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Dilian Georgiev found topotypes of Viviparus sphaeridius Bourguignat, 1880, which has not been mentioned in the West European literature since its original description, except one citation by Westerlund . The rediscovery of this species... more
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      Ottoman HistoryBalkan StudiesOttoman StudiesOttoman Empire
Transgression and ekphrasis in Le Corbusier's Journey to the East explores some lesser known aspects of Charles Edouard Jeanneret's early trip to the East focusing on the role of traditional arts and architecture that he encountered in... more
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      Eastern EuropeArchitectureEkphrasisConstantinople
Luigi F. Marsigli (1658-1730) was a descendant of a noble family of Bologna, adventurer and soldier, virtuoso and erudite, who drew much intelligence and versatility. This paper will attempt to present a historical reconstruction and... more
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      Habsburg StudiesOttoman-Habsburg relationsDanubeBologna
This paper represents a review of the description of the state of Trajan ́s Bridge, at the beginning of the 18th century. A record of the state of this monumental construction, with certain drawings, has been made by the Italian count... more
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      European HistoryRoman HistoryArchitectureCentral European history
Pred starou budovou Slovenského Národného Divadla stojí fontána. Pochádza z roku 1888. Ako dieťa som obdivoval rakov a korytnačky a ďalšie vodné zvieratá, ktoré ju zdobia. Na vrchole je bronzová socha orla a na nej chlapček s lampou-ide o... more
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      DanubeDanube RiverLower Danube ArchaeologyDanube region
Claudio Magris est notamment connu comme l’auteur de Le Mythe et l’empire dans la littérature autrichienne moderne (1963) et de Danube (1986). Jusqu’à présent, la recherche abordait surtout ses travaux relatifs à Trieste, sa ville natale,... more
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      Literary JournalismLiterary CriticismCosmopolitanismItalian Literature
Луиђи Ф. Марсиљи (1658−1730) је био изданак племићке болоњске породице, авантуриста и солдат, виртуоз и ерудита, који је пленио својом интелигенцијом и свестраношћу. Овај рад је покушај историјске реконструкције и кратког... more
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      CartographyHabsburg StudiesHistory of CartographyOttoman-Habsburg relations
Part of Roman limes through Iron Gate is composed of smaller and larger fortifications from the Roman and early Byzantine times, some of which still raise many questions in science. One of these forts between Novae and Taliata, is Saldum,... more
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      Late Antique and Byzantine HistoryLate Antique and Byzantine StudiesByzantine StudiesByzantine History
New Silk Road (NSR) Program indicates that China, by offering partnership cooperation, aims to become the major player in the global economy. The Program incorporates sixty percent of the world population and sixty five countries, with a... more
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      Regional EconomicsDanubeDanube RiverDanube region
Кафана „Бела лађа” представља, данас, један заборављени угоститељски објекат, чији зидови садрже богату двовековну историју. Налази се у Његошевој улици, на броју 7. Овај рад представља настојање аутора да помоћу историјских извора, уз... more
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      Habsburg StudiesHistory of HungaryDanubeCultural History of Habsburg Empire 1800-1918
River archaeology is consisting of underwater research of the rivers themselves, and also the archaeology of the valleys/floodplains with special interest in humanenvironmental interactions (reconstructing space, environment, economy and... more
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      Environmental HistoryLandscapeUnderwater ArchaeologyRiver
Abstract: This paper examines the timing of the transition from the Aurignacian to the Mid-Upper Palaeolithic along the Upper and Middle Danube in the context of stratigraphic and radiometric data within the interval 40.0–20.0 ka 14C BP... more
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      AurignacianUpper PaleolithicGravettianDanube
Der Donaulimes war mehr als bloß eine "nasse Grenze". Die Donau diente als Verkehrsader und als Zollgrenze des Römischen Reiches. An Furten und größeren Flussübergängen errichteten die Römer Stützpunkte und Legionslager wie Vindobona... more
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      Roman HistoryPannoniaDanubeInfrastructure
Ha rápillantunk a Baja környékét ábrázoló régi és új térképekre, láthatjuk, hogy a mai, töltések közé szorított, sarkantyúkkal és egyéb partvédelmi művekkel megszelídített Duna nem azonos évszázadokkal ezelőtti elődjével. Milyen lehetett... more
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      Historical GeographyMilitary ScienceEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryMedieval Hungary
Shipping Accidents at the Lower Danube (1856-1914) This paper presents, on the basis of detailed information from the archives of the European Commission of the Danube, the circumstances which caused the shipwrecks of more than a hundred... more
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      Maritime HistoryDanubeBlack SeaLower Danube
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      LiDARDigital Terrain ModelsDanube
In the present paper an overview of published and unpublished results of archaeological and sedimentary investigations, predominantly reflect on 14 th -16 th -century changes, are provided and evidence compared to documentary information... more
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGeographyHistorical Geography
Studie byla publikována roku 1992 v  časopise ,,Historický časopis", roč. 40, č. 1 / The study was published in 1992 in the journal ,,Historical Journal", Volume 40, No. 1
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      Cultural HistoryArchaeologyHistory of ScienceEarly Medieval History
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      HistoryCultural HistoryGeographyCultural Geography
In 2016 a new hotel was planned to be built on the left side of the river Danube, in Hungary's capital city Budapest. In the Middle Ages the area in question was a part of Pest town, one of the richest towns in the Hungarian Kingdom.... more
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      Medieval ArchaeologyUrban archaeologyDanubeTannery
Kuruluşundan itibaren sınırlarını daha ziyade batıya doğru genişletme mücadelesi içinde olan Osmanlı Devleti, önce Balkanlara akabinde Avrupa'ya doğru açıldı. Balkanlar’da ve Avrupa’da kalıcı bir hâkimiyetten söz etmek, ancak doğal bir... more
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      History of the Ottoman EmpireDanubeAppointmentsOsmanlı İmparatorluğu
Through the United Nation's Charter, the UN Security Council represents the most powerful executive institutional body in the field of collective security. Moreover, its ultra vires acts may have distinct legal consequences. Accordingly,... more
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    • Danube
The first English book on contemporary Italian writer Claudio Magris, this study examines the connections between space and individual, national and European identity in his works. Magris invites us to cross the borders that enclose... more
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      Critical TheoryEuropean HistoryIntellectual HistoryCultural History
Bács-Kiskun megye területén kevés, mindössze öt palánkvár létezett a kora újkorban. Számos szakirodalmi műben találkozhatunk a török által épített (Baja, Madaras, Dunapataj-Szentkirály, Jánoshalma) vagy átépített (Kalocsa) erődítésekkel.... more
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      Historical GeographyMilitary ScienceEarly Modern Hungarian HistoryDanube
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      Travel WritingNational IdentitySerbian historyDanube
"The shallowest aquifer of the alluvial Csepel Island is used for drinking water supply for Budapest and the surrounding villages. A previous two-dimensional hydraulic model failed to explain many observations; therefore, a... more
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      Stable Isotope GeochemistryRiversWater resources modelling under limited data availabilityDanube
This is our first paper in a sequence of studies dedicated to the Danube. Hence, the following text should be considered as an introduction to a more ambitious research project in the field of spatial planning. In essence, the article... more
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      Spatial planningDanube
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      ArchaeobotanyBurial Practices (Archaeology)the Carpathian BasinEarly Neolithic pottery technology
The research presented in the paper aims to find out whether the public support (subsidies) received by cluster organizations for their development and activities is efficient. That means whether the state receives a return on investment... more
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The aim of this paper is to theoretically analyse the issues concerning the introduction of alternative moneys. A brief performance evaluation of the current monetary system, as well as two alternatives, namely gold and a private... more
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A Pannonia római kori folyami határa a Duna volt, így első látásra is magától értetődőnek tűnik, hogy a védelmi rendszer és működésének emlékei a határt képező folyó medrében is megtalálhatóak. Paulovics István a Duna alacsony... more
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      ArchaeologyUnderwater ArchaeologyRoman PeriodDanube
Simulations of the hydrological risks and thus the decisions of assessment strategies are crucial in the context of extreme meteorological events due to the consequences of the fast changes in the climate. The remote sensing methods as... more
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      ChemistryRemote SensingClimate ChangeLiDAR
The main goal of this article is to clarify the nature of criminal proceedings and its relationship to civil litigation, insolvency and tax proceedings. The understanding of the purpose of the proceedings, the nature of the liability... more
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      Political ScienceDanube
Digitization has changed economic activity in many ways. While digitization has contributed to a very dynamic development of markets and competition, concerns are also being expressed about powerful positions of some companies. The... more
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    • Danube
Public procurement is one of the key points of contact between public administration and the economy, while the amount of public resources is a possible source of conflict of interest and corruption. The article aims to contribute to... more
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      ArchaeologyHistory of ArchaeologyDanubeRoman Limes
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      Landscape EcologyWetlandsBioindicatorsWetland Ecology
Starting with the year 2001, in Desa (Dolj county), researches are conducted in two archaeological sites dating from Roman and Roman-Byzantine periods, known in literature under the names of „La Ruptură” and „Castraviţa”. Along the years,... more
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      Roman EmpireRomaniaDanubeArheologie
Clear correlation has been shown between air and river temperature changes. Temperature, conductivity, δ18O data examined physical and chemical parameters between the Szentendre and Vác arms showed a close match meaning that these arms... more
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      Stable Isotope GeochemistryDanube
In order to boost students’ entrepreneurial activities, it is essential to identify the factors that form entrepreneurial intentions and to investigate how the development of these factors can be influenced. This paper attempts to explore... more
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      Political ScienceDanube
The purpose of this article is to study the possibility of using intelligence in criminal proceedings in the Slovak Republic. The author examines the current legislation related to the examined issue in the context of criminal procedural... more
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      Political ScienceDanube
Rational agents react to incentives in the market economy as well as in the centrally planned economy. Economic laws are persistent regardless of the economic system. The legislative system changes the outcome of the game between economic... more
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    • Danube
CURIOSITY, LOVE AND STRUGGLE: TAKING A STEAMSHIP BETWEEN THE BULGARIAN AND THE ROMANIAN COASTS OF THE DANUBE RIVER (in Bulgarian) During the 19th century, the connections and interactions of the Bulgarians in the territory on the north of... more
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      History Of EmotionsBulgarian LiteratureDanubeTravel and travelogues
Das Institut für Höhere Studien (IHS) wurde im Jahr 1963 von zwei prominenten Exilösterreicherndem Soziologen Paul F. Lazarsfeld und dem Ökonomen Oskar Morgenstern -mit Hilfe der Ford-Stiftung, des Österreichischen Bundesministeriums für... more
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    • Danube
The current economy transcends the boundaries of sustainability, threatens the quality of life on Earth and, ultimately, of the man himself, which requires its restructuring to a sustainable one. The unsustainability of the development of... more
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    • Danube