Papers by Eva Pechočiaková Svitačová
Socio-Economic and Humanities Studies, Dec 30, 2023
The quality and quantity of food to ensure the quality of life of the population is primarily the... more The quality and quantity of food to ensure the quality of life of the population is primarily the responsibility of entrepreneurs engaged in agriculture, agri-food and business. In their activities, entrepreneurs should also employ ethics, which, as one of the regulatory mechanisms, should regulate the production and sale of food to improve the quality of life of the population while respecting the requirement of sustainability. First, an argument is made for the need for ethical regulation of agricultural business and agri-food industry in Slovakia based on a qualitative analysis of theoretical sources in the field of ethics, applied ethics, sociology and other social sciences and humanities, and using knowledge from the field of economics and management of agriculture and food industry. Given the lack of ethics programmes in these areas of the economy to fulfil this role, the need to implement ethics and applied ethics in the education of professionals for these areas of the economy is explained, with the aim to provide safe and quality food to the population and thus a better quality of life.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
Ecological and environmental crises are related to the development of an anthropocentric human cu... more Ecological and environmental crises are related to the development of an anthropocentric human culture. They threaten the values on which human life and development on Earth depend, and therefore the need for a new ethic arises. The aim of this paper, which is based on a qualitative analysis of theoretical sources, is to highlight the gravity of these crises and to present a 'new ethics', which is referred to as the ethics of the future, the ethics of responsibility for the future or the ethics of sustainability. We draw on the work of H. Jonas and other thinkers who point out that the traditional ethics, which is also referred to as anthropocentric, is no longer sufficient in today's world. It cannot contribute to solving these crises. We argue in favour of a 'new ethics' that takes into account the distant future and relies on a new dimension of responsibility, but also of justice. It urges people to be able to take responsibility for the consequences of their...
Kapitola 1 Kontexty postojov vysokoškolskej mládeže k sebazamestnávaniu a podnikaniu 1.1 Nové glo... more Kapitola 1 Kontexty postojov vysokoškolskej mládeže k sebazamestnávaniu a podnikaniu 1.1 Nové globálne ekonomické a spoločenské prostredie a zmeny na trhu práce 1.1.1 Zmeny na medzinárodnom i národnom trhu práce v novom globálnom prostredí 1.1.2 Závislá práca a sebazamestnávanie 1.2 Motivácia k sebazamestnávaniu verzus zodpovednosť 1.3 Zamestnávanie, sebazamestnávanie a podnikanie a mladých ľudí v agrosektore Kapitola 2 Metodologické aspekty výskumu postojov mladých ľudí k sebazamestnávaniu a agropodnikaniu 2.1 Kľúčové teoretické východiská ekonomickej a rurálnej sociológie 2.1.1 Podnikanie a podnikateľ 2.1.2 Agropodnikanie, roľníčenie a farmárčenie: vývojový kontext a teória 2.2 Výskumné nástroje a zber dát 2.2.1 Kvantitatívny výskum 2.2.2 Kvalitatívny výskum Kapitola 3 Výskumné zistenia 3.1 Skúsenosti respondentov so sebazamestnávaním a podnikaním 3.2 Potreba a zámer sebazamestnávania 3.3 Subjektívne vnímanie vlastnej pripravenosti na podnikanie 3.4 Konkurencieschopnosť študentov poľnohospodárskej univerzity 3.5 Reflexia práce a podnikania na vidieku a v agrosektore Závery a teoreticko-praktické implikácie Literatúra PRÍLOHY
Acta Regionalia et Environmentalica, Nov 27, 2017
Technology of Education, Sep 25, 2009
Prispevok venuje pozornosť fenomenu - osobnosť cloveka, ktorý je v centre pozornosti výchovno-vzd... more Prispevok venuje pozornosť fenomenu - osobnosť cloveka, ktorý je v centre pozornosti výchovno-vzdelavacieho procesuv zakladných i stredných skolach, pricom poukazuje najma na to, ako niektore výchovne predmety rozvijaju osobnosť cloveka, jeho schopnosti a zrucnosti, pozitivne ovplyvňuju jeho spravanie a vychovavaju spolocensky dobre adaptovanu, vzdelanu a moralne zrelu osobnosť. PARTICIPATION OF SOME EDUCACIONAL SUBJECTS IN THE DEVELOP OF THE PERSONALITIES OF THE PUPILS AND THE STUDENTS Abstract: This contribution is aimed on the phenomenon - personality of the man - who is in the center of the attention of the educational action in the primary and the secondary schools and especially refers how some educational subjects develop the personality of the man, his intellect, the capabilities and the skills, positive influence his behaviors and educate good social adapted, educate and moral adults the personality of the man. Key words: Personality of the man. Educational subjects. Primary and Secondary schools. Formation. Behavior.
Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal, 2016
Globalization changes the direction of the university education and influences structural changes... more Globalization changes the direction of the university education and influences structural changes in the content of the curriculum. As universities try to prepare graduates for practice within new global environment, this paper points towards the need to implement global education and some educational approaches, including development education into the university education. Thus, the development topics can be implemented into the curriculum of universities. This paper interprets the reasons for implementation of such topics into university studies, and introduces several research projects realized at the Slovak universities.
Journal of International Relations, 2013
Prispevok upriamuje pozornosť na to, že v obdobi globalizacie svetoveho hospodarstva dochadza k r... more Prispevok upriamuje pozornosť na to, že v obdobi globalizacie svetoveho hospodarstva dochadza k redefinovaniu slobody, uvažuje sa o takzvanej novej slobode, ktoru v globalizovanom svetovom hospodarstve obhajuju najma sucasni neoliberali. Objavuju sa pochybnosti o tom, ako chapať „novu slobodu“ vo svetovom hospodarstve a v tejto suvislosti aj do akej miery je slobodný sucasný kapitalistický spolocenský system. Vzhľadom na to, že nova sloboda je nielen spolocným menovateľom mnohých pozitivnych premien na trhu, ale i vzniku mnohých rizik, ktore ohrozuju staty, individua ci prirodu, možno ju pokladať za jednu z pricin vzniku globalnej krizy kapitalizmu. V snahe najsť z nej východisko je vhodne uvažovať o niektorých limitoch, ktore by novu slobodu obmedzovali.
In order to ensure sustainable life on Earth, there is a necessity to increase environmental educ... more In order to ensure sustainable life on Earth, there is a necessity to increase environmental education and take a holistic approach in education. In this context, there is a need to reform current education and pay more attention to different forms and types of pro-natural education. The paper outlines the forms of education that focus on the promotion of sustainability in our education system, arguing in particular that, in order to ensure sustainable economic and social development, it is necessary to include pro-natural education in the education of future professionals for the economy. Special attention is paid to pro-natural education focused on ecological literacy or eco-literacy. At the same time, it is outlined that other educational institutions should also focus not only on raising environmental awareness among pupils and students, but also on preparing eco-literate professionals for various fields of practice.
Technology of Education, Nov 30, 2009
Mladi ľudia sa musia stať aktivnymi obcanmi, odhodlanými aktivne participovať na procesoch v EU a... more Mladi ľudia sa musia stať aktivnymi obcanmi, odhodlanými aktivne participovať na procesoch v EU a spolurozhodovať o veciach verejných. Skoly maju významnu ulohu v procese ich formovania. Na zaklade realizovaneho výskumu v ramci projektu SOKRATES GRUNDVIG nazvaneho „Multikulturne vzdelavanie pre europske obcianstvo" sme technikou dotaznika ziskali odpovede, ktore nam umožnili postrehnuť oblasti, na ktore by sa mali skoly zameriavať pri výchove aktivnych obcanov a akým sposobom je na skolach potrebne inovovať výchovu k aktivnemu obcianstvu. FORMATION OF ACTIVE EUROPEAN CITIZEN - URGENT TASK FOR THE SCHOOLS Abstract: Young people have to become active citizens who are prepared for active participation at the processes in EU and to decide about public matters. Schools have important task at the process forming of them. Based on realized research, covered by SOKRATES GRUNDVIG research project called „Multicultural Education for European Citizenship", we have obtained answers enable us to see the areas which are important for the education of active citizen and manners which are necessary for the innovation the education of active citizenship at the schools. Key words: school, forming, active European citizen, education
Trends in Education
Resumé Kvalitný život ľudí v spoločnostiach značne závisí od ekonomiky, pričom vzhľadom na zabezp... more Resumé Kvalitný život ľudí v spoločnostiach značne závisí od ekonomiky, pričom vzhľadom na zabezpečenie kvalitného života, dôstojného prístupu k ľuďom v ekonomike a zabezpečenia humánneho a sociálno-ekonomického rozvoja, je potrebné súčasnú ekonomiku humanizovať. V tejto súvislosti sa vynárajú úlohy pre mladú generáciu, ktorú je potrebné pripravovať na túto úlohu už v edukačnom procese. Súvisí to s potrebou zmeny dominujúcej paradigmy vo vzdelávaní-"vzdelávanie pre profit"-a s potrebou zaradiť niektoré nové poznatky do edukácie budúcich odborníkov pre ekonomiku. Príspevok argumentuje v prospech implementácie hospodárskej etiky do edukácie budúcich ekonómov. Implementácia tejto aplikovanej etiky ale i niektorých ďalších, má budúcim subjektom v ekonomike umožniť pochopiť skutočné dôvody pre renesanciu základného cieľa ekonomiky, a tiež pre zabezpečenie humánnych prístupov k ľudským zdrojom, a napokon pre zreformovanie celej ekonomiky v prospech človeka.
Studia Ecologiae et Bioethicae
The subject of interest is the constant deepening of the old conflict between culture and nature,... more The subject of interest is the constant deepening of the old conflict between culture and nature, and thus also the conflict with nature and the economy, which J. Šmajs considers to be a subsystem of culture. The conflict between nature and culture is considered to be the main cause of the global ecological crisis, which is a crisis of coexistence between humans and nature. Attention is drawn to the predatory economy, which Šmajs considers to be one of the causes of this conflict and which greatly influences the shape of contemporary culture. The main aim of the paper is to find ways in which this conflict, which has acquired a global dimension, can be mitigated and to advocate for the synergy or compatibility of the economy as well as the whole culture with nature. The solution is to move away from anthropocentrism, to reorient values in society based on a proper understanding of the phenomena of nature, culture and economy. Along with this, it is important to raise environmental a...
Bulgarian Journal of Agricultural Science, 2021
Environmental responsibility is presented as an important prerequisite for the transition to sust... more Environmental responsibility is presented as an important prerequisite for the transition to sustainable agriculture. For
its definition, we consider inspiring the theory of H. Jonas and consequently, we draw attention to the importance of environmental
responsibility for the development of sustainable agriculture. It is one of the pillars of the concepts of sustainable
development as well as corporate social responsibility, on which this new economic model is based, while it is assumed that
the entities in sustainable agriculture are able to increase productivity in the long term thanks to environmental responsibility,
while respecting the biological principle as well as the principle of sustainability. Based on the research carried out in today’s
agriculture, we point to the degree of environmental responsibility, or rather irresponsibility, in deciding on issues related to
the environment.
AD Alta, 2019
Modern civilization threatens the earth's nature, but also itself, and thus sustainability, resp.... more Modern civilization threatens the earth's nature, but also itself, and thus sustainability, resp. sustainable development has also becoming a challenge for education and training. Based on the explication of the reasons evoking the need to transform the economy onto a sustainable, the paper pays the main attention to ecoliteracy, which is one of the components of education for sustainable development. Its aim is to justify, through the theoretical research, that, especially at schools that prepare experts for practice in the economic sphere of society, the education should, among other things, focus on the eco-literacy of future graduates. Such education is presented as an important component of education for sustainable development but mainly as a way to transform the economy onto the sustainable in accordance with the main objective of sustainability. It should be based on a value reorientation of human, society and civilization, on a holistic perception of changed economic reality, and respect the laws of the real world and nature. In addition, the paper outlines what the education aimed at eco-literacy of subjects in the economy should include and last but not least it emphasizes and justifies the need for its implementation in education in those educational institutions that prepare future experts in the field of economy. In conclusion, the expected contribution of this education to the development of the sustainable economy but also to the whole society and culture is pointed out.
Technology of Education, Jun 10, 2010
Vo vedomostnej spolocnosti, kde sa kapitalom stavaju informacie, vedomosti, poznatky, aj pedagogi... more Vo vedomostnej spolocnosti, kde sa kapitalom stavaju informacie, vedomosti, poznatky, aj pedagogika pomaha cloveku zorientovať sa v zložitých procesoch. Do nových kurikularnych dokumentov vzdelavacich programov prenika fenomen globalneho rozvojoveho vzdelavania, ktorý predstavuje jeden z nastrojov na dosiahnutie komplexných vedomosti o rozvojovej problematike a vzajomnej zavislosti medzi lokalnymi a globalnymi problemami. Za ucelom komplexnejsej pripravy buducich ekonomických akterov pre zodpovedne posobenie v spolocnostiach, je t ento fenomen vhodne implementovať do skolskeho kurikula vysokých skol a univerzit s ekonomickým zameranim najma ako prierezovu temu v ramci vyucovacich predmetov. C ieľom je buducim odbornikom v oblasti ekonomiky napomahať chapať vzajomnu interdependenciu rozvinutých a rozvojových statov, zodpovedne zvažovať prostriedky i spolocenske dosledky ekonomických zmien a procesov, a tiež si uvedomovať potrebu spoluprace, ktora ma viesť k trvalo udržateľnemu rozvoju krajin vo svete. Global development education in curriculum of economic universities and faculties Abstract: In the knowledge society where information, knowledge and know-how become the capital, Pedagogy also helps people orientate in such difficult processes. The phenomenon of global development education enters into new curriculum documents of educational programs, as one of the instruments for reaching complex knowledge about issues of development and also about mutual dependence among local and global problems. Due to more complex education of businessmen to be, future work in companies; it is very useful to implement this topic ,as a sectional one within the subjects, into the curriculum of economic faculties and universities. The aim of the professionals to be in the economic field is to help understand the mutual interdependence of both developed and developing countries, responsibly consider the instruments as well as social consequences of economic changes and processes. At the same time, we should realize the need of cooperation which would lead to sustainable development of the countries in the world. Key words knowledge society, global development education, implementation, economics, world market, universal value
Svitacova, E. P. (2021). Environmental responsibility in sustainable agriculture. Bulg. J. Agric.... more Svitacova, E. P. (2021). Environmental responsibility in sustainable agriculture. Bulg. J. Agric. Sci., 27 (5), 880–886 Environmental responsibility is presented as an important prerequisite for the transition to sustainable agriculture. For its definition, we consider inspiring the theory of H. Jonas and consequently, we draw attention to the importance of environmental responsibility for the development of sustainable agriculture. It is one of the pillars of the concepts of sustainable development as well as corporate social responsibility, on which this new economic model is based, while it is assumed that the entities in sustainable agriculture are able to increase productivity in the long term thanks to environmental responsibility, while respecting the biological principle as well as the principle of sustainability. Based on the research carried out in today’s agriculture, we point to the degree of environmental responsibility, or rather irresponsibility, in deciding on issues...
Lifelong Learnig - celoživotní vzdělávání, 2013
Do nových kurikulárnych dokumentov vzdelávacích programov preniká fenomén globálneho rozvojového ... more Do nových kurikulárnych dokumentov vzdelávacích programov preniká fenomén globálneho rozvojového vzdelávania, ktorý možno chápať ako jeden z nástrojov na dosiahnutie komplexných vedomostí o rozvojovej problematike a vzájomnej závislosti medzi lokálnymi a globálnymi problémami. Za účelom komplexnejšej prípravy budúcich ekonomických aktérov pre zodpovedné pôsobenie v spoločnostiach, v ktorých budú realizovať svoje profesijné činnosti a preberať na seba globálnu zodpovednosť, je dôležité implementovať tento fenomén do školského kurikula na ekonomických fakultách. Jeho cieľom je vychovávať globálnych občanov a súčasne zodpovedných odborníkov pre globálny trh.
International Scientific Days 2018. Towards Productive, Sustainable and Resilient Global Agriculture and Food Systems: Proceedings, Dec 1, 2018
Global economy enables reorganization of production in the global scale with regards to using opp... more Global economy enables reorganization of production in the global scale with regards to using opportunities to reach the highest profit. A global change comes of economic and social environment, thanks to the development, in which there are problems, risks and threats of a global nature. In such connections, there is an active call for humanization of economics in which the social and human sciences shall take part. Concerning this task should Ethics, as one of these sciences, take part in rehabilitation of an original and essential task of economics-a service for life. At the same time, it should explicate the reasons of accepting moral norms by economic subjects with the aim to strengthen their responsibility not only for a successful development of global economy but also for the quality life on the Earth. Except of the global ethics these tasks are topical also for such applied ethics such as entrepreneurial ethics, environmental ethics, managerial ethics, marketing ethics, etc. and these should be known to all the subjects which are somehow engaged in economics.
Slavonic Pedagogical Studies Journal, 2016
Based on the fact that education is a presupposition of sustainable development, the main aim of ... more Based on the fact that education is a presupposition of sustainable development, the main aim of the paper is to point at the attempts to implement the topic of sustainable development within the educational system in Slovakia. Firstly, it defines the term education for sustainable development and its implementation at particular school levels especially at economic faculties. After that, the paper describes two qualitative studies carried out under the Cultural and Educational Grant Agency of the Ministry of Education, Research and Sport of the Slovak Republic (KEGA). The first research points out the fact that sustainable development is covered by main topics discussed in new educational approaches such as global education with the aim to prepare their graduates to be global citizens. The second research focuses at the preparation of university teachers for education in sustainable development through the courses of university pedagogy which are offered to the teachers at economic and technical faculties in Slovakia. The aim of these courses is to form global competences of university teachers and enforce their responsibility for development of the society and sustainable development in the world in which future graduates live as global citizens.
Papers by Eva Pechočiaková Svitačová
its definition, we consider inspiring the theory of H. Jonas and consequently, we draw attention to the importance of environmental
responsibility for the development of sustainable agriculture. It is one of the pillars of the concepts of sustainable
development as well as corporate social responsibility, on which this new economic model is based, while it is assumed that
the entities in sustainable agriculture are able to increase productivity in the long term thanks to environmental responsibility,
while respecting the biological principle as well as the principle of sustainability. Based on the research carried out in today’s
agriculture, we point to the degree of environmental responsibility, or rather irresponsibility, in deciding on issues related to
the environment.
its definition, we consider inspiring the theory of H. Jonas and consequently, we draw attention to the importance of environmental
responsibility for the development of sustainable agriculture. It is one of the pillars of the concepts of sustainable
development as well as corporate social responsibility, on which this new economic model is based, while it is assumed that
the entities in sustainable agriculture are able to increase productivity in the long term thanks to environmental responsibility,
while respecting the biological principle as well as the principle of sustainability. Based on the research carried out in today’s
agriculture, we point to the degree of environmental responsibility, or rather irresponsibility, in deciding on issues related to
the environment.