lisbon, of which he delivers the speech inauguration in 1780, the paradoxical negotiation between emancipation and conformity, associated with the concern for the canon. This can be seen from the wording of elementary didactic procedures, such as the proposal of recommended reading lists, and continues in the reasoned discussion of the value of Newtonianism. It is therefore less a matter of offering a global presentation of the author's thought, than of highlighting a feature that appears to us characteristic of the Portuguese Enlightenment movement.
A tribute article on a theme as old as it is current, the relationship between philosophy and poetry, in dialogue with the philosophy of Pierre-Jean Labarrière.
Matias Aires’s (São Paulo, 1705-Agualva, 1763) was a prominent figure in the Portuguese and Brazilian Enlightenment. In this article, we argue that the coherence of his work stems from the way he understood the metaphysical experience of time. In the first part, we establish a kind of contradiction between the biographical path and the sequence of the vanities criticized in order to deduce this experiential philosophic ground. In a second moment, we show how it operates in Reflexões sobre a Vaidade dos Homens, his masterpiece. Finally, we conclude, identifying the presence of this same concern in the relative indecision about alternatives to the empire of vanity.
In this paper, we propose an interpretation of the work of the Portuguese 19th-century artist, Rafael Bordalo Pinheiro, using the essay by Charles Baudelaire, "Le peintre de la vie moderne". This reading follows a threefold purpose: to determine a set of correspondences between what the French author advocates and what Bordalo's works reveal; to reflect on their relationship to Modernity; to contribute to the ongoing discussion concerning the privileged place reserved to caricature in the modern ethos. This path leads us to introduce the idea that we believe to be innovative of a kind of laughter of reassurance, alongside the already conventional laughter of exclusion and laughter of hospitality.
A critical analysis of various perspectives on educational discourse, derived from the philosophy of education, with some personal proposals around a philosophy of textuality. This article, which explores the aspect of discursive hybridity that assists the entire statement about the educational phenomenon, integrates the journa Itinerários de Filosofia da Educação, nº 9 / 2nd Semester of 2010, Porto, Afrontamento, pp. 119-152 (ISSN 1646-1959), whose publication in the printed version ceased.
Para o efeito, convocamos o pensamento de Eric Weil, todo ele atravessado pelo problemática da violência, as condições da sua existência e os modos pensados pela filosofia para contê-la. Neste ensaio, optámos por focar a nossa análise numa série de artigos do autor e, particularmente, em «Masses et individus historiques» (1950), seguindo a hipótese hermenêutica de que a questão do retorno dos populismos se liga com a de uma eventual remassificação.
O livro pode ser lido aqui:
The scale that the return of populist speeches and acts has taken over the past decade, within democratic states and on the part of groups whose members benefit from their respective conditions, requires renewed consideration. Another reason for a broad reflection on the problem comes from the feeling, augmented by the analogy with the general environment that preceded the rise of the great twentieth century totalitarianisms, that one may be witnessing a germinal stage of a new break of democratic regimes, that is , of the political formula more in line with the reasonability criteria advanced by philosophy. It thus results in the need to promote the philosophical debate about what is and is not acceptable, what is reasonable and what takes on the traits of unreason, what incites freedom and what induces to serve.
To this end, we summon Eric Weil's thinking, all of which was affected by the problem of violence, the conditions of its existence and the ways thought by philosophy to contain it. In this essay, we chose to focus our analysis on a series of articles by the author and, particularly, on «Masses et individus historiques» (1950), following the hermeneutical hypothesis that the question of the return of populisms is linked to that of an eventual remassification.
The book can be find here:
This paper intends to stress the general philosophical purpose, combining Gnosiology, Epistemology and Metaphysics, beneath the texts that Kant published on the Lisbon earthquake. In assuming, as we do, that they are applications of his theory of the first principles of knowledge, we are allowed to identify their legitimate place in Kant's production during that year of 1755 and their expected contribution to his project of establishing the foundations of a reasonable natural science.