Papers by Eva Štichhauerová
Competitiveness Review: An International Business Journal
Purpose This study aims to determine how much company participation in a type of cluster affects ... more Purpose This study aims to determine how much company participation in a type of cluster affects its economic performance. Design/methodology/approach This study includes companies operating in seven industries (automotive, engineering, textiles, information technology (IT) services, furniture, packaging and nanotechnology) in the Czech Republic. The companies are divided into three groups: members of institutionalized cluster, operating in the same region (natural clusters) and operating in other regions. Data envelopment window analysis is used to measure their performance for 2009–2019. Findings Results show that the effect of clustering differs among industries. Companies in three industries (automotive, engineering, nanotechnology) reveal a positive impact of the cluster initiative on performance growth. Two industries (textile, packaging) with companies operating in a natural cluster show better performance than those in an institutionalized cluster. Moreover, the IT services ...
The paper deals with primary research in the field of perception of family entrepreneurship in mu... more The paper deals with primary research in the field of perception of family entrepreneurship in municipalities up to 2,000 inhabitants in the Czech Republic. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 2017 as a part of a project solved at the Faculty of Economics of the Technical university of Liberec. The field of research included a general view on the definition of the term family entrepreneurship, on perception of its importance and possibilities of its support. Last but not least, information was obtained concerning the field of family entrepreneurship in the given municipalities, i.e. whether there were any family businesses operating in the municipality, cooperating with a local government, supporting the development of a municipality or otherwise participating in life in a municipality. The results of the questionnaire survey show, among other things, that the vast majority of respondents perceive that family members have a decisive influence in the management of a family busine...
Příspěvek věnuje pozornost tomu, jak úroveň inovačního potenciálu regionu ovlivňuje jeho hospodář... more Příspěvek věnuje pozornost tomu, jak úroveň inovačního potenciálu regionu ovlivňuje jeho hospodářskou výkonnost, přičemž se zaměřuje na kraje v České republice. Je zde popsán jeden ze způsobů, jak lze přistupovat k řešenému problému, jímž je potvrzení či vyvrácení předpokladu: Slabý inovační potenciál regionu je příčinou jeho hospodářské zaostalosti“. Různými subjekty bylo vyvinuto jen málo metodik sloužících k ohodnocení úrovně inovačního potenciálu regionů v České republice, avšak dostupnost jejich výsledků se liší, což komplikuje další zpracování. Dále, více metodik je používáno českými subjekty pro ohodnocení hospodářské výkonnosti krajů. Bylo ověřeno, že kraje se silným inovačním potenciálem jsou hospodářsky výkonnější a bohatší než kraje s nízkou úrovní inovačního potenciálu.Artykuł poświęcony jest wpływowi potencjału innowacyjnego regionu na jego wyniki gospodarcze. Uwaga skoncentrowana jest na regionach (krajach) w Republice Czeskiej. Opisano jeden ze sposobów podejścia do t...
The PhD thesis called "Innovation environment of a region and its impact on enterprises" addresse... more The PhD thesis called "Innovation environment of a region and its impact on enterprises" addresses innovation and competitiveness from the microeconomic and macroeconomic points of view. The main objective of the PhD thesis was to identify barriers of innovation activities of enterprises and explore the impact of innovation on the competitiveness of the region. In order to fulfil the main goal, a sample survey among medium and large companies operating in key sectors for innovation activities of enterprises was conducted. Significant barriers of innovation activities of enterprises were identified in the first subobjective, further; they were evaluated in terms of innovation performance of the region where the enterprises are located. In the case of the difficult access to funds from the state budget, regional and municipalities budgets barrier, it has been proved that the evaluation of its significance is dependent on the level of the innovation performance of the region where the surveyed enterprises are located. This barrier was perceived as more serious by enterprises from regions with higher level of innovation performance. Other barriers were regarded as significant, such as: obsolete technical equipment, legislation in the field of innovative entrepreneurship and weak cooperation with research institution. In addition, enterprises added lack of sufficient financial resources as a serious barrier as well. Further recommendations have been formulated to support the creation of innovation by enterprises, particularly the introduction of measures encouraging enterprises to cooperate with the academic sector, improving the educational system and simplifying administration. In the second sub-objective, the PhD thesis research results were confronted with the results of a similar study conducted by the Technology Centre ASCR. This study addresses the issue from the major institutions in creation and use of knowledge and innovation point of view. Significant differences of the results of the two compared surveys have been shown. It could be discussed whether institutions questioned by the Technology Centre ASCR appropriately described real needs of the enterprises. 6 The third sub-objective was to investigate the influence of the region's innovation performance on its economic level, which could be considered as a measure of its competitiveness. It is possible to conclude that the region's economic level is dependent on its innovation performance. EU regions at NUTS 2 level with a higher innovation performance level reach higher economic level than regions with a low innovation performance.
katedra: KPE; přílohy: 1 CD;The aim of this graduation thesis is to analyse the production contro... more katedra: KPE; přílohy: 1 CD;The aim of this graduation thesis is to analyse the production control system in the company Sikr, Ltd. in Heřmanice v Podještědí, and to review it in terms of the Lean Production principles. The thesis is devided into seven parts. In the first part the companies Sikr, Ltd. and Euro SITEX, Ltd. are introduced. In the second part the basic principles of the Lean Production are explained. In the third part the time lay-out and the area lay-out of the production process is analysed, with respect to the continuous flow of variable production, as the basic sign of the Lean Production. The fourth part treats the finished production planning. In the fifth part some technologic processes are described. In the sixth part the present status in the firm Sikr, Ltd. is described and the situation analysis of control system is made, in point of the Lean Production principles. Finally, in the seventh part some recommendations are given to improve the production control system.Cílem této diplomové práce je analyzovat systém řízení výroby ve firmě Sikr, s. r. o. v Heřmanicích v Podještědí a zhodnotit ho z hlediska principů ?štíhlé výroby?. Práce je rozdělena do sedmi částí. V první části je představena firma Sikr, s. r. o. a Euro SITEX s. r. o. Druhá část vysvětluje teorii a základní principy ?štíhlé výroby?. Ve třetí je analyzováno prostorové a časové uspořádání výrobního procesu s ohledem na plynulý tok různorodé produkce jako základní znak LP. Čtvrtá část pojednává o plánování odváděné produkce. V páté části jsou popsány technologické postupy výroby vybraných produktů. V šesté části je charakterizován současný stav ve firmě Sikr, s. r. o. a provedena situační analýza systému řízení z hlediska uplatňování principů ?štíhlé výroby?. Nakonec jsou v sedmé části doporučeny kroky ke zlepšení systému řízení výroby
University of Huddersfield eBooks, Aug 31, 2019
Authors´ team manager: KOMULAINEN RUEY-Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu (KAMK) Editing of English vers... more Authors´ team manager: KOMULAINEN RUEY-Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu (KAMK) Editing of English version: MOŠ ONDŘEJ-Technická univerzita v Liberci (TUL), KOMULAINEN RUEY-Kajaanin Ammattikorkeakoulu (KAMK), MARŠÍKOVÁ KATEŘINA-Technická univerzita v Liberci (TUL), LATTIMER JULIA-University of Huddersfield (UoH), 10 TABLE OF CONTENTS What European SMEs Need in HR? Key Challenges in 5 European Regions SHARPEN Survey Results References Conclusion Appendix List of SHARPEN project case studies Acknowledgements Organizations and Enterprises Other Staff, Teachers and Assisting Students Contribution to Knowledge Summary Keywords MANAGING HUMAN RESOURCES IN REGIONAL SMEs A Good Practice Guide 'Clients do not come first. Employees come first. If you take care of your employees, they will take care of the clients.' Richard Branson (2019) Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 • How do you find the right people at the right time for your business? • How do you identify the skills and competencies for your vacant position? • How do you attract the right talent to apply for the position? • What recruitment process should you use? • How can you do this inexpensively with effective use of resources? What channels can you use? • How can you leverage the power of social media? CHAPTER Corporate Social Responsibility 8 CSR FOR SMES Corporate social responsibility? That does not concern us. It's something that multinationals and mega-corporations do, not SMEs. Right? Well, yes…and no. As customers become increasingly 'aware' of climate change and ethical issues, they demand responsible behaviour from all companies, big and small. This does not apply only to customers. An increasing number of employees want to achieve work-life balance, work for ethical companies, do jobs that have meaning and contribute to society.
ACC Journal, 2011
Příspěvek věnuje pozornost tomu, jak úroveň inovačního potenciálu regionu ovlivňuje jeho hospodář... more Příspěvek věnuje pozornost tomu, jak úroveň inovačního potenciálu regionu ovlivňuje jeho hospodářskou výkonnost, přičemž se zaměřuje na kraje v České republice. Je zde popsán jeden ze způsobů, jak lze přistupovat k řešenému problému, jímž je potvrzení či vyvrácení předpokladu: Slabý inovační potenciál regionu je příčinou jeho hospodářské zaostalosti". Různými subjekty bylo vyvinuto jen málo metodik sloužících k ohodnocení úrovně inovačního potenciálu regionů v České republice, avšak dostupnost jejich výsledků se liší, což komplikuje další zpracování. Dále, více metodik je používáno českými subjekty pro ohodnocení hospodářské výkonnosti krajů. Bylo ověřeno, že kraje se silným inovačním potenciálem jsou hospodářsky výkonnější a bohatší než kraje s nízkou úrovní inovačního potenciálu.
The paper deals with primary research in the field of perception of family entrepreneurship in mu... more The paper deals with primary research in the field of perception of family entrepreneurship in municipalities up to 2,000 inhabitants in the Czech Republic. A questionnaire survey was conducted in 2017 as a part of a project solved at the Faculty of Economics of the Technical university of Liberec. The field of research included a general view on the definition of the term family entrepreneurship, on perception of its importance and possibilities of its support. Last but not least, information was obtained concerning the field of family entrepreneurship in the given municipalities, i.e. whether there were any family businesses operating in the municipality, cooperating with a local government, supporting the development of a municipality or otherwise participating in life in a municipality. The results of the questionnaire survey show, among other things, that the vast majority of respondents perceive that family members have a decisive influence in the management of a family busine...
Journal of Competitiveness, 2019
The operation of air transport is one of the most significant factors in promoting economic growt... more The operation of air transport is one of the most significant factors in promoting economic growth and competitiveness within any given region. The present paper deals with an assessment of the performance of Germany's 27 most important airports in terms of their technical efficiency. For this purpose, the authors employed the method of Data Envelopment Analysis. The first part of the paper focuses on a literature review on the use of the DEA method in assessing the performance of airports and air transport. For this DEA a list has been compiled of inputs and outputs that have been used by international authors in their publications to assess airport performance. The second part of the paper describes the methodology of the actual research. The 2016 annual reports from various airports served as the main source of data. The number of employees, number of runways and airport area were selected as inputs. As the outputs, two variables were chosen: number of aircraft movements and the amount of cargo. By applying input-oriented DEA, CCR and BCC models, 13 German airports have been identified that are able to efficiently transform the given inputs into outputs, as they employ the best practices and appropriate processes in their operations management. Five airports can also be described as facilities that have achieved the optimal and most productive size.
Innovation and Performance Drivers of Business Clusters, 2021
Journal of Competitiveness, 2020
This article focuses on the impact of clusters on performance in five selected industries. Focuse... more This article focuses on the impact of clusters on performance in five selected industries. Focused on increasing the competitiveness of regions and enterprises, clusters are currently considered one of the most essential tools of industrial policy. This includes the Czech Republic, where cluster initiatives have been systematically supported since 2004 by operational programmes. The goal of this research was to determine whether cluster organizations have a positive effect on the performance of their member enterprises in various industries. Another goal was to verify the relation between the financial and innovative performance of the member enterprises. The research was carried out on a sample of five clusters in the automotive, IT, furnituremanufacturing, packaging and machinery industries, with Data Envelopment Analysis used for this performance evaluation. The enterprises were divided into three groups: companies that are members of cluster organizations, companies that are act...
MM Science Journal, 2018
Initially a natural diamond was used for cutting, but it was successively replaced by an man-made... more Initially a natural diamond was used for cutting, but it was successively replaced by an man-made-synthetic diamond. Its application is limited only on non-ferrous materials, but also considering this limitation it is a very important cutting material. The most suited material based on diamond for milling operations is PCD-a synthetic polycrystalline diamond produced by HPHT (high-pressure hightemperature) process, because the high fracture toughness of the tool is required [DAVIS 1995] [Tso 2002]. Four end mills with PCD inserts sharpened by different electrical technologies were produced for the experiment as stated in this article. Two milling tools were sharpened by WEDM and the remaining two by Electrical Discharge Machining-Grinding. The aim of the experiment was to compare these technologies of sharpening. This was based on the surface roughness and topography analysis of sharpened surfaces of inserts, and in particular, on the force loading of the tools measured by the piezoelectric dynamometer 9257B over selected milling time slots.
Trendy v podnikání, 2018
The aim of this paper is to evaluate the financial performance of SMEs in the textile industry in... more The aim of this paper is to evaluate the financial performance of SMEs in the textile industry in the Hradec Králové region. The textile industry has been chosen because of its importance in the Hradec Králové region in the past. The analysis focuses on assessing the financial performance of textile and clothing enterprises doing business in the CZ-NACE 13200, 13900 and 14100 classes between years 2009 and 2014. Two different approaches were applied for this purpose. The first approach introduces a traditional way of measuring financial performance using after-tax profit. The second approach is based on a modern concept of measuring economic performance through the economic value added (EVA). The development of both indicators is analyzed over time. Research has confirmed significant differences in measuring financial performance using the above mentioned approaches.
Entrepreneurship and Sustainability Issues, 2018
The present paper assesses the effect of the formation of cluster organisations on the innovation... more The present paper assesses the effect of the formation of cluster organisations on the innovation performance of member enterprises in two different industriesthe traditional textile manufacturing industry and the new nanotechnology industry. Innovation performance is explored using Data Envelopment Analysis in two phases. In the first phase, it examines the ability of enterprises to transform resources (labour force, long-term capital, intellectual capital) into registered industrial property rights: patents, utility models, industrial designs, and trademarks. In the second phase, it assesses the ability of enterprises to commercialise industrial property rights and generate profits. Innovation performance then integrates both phases. In each industry, two samples were assessed: member enterprises of cluster organisations, and enterprises that operate in the same industry and region but are not members of a cluster organisation. The results of the research show that the existence of a cluster organisation has a greater effect on innovation performance in the traditional textile manufacturing industry. In contrast, in the new nanotechnology industry, the existence of a cluster organisation did not prove to have any significant effect on innovation effectiveness. In this industry, the existence of a cluster organisation had only a partial effect related to better industrial property rights commercialisation. Research shows that the type of industry is an important factor in the innovation performance of clustered enterprises.
Applied Mechanics and Materials, 2014
The efficient decision-making process is the key criteria for evaluation of the managers and thei... more The efficient decision-making process is the key criteria for evaluation of the managers and their future career in the enterprises. In the frame of operation research and operation analysis it is possible to use number of methods and techniques. However considering the up-to-date situation in the enterprises, linear programming is one of the most efficient techniques. It can be used by managers to solve problems considering any manufacturing or logistical problems. Application of the linear programming generally enables the managers to maximize the profit and minimize the costs on the other hand. This contribution presents the results of pilot research focused on the use of operations research methods in business. For this purpose we have contacted 10 companies which deal with the issue of operations research methods. The authors of the contribution primarily took into consideration the linear programming, particularly application and results achieved by this method. The analysis o...
The paper addresses the issue of cluster performance evaluation. Under the conditions existing in... more The paper addresses the issue of cluster performance evaluation. Under the conditions existing in the Czech Republic, the phenomenon of clusters is still new, which is why this issue deserves close attention. Despite all the benefits offered by cluster groupings, this concept is still rather new under the conditions existing in the Czech Republic and the impact of the concept of clusters on member entities' performance has not been quantified fully objectively. The aim of the present paper is to present the results of a case study focusing on the application of the EVA method to evaluate the financial performance of members of a selected cluster and to verify the assumption that business entities' membership in the cluster is reflected in increasing their financial performance in a time series. The research sample included a cluster with at least a 5-year historygiven the availability of financial statements, the 2009-2014 period has been selected. This case study was prepared for the cluster entitled Clutex-Cluster of Technical Textiles that meets the above condition. The results of the research show that the expected positive effect of business entities' membership in the Clutex cluster on their financial performance has not been confirmed. The conclusion discusses possible causes of this finding.
This contribution looks at the influence which the level of economic performance has on the level... more This contribution looks at the influence which the level of economic performance has on the level of innovation potential in the Czech Republic. One of more ways is described on how to approach the resolved problem, which is either verification or rejection of this assumption: “The weak regional potential for innovation is the cause of the regional economic backwardness”. A few methodologies have been developed by some subjects and used for the evaluation of the regional innovation potential level in the Czech Republic, but the availability of their outputs differs, which causes difficulties in further processing. Next, many methodologies are used by different subjects in the Czech Republic for the evaluation of the regional economic performance level. It was verified that Czech regions with strong innovation potential are better performing economically and are wealthier than those with low innovation potential.
The research presented in the paper aims to find out whether the public support (subsidies) recei... more The research presented in the paper aims to find out whether the public support (subsidies) received by cluster organizations for their development and activities is efficient. That means whether the state receives a return on investment in the form of increased revenues to public budgets. The research was conducted on a sample of seven cluster organizations that include the following sectors: furniture, packaging and textile production, engineering, the automotive industry, IT and nanotechnology. For each cluster organization, the data on subsidies was drawn from the moment of their establishment until 2017. At the same time, a list of the cluster member organizations was drawn up, with financial data being collected only for business entities. For each enterprise, information about paid corporate income tax, income tax on employment from employee wages, and social and health insurance paid by the companies and their employees was collected. In the next phase, increases in taxes an...
Papers by Eva Štichhauerová