Cult of Demeter and Kore
Recent papers in Cult of Demeter and Kore
THE CULT OF DIONYSOS IN ASIA MINOR IN THE ROMAN IMPERIAL AGE Making his presence, which can be traced long before the Archaic Age, deeply felt mainly in Hellas, Asia Minor and then in Rome throughout the ancient world, Dionysos,... more
Impressive about the finds from ancient Erochos (mod. Polydrosso) in Phokis is the broad time-span they represent. Artistic production ranges from subtle bronze-work to terracotta figurines of rich typology and iconography. Located not... more
This international workshop aims to address the nexus of coin use and ritual practice in a diachronic approach that will cover the ancient Greek and Roman worlds. Discussions include both the religious agency of coins as objects and the... more
Transkripsjon av skoleeksamen i ANT1104-Antikkens religion og mytologi, høst 2018, ved NTNU. Besvarelsen ble vurdert til karakteren A. Eksamen foregikk den 21. desember 2018. Skrivefeil i originaldokumentet er bevart, jeg tar... more
On January 29, 2016 a Greek Hellenistic terracotta polycrome head representing Hades has been repatriated to Sicily from United States of America. In 2013 the J.P. Getty Museum announced the ‘voluntary’ return of the sculpture, after... more
In Enheduanna’s hymns, Inanna’s title is Lady of All the Me. The Me, translated as ‘godly powers’ or ‘cosmic offices’ also suggests the “delicate balancing of order and disorder.” (QH: 29.) (QH: 19-38; IQ: 11-27; TOD.) As the holder of... more
In my undergraduate thesis I explored the possibility that Ancient Greek fertility cults ritualized certain ethnobotanical practices that might today have been called "abortion," but at the time, would have been thought of in a very... more
In zes hoofdstukken en twee aanhangsels bespreekt Jan N. Bremmer inwijding in antieke mysteriën. In het eerste hoofdstuk en appendix 1 worden de Eleusinische Mysteriën besproken. Eleusis was een plaats in Attica, gelegen op ongeveer... more
Morgantina in central Sicily has been the site of human activity since the Neolithic era and settlement since at least the Bronze Age. However, the periods of its history best known to archaeologists are the Iron Age, Archaic,... more
This essay examines feminist elements, or the lack thereof, in the myth of Demeter and Persephone.
The motif of the innocent maiden who is rescued from the underworld of the dead is codified in the Greek myth of Persephone, the desirable daughter of Zeus and of harvest-goddess Demeter. Persephone is often known simply as “the Maiden”... more
Carecemos de una edición bilingüe griego-castellano de los Himnos homéricos, esa colección de 33 himnos de diferente extensión y fecha de composición diversa, que se asemejan entre sí por su lenguaje épico formulario, su metro (hexámetro... more
There is plenty of evidence to show how in the middle of the second millennium BC, groups near eastern peoples such as the Mitanni, the Kassites, & sub-groups such as the Manneans & the Gutians, were settl'd in what we now call Scotland.... more
This dissertation was written as part of the MA in Classical Archaeology and Ancient History of Macedonia held in the International Hellenic University. In recent years several studies have been made concerning the religious beliefs of... more
This article offers a close reading of Yannis Ritsos’s dramatic monologue ‘Persephone’ (1972) and argues for the need to adopt a gender-sensitive perspective on Ritsos’s work, one that will do justice to his politics but that will also... more
The Greek word used in the title of this paper, ἁπόρρητα, conveniently translated as 'unspeakable', combines two strands of meaning: that which may not be spoken because it is a ritual secret, and that which may not be spoken because it... more
To the left of the Panathenaic Way as it winds up the steep northern slope of the Athenian Akropolis lies the City Eleusinion, a sanctuary of Demeter and Kore, linked ritually with Eleusis. When the Eleusinian Mysteries were held each... more
This contribution intends to assess the web of intertextual references in Mary Shelley's drama "Proserpine" (1820), an early example of Romantic interest in revisionist mythology. The few critical efforts on the text focus on its... more
Notre-Dame Déesse & Le Féminicide des Héros est un voyage dans le temps qui illumine notre société. Il est raconté par un homme âgé de culture moyenne, qui s’étonne à chaque pas, et rit, ou se met en colère, comme un enfant. La quatrième... more
Each of the nine days of initiation into the Eleusinian Mysteries of Demeter and Persephone at Athens and Eleusis is detailed here, for the scholar of Greek religion and for those who wish to recreate these rites today. Using references... more
Epigraphic, numismatic, literary and archaeological sources do not seem to agree in the identification of the main goddess of Imperial Sardis. The traditional Artemis Sardiane disappears from the epigraphic evidence in the 1st century AD,... more
2005, for majors in Religion and in Classical Studies, and for concentration in Feminist and Gender Studies, Bryn Mawr College
The paper presents a late archaic bronze hydria, presumably from Thrace, with a dedicatory inscription to Hera and Demeter and a later ponderal inscription.
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 215 (2020), pp. 104-112
Zeitschrift für Papyrologie und Epigraphik 215 (2020), pp. 104-112
Scriveva così, in età augustea, il greco Strabone nella sua Geografia, narrando che un gruppo di Siculi, noto col nome di Morgeti, cacciato dall'Italia meridionale per mano degli Enotri sul finire dell'età del Bronzo e trasferitosi in... more
Our Lady Goddess & The Femicide of the Heroes is a time travel illuminating our society. The tale is told by an old man of average culture, exclaiming in surprise at each step, and laughing, or getting angry, like a child. The back... more
A dissertation submitted to the University of Bristol in accordance with the requirements for award of degree of Doctor of Philosophy in the Faculty of Arts. Department of Archaeology and Anthropology Date: 2015 Word Count: 184,523... more
Quaderni di archeologia fenicio-punica/CM 02] [Alle sorgenti del Kothon] Il rito a Mozia nell'Area sacra di Baal 'Addir -Poseidon Lo scavo dei pozzi sacri nel Settore C Sud-Ovest (2006-2011) [di Lorenzo Nigro e Federica Spagnoli] [con... more
Archaeological excavations on a rocky promontory in ancient Apollonia Pontica (present-day Sozopol on the Bulgarian Black Sea coast) revealed a cultural layer that was characterized by abundance of small vases of closed shapes and of... more
τῆςῆτε δῆ Περσεῆς κεφαλῆν ῆπεδειροτόμησεν, ῆξέθορε Χρυσάορ τε μέγας καῆ Πήγασος ῆππος» (Esiodo, Teogonia, vv. 280-281) Abstract: Ampio excursus sul motivo delle Gorgoni e dei cavalli attraverso varie fonti documentarie, soprattutto dal... more
Antik zamanlardan bu yana gizemlerin merkezi olarak geçen yerlerden biri de Eleusis’tir. Tibet’le, Delphi’yle, Antik Mısır’la ve daha pek çok bölgeyle ilişkilendirilen, herkese açık olmadığını ve keşfedilmesi gereken bir cevher... more
Otuz yılı aşkın bir süre önce Kölnlü hocalarım Reinhold Merkelbach ve Ludwig Koenen, beni antik gizem dinleriyle tanıştırdı. Hocalarım bu tanışıklığı, filolog olarak, edebi metinleri ve papirüsleri çevirerek desteklediler. Böylece... more
Nelle fonti sul Pitagorismo antico, la dottrina escatologica della metempsicosi, riguardante la continuità della vita oltre la morte attraverso successive rinascite sotto forma di esseri differenti, 1 sembra talvolta intrecciarsi con le... more