Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
Recent papers in Cucuteni-Trypillian culture
The Trypillia megasites of Ukraine are the largest known settlements in 4th millennium BC Europe and possibly the world. With the largest reaching 320 ha in size, megasites pose a serious question about the origins of such massive... more
Воспоминаний много. Это и археологические раскопки и разведки на полях не скольких областей Украины, от Днестра до Днепра. Это десятки месяцев, проведенных в поле, сотни пройденных километров, десятки раскопанных объектов, сотни тысяч най... more
Abstract. On the basis of an analysis of 1734 dwellings discovered in 309 Eneolithic settlements from Romania, the author produced a typology of habitation structures, with reference to the following criteria: elevation, shape, number of... more
„Constantin Matasă” Publishing House – Piatra Neamţ, in Bibliotheca Memoriae Antiquitatis series, vol. XIV, ISBN 973-7777-01-8, format A4, 406 pages text and 319 figures.
Далеке минуле, зокрема трипільська культура, є ще й джерелом для міфології. Це явище — цілком законо- мірне. Тисячоліттями міфи творилися в народній свідомості. Нині ми спостерігаємо, як до раніше таємни- чого процесу міфотворчості... more
Cuprins PREFAŢĂ 9 CUVÂNT ÎNAINTE 13 I. INTRODUCERE 17 LIST OF FIGURES, TABLES, CHARTS, MAPS AND PLATES 305 ABREVIERI 319 BIBLIOGRAFIE 323 HĂRŢI 353 PLANșE 357 de teren, în general, vor fi sistate pentru mai multă vreme, problematica... more
Formation of euphonic rules in the Ukrainian language
Вікентій В'ячеславович Хвойка та його внесок у дослідження давньої історії України (до 160-річчя від дня народження): Тематичний збірник наукових праць. - К.: Такі справи, 2010. - с. 160 : іл. - ISBN 978-966-7208-62-2. Збірник присвячено... more
At the beginning of July 2021, thanks to a happy coincidence, a new large hoard of metal items of the Cucuteni A – Tripolye BI period (2nd half of the 5th millennium BC) was discovered. This is an extraordinary case, judging by the number... more
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Äîñë³äaeåííÿ òðèï³ëüñüêî¿ öèâ³ë³çàö³¿ ó íàóêîâ³é ñïàäùèí³ àðõåîëîãà ³êåíò³ÿ Õâîéêè Київ 2006
The main purpose of this paper is to introduce into the scientific circuit a few new aviform representations discovered by the archaeological research in the last years, as well as by careful analysis of material that have been registered... more
The paper is devoted to the interpretation of the Tripolye-Cucuteni culture pottery designs. In the last decades the abstract-geometric ornamental motifs were often treated on the basis of subjective associations as images of a... more
Edited and prefaced by Mădălin-Cornel VĂLEANU, translate in romanian by Geanina BISTRIŢAN, Tehnopress Publishing House, Iaşi, 2007, ISBN 978-973-702-440-4.
The development of logistic networks and partially specialized production centres should be seen on the background of increasing social complexity of early farming societies of the region. The on-going processes of “hierarchization” and... more
Deși reduse numeric, reprezentările ornitomorfe sunt cunoscute în toate fazele de evoluție ale complexului cultural Precucuteni-Ariușd-Cucuteni-Tripolie. Prezența lor – ca realizări în ronde bosse sau pictate – dezvăluie existența unei... more
The starting point of the paper is the presentation of a painted statuette from the heritage of Moldavia’s History Museum of Iași. The object was discovered as a result of field researches during the 6th decade of the past century, in the... more
Bulgarian literature on prehistory assumes that the Varna and Kodjadermen–Gumelnita–Karanovo VI cultures of the Late Eneolithic came into existence and developed simultaneously with the Krivodol–Salcuta culture, but abruptly stopped their... more
This paper presents recent results of an integrated non-invasive investigation carried out in a previously unexplored settlement from northeastern Romania, belonging to the last great Eneolithic civilisation of Old Europe, the... more
Due to the limited number of materials associated with textile production from the Neolithic and Eneolithic, especially in regard to Eastern Europe, its indirect remains present an important and valuable source of information. One of the... more
During the excavations in 1983-1985 carried-out by Sławomir Jastrzębski on Site 1C in Gródek, Hrubieszów district, 44 settlement structures of the Funnel Beaker culture and also an ditch and a pit of the Lublin-Volhynia culture were... more
A review of the available records on the Early Neolithic in the Dnister River basin leads one to conclude that referring the finds from several sites situated at the territory of the Chernivtsi region of Ukraine to the Buh-Dnister Culture... more
The people of the Cucuteni-Trypillia culture divided solar year into four equal seasons or two unequal seasons (five-month warm and seven-month cold ones), knew 30-day and 29-day synodic lunar month, half-month period and lunar weeks,... more
Demiurg Publishing House, Iaşi, ISBN 973-152-064-3, format page: academic, 208 pages, text and figures.
Керамика типа Кукутень С – новая разновидность «кухонной» керамики, появляющаяся в материалах Триполья В1. Термин введен Г. Шмидтом (Schmidt 1932, 43-45), разделившим на три категории, А В и С, керамику эпонимного поселения... more
The most urgent problem in the study of the European Neolithic and Copper Age (VII–III millennia BC) anthropomorphic statuettes is their interpretation. The author’s approach to it is based on the premise of social and communicative... more
Кам'янець-Подільський 2019 УДК 902.2:623.
The paper is devoted to the analysis of the flint industry and functional products of phase B/I Trypillyan settlements in the Middle Dniester region. The results are compared to the flint production of previous period of Trypillya... more
The paper presents the hypothesis that a Cucuteni culture artifact discovered in Ukraine is the representation of a solar temple that shows that its creators had astronomical observation skills.
Studies on ‘snake’ motifs of Cucuteni-Tripolye ornaments have a long tradition in historiography ascending to the beginning of 20th century, when helical patterns were interpreted as stylized images of snakes for the first time (V.... more
метою цієї статті є огляд подій та досліджень, пов’язаних із вивченням трипільської культури, які мали місце у період, починаючи із виходу двотомної «енциклопедії трипільської цивілізації»1 (далі — енциклопедія) восени 2004 року до... more
In Bilyi Kamin, Ukraine, a Trypillia megasite of the Chechelnyk group was systematically investigated by high-resolution magnetometry, targeted excavations and radiometric dating. These new data make it possible to discuss afresh the... more
Helios Publishing House – Iaşi, ISBN 973-99952-9-2, format A5, 272 pages text and 12 figures.
The Cucuteni-Trypillian Lunar Goddess, bearing the central sign of the Phaistos Disc
Аннотация. В статье представлен обзор новейших исследований поселений-гигантов трипольской культуры, развивавшейся на юге Восточной Европы в V-IV тыс. до н. э. Рассмотрены результаты магнитометрической съемки и ее интерпретаций, а также... more
Abstract. The author discusses the issue of the causes behind the burning of the Chalcolithic dwellings. In the first part there are enumerated the hypotheses enunciated in the course of time, regarding the causes of the burning of the... more
some considerations about Eneolithic defensive system - the settlment of Varvata-Cetatuie, Suceava County, Romania